empirical support
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Jihye Oh ◽  
Shinhee Jeong ◽  
Seung Won Yoon ◽  
Daeyeon Cho

Purpose From a social capital perspective, this study aims to shed light on the link between social capital and career adaptability by focusing on how social connections and interactions shape and nurture career adaptability. Drawing on socioemotional selectivity theory, the authors further examined the critical moderating role of age on the above relationship. Design/methodology/approach Survey responses from 208 HRD professionals were analyzed via a moderated mediation analysis. Findings The results showed that there is a positive relationship between social capital (network size and intimate network) and career adaptability; frequent interaction increases intimacy, in turn enhancing career adaptability; and the indirect effect of social capital on career adaptability (via intimate network) is stronger when the employee is younger. Originality/value The most novel theoretical contribution of this study is that the authors lend empirical support to the connection between social capital and career adaptability moderated by age. The study also contributes to understanding how core aspects of social capital are inter-related each other and have directional relationships.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Annarosa Cipriano ◽  
Cristina Aprea ◽  
Ludovica Bellone ◽  
Paolo Cotrufo ◽  
Stefania Cella

Introduction: Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) constitutes a major health concern among youth. However, less is known about the useful ways to prevent NSSI. As such, the NSSI- Peer Education Program (NSSI-PEP) aims to intervene on the vulnerability factors that predispose to NSSI by applying a peer education approach. The NSSI-PEP is grounded on the psychoanalytic tradition's tenets, implementing modules targeting four crucial risk factors for NSSI: pubertal transformation, body image, self-esteem, and emotion regulation.Methods: Selected 8th grade students were trained to serve as peer educators and held a peer-education intervention for 6th and 7th grade students. Pre- and post-intervention assessments were conducted in order to evaluate the program's effectiveness.Results: Results revealed preliminary support for the program's feasibility, as students reported greater emotion regulation abilities (p = 0.038) and significant changes in self-esteem (p<0.001), personal alienation (p = 0.005), body image (p < 0.001), and maturity fear (p < 0.001). Also, NSSI-PEP was positively evaluated by participants.Discussion: Our pilot study provides preliminary empirical support for the NSSI-PEP, representing a promising way to address areas of vulnerability for NSSI onset. Findings may also help current policies to promote targeted preventive activities and produce sizable benefits to society.

Marzieh Mahboobi ◽  
Abbas Khashandish ◽  
Abdorreza Naser Moghadasi ◽  
Mohammad Ali Sahraian ◽  
Maryam Bahrami-Hidaji ◽  

Background: Depression and anxiety are the most prevalent psychological symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and have a significant impact on quality of life (QOL) and disability progression in the patients. Therefore, it is very important to find ways to reduce the impact of these disorders on patients with MS. The data suggest that self-disclosure may be beneficial in improving symptoms of depression and anxiety in many chronic diseases. Due to the scarcity of related studies, this cross-sectional research aimed to evaluate the relations between self-disclosure, anxiety, and depression in patients with MS. Methods: 112 patients with MS from several referral outpatient MS clinics participated in the study. Data were extracted using socio-demographic questionnaire to determine clinical variables and patient characteristics, Distress Disclosure Index (DDI) to assess self-disclosure, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) to evaluate mood states, and Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) recorded by an experienced neurologist. Results: Multiple linear regression analysis with controlling disease variables demonstrated distress disclosure as an independent factor to predict anxiety and depression in the patients (P < 0.05). Results also presented a significant, positive relationship between hospitalization history and disability levels with anxiety and depression. These findings clearly state that these two variables can accurately predict a heightened state of anxiety and depression in patients with MS. Conclusion: This study provides empirical support for the positive role of disclosure in decreasing the negative emotions in MS. Further studies are needed to clarify the effects of disclosing MS in different cultural and situational contexts.

