scholarly journals Enhancing quality of information through risk reporting in financial statements

Mirela Nichita

Abstract When we bring in discussion risk, we think about danger, loss or other unfavorable consequences. In accounting and in finance area, the concept of risk is related to a wide range of terms, such as: cost - volume analysis, decision trees, discounted cash flows, capital assets pricing models, and the newly hedging concept. Effective risk management relates to risk assessment; risk evaluation; risk treatment; and risk reporting. Risk management highlights the actions that the entity takes in order to be prepared for any negative event. The objective of risk management is not to prevent or eliminate taking risk, but is to ensure that the risks is taken with complete knowledge and clear understanding so that it can be measured to help in mitigation. The paper will emphasizes a short evolution about accounting qualitative characteristics and how these features may conduct to a more transparent reporting and a balanced risk management processes. A key principle of comprehensive risk management is risk transparency, both in terms of internal risk reporting as well as external disclosure for users of information in making decision process.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 104-110 ◽  
George Drogalas ◽  
Stiliani Siopi

Risk management is ranked by financial executives as one of their most important objectives. For this reason, a wide range of literature on risk management has been developed. Within this fluid business environment, internal audit plays a key role in monitoring a company’s risk profile and identifying areas for improving risk management processes. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the factors that impact on risk management regarding internal audit function. Empirical evidence was collected by means of a mailed survey. Regression analysis is used in order to illustrate the information gathered. Consistent with theory and our expectations, the results indicate that internal audit, internal auditor and added value of internal audit are statistically significantly associated with risk management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 357-373
Jelena Raičević

Abstract Financial statements represent an instrument by which relevant information about a company is passed on to its users. Based on the information presented in the financial statements, i.e. information on the financial position and performance of the company, and generated cash flows and capital, users make business decisions. Specific accounting policies serve as the basis for the preparation of quality financial statements. Management is responsible for the preparation and presentation of financial statements and selects accounting policies. Although simple, the issue of choosing the accounting policies can be extremely delicate and complex. Besides management, there are other stakeholders who may be affected by this issue. As a consequence, there are complex relationships that affect the choice of accounting policies, and thus the quality of financial statements.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 148
Ria Saifulloh

<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Accounting informatian is a tool that can help the management of a company especially BMT in Malang in running the company properly and continuously. Thus, it must be supported with good quality of accounting informatian. Quality information can be obtained by referring to the standard of the qualitative characteristics of financial statements. This study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. The object of research were 10 BMTs in which each BMT was given questionnaires and interviews. After the questionnaire data was obtained, it was processed and analyzed with the help of SPSS 16 statistical tools. The results showed that there are significant effect between the qualitative characteristics of accounting informatian which is understandable, relevant, reliable and comparable to the quality of accounting informatian on BMT Greater Malang. This is due to the respondents from each BMT also have the ability in economics and accounting as an undergraduate so that what is presented in the accounting informatian is already qualified and is in accordance with the results of the statistical analysis by SPSS. It can be concluded that the quality of accounting informatian on BMT in Greater Malang is quite good because it has met the qualitative characteristics of accounting informatian.</p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Informasi Akuntansi merupakan alat yang dapat membantu manajemen suatu perusahaan khususnya BMT di Malang dalam menjalankan perusahaannya dengan baik dan berkesinambungan. Maka dari itu harus didukung dengan kualitas informasi akuntansi yang baik. Kualitas informasi bisa didapat dengan mengacu standar dari karakteristik kualitatif laporan keuangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Objek penelitian sebanyak 10 BMT dengan masing-masing BMT disebar kuisioner dan wawancara. Kemudian setelah data kuesioner diperoleh akan diproses dan dianalisis data dengan bantuan alat statistik yaitu SPSS 16. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara karakteristik kualitatif informasi akuntansi yaitu dapat dipahami, relevan, dapat diandalkan dan dapat dibandingkan terhadap kualitas informasi akuntansi pada BMT Malang Raya. Hal ini disebabkan responden dari masing-masing BMT juga memiliki kemampuan ekonomi dan akuntansi sebagai seorang sarjana sehingga apa yang disampaikan dalam informasi akuntansi sudah berkualitas dan sesuai dengan hasil dari analisis statistik SPSS. Dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa kualitas informasi akuntansi pada BMT di Malang tergolong baik karena sudah memenuhi karakteristik kualitatif informasi akuntansi.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4-1) ◽  
pp. 92-99
Hugh Grove ◽  
Maclyn Clouse

