scholarly journals Metode Entropy-SAW dan Metode Entropy-WASPAS dalam Menentukan Promosi Jabatan Bagi Karyawan Terbaik di Cudo Communications

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 1069
Sarwati Rahayu ◽  
Ahmad Juang Teguh Gumilang ◽  
Oktia Putri Bharodin ◽  
Firya Faturahman

<p>Manajemen kinerja merupakan proses yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan untuk menilai kinerja dari karyawan, sehingga karyawan dengan kinerja terbaik akan mendapatkan promosi jabatan. Selama ini divisi IT pada Cudo Communications dalam mengelola data karyawan masih belum maksimal, sehingga menimbulkan masalah dalam menilai kinerja karyawan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari alternatif terbaik dan metode terbaik antara metode <em>Entropy</em>-SAW dan metode <em>Entropy</em>-WASPAS untuk penilaian kinerja karyawan. Metode <em>Entropy</em> digunakan untuk menghitung bobot <em>entropy</em> akhir pada setiap kriteria. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencari alternatif terbaik adalah metode SAW dan WASPAS. Dalam perhitungan metode <em>Entropy</em>, terlebih dahulu harus menentukan kriteria dan bobot awal pada tiap kriteria.<em> </em>Adapun kriteria yang digunakan adalah kehadiran, <em>task</em>, dan <em>assessment</em>. Metode <em>Simple Additive Weighting</em> (SAW) dan metode <em>Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment</em> (WASPAS) untuk menentukan karyawan dengan kinerja terbaik. Data karyawan yang ikut proses <em>assessment</em> diperoleh dari persentase kehadiran yang 80% atau lebih. Oleh karena itu sebanyak 6 orang yang lanjut ke tahap <em>assessment </em>yaitu Muhammad Ridwan, Dirly Try Andhika, Keysa Dwilingga, Kelvin Dylan Hensen, Nesya Ayu Wulandari, dan Yusuf Rizqi Ramanka. Hasil metode <em>Entropy</em>-SAW dan <em>Entropy</em>-WASPAS bahwa alternatif ke-2 (  memiliki nilai tertinggi daripada alternatif lain, sebesar 0,860 untuk metode <em>Entropy</em>-SAW dan sebesar 0,851 untuk metode <em>Entropy</em>-WASPAS. Adapun alternatif (  adalah karyawan bernama Dirly Try Andhika. Karena itu, Dirly Try Andhika yang layak untuk memdapatkan usulan promosi jabatan. Metode yang tepat untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam pengambilan keputusan yaitu metode <em>Entropy</em>-SAW, karena nilai dari tiap alternatif yang diperoleh lebih besar daripada nilai dari tiap alternatif pada metode <em>Entropy</em>-WASPAS.</p><p><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>Performance management is a process undertaken by the company to assess the performance of employees so that employees with the best performance will get the promotion of the position. During this time the IT division of Cudo Communications in managing employee data is still not maximal, causing problems in assessing employee performance. The purpose of this research is to find the best alternatives and the best method between the Entropy-SAW method and the Entropy-WASPAS method for employee performance assessment. The Entropy method is used to calculate the final Entropy weight of each criterion. The methods used to find the best alternatives are the SAW and WASPAS methods. In calculating the Entropy method, it must first determine the criteria and the initial weight of each criterion. The criteria used are attendance, task, and assessment. Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method and the Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) method to determine the best-performing employees. Employee Data that participates in the assessment process is obtained from the percentage of attendance 80% or more. Therefore, 6 people who continued to the assessment stage namely Muhammad Ridwan, Dirly Try Andhika, Keysa Dwilingga, Kelvin Dylan Hensen, Nesya Ayu Wulandari, and Yusuf Rizqi Ramanka. The results of the Entropy-SAW and Entropy-WASPAS methods that the 2nd alternative ( ) have the highest value than the other alternatives, amounting to 0.860 for the Entropy-SAW method and at 0.851 for the Entropy-WASPAS method. The alternative ( ) is an employee named Dirly Try Andhika. Therefore, Dirly Try Andhika deserves to get the promotion proposal. The right method to serve as a consideration in decision making is the Entropy-SAW method because the value of each alternative obtained greater than the value of each alternative in the method Entropy-WASPAS.</em></p><p><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Sumarno Sumarno ◽  
Indra Gunawan ◽  
Heru Satria Tambunan

