scholarly journals The impact of a public healt environmental contingency (COVID-19) on Stress and a General Healt of workers from different industrial sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 100-109
Nora Isela Macías Núñez ◽  
Aurora Moyano González ◽  
Victor Ibarra ◽  
José Armando Peña-Moreno ◽  
Martha Esthela Calderon Parga

The problems that arise in society, in relation to health affect workers to some extent, this is the case of the COVID -19 pandemic, which has somehow affected organizations in general, such as: in their profits, in the reduction of personnel, in adapting new forms of work if required, and in activating health protocols to avoid the spread of it in its workers, this health situation that is present worldwide has had a great impact on people from the psychological aspect, it is for this the interest to carry out this research, with the purpose of knowing the perception of the workers of different organizations in this pandemic situation, that is to say, how it has affected them in relation to stress and therefore their general health, the instruments applied were: Perceived Stress Scale (10 items) and the Golberg General Health Questionnaire. The results of this work gave us a Coronbach alpha of α = .85 of reliability which indicates that this study is reliable, likewise 60% of the population report that they have felt stress due to COVID-19, as well as 42% of the population state that they have perceived factors or symptoms that affect their mental health to some degree.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 140-152
Victor Ibarra

Abstract. The problems that arise in society, in relation to health affect workers to some extent, this is the case of the COVID -19 pandemic, which has somehow affected organizations in general, such as: in their profits, in the reduction of personnel, in adapting new forms of work if required, and in activating health protocols to avoid the spread of it in its workers, this health situation that is present worldwide has had a great impact on people from the psychological aspect, it is for this the interest to carry out this research, with the purpose of knowing the perception of the workers of different organizations in this pandemic situation, that is to say, how it has affected them in relation to stress and therefore their general health, the instruments applied were: Perceived Stress Scale (10 items) and the Goldberg General Health Questionnaire. The results of this work gave us a Cronbach alpha of α = .85 of reliability which indicates that this study is reliable, likewise 60% of the population report that they have felt stress due to COVID-19, as well as 42% of the population state that they have perceived factors or symptoms that affect their mental health to some degree.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (31) ◽  
pp. 26-38
Réka Lukács-Márton ◽  
Ágnes Sántha ◽  
János Kiss ◽  
Réka Majer ◽  
Bernadett Mohácsi ◽  

A kutatás célja: Vizsgálatunk célpontjában a Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem Marosvásárhelyi Kar hallgatóinak jólléte, pszicho-szociális jellemzői, mentális állapota és egészségmagatartása áll. Módszerek: Vizsgálatunk eszköze egy standardizált kérdőív, melyet a 2018-2019-es tanév őszi félévében alkalmaztunk. A kérdőív az következő standardizált kérdőíveket is magába foglalta: Önértékelési Kérdőív (RSESH), Életcél Kérdőív (Purpose in Life Test – PIL), Észlelt stressz-kérdőív (Perceived Stress Scale – PSS4), Lelki egészség (General Health Questionnaire, GHQ-12). A vizsgálatban 206 hallgató vett részt a Sapientia EMTE Marosvásárhelyi Karáról. Eredmények: Az alacsony önértékelésű hallgatók gyakrabban fogyasztanak alkoholt, mint az egészséges önértékeléssel rendelkező társaik. Azok a hallgatók fogyasztanak több alkoholt, akik több pszichés problémával rendelkeznek, mint a társaik. Az alacsonyabb önértékelésű hallgatók gyakrabban fogyasztanak alkoholt a lerészegedésig, mint a normális önértékelést mutató társaik. A testedzés védő faktornak bizonyult az egészségmagatartás tekintetében, így akik aktívan sportolnak, jobb mentális állapotnak és alacsonyabb stressz-szintnek örvendenek, mint a keveset sportoló társaik. A pszichés állapot társadalmi meghatározottságát adataink is alátámasztják.

2016 ◽  
Vol 118 (2) ◽  
pp. 372-386
Takahiro Yoshizumi ◽  
Seiko Mizutani ◽  
Soshiro Yamada

Although many Western studies examining the mental health of welfare recipients exist, Japanese welfare recipients have been overlooked. This study investigated mental health among welfare recipients in Japan and relations with a sense of deprivation of life's necessities and social support. Participants ( n = 305) completed the General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12), Proportional Deprivation Index, and a social support scale. Participants' GHQ-12 scores exceeded those of the general public, as 54.9% scored above the cut-off, suggesting poorer mental health among welfare recipients than the general population. Proportional Deprivation Index and emotional support from relatives and friends were associated with GHQ-12 scores. These results suggest that while chronic deprivation is associated with poorer mental health among welfare recipients, receiving emotional support may help cope with distress and maintain mental health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-32
Reyna Jazmín Martínez Arriaga ◽  
Leivy Patricia González Ramírez ◽  
Nancy Evelyn Navarro Ruiz ◽  
José María De la Roca -Chiapas ◽  
Oscar Ulises Reynoso González

