scholarly journals Clinical indications and methods of application of modified crowned cutters in surgical treatment of the patients with severe craniocerebral trauma

I. V. Koksharev

The aim of the research was to improve the results of treatment of severe craniocerebral traumas by development of the scientifically based technology of surgical management of various intracranial hematomas using modified crowned cutters of different diameters. Comparative analysis of the surgical treatment of the patients with craniocerebral injuries in the main group and in the control one showed clinical and practical efficiency of the modified structures of the crowned cutters in the surgical treatment versus the traditional cutters - 50 % shorter time of the bone stage craniotomy in the main group, 4.3 % lowered blood loss, and 14.7 % shorter period of hospitalization.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 142-145
O.E. Dukhovskyy

О. Dukhovskyy The study involved a comprehensive survey of 137 families (mother and father) of children with severe somatic disease aimed at the development and evaluation of the system of medical and psychological support of families with a somatically challenged child. The main group comprised 97 families participating in the program of medical and psychological support, and the control group included 40 families who did not receive psychological support. According to our findings, a serious disease of the child became a psychotraumatic situation for all the parents, resulting in the development of anxiety-depressive reactions and conditions. Psychodiagnostic examination showed that the parents had mild, moderate depressive and anxious episodes on the Hamilton Rating Scale; high levels of situational and personal anxiety according to the C.D. Spielberger Inventory, a high level of neuropsychic stress on T.A. Nemchin Scale. The couples under investigation noted tensions in family relationships, family conflicts, related to the treatment of the child and escalation of pre-existing interpersonal and marital problems that led to distancing and a decrease in internal family resource. Based on these data, we have developed a system of medical and psychological support of the families with somatically challenged child, which consisted of four consecutive phases and included the use of individual cognitive-behavioral therapy (Beck AT, 2006), family therapy (Eidemiller E. G., 2003), rational therapy (classic Dubois P., 1912) and psychological educational programs. Case monitoring in the main group following the employment of the proposed system of medical and psychological support showed a stable positive pattern of psychological state with a statistically significant total reduction of anxiety-depressive states and the harmonization of the marital relationship.Key words: Medical and psychological support, anxiety, depression, family interactions, infants with severe craniocerebral trauma. СУЧАСНІ ПІДХОДИ ДО МЕДИКО-ПСИХОЛОГІЧНОГО СУПРОВОДУ СІМ’Ї ДИТИНИ ПЕРШОГО РОКУ ЖИТТЯ З ВАЖКОЮ ЧЕРЕПНО-МОЗКОВОЮ ТРАВМОЮ.Духовський О.Є.У ході роботи з метою розробки та апробації системи медико-психологічного супроводу сім’ї дитини першого року життя з важкою черепно-мозковою травмою проведено комплексне обстеження 137 родини (мати та батько) дітей першого року життя які отримали важку черепно-мозкову травму. Основну групу склали 97 родин, які прийняли участь у програмі медико-психологічного супроводу, контрольну групу 40 родин, які не отримували психологічну підтримку. Як показали результати дослідження черепно-мозкова травма дитини стала психотравмуючою ситуацією для усіх батьків, яка приводила до розвитку тривожно-депресивних реакцій та станів. За даними психодіагностичного обстеження у батьків відмічалися легкій помірний депресивний та тривожний епізоди за шкалою Гамільтона; високі рівні ситуативної й особистісної тривожності за методикою Ч.Д. Спілбергера, високій рівень виразності нервово-психічної напруги по шкалі Т.А. Немчина. Обстежені родини відзначали наявність напруженості в сімейних відносинах, сімейні конфлікти, як пов’язані з лікуванням дитини, так і ескалації існуючих раніше міжособистісних та подружніх проблем, що призводило до дистанціювання та зниження внутрішньосімейного ресурсу. Базуючись на отриманих даних нами розроблена система медико-психологічного супроводу сімʼї дитини першого року життя з важкою черепно-мозковою травмою, яка складалася із чотирьох послідовних етапів та включла використання індивідуальної когнітивно-поведінкової терапії (Бек A. T., 2006), сімейної терапії (Ейдміллер Е. Г., 2003), раціональної психотерапії (класичний варіант Дюбуа П., 1912) та псих освітніх програм. Як показали результати динамічного спостереження, на фоні застосування запропонованої системи медико-психологічного супроводу в основній групі відзначена стійка позитивна динаміка психологічного стану з повною редукцією тривожно-депресивних та гармонізацією подружніх відносин.Ключові слова: Медико-психологічний супровід, тривога, депресія, родинна взаємодія, дитина з важкою черепно-мозковою травмою. СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПОДХОДЫ К МЕДИКО-ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКОМУ СОПРОВОЖДЕНИЮ СЕМЬИ РЕБЕНКА ПЕРВОГО ГОДА ЖИЗНИ С ТЯЖЕЛОЙ ЧЕРЕПНО-МОЗГОВОЙ ТРАВМОЙ.Духовской А.Э.В ходе работы с целью разработки и апробации системы медико-психологического сопровождения семьи ребенка первого года жизни с тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмой проведено комплексное обследование 137 семей (мать и отец) детей первого года жизни получивших тяжелую черепно-мозговую травму. Основную группу составили 97 семей, принявших участие в программе медико-психологического сопровождения, контрольную группу 40 семей, не получавшие психологическую поддержку. Как показали результаты исследования, черепно-мозговая травма ребенка стала психотравмирующей ситуацией для всех родителей, которая приводила к развитию тревожно-депрессивных реакций и состояний. По данным психодиагностического обследования у родителей отмечались легкой умеренный депрессивный и тревожный эпизоды по шкале Гамильтона; высокие уровни ситуативной и личностной тревожности по методике Ч.Д. Спилбергера, высокий уровень выраженности нервно-психического напряжения по шкале Т.А. Немчина. Обследованные супруги отмечали наличие напряженности в семейных отношениях, семейные конфликты, как связанные с лечением ребенка, так и эскалацией существующих ранее межличностных и супружеских проблем, чт приводило к дистанцированию и снижению внутрисемейного ресурса. Основываясь на полученных данных нами разработана система медико-психологического сопровождения семьи ребенка первого года жизни с тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмой, которая состояла из четырех последовательных этапов и включала использование индивидуальной когнитивно-поведенческой терапии (Бек AT, 2006), семейной терапии (Ейдмиллер Е. Г., 2003), рациональной психотерапии (классический вариант Дюбуа П., 1912) и психобразовательных программ. Как показали результаты динамического наблюдения, на фоне применения предложенной системы медико-психологического сопровождения в основной группе отмечена устойчивая положительная динамика психологического состояния с полной редукцией тревожно-депрессивных состояний и гармонизацией супружеских отношений.Ключевые слова: Медико-психологическое сопровождение, тревога, депрессия, семейное взаимодействие, ребенок с тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмой.