Risk management should be a key concern of board members to enhance corporate governance in any organization. Eleven key numbers, ratios, and models were advocated in this paper for risk management analyses, including an analysis of their variability with graphs. They are applied to Kaisa, a Chinese property developer, located in Shenzhen but incorporated with limited liability in the Cayman Islands. The importance of such risk management analyses was demonstrated in this paper as Kaisa destroyed $12.9 billion in four different types of investments: $2.2 billion in stock market value, $0.3 billion in private equity investments, $2.5 billion in global bonds, and $7.9 billion in Chinese short-term and long-term debt. Thus, the use of key financial statement metrics, including fraud models and ratios, has been shown here to provide enhanced corporate governance with risk management guidelines and applications. Boards of Directors need to pay attention to key financial statement metrics, which have been shown to work over and over again, as with Kaisa in this paper. These key metrics usually start with operating cash flows which then may indicate problems with debt service (the fixed charge coverage ratio) which then may lead to bankruptcy predictions by the Altman bankruptcy model. To cover up such survival problems, companies often resort to earnings management and even fraudulent financial reporting which are typically red flagged by the quality of earnings, the quality of revenues, the new fraud model and the old fraud model.

Nabilatul Fanny ◽  
Anindiya Soviani

Patient safety is a system that makes patient care safer, including risk assessment, identificationand management of patient risks, incident reporting and analysis, the ability to learn from incidents andtheir follow-up, and implementation of solutions to minimize risks and prevent injury caused by errors.the result of carrying out an action or not taking the action that should be taken The importance of riskmanagement in the hospital is to minimize the number of unwanted events. Based on a preliminary studyof five medical record processing at the Dr Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri Regional Hospital, thebigger risk is filing, in the medical record unit there is no standard risk management operationalprocedure and there is no report related to risk management. This type of research is descriptive with across sectional approach. The subjects are the Facility Management and Safety coordinator, head ofmedical records, and head of filing. The object of the filing room and the risk management process. Theresearch instruments were observation guidelines and interview guidelines. Data analysis was carriedout by univariate. The results show that risk management at Dr Soediran Mangun Soemarso WonogiriHospital has been carried out. Safety Facility Management is a working group to plan risk managementin each unit. The medical record unit of Dr Soediran Mangun Soemarso Wonogiri Hospital implementsrisk management with an appropriate sequence of risk management processes starting fromcommunication consultation, scope of context criteria, risk assessment, risk treatment, monitoring andreview. In the filing section of the Dr Soediran Mangun Soemarso Wonogiri Regional Hospital, there isone important stage that is overlooked in the risk management process, namely the scope, context, andcriteria stages. The conclusion of this study is that the Facility and Safety Management section hasimplemented a risk management process in the medical record unit but has not been maximallyimplemented in the filing section.