Introducción: El personal de enfermería es uno de los grupos más afectados por la actual pandemia por COVID-19. Se han reportado problemas de salud mental en esta población, sin embargo, también es importante estudiar la resiliencia, para identificar sus fortalezas. El objetivo de este estudio fue estudiar la resiliencia en enfermeros mexicanos y los factores sociodemográficos y de salud mental asociados a ella. Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal.Método: Se envió vía online un cuestionario sociodemográfico y relacionado a COVID-19, así como el Inventario de Resiliencia y el Cuestionario General de Salud-28. Se incluyeron 556 enfermeros, la mayoría fueron mujeres (80%), solteras (60.8%) y con edades entre 26-35 años (38.3%).Resultados: Se encontraron niveles bajos de resiliencia en los enfermeros más jóvenes (p<0.001, ɳ2=0.05), solteros (p<0.001, ɳ2=0.02) y con menor nivel educativo (p=0.001, ɳ2=0.02). Los predictores de resiliencia fueron la búsqueda de información sobre salud mental (β =-0.152, p <0.001), nivel educativo más alto (β = 0.142, p<0.001), niveles bajos de depresión (β=-0.307, p<0.001) y bajos niveles de disfunción social (β =-0.261, p<0.001).Conclusión: Estos hallazgos permiten identificar los factores asociados a la resiliencia en los enfermeros y cómo estos juegan un rol muy importante en su salud mental. Asimismo, estos datos permiten la identificación de grupos con mayor riesgo psicosocial, con la finalidad de guiar estrategias en salud mental orientadas a aumentar la resiliencia. Introduction: Nursing personnel are one of the groups which have been most affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. Although mental health problems have been reported in this population, it is important to study resilience, in order to identify its strengths. The purpose was to study resilience in Mexican nurses and the mental health and sociodemographic factors associated with it. A cross-sectional study was used. Method: A sociodemographic and COVID-19 related questionnaire, the Resilience Inventory and the General Health Questionnaire-28, was sent via online. 556 nurses were included, the majority were women (80%), single (60.8%), aged between 26-35 years (38.3%). Results: Lower resilience was found among nurses who were younger (p<0.001, ɳ2=0.05), single (p<0.001, ɳ2=0.02) and with lower levels of education (p=0.001, ɳ2=0.02). Predictors of resilience included the search for mental health information (β =-0.152, p <0.001), higher education (β = 0.142, p<0.001), low levels of depression (β=-0.307, p<0.001) and low levels of social dysfunction (β =-0.261, p<0.001). Conclusion: This findings allowed to identify the factors which are associated with resilience among nurses and how this plays an important role in their mental. Likewise, this data allows for the identification of high psychosocial risk groups, to better guide mental health strategies aimed at increasing resilience. Resumo:Introdução:O pessoal de enfermagem é um dos grupos mais afetados pela atual pandemia de COVID-19. Problemas de saúde mental têm sido relatados nessa população, porém também é importante estudar a resiliência, para identificar seus pontos fortes. O objetivo deste estudo foi estudar a resiliência em enfermeiras mexicanas e os fatores sociodemográficos e de saúde mental a ela associados. Foi realizado um estudo transversal.Método:Um questionário sociodemográfico relacionado ao COVID-19 foi enviado online, assim como o Resilience Inventory e o General Health Questionnaire-28. Foram incluídos 556 enfermeiros, a maioria mulheres (80%), solteiros (60,8%) e com idade entre 26-35 anos (38,3%).Resultados:Baixos níveis de resiliência foram encontrados nos enfermeiros mais jovens (p <0,001, ɳ2 = 0,05), solteiros (p <0,001, ɳ2 = 0,02) e com menor escolaridade (p = 0,001, ɳ2 = 0,02). Os preditores de resiliência foram a busca por informações sobre saúde mental (β = -0,152, p <0,001), maior escolaridade (β = 0,142, p <0,001), baixos níveis de depressão (β = -0,307, p <0,001 ) e baixos níveis de disfunção social (β = -0,261, p <0,001).Conclusão:Esses achados permitem identificar os fatores associados à resiliência em enfermeiros e como eles desempenham um papel muito importante em sua saúde mental. Da mesma forma, esses dados permitem identificar grupos de maior risco psicossocial, a fim de nortear estratégias de saúde mental que visem aumentar a resiliência.

1992 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 1011-1018 ◽  
Glyn Lewis

SynopsisFactor analyses of the General Health Questionnaire have attempted to interpret the factors as measuring anxiety, depression and social functioning. Data from two large community surveys were used to conduct an unrotated principal components analysis of the 30-item General Health Questionnaire. A general factor, indicating overall severity of psychiatric disorder, accounted for around 30% of the variance. The next most important factor, accounting for about 8% of the variance, was bipolar with the positive (‘less than usual’) items of the General Health Questionnaire having positive coefficients and the negative (‘more than usual’) items having negative coefficients. It is suggested that the concepts of positive and negative mental health derive empirical support from the results and may prove to be a useful classification of dimensions of mental health in the community.

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