scholarly journals Występowanie ważnych gospodarczo chorób pszenicy ozimej w Polsce w latach 2006–2010

2012 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-41

Źródłem informacji, na podstawie których ocenia się stan fitosanitarny roślin uprawnych w Polsce jest monitorowanie nasilenia występowania agrofagów. Ogólnokrajowy monitoring gospodarczo ważnych agrofagów oparty jest na współpracy Instytutu Ochrony Roślin – Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego (IOR – PIB) w Poznaniu z wojewódzkimi inspektoratami Państwowej Inspekcji Ochrony Roślin i Nasiennictwa. Współpraca polega na prowadzeniu, jednolicie według metodyk opracowanych w IOR – PIB, obserwacji agrofagów, w wyniku których uzyskiwane są dane o nasileniu ich występowania na przestrzeni lat. Informacje te gromadzone są w Zakładzie Metod Prognozowania Agrofagów i Ekonomiki Ochrony Roślin IOR – PIB i na ich podstawie przedstawiany jest obraz zmian dotyczących nasilenia występowania, rejonizacji i rozprzestrzeniania się chorób i szkodników roślin uprawnych. W ostatnich pięciu latach głównymi chorobami pochodzenia grzybowego obserwowanymi w uprawach zbóż były: mączniak prawdziwy zbóż i traw – Blumeria graminis (DC.) Speer., rdza brunatna pszenicy – Puccinia recondita Rob. Ex Desm f. sp. tritici (Eriks.) Johnson, septorioza plew pszenicy – Phaeosphaeria nodorum (E. Müller) Hedjaroude (syn. Stagonospora nodorum (Berg.) Castellani et Germano, łamliwość źdźbła zbóż i traw – Oculimacula yallundae (Wollwork, Spooner) Crous, Gams, oraz zgorzel podstawy źdźbła – Gaeumannomyces graminis (Sacc.) Arx et Olvier.

2014 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 112-119

Celem pracy była charakterystyka materiałów kolekcyjnych pszenżyta ozimego pod względem polowej odporności na choroby grzybowe liści, takie jak mączniak właściwy (Blumeria graminis), rdza brunatna (Puccinia recondita) oraz septorioza liści (Phaeosphaeria nodorum). Materiał badawczy stanowiły 682 obiekty oceniane w latach 1985–2013. Bonitacja stopnia porażenia roślin przez choroby dokonywana była w oparciu o 9-stopniową skalę wg COBORU, w której 9 oznacza brak objawów chorobowych, a 1 – najsilniejsze porażenie. W celu oceny postępu biologicznego w odniesieniu do zdrowotności roślin wyodrębniono 2 grupy obiektów: badane w latach 1985–1999 oraz w latach 2000–2013. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na duże zróżnicowanie materiałów kolekcyjnych pszenżyta pod względem polowej odporności na choroby grzybowe liści, przy czym genotypy oceniane w latach 1985–1999 charakteryzowały się większą polową odpornością na choroby grzybowe niż genotypy analizowane w latach 2000–2013.

1992 ◽  
Vol 70 (7) ◽  
pp. 1401-1408 ◽  
P. Halama ◽  
A. Parguey-Leduc ◽  
L. Lacoste

The reproductive organs of one of the pathogens responsible for the septoria diseases of wheat were studied from cultures. There are two types of pycnidia for the asexual stage (one belongs to Septoria nodorum Berk. (=Stagonospora nodorum (Berk.) Castellani & Germano); the other is microconidial) and pseudothecia for the teleomorph: Phaeosphaeria nodorum (E. Müller) Hedjaroude (=Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müller). The latter are differentiated from glomerular primordia, and their development is typical of an ascolocular pyrenomycete, with a perilocular layer generating descending pseudoparaphyses and periphyses lining the ostiolar cavity. The asci, with a "Jack-in-the-box" dehiscence, are bitunicate. Key words: Phaeosphaeria nodorum, Leptosphaeria, ontogeny and structure, pseudothecia, pycnidia.