Z. A. Azizzoda ◽  
K. M. Kurbonov ◽  
K. R. Ruziboyzoda ◽  
S. G. Ali-Zade

Aim. Improving outcomes of diagnosis and treatment of patients with liver echinococcosis and its complications. Materials and methods. A comparative analysis of the results of surgical treatment of liver echinococcosis and its complications with traditional laparotomy access surgery (control group) and minimally invasive interventions (main group) was performed.Results. The study included 300 patients (170 in the control and 130 in the main group). In the main group, 37 (28.4%) cases performed open echinococcectomy from various mini-accesses, and 27 (20.7%) performed twostage operations using minimally invasive technology. Laparoscopic echinococcectomy was performed in 23 (17.7%) patients, laparoscopic pericystectomy 12 (9.2%) and laparoscopic liver resection in 10 (7.7%) patients. The frequency of postoperative complications in the main group was 17.7%, in the control 51.8%, postoperative mortality decreased from 2.3% to 0.8%.Conclusion. Minimally invasive technologies in the surgical treatment of liver echinococcosis show the better immediate results compared to traditional open surgical methods.

2012 ◽  
Vol 93 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-43
Yu A Plakseychuk ◽  
R Z Salikhov ◽  
V V Soloviev

Aim. To evaluate the results of treatment using the authors’ proposed method of arthrodesis of the ankle and subtalar joints, based on the combination of bone grafting with compression in the Ilizarov apparatus. Methods. Conducted was a clinical and radiographic evaluation of the results of arthrodesis in the Ilizarov apparatus in 286 patients with osteoarthritis of the ankle and subtalar joints (during the last 15 years). 36 (12.6%) patients (the main group) were operated on using the authors’ proposed technique. Results. Bone adhesion as a result of arthrodesis was achieved in all patients of the main group. Excellent functional results were achieved in 11 out of 36 patients (30.5%), good results - in 22 (61.1%) patients, satisfactory results - in 3 (8.4%) patients. Bone adhesion as a result of arthrodesis in 250 patients of the comparison group was achieved in 243 patients (97.2%). In this group excellent functional results were achieved in 76 out of 250 patients (30.4%), good results - in 145 (58%) patients, satisfactory results - in 21 (8.4%) patients, poor results - in 8 (3.2%) patients. Conclusion. The proposed method of biarticular arthrodesis makes it possible to improve the trophism of the arthrodesis zone, to conduct the correction of posttraumatic deformities in the region of the ankle and subtalar joints, provides a durable and solid bone ankylosis of the ankle and subtalar joints, and makes it possible to achieve adhesion even in severe forms of osteoarthritis of the ankle and subtalar joints.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 369-376
N. G. Doronin ◽  
S. N. Khoroshkov ◽  
M. V. Naumenko