Jurij Renkas ◽  
Olena Goncharenko ◽  
Olena Lukianets

<p>Financial reporting must meet many criteria to be considered high quality because it is the quality of information that determines the viability of future strategic decisions. The article investigates the essence of the concept of "quality" and "quality of financial infor-mation", and defines indicators and criteria of the financial reporting quality. As for the quality of the financial reporting, it is found that the latter is a structured reflection of financial condition and financial results of the entity, therefore, can be regarded as a set of components: quality of the financial information; quality of presentation of the financial information. It was found that the quality of the reporting of financial information is evaluated using a system of indicators that are qualified by the Financial reporting framework as the qualitative characteristics of useful financial information and National Accounting Statement (standard) 1 as the qualitative characteristics of financial reporting. In terms of formalization (presentation within the legislation forms) of the financial information presentation in Ukraine, we can speak of quality only in respect of the notes to the financial statements. It has been established that quality assessment indicators of presenting the financial information in the notes may be: readability of the information, visualization of the representation. Research of the quality requirements for the financial statements (information) of the participating countries of the former Soviet Union has identified many variations, but the most commonly used features are relevance, reliability, comparability and understandability. It is indicated that most post-Soviet countries, including Ukraine, gradually bring its legislation on the regulation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS. But there are still many unresolved differences, chief among which are the qualitative characteristics of the financial statements that should provide the information needs of different user groups.</p>

Н.А. Кудайбергенов ◽  
А.М. Адилова ◽  
М.Қ. Әлиев ◽  
М.А. Алтынбеков ◽  
N. Kudaidergenov ◽  

Мақалада шағын кәсіпорындардағы бухгалтерлік есепте қалыптасатын ақпараттың пайдалылығын анықтайтын талаптар мен бухгалтерлік ақпараттың сапалық сипаттамалары қарастырылған. Ғылыми мақалада шағын кәсіпорын кез-келген басқа шаруашылық субъектісімен қатар бухгалтерлік есеп жүргізу мақсатында есеп саясатын жасауға міндетті екендігі айтылған. Сонымен қатар есеп саясаты-бұл ұйымдағы бухгалтерлік есеп ережелерін белгілейтін негізгі құжаттардың бірі екендігі қарастырылған. Бұл мақалада шағын кәсіпорындардың есеп саясатын қалыптастыруға әсер ететін факторлар қарастырылады. Атап айтқанда, жеңілдетілген бухгалтерлік есепті жүзеге асыратын шағын кәсіпорындардың есеп саясатын қалыптастыру тәртібі ашылды. Шағын кәсіпорындар, басқа коммерциялық ұйымдардан айырмашылығы, бухгалтерлік есеп, есептілік және салық салу нысандарының кең таңдауына ие екендігі атап өтілді. Авторлар, соңғы кезде кәсіпорында есеп саясаты тек бухгалтерлік есептің басқару жүйесінің негізгі тәсілдері мен құралы ғана емес, сонымен бірге салық есебінің де негізгісі болып табылатыны атап кеткен. Есеп саясатының қызметі кеңеюде және жоспарлау процесіне бағытталған: салықтық және қаржылық. Есеп саясатының тиімді және ұтымды ережесі қаржылық есептілігінен қызығушылық танытқан пайдаланушыларға толық және нақтылы ақпарат беруге кепілдеме береді, сонымен бірге шешім қабылдауда әсерін тигізіп және салық салу жүйесінде мңызды рөл атқарады. Кілт cөздep:Χaлықapaлық қapжылық eceп cтaндapттapы (XҚEC), Бyxгaлтepлiк eceп жaлпы қaғидaттapы (БEЖҚ), нapықтық қaтынacтap,eceп caяcaты, жоспарлау, нормалау, бухгалтерлік есепті қалпына келтіру, шағын кәсіпкерлік, есеп саясаты, бухгалтерлік ақпарат, экономика, қаржылық есептілік. Ключевые слοвa:междунapοдные стaндapты финaнсοвοй οтчетнοсти (МСФΟ), междунapοдные стaндapты бухгaлтеpскοгο учетa (МСБУ), взaимοοтнοшения, бухгaлтеpский учет, планирование, нормирование, возрождение учета, малые предприятия, налоговый учет, учетная политика, учетная информация, экономика, финансовая отчетность. The article considers the requirements and qualitative characteristics of accounting information in the accounting system for small enterprises that determine its usefulness. In the scientific article, it is noted that a small enterprise, along with any other business entity, is required to draw up an accounting policy for the purposes of accounting. The accounting policy is one of the main documents that sets the rules for accounting in an organization. This article discusses the factors that influence the formation of accounting policies of small enterprises. In particular, the procedure for forming the accounting policy of small enterprises engaged in simplified accounting is disclosed. It is noted that small enterprises, unlike other commercial organizations, have a wide range of options for accounting, reporting and taxation forms. The authors note that the company's accounting policy has recently become a key tool and way to manage the system of not only accounting, but also tax accounting. The functions of accounting policy are increasingly expanded and are aimed at tax and financial planning processes. The provisions of a rational and effective accounting policy can provide a full guarantee of the completeness and reliability of information for interested users of financial statements, as well as influence decision-making and play an important role in the tax system.