2006 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 239-246 ◽  
Benedito de Camargo Barros ◽  
Jairo Lopes de Castro ◽  
Flávia Rodrigues Alves Patrício

Doenças do trigo, como a ferrugem-da-folha, a helmintosporiose e o oídio, causadas por Puccinia recondita, Bipolaris sorokiniana e Blumeria graminis tritici, respectivamente, podem reduzir severamente o rendimento da cultura. Diversas medidas são preconizadas para o controle das mesmas, entre as quais o emprego de cultivares resistentes, na época adequada, e o controle químico, sem o qual, freqüentemente, a cultura torna-se inviável economicamente. No presente trabalho avaliou-se, em condições de campo, a resposta a aplicações de fungicidas de seis cultivares de trigo, IAC 24, IAC 289, IAC 350, IAC 362, IAC 364 e IAC 370, em quatro experimentos instalados nos anos de 2000 a 2003, em Capão Bonito, Estado de São Paulo. Os ensaios foram realizados em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com 4 repetições, e analisados, a cada ano, em esquema fatorial, 2 x 6, sendo fungicida o fator 1 (com e sem) e cultivar o fator 2. As pulverizações, duas ou três, foram iniciadas quando a ferrugem-da-folha atingiu entre 10 e 15% de incidência, e repetidas após aproximadamente 15 dias. Avaliou-se a severidade das doenças por meio de uma escala de notas, que variou de 0 a 9 sendo 0 ausência de sintomas e 9 maior que 60 % de área de tecido foliar afetado pelas doenças, além do peso de mil sementes (PMS) e do rendimento. O oídio foi encontrado apenas em 2000, a ferrugem-da-folha em todos os anos em elevados índices de severidade (30 a 60% de área foliar afetada) e a helmintosporiose ocorreu nos três últimos anos, 2001 a 2003, apresentando os maiores índices de severidade em 2001 (até 60 % de área foliar afetada), o ano mais chuvoso. Em todos os anos os tratamentos químicos proporcionaram controle das doenças, aumentos no PMS e no rendimento. Nos anos mais favoráveis para a cultura, 2002 e 2003, o retorno em rendimento foi maior. As cultivares de ciclo mais longo, IAC 370, IAC 289 e IAC 350, foram as que mais responderam à aplicação do fungicida, embora as duas últimas tenham apresentado os menores índices de severidade das doenças, indicando que não só a resistência, mas fatores como o ciclo e características de produtividade intrínsecas a cada cultivar podem ser importantes na resposta ao controle químico.

2006 ◽  
Vol 96 (8) ◽  
pp. 860-866 ◽  
Christina Cowger ◽  
Hilda Victoria Silva-Rojas

Ascocarps of Phaeosphaeria nodorum, which causes Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB) of wheat, have not been found by others in the eastern United States despite extensive searches. We sampled tissues from living wheat plants or wheat debris in Kinston, NC, each month except June from May to October 2003. Additional wheat samples were gathered in Kinston, Salisbury, and Plymouth, NC, in 2004 and 2005. For the 3 years, in all, 2,781 fruiting bodies were dissected from the wheat tissues and examined microscopically. Fruiting bodies were tallied as P. nodorum pycnidia or ascocarps, “unknown” (not containing spores, potentially P. nodorum or other fungi), or “other fungi.” In the 2003 sample, asco-carps of P. nodorum were present each month after May at a frequency of 0.8 to 5.4%, and comprised a significantly higher percentage of fruiting bodies from wheat spikes than of those from lower stems and leaves. Ascocarps also were found at frequencies <10% in some wheat debris samples from 2004 and 2005. Analysis of the nucleotide sequences of internally transcribed spacer regions of 18 genetically distinct North Carolina isolates from 2003 suggested that all were P. nodorum, not the morphologically similar P. avenaria f. sp. triticea. Neither the 18 isolates from 2003 nor a set of 77 isolates derived from 2004 Kinston leaf samples gave reason to suspect a mating-type imbalance in the larger P. nodorum population (P ≥ 0.4). We conclude that, in North Carolina, sexual reproduction plays a role in initiation of SNB epidemics and the creation of adaptively useful genetic variability, although its relative importance in structuring this population is uncertain.

