communicative effect
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Tsupikova O.A.

Purpose. The article is devoted to the analysis of verbal means of creating a communicative effect of influence on the addressee in the medical advertising discourse. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the functioning of linguistic units at the morphological level in the discourse of medical advertising.Methods. Descriptive, functional, structural and semantic, quantitative and statistical research methods are used for the survey.Results. The results of the study allowed to conclude that each part of speech and each grammatical form has a certain functional yield in the implementation of a pragmatic task. It is noted that the specifics of the language of medical advertising messages are substantiality, detailing, concretization, involvement of the addressee in an implicit dialogue, imitation of trustful communication between advertiser and consumer, dynamism, appeal to feelings, emotions, and etc. It is established that these means give the advertising text accuracy, objectivity, persuasiveness, emphasize the benefits and healing properties of medications, creating a comprehensive picture of a medication.The frequency of use of parts of speech in the texts of medical advertising under the motivational and manipulative purpose of advertising communication has been clarified.The analyzed morphological and grammatical units are effective means of influencing the associative thinking of the target group, becoming one of the means for manipulating its consciousness. The optimal choice of nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc. in the advertising text creates a dynamic message that both informs and influences the consumer.Conclusions. According to the results of the study, the functioning of parts of speech in the discourse of medical advertising as a means of speech influence on the addressee at the morphological level is analyzed.A thorough selection of linguistic units and their grammatical categories creates conditions for the implementation of the manipulative potential of the advertising message. The comprehensive use of morphological units provides a positive perception of a medication, contributes to a more profound influence on the choice of a potential client, and encourages him to purchase the advertised item. The obtained results of the survey testify to the importance of the study of verbal means of speech influence on the addressee at the morphological linguistic level and indicate the prospects for further study of the outlined topic.Key words: noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, numeral, verb. Мета. Статтю присвячено аналізу вербальних засобів створення комунікативного ефекту впливу на адресата в рекламному медичному дискурсі. Метою статті є дослідження особливостей функціювання мовних одиниць на морфологічному рівні в дискурсі медичної реклами.Методи. Для розвідки залучено описовий метод, який передбачає прийоми спостереження, систематизації, інтерпретації, класифікації, для збору й аналізу мовного матеріалу. Із метою виявлення вербальних засобів упливу та їхнього комунікативно-прагматичного призначення використано функціональний метод. Для визначення змісту мовних одиниць застосовано структурно-семантичний метод. Кількісно-статистичний метод дав змогу зафіксувати активність використання мовних засобів впливу в рекламних текстах.Результати. Pезультати проведеного дослідження уможливили дійти висновку, що кожна частина мови й кожна граматична форма мають певне функційне навантаження в реалізації прагматичного завдання. Зазначено, що специфікою мови рекламних повідомлень медичного спрямування є субстантивність, деталізація, конкретизація, залучення адресата до прихованого діалогу, імітація довірливого спілкування рекламодавця і споживача, динамізм, апеляція до почуттів, емоцій тощо. Установлено, що означені засоби надають рекламному тексту точності, об’єктивності, переконливості, підкреслюють переваги та цілющі властивості ліків, створюючи всебічне уявлення про медикамент.З’ясовано частотність уживання частин мови в текстах медичної реклами відповідно до спонукально-маніпулятивної мети рекламної комунікації.Проаналізовані морфологічні та граматичні одиниці є ефективними засобами впливуна асоціативне мислення цільової аудиторії, постаючи одним з інструментів маніпулювання її свідомістю. Оптимальний добір іменників, прикметників, дієслів тощо у рекламному тексті створює дієве повідомлення, яке одночасно інформує споживача та здійснює на нього вплив.Висновки. За підсумками проведеного дослідженняпроаналізовано функціювання частин мови у дискурсі медичної реклами як засобів мовленнєвого впливу на адресата на морфологічному рівні. Ретельний добір частиномовних одиниць та їхніх граматичних категорій створює умови для реалізації маніпулятивного потенціалу рекламного повідомлення. Комплексне вживання морфологічних одиниць забезпечує позитивне сприйняття медичного препарату, сприяє глибшому впливу на вибір потенційного клієнта і спонукає його до придбання рекламованого засобу. Отримані результати розвідки свідчать про важливість дослідження вербальних засобів мовленнєвого впливу на адресата на морфологічному мовному рівні і вказують на перспективи подальшого вивчення окресленої теми.Ключові слова: іменник, прикметник, прислівник, займенник, числівник, дієслово.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 464-479
Saman Mohammad Othman ◽  
Salah Mohammed Salih