2022 ◽  
Vol 289 (1966) ◽  
Priscila S. Rothier ◽  
Monique N. Simon ◽  
Gabriel Marroig ◽  
Anthony Herrel ◽  
Tiana Kohlsdorf

Selective regimes favouring the evolution of functional specialization probably affect covariation among phenotypic traits. Phalanges of most tetrapods develop from a conserved module that constrains their relative proportions. In geckos, however, biomechanical specializations associated with adhesive toepads involve morphological variation in the autopodium and might reorganize such modular structures. We tested two hypotheses to explain the modular architecture of hand bones in geckos, one based on developmental interactions and another incorporating functional associations related to locomotion, and compared the empirical support for each hypothetical module between padded and padless lineages. We found strong evidence for developmental modules in most species, which probably reflects embryological constraints during phalangeal formation. Although padded geckos exhibit a functional specialization involving the hyperextension of the distal phalanges that is absent in padless species, the padless species are the ones that show a distal functional module with high integration. Some ancestrally padless geckos apparently deviate from developmental predictions and present a relatively weak developmental module of phalanges and a strongly integrated distal module, which may reflect selective regimes involving incipient frictional adhesion in digit morphology. Modularity of digit elements seems dynamic along the evolutionary history of geckos, being associated with the presence/absence of adhesive toepads.

2022 ◽  
pp. 146978742110668
Matthew Jones ◽  
Jedediah E Blanton ◽  
Rachel E Williams

Self-determination theory (SDT) has empirical support in understanding and enhancing motivation in a variety of contexts, including education settings. Niemac and Ryan have highlighted that using SDT in course design can lead to stronger fulfilment of an internal locus of causality regarding course work. One course design method anchored in SDT is gameful learning—structuring tasks that support intrinsic motivation, primarily increasing autonomy over learning. A gamified classroom (GC) may offer more assignments and points than minimally necessary for students to earn a passing mark, allowing students choice in which projects to pursue. Further research is needed to examine the degree to which students’ motivations differ between a GC and a non-gamified classroom (NGC). The purpose of the current study was to determine if students in a GC were more intrinsically motivated than students in NGC. Students were enrolled in an undergraduate kinesiology course using a GC design ( n = 24) or NGC design ( n = 26) and completed an online survey – derived from the intrinsic motivation inventory and the test anxiety questionnaire—at the beginning and end of the semester. In the GC, students started with zero points, and were offered multiple assignments with scaffolded difficulty to reach their desired grade. The NGC used a traditional 100% grade range, with only required assignments and exams, and students lost points for inadequate or inaccurate responses. Following analyses, it was revealed that students in the GC had higher perceptions of autonomy and competence than students in the NGC. Where these differences exist over time, along with differences in other subscales, will be discussed further. Educators seeking to enhance student motivation and engagement may therefore look to gamification as an appropriate methodology.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-36
Pietro Baggio ◽  
Yasutada Sudo

Abstract In a recent article, Kučerová 2018 (henceforth K18) puts forward a novel theory of the morphology and interpretation of nominal gender in Italian. This paper takes issue with this theory from both empirical and theoretical standpoints. We first show that several generalisations presented as empirical support for it are in fact incorrect. We then point out a series of fundamental challenges for the theory. First, the proposed three-way classification of nouns misrepresents the full range of facts, because it does not take into account plural morphology or the interdependencies of CLASS and GENDER features. Second, the account of gender mismatch in terms of “semiconservativity” fails to capture the Italian data, once the full paradigm is considered. Finally, K18’s use of Phase Theory to model contextual valuation of gender faces an insurmountable lookahead problem.

2022 ◽  
Martin A. Briggs ◽  
Phillip Goodling ◽  
Zachary C. Johnson ◽  
Karli M. Rogers ◽  
Nathaniel P. Hitt ◽  