The Water Resources Management Agency has the main duty to organize some district government affairs in the field of water resources management based on the principle of autonomy which becomes the authority, deconcentration and assistance duty and other tasks in accordance with the policy stipulated by the Regent based on the applicable laws and regulations. The performance appraisal undertaken in this agency is intended for the Civil State Apparatus. the assessment process is carried out for measuring and improving the performance of the State Civil Apparatus so as to encourage these employees to work better. From the assessment of the superior can be determined the best employee or promotion position. The performance appraisal process conducted by the culture and tourism office is still done manually, so the performance calculation tends to be subjective and takes a long time. Therefore, in order that the process of appraising employee performance becomes more objective and practical, it should be done computerized by developing an application that implements the right methods. This subjectivity can be overcome with decision support system using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method based on existing assessment criteria. The end result of research is the rank of employee value that can be a consideration for decision makers in the determination of promotions as well as an encouragement for employees to work better and productive.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 265
Yansen Yansen ◽  
Zifa Fauziah ◽  
Yesica Wisda Ananda ◽  
Yulianti Yulianti

Employee appraisal is an important factor in the development of a company effectively and efficiently because employee appraisal is one of many indicators in measuring the background of human resources system in the company. Determining the right indicators of human resources can motivate better employee performance. To support this kind of system, a software engineering with Performance Indicator system is needed and data collection techniques by direct observation and data documentation are needed. Application of engineering Key Performance Indicator software for employee performance appraisal using the Simple Additive Weighting method can result in the efficiency of the assessment process in determining the quality of an employee's performance. as well as assisting employees in knowing the results of performance evaluation, and making it easier for supervisors to obtain reports on sales performance ratings so that superiors can and make determine the amount of salary, commision and bonus increases more precisely and efficiently.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 167
Tubagus Ahmad Darojat

In this study, the authors applied a method in the computer information base system (CBIS), the Preference Selection Index, or known as the PSI method. It aims to produce a preference index of each employee, which later the index value is used as a measure of employee performance so it is known as the Employee Performance Index. Alternative data from the study the author uses 30 data as samples to be calculated Employee Performance Index. In addition to employee data, the author also uses several criteria in measuring the Employee Performance Index, such as discipline, loyalty, years of service, sanctions and reprimands, education. These criteria greatly affect the assessment of employee performance index. It is expected that the results of the measurement provide the right decision for employees in calculating the Employee Performance Index.

2015 ◽  
Vol 23 (7) ◽  
pp. 23-26 ◽  
Shahina Javad ◽  
Sumod S.D.

Purpose – Examines the weaknesses of many current performance appraisals and shows how to improve them. Design/methodology/approach – Draws on examples from companies such as Cisco, Google and Infosys. Findings – Shows that there are two main sets of reasons for the failure of performance management – system related and people related. System-related problems crop up while defining the performance goals or designing the appraisal system. People-related problems usually arise while discussing the results of appraisals. Practical implications – Investigates the importance of the three key elements of performance appraisal – the appraiser, the appraisal period and the rating method. Social implications – Shows how important performance appraisal can be in the modern business world where skilled and talented workers are at a premium. Originality/value – Argues that present-day organizations need to develop an ongoing process to manage employee performance, make sure the right things are being measured, and that the feedback is carried out as constructively as possible.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Eddy Kurniawan ◽  
Achmad Miftakhul Ilmi ◽  
Nufan Balafif

Telkomsel Distribution Center (TDC) Jombang has problems in promoting employees to fill the Supervisor (SPV) and Branch Manager (BM) positions. TDC Jombang has several assessment criteria for employees to be able to fill SPV and BM positions. But in the assessment process, each criterion still tends to be subjective. In making decisions based on several criteria, a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach can be used by applying the method that is considered most appropriate to produce the best alternative decision recommendations. This study aims to provide the best solution by implementing the Multi-Criteria Decision Making approach using the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method which will be programmed in a computer-based decision support system (SPK). The SAW method was chosen because it can weigh the values on each attribute and rank to get the best alternative recommendations. The data used are Jombang TDC employee data. From this study, it was obtained that the use of the SAW method programmed in the SPK succeeded in presenting information comparing the value of preferences between candidates. Candidates with the highest preference value are the most recommended alternatives to choose

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 1068
Neni Mulyani ◽  
Jeperson Hutahaean