This article attempts to elucidate the meaning construction process, mental states and mental relations, communicative intentions, and action plans and thereby to explore the complexity of mental representations from a purely cognitive pragmatics perspective. It also attempts to reevaluate the violations of cooperative principle and maxims. Cooperation, mental states and intentionality are the three basic tools for any communication process. Mental states are either conscious or unconscious. They are emotional and cognitive which include common attention, shared belief, and consciousness. Three different types of beliefs are differentiated: individual, common and shared. Intentionality is the relationship between mental acts and the external world. Every mental phenomenon has content and it is directed at an object. Two fundamental distinct meanings are attributed to the concept of intentionality: direction and deliberateness. Intentionality can be conceived of through communicative intentions and action plans. The main concepts of communication, namely, cooperation, sharedness and intentionality are indispensable concepts to understand the process of comprehension and reconstruction of response in communication. Without rich shared knowledge, the inferential chain in non-standard communication becomes lengthy and laborious. Other possibilities arise due to the absence of the fundamental concepts, one of which is failure of communication. Any mental process can be envisaged in terms of steps starting with the expression of an act, moving through speaker meaning, to the communicative effect, then to the reaction it creates and finally the production of overt communicative response. The paper examines the scale of complexity of mental representation and shows the underlying processes required in meaning construction. Additionally, the difference between standard and non-standard communication is presented in terms of complexity of inferential processes needed for each two different cases in communication.  

Olga Kachmar ◽  
Victoria Yeryomenko

Interactive aspects of communication include the following categories embodied in the metacommunicative elements of discourse, one of which is speech mode. The article focuses on pattern identification of communicative effect on the recipient by varying serious and humorous modes of the speech. The attention is paid to the identification of the initial strategies of communicative effect in both serious and humorous mode of English ideative speech. Communicative mode is an emotionally-stylistic communication format that occurs during the interaction between communicants and determines their changing attitudes and the choice of all means of communication. Serious mode orients the subjects of discourse to perceive communicative action as the one corresponding to norms. Humorous mode orients the subjects of discourse to perceive communicative action as the one inconsistent with norms. The paper gives results of inferential analysis of responsive actions on how successful the ideators’ speeches are according to the recipients’ instant and delayed responsive actions. The evaluation of communicative success has been conducted with the help of inferencial analysis of verbal and non-verbal actions of the audience taking into account instant and delayed responsive actions, in particular total number of the recording views, average monthly number of views; laughter, applause, cheers, murmur.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (PR) ◽  
pp. 165-178

The paper presents a summary of the observations on the tranisitivization and dereflexivization of Bulgarian verbs as a means of attributing causativity. The majority of the newly formed verbs that we analyze are causative while others may, under certain conditions and in particular sentences, exemplify the causative rule. The lability of morphological identification regarding the transitivity – intransitivity distinction is the reason to examine the excerpted verbs as being either A- or Р-labile. The following tendency can be observed: P-lability has to do with causativity, while A-labile verbs are not-causative. In such cases the subject does not undergo changes neither in their intransitive nor in their transitive use. With P-labile verbs, the subject of the intransitive verb becomes the object of the transitive verb. There are some ambiva-lent verbs, such as minavam (pass), premina (pass over), svetna (light up), spomagam (facilitate), stigna (reach), treniram (train). Although the second group contains 40 causatives and the third group has 3 verbs, the lability procedure is not applicable because of the difference between the reflexive with the se- (се) marker and the transitive verb, i.e. the mismatch in form also means non-lability. The examples in the third group can also be viewed as the absolute use of the transitive verb meaning. The changes in the verbs indicate a change in the way contemporary Bulgarians think – the causative verbs serve as an expression of an active position, while the interplay between transitive and intransitive and/or reflexive and non-reflexive verbs has mostly pragmatic purposes, such as achieving a certain communicative effect, attractiveness, informality. Keywords: labile verbs, A-lability, P-lability, the lexico-grammatical category of transitivity ‒ intransitivity, causativity, Bulgarian language

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 159-180
Jovana Stojanović ◽  