Abstract. In mountain headwater streams the quality and resilience of cold-water habitat is regulated by surface stream channel connectivity and groundwater exchange. These critical hydrologic processes are thought to be influenced by the stream corridor bedrock contact depth (sediment thickness), which is often inferred from sparse hillslope borehole information, piezometer refusal, and remotely sensed data. To investigate how local bedrock depth might control summer stream temperature and channel disconnection (dewatering) patterns, we measured stream corridor bedrock depth by collecting and interpreting 191 passive seismic datasets along eight headwater streams in Shenandoah National Park (Virginia USA). In addition, we used multiyear stream temperature and streamflow records to calculate summer baseflow metrics along and among the study streams. Finally, comprehensive visual surveys of stream channel dewatering were conducted in 2016, 2019, and 2021 during summer baseflow conditions (124 total km of stream length). We found that measured bedrock depths were not well-characterized by soils maps or an existing global-scale geologic dataset, where the latter overpredicted measured depths by 12.2 m (mean), or approximately four times the average bedrock depth of 2.9 m. Half of the eight study stream corridors had an average bedrock depth of less than 2 m. Of the eight study streams, Staunton River had the deepest average bedrock depth (3.4 m), the coldest summer temperature profiles, and substantially higher summer baseflow indices compared to the other study steams. Staunton River also exhibited paired air and water annual temperature signals suggesting deeper groundwater influence, and the stream channel did not dewater in lower sections during any baseflow survey. In contrast, streams Paine Run and Piney River did show pronounced, patchy channel dewatering, with Paine Run having dozens of discrete dry channel sections ranging 1 to greater than 300 m in length. Stream dewatering patterns were apparently influenced by a combination of discrete deep bedrock (20 m+) features and more subtle sediment thickness variation (1–4 m), depending on local stream valley hydrogeology. In combination these unique datasets show the first large-scale empirical support for existing conceptual models of headwater stream disconnection based on underflow capacity and shallow groundwater supply.

2022 ◽  
Gary Alan Troia ◽  
Heqiao Wang ◽  
Frank R. Lawrence

Our goal in this study is to expand the limited research on writer profiles using the advantageous model-based approach of latent profile analysis and independent tasks to evaluate aspects of individual knowledge, motivation, and cognitive processes that align with Hayes’ (1996) writing framework, which has received empirical support. We address three research questions. First, what latent profiles are observed for late elementary writers using measures aligned with an empirically validated model of writing? Second, do student sociodemographic characteristics—namely grade, gender, English learner status, and special education status—influence latent profile membership? Third, how does student performance on narrative, opinion, and informative writing tasks, determined by quality of writing, vary by latent profiles? A five-profile model had the best fit statistics and classified student writers as Globally Weak, At Risk, Average Motivated, Average Unmotivated, and Globally Proficient. Overall, fifth graders, female students, students without disabilities, and native English speakers had greater odds of being in the Globally Proficient group of writers. For all three genres, other latent profiles were significantly inversely related to the average quality of papers written by students who were classified as Globally Proficient; however, the Globally Weak and At Risk writers were not significantly different in their writing quality, and the Average Motivated and Average Unmotivated writers did not significantly differ from each other with respect to quality. These findings indicate upper elementary students exhibit distinct patterns of writing-related strengths and weaknesses that necessitate comprehensive yet differentiated instruction to address skills, knowledge, and motivation to yield desirable outcomes.

Angela Tseng

AbstractAutism-Assistance Dogs (AADs) are highly-skilled service animals trained primarily to ensure the safety of an autistic child by preventing elopement and mitigating ‘meltdowns’. Although anecdotal accounts and case-studies have indicated that AADs confer benefits above and beyond safety, empirical support anchored in validated clinical, behavioral, and physiological measures is lacking. To address this gap, we studied children and their families before and after receiving a well-trained AAD using a within-subject, repeated-measures design. Notably, this study is the first to assess change in a biomarker for chronic stress in both autistic children and their parents. Final analyses included pre-/post-AAD data from 11 triads (parent/handler-dog-child) demonstrating significantly positive psychosocial and biobehavioral effects of AADs.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Xin He ◽  
Xia Wu ◽  
David Croasdell ◽  
Yanhai Zhao

PurposeThe investigation of organization's ambidextrous innovation is a challenge in the research studies of management sciences. As existent literature showed a positive relation between dynamic capability (DC) and innovation, few empirical studies are conducted to explain how DC impacts on the balanced and combined dimension of ambidexterity and still less on how social network moderates this relation. As a result, this paper aims to investigate and provide empirical evidence on DC’s influence on ambidexterity in the context of China.Design/methodology/approachBy a relational model of DC, ambidextrous innovation and social network, this study has conducted multiple regression analysis on the data collected from 350 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in mainland China.FindingsThe results show that, DC has positive influence on both the combined and balanced dimension of ambidexterity; and both the relational network and structural network play an inverted U moderating role, where the moderation of relational network is stronger than that of structural network.Originality/valueThis study provides empirical support on DC's influence on ambidexterity together with the moderation of social network.

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