Equilibrium ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 595-611
David Homola ◽  
Marie Paseková

Research background: Accounting records provide a wide range of data necessary for decisions of the management as well as for users of a company’s financial statements. IFRS represents one of the widely accepted accounting principles, often mentioned in relation to the preparation of high-quality financial statements. Purpose of the article: The aim of this paper is to identify the factors contributing to the occurrence of misstatements when preparing financial statements under IFRS. The subsequent goal is to identify the possible influences of such misstatements on the users of the financial statements. Methods: The research itself focuses on perceived problems in IFRS application in the Czech Republic. The total tested population is 193 Czech companies preparing their financial statements under IFRS. Descriptive statistics, the chi-square test of independence along with proportional tests, are used for the statistical data analysis. Findings & Value added: The results indicate that, while misstatements in accounting do not occur regularly, a statistical dependence can be shown be-tween the frequency of misstatements occurrence and the average size of mis-statements. The frequency of the subsequently identified misstatements is also proven to be statistically dependent on the average size of misstatements. The IFRS themselves are not proven to influence misstatement occurrences in financial statements, which is in contrast with previous studies. Managerial pressures, similarly to other studies, are proven by the research to be affecting the quality of accounting information. This paper broadens the literature on the factors influencing the quality of financial statements prepared under IFRS and simultaneously reaches conclusions disproving the frequently noted bene-fits of IFRS implementation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 374-382
Siti Rahma Nazila ◽  
Heru Fahlevi

The purpose of this research is to determine the financial statements of mosques in the city of Banda Aceh in compatible with PSAK No. 45 and the quality of the financial report system of mosques in Banda Aceh. The type of research used in this study is descriptive quantitative method with Probability sampling which is using cluster random sampling. The data used in this study are primary data, namely a questionnaire distributed to 50 respondents from 25 mosques in Banda Aceh City. The questionnaire was distributed to the Head of BKM and Treasurer. The research data was obtained directly from the respondents by filling out the questionnaires that were distributed. The results of this study show that mosques in Banda Aceh City in general have not applied PSAK No. 45 concerning Nonprofit Financial Reporting because mosques do not have financial position reports, activity reports, cash flows, notes to financial statements. Mosques only make simple financial reports covering the sources of income, expenses, and cash balances at the end of the period and the obstacles that cause the mosque to not implement PSAK No. 45 namely the constraints of understanding in the preparation of mosque financial reports according to PSAK No. 45 and lack of human resources with accounting background.

D.R. Brunsdon

A structural engineering background provides an excellent platform for undertaking a wide range of risk management activities. One of the most valuable and unique skill elements is the ability to visualise damage impacts resulting from earthquake and other natural and man-made hazards. This paper explores the linkages between structural engineering and risk management. The many activity strands of structural engineering are expressed in terms of the fundamental steps in the risk management process of risk context, risk identification, risk assessment, risk treatment and risk communication. It is concluded that the linkages between the disciplines are more direct than is often appreciated by many structural engineers. The importance of professional engineers understanding the wider context of their activities is highlighted. This includes awareness of recent legislation beyond the customary building regulatory frameworks, with particular reference to the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Act 2002. One of the changes brought about by this Act is to place greater emphasis on the consequences of hazard events on infrastructure and communities. For engineers, this involves moving beyond identifying the impacts of an event into the area of addressing the community consequences. Engineers play a key role in risk communication in a variety of different situations. The need for engineers to be proactive advocates to asset owners and operators for a more holistic approach to risk management is emphasised.

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