Summary: This paper examines pragmatic information in the more extensive general German–Serbian (or Croatian), and Serbian (or Croatian)–German dictionaries: Osnovni rečnik nemačko-srpski i srpsko-nemački sa nemačkom i srpskom gramatikom (Đukanović et al. 2006); PONS. Univerzalni nemačko-srpski rečnik (Nikolić et al. 2010); NSSN. Nemačko- srpski i srpsko-nemački rečnik sa gramatikom (Vladović et al. 2008) and Njemačko-hrvatski univerzalni rječnik (Hansen-Kokoruš et al. 2005). Under pragmatic features of lexemes that should be marked in dictionaries, the author includes the following categories: 1) diachron- ic; 2) diatopic; 3) dia-integrative; 4) diamedial, 5) diastratic; 6) diaphasic, 7) diatextual, 8) diatechnical, 9) diafrequent, 10) diaevaluative, and 11) dianormative. The analysis points to the following: lexemes and their quoted equivalents often bear the same meaning at the lexical level, while not at the pragmatic – their use does not result in the same communicative effect with a collocutor. Poor lexicographic processing and lack of pragmatic information are distinctively visible in cases when some lexeme in the German language is marked in a diastratic and diaphasic manner. It is not only the indicators that are applied inconsistently, but other categories of information within the dictionary article do not show the marked lexemes to the user (except in the dictionary Njemačko-hrvatski univerzalni rječnik). Furthermore, culture-specific lexemes and culture-conditioned differ- ences in the use of lexical units are marginally treated in the analysed bilingual dictionaries. Although the selection of language tools depends on the context and perspective of the speaker, a good-quality general bilingual dictionary should pay more attention to informing users about the pragmatic aspects of lexemes and their typical use in accordance with the purpose of such a dictionary and target group. The key moment is that the general bilingual dictionary is directed only toward native speakers of some language – in this case the speakers of the Serbian language (or Croatian) with L2 in the German language, in order to make the information in the dictionary relevant to the target group. Additionally, the author suggests the implementation of other lexicographic means, such as examples, paraphrases, collocations, encyclopedic information, and open pragmatic comments that are transparent for the average user of the general bilingual dictionary.

Muhammad Yunus Anis ◽  
Firstiyana Romadlon Ash-Shidiqiyyah

This research analyzes the translation of imperative sentences in Ar Raḥīq Al Makhtūm book (2007) by Shaikh Shafiyyurahman Al Mubarakfuri which was created to participate in a scientific competition on sirah nabawiyah in Pakistan. The book was translated into Indonesian by Kathur Suhardi as Sirah Nabawiyah (2014), a translator graduating from a boarding school who has published several translated books from any sciences. This research aims to describe the translation and its errors that applied by translator on translating imperative sentences in Ar Raḥīq Al Makhtūm book. The translation of imperative sentences is divided into two parts, the translation of positive imperative sentences (84%) and  the translation of negative imperative sentences (16%), while that translation errors of imperative sentence are divided into four parts among them, linguistic category errors (28%), surface strategy errors (16%), comparative analysis errors (8%) and communicative effect errors (48%).  The research methodology was  qualitative descriptive research, an analysis that carried out from collecting data by the observation method of reading, understanding and signing of imperative sentences so be able to distinguish between imperative sentences with others. After collecting the data, then classifies the data according to categories and presents all data regarding the translation and its errors of imperative sentences and finally making the conclusions based on data that has been found.  It was found there were 103 imperative sentence translation data with 87 positive imperative sentence translation data and 16 negative imperative sentence translation data, while for translation errors of imperative sentence researcher founds 50 data with 14 data in linguistic category errors, 8 data in the surface strategy errors, 4 data in comparative analysis errors and 24 data in communivative effect errors.             

Yaroslava Sazonova ◽  
Tetiana Hontova

The current state of linguistic pragmatics is at the stage of active development of the terminological basis and theoretical and methodological foundations. One of the notions used in the generally accepted methodology within this area is "axiological distancing". The use of this notion and the corresponding method of analysis allows us to fully disclose the strategies and tactics of constructing texts to influence the reader, analyse the manipulative strategies of the author, assess its objectivity and impact, etc. The results of the analysis of the selected texts allow us to make the conclusion that the ideological opponent in the texts under analysis is the abstract notion of a religious (Muslim) fanatic-terrorist in the eyes of a Christian and a European. It finds a concrete linguistic embodiment described and classified in the article. Having fixed the criteria of axiological classification of the opponent and the main value opposition, we passed to the analysis of the wording of the resistance to the opponent as an aspect of axiological distancing. The analysis of axiological distancing proved that the identification of the opponent's features by studying the semantics of lexical units used in the reference reveals a possible communicative effect and manipulative influence on the reader. According to the identified opposition pattern, the authors form a linguistic expression of the violation of the distance between the opponents, i.e. their physical influence and spatial approximation (we made the classification). The article describes the steps of building the axiological opposition "we" – "they", which is represented by such elements as "West" – "East", "Christianity" – "Islam", "freedom" – "dependence". Special attention is paid to the ways of providing objective reflection of events and keeping to the standards of journalistic ethics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-51
Boris Ju. Norman ◽  

