scholarly journals NEUTROPHIL/LYMPHOCYTE COUNT RATIO ON DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER (Rasio Netrofil/Limfosit pada Demam Berdarah Dengue)

Irmayanti Irmayanti ◽  
Asvin Nurulita ◽  
Nurhayana Sennang

Infeksi virus dengue adalah salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang menimbulkan dampak sosial dan ekonomi. Pemeriksaanrasio netrofil/limfosit sangat mudah dan cepat dilakukan. Rasio netrofil/limfosit dihubungkan dengan perembesan plasma di pasienDBD. Untuk mengetahui rasio netrofil/limfosit pasien DBD berdasarkan derajat DBD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian retrospektifdengan mengambil data rekam medis RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar masa waktu Juni 2013–Juni 2015. Uji statistikdilakukan dengan uji Mann-Whitney, uji t dan uji kenasaban Spearman. Didapatkan 96 subjek penelitian yang memenuhi patokankesertaan. Rerata umur subjek penelitian 53,5 tahun (18–89), sebagian besar laki-laki 56,25% dan perempuan 43,75%. Uji Mann-Whitney menunjukkan median leukosit grade I 4,45 (1,10–28,80), grade II 3,25 (1,60–9,20) dengan p=0,03. Median netrofil gradeI 2,41 (0,47–24,65), grade II 1,16 (0,29–6,50) dengan p=<0,01. Median trombosit grade I 113,50 (5,00–342,000), grade II 76,50(3,00–274,00) dengan p=0,009. Rasio netrofil/limfosit grade I 2,19 (0,61–17,25), grade II 0,80 (0,18–5,91) dengan p=<0,01. Ujikenasaban Spearman didapatkan nilai p<0,001 menunjukkan kenasaban antara rasio netrofil/limfosit dan derajat DBD bermakna.Nilai kenasaban Spearman sebesar -0,68 menunjukkan hubungan terbalik, semakin rendah rasio netrofil/limfosit, semakin berat derajatDBD. Uji t menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna nilai limfosit dan hematokrit pasien DBD grade I dan II. Rasio netrofil/limfositpada DBD grade I lebih tinggi daripada grade II, semakin rendah rasio netrofil/limfosit semakin berat derajat DBD.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (9-10) ◽  
pp. 245-56
Kasim Y. A. ◽  
Anky Tri Rini K. E. ◽  
Sumarmo S. P. S.

Many studies of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) have been done but only a few revealed the respiratory status. Respiratory problems arise. because of plasma leakage through the 'damaged capillaries, causing lung edema and in turn result in hypoxemia. This later on will be compensated by a hyperventilation state. During a 6-month-period (May to September 1988), two aspects were studied in 85 patients hospitalized with DHF. First, the ventilatory pattern and second, the result of giving oxygen support in improving the respiratory disturbance, in this case alveolar hyperventilation. The incidence of alveolar hyperventilation in DHF grade II (DHF II) and Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) differed significantly. Hypoxemia occurred in DHF II and DSS with no significant differences. The difference of the incidence of metabolic acidosis in DHF II and DSS were significant. In DHF II patients having had hyperventilation state, oxygen therapy decreased respiration rate significantly and increased the PaC02 though not significantly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-20
Amrizal Amir ◽  
Fitrach Desfiyanda ◽  
Ria Finola Ifani

Telah dilakukan tindakan pada seorang pasien laki-laki berusia 18 tahun yang dibawa ke IGD RSUD Dumai dengan keluhan demam sejak 5 hari yang lalu. Demam dirasakan terus menerus. Demam disertai menggigil dan berkeringat dingin.Pasien    mengeluhkan sakit kepala dibagian frontal sejak 4 hari yang lalu. Pasien mengeluhkan nyeri perut sejak 4 hari yang lalu di seluruh perut. BAB dan BAK lancar. Sejak demam nafsu makan menurun tetapi minum cukup. Pasien mengeluhkan nyeri perut sejak 4 hari yang lalu di seluruh perut. BAB dan BAK normal. Sejak demam nafsu makan menurun tetapi minum cukup. Pasien merasakan mual dan muntah. Pasien mimisan 4 hari yang lalu. Dari beberapa jenis pemeriksaan yang telah dilakukan maka diagnose pasien adalah Dengue hemorrhagic fever grade II.  Dalam mendiagnosis DHF berdasarkan kriteria WHO diagnosis DBD ditegakkan bila demam + ≥ 2 menifestasi klinis + trombositopenia dan hemokonsentrasi/peningkatan hematokrit. Pada pasien ini terdapat demam dan 2 manifestasi klinis yaitu demam bifasik + epistaksis. Dalam mendiagnosis DHF berdasarkan hal tersebut, kemungkinan diagnosis untuk pasien ini adalah DHF grade 2  karena pada pemeriksaan penunjang terdapat trombositopenia dan adanya hemokonsentrasi. Penatalaksanaan pada pasien ini termasuk Grup B yaitu terapi cairan ringer laktat 47 tetes/menit makro, kemudian injeksi ranitidine, paracetamol sebagai antipiretik dan juga dehaf sebagai suplemen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Wawan Kurniawan