The aim of the study is the comparative analysis of the long-term results of treatment of extra-articular fractures of the long bones in HIV-infected and non-HIV-infected patients.Material and methods. In the presented study, a comparative analysis of the results of surgical treatment of 90 HIV-infected and 112 HIV-uninfected patients with extra-articular fractures of the long bones of the extremities aged from 23 to 54 years was performed.Results. HIV-infected patients are mainly characterized by non-infectious complications from the postoperative wound (formation of seromas, hematomas, dehiscence of the edges of wounds, delayed healing), aseptic loosening and migration of fixators, and delayed consolidation of fractures. The presence of statistically significant relationships between the factors characterizing the course of HIV infection (stage of the disease, the number of CD4 + lymphocytes, the ratio of CD4/CD8 + lymphocytes, viral load) and the risk of postoperative complications was revealed.Conclusion. Thus, the use of standard algorithms for determining the tactics and method of treatment of extra-articular fractures of the long bones of the extremities in HIV-infected patients leads to a significant number of unsatisfactory treatment results (up to 31.1%). For HIV-infected patients, the most typical complications are postoperative wounds, impaired fracture consolidation processes and aseptic loosening of metal fixators, which can lead to the development of infectious complications without proper attention. Expansion of research in this area with an increase in the number of observed contingents will make it possible to develop a scientifically based scale for predicting the development of possible postoperative complications in this category of patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 118-123
I.M. Shevchuk ◽  
S.S. Snizhko

The aim of the study was to improve the results of treatment of patients with descending purulent mediastinitis by means of individualized surgical tactics with the priority use of minimally invasive surgical interventions and developed methods of drainage of the mediastinum and pleural cavity. Examination and treatment of 73 patients with descending purulent mediastinitis receiving treatment in the department of thoracic surgery of Ivano-Frankivsk regional clinical hospital was carried out. Treatment of patients in the main group included intramediastinal administration of antibiotics, the use of the developed method of cascade drainage of the mediastinum and pleural cavity, the priority use of video-assisted thoracoscopy and surgical tactics aimed at anticipating the spread of the purulent process in the mediastinum. The rapid and reliable decrease in the indices of endogenous intoxication in the main group confirms the effectiveness of the developed tactics of surgical treatment of patients with mediastinitis, adequate sanation of purulent mediastinatis, complete removal of the purulent substrate from the mediastinum and pleural cavity. The developed tactics of surgical treatment of purulent mediastinitis allowed reducing the overall postoperative mortality from 26.3% in the comparison group to 11.4% in the main group of patients.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-16 ◽  
E. I Solod ◽  
N. V Zagorodniy ◽  
A. F Lazarev ◽  
M. B Tsykunov ◽  
M. A Abdulhabirov ◽  

Relevance. Fractures of the patella represent about 1% of all fractures of the bones. Among surgeons there is no a single approach to the treatment of patients with many fragmentary patellar fractures. After surgical treatment of patients with patellar fractures, various complications could be observed. Aside from that, there is no consensus on the treatment of complex fractures of the patella, and in practice, trauma physicians use a variety of methods of osteosynthesis of the patella. In the light of the foregoing, the study of long-term results of patients after patellar fractures is of particular relevance. Purpose of study: to examine the results of patients after surgical treatment of patellar fractures with a view to devising best practices for its osteosynthesis. Patients and methods. A study of the results of treatment of 78 patients with patellar fractures was conducted. The following groups were identified depending on the type of surgery and the nature of the fracture: Weber osteosynthesis in fragmentary fractures; «cruciform osteosynthesis» and other identical options of osteosynthesis with spokes and wires at three or more fragmented fractures of the patella; combination osteosynthesis. A comparative analysis of the results of treatment of patients after partial patellectomy and osteosynthesis of the patella with spokes and tightening wire loops was conducted. We evaluated the results on the KOOS scale with clinical examination and x-ray examination of patients. Beyond that, we have supplemented this scale with the patients’ own opinion on the evaluation of the results of their treatment. Results. The average follow-up period was 22 months. A comparative analysis of the groups of patients after surgical treatment of patellar fractures on the KOOS scale showed the best results in osteosynthesis of transverse two-fragment patellar fractures by Weber’y - 72%. The results of treatment of patients with many fragmentary patellar fractures using 3-5 spokes and 2-3 wires was - 64%; after the rehabilitation of the lower pole was - 68%) and after partial patellectomy -51%. Conclusion. If a patient has three-fragmented patellar fractures, reasonable results could be achieved by using 3 spokes and 2 tightening wire loops. With four or more fragmentary fractures of the patella, the optimal method for its osteosynthesis is the use of a «cruciform» method with 4 or more spokes in combination with two or three wire loops. The use of patellectomy with subsequent fixation of the blocking wire loop should be avoided in all types of patellar fractures. Key words: patellar fracture, osteosynhesis, surgical treatment Conflict of interest: the authors state no conflict of interest Funding: the study was performed with no external funding