In the mind of the native speaker, there is an idea of the syntactic “optimum”, which allows them to use linguistic units most effectively to achieve a desired communicative effect. It contains a set of pieces of intuitive (“naïve”) knowledge about the parameters of the sentence, the organization of its structure, the rules of correspondence of lexical and grammatical meanings, etc. Deviations from this optimum can become independent objects of not only scholarly research, but also parody in a literary text. The article analyzes the problem lying on the borderline between linguistics, literary criticism and psychology: What syntactic features of the original text are enhanced or hyperbolized in parody? Analysis of numerous examples from Russian fiction allows the author to make a conclusion about the metalinguistic significance of certain features of the structure of the text. Collections of literary parodies (by A. Arkhangelsky, A. Ivanov, etc.) were subject to a special (continuous) analysis. The following syntactic phenomena were identified as the object and reason for their reflection in the parodies: a) excessive length of the sentence; b) artificial complication of its structure, specifically by means of chains of consecutive subordination, homogeneous members, abundance of epithets, etc.; c) absolutization of elements of oral, official and other speech styles, including the “telegraph style”; d) violation of the isosemy rule; e) non-realization of obligatory syntactic valency (unmotivated ellipsis); f) separation from the sentence of its part (parcellation), etc. These phenomena, used systematically, obtain a linguo-psychological characterization of salience (identifiability against the general background). As a result of the study, the author made up a list of syntactic facts that acquire the role of secondary signs in a work of fiction, along with other stylistic categories. Such a list, on the one hand, is intended to serve the convergence of scholarly (“academic”) and mass (“secondary school”) grammar, and, on the other hand, is of interest to experimental psychology, which studies the problems of perception and comprehension of the text.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 159-164
Hanna Moskalchuk

The subject of this research focuses on the communicative and pragmatic structure of dramatic texts of the 17–18th centuries. The aim of this article is to analyse the miracle play “Oleksiy, the Man of God” (Alexius, the Man of God) as a communicative act. The method of semantic-stylistic analysis was used to elicit the semantic and stylistic peculiarities of the language means and patterns of their use. Context and situational analysis, as well as interpretative analysis, were used to identify textual elements with additional pragmatic meaning; the analysis of actual material was conducted in line with the principle of historicism, i.e. taking into account the correspondence of the linguistic and lingual stylistic system of the texts to the time of their creation. The Results of the Study. The dramatic text holds a specific place in the system of artistic communication, since it stands as a meaningful reproduction of the communicative process. A key feature of any dramatic text is dramatis personae that are put at the beginning of the play and who, as a rule, can be related to real people in real situations. The old Ukrainian baroque drama mainly takes the forms of drama mystery play and miracle play. The character system in “Oleksiy, the Man of God” reflects the social structure of society at that time, and the characters’ speech correlates with the speech of real people and stands as its textual embodiment. The process of author’s describing the real picture of the world is the main author’s intention, which coincides with the illocution in the dramatic text. The article analyses the communicative past and communicative future of certain characters. The analysis concentrates on the stylistic means used by the author to enhance the impact on the addressee and create the intended communicative effect, in particular wordplay techniques. The role of extratextual elements that help decode the author’s idea and achieve a perlocutionary effect has been determined. The prospects for further research include studying pragmatic and stylistic function of the phenomenon of variability of the speech genres in old Ukrainian texts of the 17–18th centuries.

Tetiana Korolova ◽  
Tetiana Noriak

The work is devoted to the analysis of the features of the dubbing process of English films into Ukrainian; special attention is paid to peculiarities of lexical semantics in the translated variants. The work is of experimental character: the total time of the researched material is 3000 minutes. Among the established factors of pragmatic adaptation in the process of the film translation the most important one is the capability to reflect socio-cultural realities of the English-speaking community in the Ukrainian language. The adequacy and quality of the translation must produce the same communicative effect on the Ukrainian-speaking audience, which is aimed at the English-speaking audience. An adequate translation preserves speech behavior, political and economic realities. Special attention is paid to the use of explication and implication techniques in the translation practice of dubbing. Both types of translation techniques are used in English-Ukrainian patterns. The explication of a word’s semantics can be structural or contextual. By structural explication we mean the introduction of additional word forms, caused by grammatical and sociocultural factors. In Ukrainian translations, there is a tendency for the widespread use of explication, in order to adequately reflect the meaning of communicative units and preserve a pragmatic impact on the audience. The implication is rarely used in Ukrainian film-texts; it is caused not only by the need to synchronize the lipsing of the original and the translation, but also by the absence of certain cognitive phenomena in the national culture consciousness of the Ukrainians. The undoubted advantage in the palette of the Ukrainian dubbing of communicative means is associated with the traditions of the Ukrainian dubbing school, which is characterized by the greatest flexibility in observing national stereotypes, the maximum domestication of other peoples’ realities. The Ukrainian actor, when portraying a foreigner, imposes serious restrictions on his own manner of reproducing the Ukrainian communicative system.

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