accounting system
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Suhaiza Ismail

Purpose The objective of this study is to examine the perceived usefulness of accrual accounting-based financial information for accountability and for supporting decision-making in public sector organisations. Design/methodology/approach A questionnaire survey adapted from Kober et al. (2010) was used to survey Malaysian Federal Government accountants to ascertain their views on the usefulness of accrual accounting information across 12 situations regarding accountability and decision-making. Mean scores and mean score ranking were computed on a total of 165 usable responses received. The independent t-test was conducted to investigate the differences in the perception between “accountants with” and the “accountants without” prior work experience in the private sector. Findings The study provides evidence that Malaysian Federal Government accountants consider accrual accounting information as very useful for decision-making. The three most important decision-usefulness indicators in the survey are “To assist in managing the department’s assets and liabilities”, “To assess cash flow needs of a department” and “For departmental resource allocation decisions”. The least useful accrual accounting information as perceived by the Malaysian public sector accountants is “To assist in discharging the department’s accountability obligations”. Originality/value The study provides valuable insights into the extent to which accrual accounting information is considered useful for accountability and decision-making, lending support to the Malaysian Government’s reform agenda of moving towards using accrual accounting in public sector organisations at the federal level.

2022 ◽  
Iswatul Saldina ◽  
novita anjarsari

Abstrac The accounting system is a tool used to organize or collect, collect, and conduct information regarding all company transactions, where employees, company activities, materials and machines can be integrated in such a way that supervision can be carried out. This study aims to find out how to analyze information systems and internal control of raw material supplies at the Ledokan Coffee shop in Binangun Blitar. The data used are qualitative data in the form of some basic analysis from field interviews. The results showed that the Ledokan Coffee Shop has good supply chain management capabilities as evidenced by the existence of suppliers who have long-term cooperative relationships with them. Keywords: Accounting Information System, Inventory, Internal Contro Abstrak Sistem akuntansi adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengatur atau mengumpulkan, mengumpulkan, dan melakukan informasi mengenai semua transaksi perusahaan, di mana karyawan, kegiatan perusahaan, bahan dan mesin dapat diintegrasikan sedemikian rupa sehingga pengawasan dapat dilakukan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana menganalisis system informasi dan pengendalian internal persedian bahan baku pada kedai Kopi Ledokan di Binangun Blitar. Data yang digunakan adalah data kualitatif berupa beberapa analisis yang mendasar dari wawancara dilapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kedai Kopi Ledokan memiliki kemampuan supply chain management yang baik yang dibuktikan dengan adanya pemasok yang memiliki hubungan kerjasama jangka panjang dengan mereka. Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, Persediaan, Pengendalian Internal

2022 ◽  
Monica-Laura Sorici (Zlati) ◽  
Veronica Grosu ◽  
Cristina-Gabriela Cosmulese ◽  
Marian Socoliuc ◽  

The regulation of the cryptocurrency market is becoming an increasingly debated topic in the context of the transition to the digital economy and the health security procedures adopted by the authorities in this period dominated by the pandemic and economic crisis. In this context, we propose a prospective analysis of the effects of legislative regulation and the shift to the cryptocurrency market as a unit supporting digitization. The methods and procedures used in the analysis aim to obtain the staging of the interaction between the accounting system and the cryptocurrency trading processes. Thus, we will address the issue of the digital economy and the effects produced by it, and the result of this approach will be to identify viable solutions that will prevent certain effects on financial reporting and limit tax evasion or other money laundering techniques as a result of the widespread transition to this trading system. The results obtained will be useful to economic decision-makers and tax authorities concerned with these aspects of economic development.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (15) ◽  
pp. 221-224
Gul'fira Bychkova

The features and reserves of the accounting system of small business are investigated and identified, recommendations for its improvement are given from the standpoint of evaluating the effectiveness of the product portfolio. An economic and mathematical model for evaluating the effectiveness of a product portfolio has been developed

Perspektif ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 273-283
Hafshah Annashihah ◽  
Febransyah ◽  
Ahmad Syukri

Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas mengenai audit operasional pada PT. M 10 yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Alang-alang Lebar Tanjung Siapi-api Palembang. Fokus penelitian ini pada bagian customer service terkait dengan sistem akuntansi return/refund yang pada dasarnya aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut sering kali terjadi pada perusahaan-perusahaan retail seperti halnya PT. M 10. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana audit operasional atas sistem akuntansi refund/return penjualan serta peranannya terhadap omset. Penelitian ini dilakukan tidak hanya untuk mengetahui apakah audit operasional atas sistem akuntansi return/refund penjualan memiliki peran terhadap omset tetapi juga untuk memberikan masukan kepada perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan dan menjaga kepuasan pelanggan. Perusahaan harus memberikan kenyamanan akan pelayanan terhadap pelanggan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik observasi , wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan teknik yang disarankan oleh Miles dan Huberman, yaitu reduksi, display, dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa baik dari pihak customer internal maupun customer eksternal sama-sama menyatakan setuju jika audit operasional atas sistem akuntansi return/refund pada PT. M 10 Tanjung Siapi-api Palembang berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan omset perusahaan terlihat dari kinerja karyawan yang membaik dengan adanya kunjungan audit store dan kepuasan pelanggan yang didapati customer yang membuat kunjungan di store semakin ramai dan banyak yang melakukan transaksi. Abstract This study discusses the operational audit at PT. M 10 which is located in Alang-alang Lebar District, Tanjung Siapi-api, Palembang. The focus of this research is on the customer service department related to the return/refund accounting system which basically these activities often occur in retail companies such as PT. M 10. The purpose of this study is to find out how the operational audit of the sales refund/return accounting system and its role in turnover. This research was conducted not only to determine whether the operational audit of the sales return/refund accounting system has a role in turnover but also to provide input to the company in achieving company goals and maintaining customer satisfaction. Companies must provide convenience for service to customers. This research is qualitative research. The data were obtained by using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The data were analyzed using the technique suggested by Miles and Huberman, namely reduction, display, and conclusion. The results of the study show that both internal and external customers both agree that the operational audit of the return/refund accounting system at PT. M 10 Tanjung Siapi-api Palembang affects the development of company turnover, as can be seen from the improved employee performance with store audit visits and customer satisfaction found by customers, which makes store visits more crowded and many make transactions.

Eka Sevtia Mesta ◽  
Ryan Al Rachmat

This study aims to produce a model of the village accounting administration system to be applied in villages in accordance with government laws and regulations. The result of this study is the Village Accounting Administration Procedure to be used in villages in Indonesia as an administrative guideline.. The research data analysis technique is collecting data from observation interviews and documentation and then the data is used as material for system and procedure analysis. The results of this study found that Ulak Paceh village accounting administration employees need to learn the laws and government regulations when administering village accounting. With their limited competence in the field of accounting and administration, this administrative activity is very difficult for them. With the analysis of the APBDes administrative accounting system in Ulak Paceh village, it is hoped that administrative activities in Ulak Paceh village will be better than before.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 88-95
Alsu Zakirova ◽  
Guzaliya Klychova ◽  
Bulat Ziganshin ◽  
Valery Khoruzhy ◽  
Nuriya Nigmatullina

The basis of the material and technical base of the functioning of enterprises are fixed assets. Therefore, the effective organization of accounting and internal control of operations with fixed assets is one of the important tasks facing the management of any enterprise. The purpose of the study is to improve the methodological tools for internal control of the movement of fixed assets at the enterprise, which contribute to the effective assessment of the accounting system and the conduct of control and analytical procedures. To improve the methodological support of internal control of the movement of fixed assets, an internal control working document (ICWD) “Test for assessing the accounting system of fixed assets” was developed, which allows you to identify critical areas of accounting with a high level of risk and determine the means necessary for conducting control procedures. The ICWD “Report on the presence and safety of fixed assets” and “Checking the execution of primary documents for the disposal of fixed assets” developed in the course of research allow the collection of information to confirm the reality of the articles of the financial statements; to establish the reliability of the facts of disposal of fixed assets and to guarantee the quality of original source documentation. To carry out control measures when checking the depreciation of fixed assets, testing should be carried out on the basis of the “Test for checking the correctness of depreciation” developed by the ICWD, using which you can promptly identify violations in the procedure for calculating depreciation. The proposed working documents will make it possible to carry out control procedures, accumulate evidence that can be used in the formation of a report on the results of the audit and the development of recommendations to improve the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 115-121
Guzaliya Klychova ◽  
Alsu Zakirova ◽  
Nuriya Nigmatullina ◽  
Zufar Zakirov ◽  
Regina Nurieva