ABSTRAK  Latar belakang: Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) disebabkan oleh virus Dengue dapat menyebabkan kematian. Pencegahan DBD yang dianggap paling tepat adalah Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk (PSN). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan pengendalian vektor Demam Berdarah pada siswa sekolah dasar terhadap Maya Index di Majalengka. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi experiment (pretest-posttest control group design). Sebanyak 4 sekolah terpilih sebagai kelompok intervensi dan 4 sekolah lainnya sebagai kontrol. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IV-VI yang terdiri dari 171 siswa pada kelompok intervensi dan 163 pada kelompok kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah formulir pemantauan jentik berkala. Hasil: Jumlah rumah dengan kategori Maya Index tinggi berkurang dari 27,5% menjadi 9,4%. Terjadi penurunan angka BRI kategori tinggi pada kelompok intervensi dari 20,5% menjadi 1,8%. Pada kelompok kontrol tidak terjadi penurunan angka BRI kategori tinggi (22,1%), sebaliknya terjadi penurunan kategori rendah dari 34,4% menjadi 3,7%. Tidak terjadi penurunan angka HRI pada kelompok intervensi maupun kontrol. Kesimpulan: Pelatihan pengendalian vektor Demam Berdarah dapat menurunkan nilai BRI dan Maya Index, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai HRI. Tidak adanya perubahan nilai HRI menunjukkan bahwa kebersihan dan sanitasi lingkungan merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap probabilitas kejadian demam berdarah. Kata Kunci : Demam Berdarah, Maya Index, pelatihan, pengendalian vektor   ABSTRACT Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) caused by Dengue virus could cause death. The most appropriate prevention of Dengue is eradication of mosquito nests (PSN). This study aims to determine the effect of Dengue vector control training on elementary students towards Maya Index in Majalengka. Method: This study used quasi-experimental design (pretest-posttest control group design). A total of 4 schools were selected as intervention groups and 4 other schools as controls. The subjects were students in grades IV-VI consisting of 171 students in the intervention group and 163 in the control group. The instrument used was periodic larva monitoring form. Results: The number of houses with a high Maya Index category in the intervention group decreased from 27.5% to 9.4%. There was a decrease in the high BRI category in the intervention group from 20.5% to 1.8%. In the control group, there was no decrease in the high BRI category (22.1%), on the contrary, there was a decrease in the low category from 34.4% to 3.7%. There was no decrease in HRI rates both of intervention or control groups. Conclusion: Dengue Fever vector control training could decrease the value of BRI and Maya Index, but does not affect the value of HRI. The absence of changes in HRI  indicate that environmental hygiene and sanitation are factors that influence the probability of dengue fever occurrence. Keywords: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Maya Index, training, vector control

Siti Nurhena ◽  
Nelly Astuti Hasibuan ◽  
Kurnia Ulfa

The diagnosis process is the first step to knowing a type of disease. This type of disease caused by mosquitoes is one of the major viruses (MAVY), dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and malaria. Sometimes not everyone can find the virus that is carried by this mosquito, usually children who are susceptible to this virus because the immune system that has not been built perfectly is perfect. To know for sure which virus is infected by mosquitoes, it can diagnose by seeing symptoms perceived symptoms. Expert systems are one of the most used artificial intelligence techniques today because expert systems can act as consultations. In this case the authors make a system to start a diagnosis process with variable centered intelligent rule system (VCIRS) methods through perceived symptoms. With the facilities provided for users and administrators, allowing both users and administrators to use this system according to their individual needs. This expert system is made with the Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 programming language.Keywords: Expert System, Mayora Virus, Variable Centered Intelligent Rule System (VCIRS)The diagnosis process is the first step to knowing a type of disease. This type of disease caused by mosquitoes is one of the major viruses (MAVY), dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and malaria. Sometimes not everyone can find the virus that is carried by this mosquito, usually children who are susceptible to this virus because the immune system that has not been built perfectly is perfect. To know for sure which virus is infected by mosquitoes, it can diagnose by seeing symptoms perceived symptoms.Expert systems are one of the most used artificial intelligence techniques today because expert systems can act as consultations. In this case the authors make a system to start a diagnosis process with variable centered intelligent rule system (VCIRS) methods through perceived symptoms.With the facilities provided for users and administrators, allowing both users and administrators to use this system according to their individual needs. This expert system is made with the Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 programming language.Keywords: Expert System, Mayora Virus, Variable Centered Intelligent Rule System (VCIRS)

Nurul Qamila ◽  
Agel Vidian Krama

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a contagious disease caused by the dengue virus and is transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti (Aa.aegypti). The population is still a public health problem that increases the number of sufferers and also widespread, with population and education. This study aims to reveal the spatial pattern and distribution of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) with the spatial pattern and the spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) can result in different locations of these allegations. From the map that can be used for the prevention of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DBD) in Bandar Lampung City. This study aims to reveal the spatial pattern and distribution of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) with the descriptive method and spatial pattern of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) can result in different locations of these allegations. From the map that can be used for the prevention of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DBD) in Bandar Lampung City. Keywords: DHF, Spatial Analysis

Virology ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 257 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
Alan L. Rothman ◽  
Francis A. Ennis

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