In this study, the application of the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method is needed to generate preference values for 16 employee data which is used as an alternative employee performance appraisal. The application of the SAW method in this case also aims to improve the results of decisions made by managers. So that in one period of performance appraisal of employees at the end of the year the manager can make decisions on employees who have very good performance (0.80 – 1.00) to employees who have poor performance. The results of the preference value from the calculation using the SAW method will be made in the form of an assessment range, so that based on the value of the range the manager can provide an employee performance assessment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Namin Namin ◽  
Jan Everhard

Abstract                                                                                                       Selection of the best performance education staff employees in tertiary institutions whose results are beneficial for advancing academic and institutional quality improvement. The selection of employees performing the best performance at Mercu Buana University is conducted every academic year. In the assessment process still uses the Excel application so it is less effective and accurate. Based on this in this study built a decision support system that is used for the selection process for selecting the best employee performance. Processing these values requires a Decission Support System (DSS) application to help process these values and make ranking and weighting so that leaders are faster and easier in making the best employee performance selection decisions. Decision support system that is used by the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and Kano method. absolute optimal requirements for orientation of the process of developing academic and institutional quality activities. The Decission Support System (DSS) application is expected to be able to assist the Information Technology (IT) division in selecting the best employee performance education staff that truly meets the required criteria and solving problems in selecting the best employee performance.Keywords: The selection of the best educational staff employee performance using the SAW and Kano methods Abstrak Pemilihan karyawan tenaga kependidikan kinerja terbaik di perguruan tinggi yang hasilnya bermanfaat bagi kemajuan peningkatan kualitas akademik dan kelembagaan. Pemilihan karyawan tenaga kependidkan kinerja terbaik di Universitas Mercu Buana dilakukan setiap tahunn akademik. Dalam proses penilaian masih menggunakan aplikasi excel sehingga kurang efektif dan akurat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut pada penelitian ini dibangun sistem pendukung keputusan yang digunakan untuk proses seleksi pemilihan kinerja karyawan tenaga kependidikan terbaik. Pengolahan nilai-nilai tersebut diperlukan sebuah aplikasi Decission Support System (DSS)  untuk membantu mengolah nilai tersebut dan melakukan perankingan dan bobot sehingga pimpinan lebih cepat dan mudah dalam pengambilan keputusan seleksi kinerja karyawan tenaga kependidikan terbaik. Sistem pendukung keputusan yang digunakan dengan  metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) dan Kano., Metode SAW ini digunakan untuk menentukan nilai kriteria, yang kemudian dilakukan proses bobot dan perangkingan untuk menentukan alternatif terbaik dan metode Kano untuk menentukan nilai secara individu untuk kepuasan karyawan dan menciptakan syarat mutlak yang optimal untuk orientasi proses  aktivitas pengembangan kualitas akademik dan kelembagaan. Aplikasi Decission Support System (DSS) diharapkan dapat membantu divisi Information Technology ( IT ) dalam memilih karyawan tenaga kependidikan kinerja karyawan terbaik yang benar-benar sesuai dengan kriteria yang dibutuhkan dan memecahkan masalah  dalam seleksi kinerja karyawan terbaikKata kunci: Pemilihan  kinerja karyawan tenaga  kependidikan terbaik dengan  metode  SAW dan Kano

Webology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-132
Jeperson Hutahaean ◽  
Seri Suriani ◽  
Supriy anto ◽  
Harma yani ◽  
Muhammad Amin ◽  

The implementation of decision support system tools in providing decision support for management is absolutely necessary. In its application, this aims to make the decision effective so that the decisions produced can be objective. This research discusses employee performance appraisal by implementing a decision support system. Many methods of decision support systems that can be used to rank, but in this study, the authors use the ranking method known as Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). The SAW method works by summing the weighted attributes that are interrelated. This method is quite simple and is able to provide the right decisions for employees who have the best performance to be recommended in job promotions. In this research, assessment attributes are used, namely education, experience, expertise, collaboration, work quality, and discipline. The final results show that employees on behalf of Ferdinal have the highest value with a value of 0.850.

2013 ◽  
Vol 756-759 ◽  
pp. 715-719
Huan Cheng Zhang ◽  
Ya Feng Yang ◽  
Feng Li ◽  
Li Nan Shi

In the College, performance evaluation system is directly related to the harmonious development of the school. Taking into account the factors in the evaluation system is fuzzy, so this paper uses fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model. But the model is too subjective, so this paper combines neural network and data envelopment analysis method, which ensures that fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is reasonable and scientific, and good school development and teacher self-interest. The performance assessment process, not only enables the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, but also fair and reasonably reflect the achievements of teachers, while this method is easy to use, wide application, and can be well applied in practice.

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