In modern conditions, a number of factors affect the activities of enterprises, which include a tough competitive environment, limited material resources, and the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. To improve its efficiency, it is necessary to minimize the costs of manufacturing products, performing work and providing services. Effective and rational internal control contributes to the solution of this task. In this regard, issues related to the organizational and methodological support of control over production costs are of particular relevance. The research was carried out in order to study organizational aspects and develop directions for improving the methodological support of internal control of production costs. As one of the internal control tools, it is advisable to use the internal control working document (ICWD) “Test for assessing the accounting system of production costs”, which allows you to collect information on the validity and reliability of accounting for production costs and calculating the cost of production; on the procedures used in the system of internal control over production costs and the effectiveness of these procedures; on the general principles of organizing the primary, synthetic and analytical accounting of production costs, on the rationing of material resources at the enterprise. To systematize the information collected during the internal control of primary accounting, the ICWD “Checking the primary accounting of production costs” is suitable. Using the ICWD developed within the framework of the study “Checking compliance with the norms of consumption of material assets in production”, it is possible to establish the validity of material costs and generalize the results of checking the norms of inventories for production. For internal control of work-in-progress, it is proposed to use the ICWD “Questionnaire for assessing the organization and accounting of inventory of work in progress”.

2022 ◽  
pp. 124-129
Zh. M. Korzovatykh

The current processes of globalisation and digitalisation, the use of cloud technologies, artificial intelligence capabilities, robotics, big data and tools that allow large amounts of information to be processed in a short period of time by economic actors in their practical activities affect the conceptual basis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the organisation of the accounting system, fill the concept of “accounting” with new meaning. The purpose of this research paper is to assess the transformation of elements of accounting method under the influence of innovative digital technologies being introduced in the accounting process. The research methodology is based on the dialectical and empirical method. The article is devoted to the analysis of domestic and global trends in the accounting system development under the conditions of digitalisation of the processes of collection, consolidation and analysis of information on the activities of economic entities. The article considers the impact of the information potential of the existing economic space on the transformation of the methodological basis of accounting. In this regard, the modification of the theoretical and methodological approach of building an accounting system is a necessary step in the further development of accounting and in maintaining its relevance in competition with modern information systems. 

haijiang Yang ◽  
xiaohua Gou ◽  
weijing Ma ◽  
zhenyu Tu ◽  
dingcai Yin

Under the background of global climate change and the human activities, the stock of natural capital and the the ability of ecosystem services are facing increasing pressure, and the contradiction between natural capital protection and people’s livelihood development is also increasing. Therefore, it is urgent to integrate ecosystem value estimation into the development decision-making of countries all over the world. As a new ecosystem research method, ecosystem gross product (GEP) accounting is widely used in China, and often used to reflect the effectiveness of regional ecological protection and the coordination relationship between development and protection. We found that : (1) GEP accounting can reflect the overall situation of ecological environment and service quality, and help decision-makers and managers formulate and implement sustainable development strategies and ecological protection policies. (2) The contradiction between the depletion of global ecosystem capital and the development of people’s livelihood continues to intensify. About 68.7% of developing countries facing “low-low development model” (low GEP and low GDP). (3) We have constructed the path model of GEP working system and the path model of ecological protection compensation mechanism in China. The GEP accounting system of “from point to area, from top to bottom”, the parallel evaluation strategy of GDP and GEP and the comprehensive ecological compensation system of “vertical and horizontal combination” implemented can be popularized to countries all over the world.

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