Plant Disease ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 83 (4) ◽  
pp. 328-332 ◽  
D. R. Sundin ◽  
W. W. Bockus ◽  
M. G. Eversmeyer

Treatments of winter wheat seed with the systemic triazole fungicides triadimenol (31 g a.i./100 kg = Baytan 30F at 1.5 fl oz/cwt) and difenoconazole (24 g a.i./100 kg = Dividend 3FS at 1.0 fl. oz/cwt) were tested for effect on asexual sporulation by Puccinia recondita, Septoria tritici, and Stagonospora nodorum. Spore production was measured on seedlings grown in a growth chamber (24°C day/15°C night, 12-h photoperiod) and inoculated with the pathogens 3, 5, or 7 weeks after sowing. Spore production was converted to a percentage of the non-treated control and regressed against weeks after planting when plants were inoculated. Linear models fit data for both fungicides against all three pathogens. According to the models, difenoconazole suppressed sporulation levels of P. recondita and Septoria tritici to 10% of the levels on plants from non-treated seed for about 3 weeks after sowing. Spore production for all three fungi was suppressed to 25% of the non-treated level for at least 4.2 weeks and to 50% for at least 6.5 weeks. Similarly, triadimenol suppressed all three pathogens to 50% of the non-treated level for at least 3.2 weeks. The two fungicides showed similar effects against S. tritici; however, difenoconazole showed significantly greater suppression of sporulation by P. recondita and Stagonospora nodorum compared with triadimenol. Responses occurred even though large concentrations of spores were used to inoculate plants and environmental conditions were optimized for spore production. Reduced sporulation should help protect fall-planted wheat seedlings and may significantly delay epidemics in the following spring.

2006 ◽  
Vol 154 (5) ◽  
pp. 317-319 ◽  
D. Mercado Vergnes ◽  
A. Zhanarbekova ◽  
M.-E. Renard ◽  
E. Duveiller ◽  
H. Maraite

2010 ◽  
Vol 100 (9) ◽  
pp. 855-862 ◽  
Rubik J. Sommerhalder ◽  
Bruce A. McDonald ◽  
Fabio Mascher ◽  
Jiasui Zhan

We conducted a 2-year mark-release-recapture field experiment to quantify the relative contributions of immigration and sexual and asexual reproduction to epidemics of Stagonospora nodorum blotch caused by Phaeosphaeria nodorum. The epidemic was initiated using nine genetically distinct P. nodorum isolates. Infected plants were sampled four times across two growing seasons. In total, 1,286 isolates were recovered and assayed with 10 microsatellite markers and 1 minisatellite marker. The proportion of isolates having multilocus haplotypes (MLHTs) identical to the inoculated isolates decreased steadily from 86% in the first collection to 25% in the fourth collection. The novel isolates that had different MLHTs compared with the marked inoculants originated through immigration and sexual recombination. By the end of the experiment, nearly three-quarters of the novel isolates originated from sexual recombination. Our results indicate that recombinant offspring and airborne immigrant ascospores can make significant contributions to epidemics of Stagonospora nodorum blotch during a growing season.

2013 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-10
C.I. Arsene ◽  
Andreea-Mihaela Bălău ◽  
E. Ulea

Abstract Due to the attack of the main pathogens agents in the wheat crop the wheat production is not exploited at the full potential. Powdery mildew, leaf spot and rust brown leaves are considered to be the most widespread and damaging diseases of wheat. In our country, the attack of these pathogens is present every year, with different intensities and it can cause production damages ranging from 3-4% to 20%. Due to this fact, the main attention of the farmers is to cultivate resistant wheat varieties to Blumeria graminis (DC.) Speer., Septoria tritici Rob. Desm. and Puccinia recondita Rob. et Desm. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the phytosanitary condition of 24 wheat varieties cultivated in 2011-2012 at the Ezăreni didactic Farm from University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iaşi, Romania, localized in the central area of Moldavia. This study contains data regarding the spread and evolution of the main pathogens that were observed at the 24 wheat varieties studied. These varieties showed different reactions to different pathogens observed in the same environmental conditions thus some of them were resistant to Blumeria graminis (DC.) Speer. and Septoria tritici Rob. ex. Desm. attack, and some recorded a disease incidence of 18.75% at the Puccinia recondita Rob. et Desm attack.

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