1985 ◽  
Vol 1 (S1) ◽  
pp. 284-286
Hans-Joachim Hartung ◽  
Roderich Klose ◽  
R. Kotsch ◽  
Th. Walz

In a considerable number of cases, many polytraumatized patients in a state of hemorrhagic shock, who require immediate surgical treatment, there is craniocerebral trauma. Ketamine is viewed, on one hand, as an appropriate induction anesthetic, due to its circulatory stimulating effect in treating shock victims, and, on the other hand, it is rejected for treating patients with craniocerebral injuries, because of the danger of possible increase in intracranial pressure (ICP). Therefore, we examined the effects of ketamine on ICP and calculated the cerebral perfusion pressure, using test animals in a state of hemorrhagic shock and a space occupying intracranial process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 87 (9-10) ◽  
pp. 48-53
O. Yu. Usenko ◽  
O. V. Hrynenko ◽  
A. І. Zhylenko ◽  
O. O. Popov ◽  
A. V. Husiev

Objective. To estimate immediate results of surgical treatment of peripheral cholangiocarcinoma in elderly and senile patients. Materials and methods. In 2004-2018 yrs period in the Department of Transplantation and Surgery of the Liver of the Shalimov National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology 84 patients, suffering peripheral cholangiocarcinoma, were radically operated: 31 (36.9%) patients older than 60 yrs (the main Group), and 53 (63.1%) patients, younger than 60 yrs (control Group). Results. Postoperative clinically significant (IIIa-IV degree in accordance to classification of Clavien-Dindo) complications during 90-days of postoperative period were noted in 29.1% patients of the main Group and in 32.1% patients of a control Group (p=0.262), postoperative hepatic insufficiency, in accordance to The International Study Group of Liver Surgery criteria, - in 16.1 and 22.6% accordingly (p=0.473); reoperation was performed in 9.6 and 9.4% patients, accordingly (p=0.973). The causes of postoperative lethality in 2 patients of the main Group were an acute myocardial infarction (1) and an acute pulmonary thromboembolism (1). Conclusion. Hepatic resection is characterized by satisfactory immediate results of treatment of peripheral cholangiocarcinoma in elderly and senile patients, if performed in highly-specialized multidisciplinary centre and thorough selection of patients.

2021 ◽  
E.N. Byakova ◽  
V.K. Tatyanchenko ◽  
V.L. Bogdanov ◽  
Y.V. Sukhaya ◽  
Y.V. Krasenkov

Purpose. The purpose is to improve the results of treatment of patients with phlegmon of the gluteal region soft tissues by diagnosing the stage of tissue hypertension and determining the tactics of surgical treatment depending on this indicator. Materials and methods. Clinical studies were performed on 74 patients suffering from phlegmon of the gluteal region. All the patients were divided into 2 groups: in the main group (as opposed to the control group), acute tissue hypertension syndrome was diagnosed and decompressive fasciotomy was performed in tissue hypertension (30–35 mm Hg) (patent). The authors performed ultrasound cavitation and ozone therapy of a purulent wound. Results. With phlegmon of the gluteal region of soft tissues, an increase in tissue pressure by 25% above the norm is an indication for fasciotomy in the area of fascial nodes. The time of purulent wound cleaning against the background of normal tissue pressure (8–10 mm Hg) of the surgery in patients of the main group was reduced to 5 days (8 days in the control). In the long-term (0.5–1 years), good results were obtained in 92.8% of patients in the main group (64.7% in the control group). Conclusion. The developed tactics of treatment of patients with phlegmon of the soft tissues of the gluteal region are highly effective due to the development and application of new technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of tissue hypertension.

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