“The Inner State of the Human Heart During a Righteous and a Sinful Life”: A Manuscript and a Modern Lubok of the Chasovennye Old Believers on the Yenisei

Екатерина Васильевна Быкова

В статье рассматриваются источники формирования визуального образа в старообрядческой лицевой рукописи матушки Македонии, созданной в 1950-1960-е гг. на Енисее, и современном лубке «Внутреннее состояние сердца человеческого при жизни праведной и греховной», нарисованном в 2011 г. в женских монастырях староверов-часовенных на Дубчесе в Красноярском крае. Сравнение вербального и визуального текстов в книге «Сердце человеческое», изданной большими тиражами в России в XVIII-XX вв., с одноименной лицевой рукописью м. Македонии, найденной в экспедиции в 2019 г., позволило установить прототипы копирования и переработки материалов для создания настенного листа. Впервые в научный оборот вводятся два письменных источника старообрядческой культуры середины ХХ-XXI вв. - лицевая рукопись и настенный лист, свидетельствующие о сохранении книжной и лубочной традиций при кардинальных трансформациях культурного пространства и времени в условиях развития современных технологий. Антропология лубка раскрывается через интерпретацию образа Человека и его «внутреннего состояния сердца», размышления о выборе жизненного пути - праведного и греховного. Компаративный анализ и комментирование картинки позволяют описать мироощущение и восприятие изобразительного источника. В целом традиция переписывания книг и создания народной картинки актуальна в старообрядческих общинах на Енисее, выполняет дидактическую и коммуникативную функции, о чем свидетельствуют рассказы информантов и артефакты, найденные в экспедициях Красноярского края. This article examines the source of the visual imagery in an Old Believer illuminated manuscript of Mother Macedonia, created in the 1950s-1960s on the Yenisei River, and in the modern lubok “The Inner State of the Human Heart During a Righteous and a Sinful Life,” drawn in 2011 in Chasovennye Old Believer female monasteries on the Dubches River in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Comparison of the illuminated manuscript with the book “The Human Heart,” published in large editions in Russia in the 18th - 20th centuries, reveals the materials used in creating the lubok. These two written sources, the illuminated manuscript and the lubok, that are here introduced to scholarship, testify to the perseverance of the book and lubok traditions despite fundamental changes in culture and technology. The anthropology of the lubok is revealed in the image of the “inner state of the heart,” reflecting a person’s choice of life path, righteous or sinful. Comparative analysis and commentary on the image allow us to better understand the worldview and perception of those who created it. In general, the tradition of copying books and creating popular prints is alive among the Old Believer communities on the Yenisei and performs didactic and communicative functions, as also evidenced by the stories of informants and artifacts found on expeditions in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-59

Alla Savenko ◽  
Alla Savenko ◽  
Oleg Pokrovsky ◽  
Oleg Pokrovsky ◽  
Irina Streletskaya ◽  

The distribution of dissolved chemical elements (major ions, nutrients, and trace elements) in the Yenisei River estuary and adjacent water area in 2009 and 2010 are presented. These results were compared to the data obtained during previous hydrochemical studies of this region. The transport of major cations (Na, K, Mg, Ca) and some trace elements (Rb, Cs, Sr, B, F, As, Mo, U) in the estuary follows conservative mixing. Alkalinity also belongs to conservative components, however this parameter exhibits substantial spatial heterogeneity caused by complex hydrological structure of the Yenisei Bay and adjoining part of the Kara Sea formed under the influence of several sources of desalination and salty waters inflow. Concentrations of Pmin, Si, and V in the desalinized waters of photic layer decrease seaward owing to uptake by phytoplankton. The losses of these elements reach 30–57, 30, and 9% of their supply by river runoff, respectively. The content of dissolved phosphates and vanadium in the intermediate and near-bottom layers of the Yenisei River estuary strongly increases with salinity due to regeneration of precipitated organic matter, whereas silica remineralization is much less pronounced. Barium is characterized by additional input of dissolved forms in the mixing zone in the quantity comparable to that carried out by river runoff. This may be caused by its desorption from river suspended matter due to ion exchange. The transport of dissolved Al and Mn in the estuarine zone is probably controlled by the coagulation and flocculation of organic and organomineral colloids, which is indicated by a decrease in the concentration of these elements at the beginning of the estuary (31 and 56%, respectively) followed by a stable concentration further seaward.

А.В. Андрианова ◽  
О.Э. Якубайлик

Рассматривается состояние эндемичных байкальских амфипод в р. Енисей, приводятся результаты экспедиционных исследований. Отмечается факт многоразового увеличения количества амфипод в Енисее после зарегулирования плотиной Красноярской ГЭС. Данные гидробиологического мониторинга оформлены в виде геопространственной базы данных на геопортале, который предоставляет возможности визуализации результатов исследований в виде интерактивных тематических карт, прямого доступа к данным через картографические веб-сервисы из современных ГИС. The purpose. The purpose of the work is the theoretical and practical studies of the possibilities for using the geoinformation web-system modern technologies for improving the efficiency of hydrobiological monitoring, and design of software tools of data presentation and analysis for field research. Methods. The technologies for development of distributed information systems in multi-tier architecture, along with software interfaces and protocols, information exchange standards are considered. The possibilities for using of geoinformation and cartographic modelling methods for searching the relationship between the spatial distributions of Baikal amphipods in the Yenisei river with different environmental factors are investigated. Results. The technologies and related software are developed for the considered problem. The geospatial database is generated and filled with the results of own longterm hydrobiological field studies, it has become an integral part of the geoportal of ICM SB RAS, which was formed by the separate thematic section. The focus is on the results of extensive field studies of the Yenisei implemented in 2015 and 2016. As to database content, the information about the quantitative distribution of zoobenthos (animals inhabiting the ponds bottom), in particular endemic Baikal amphipods, in the area from Yenisei river headwaters to its delta was used. It was revealed that the amphipods — the endemics of the Baikal lake — spread far beyond its limits not only downward, but also upstream the Yenisei river. After the commissioning of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, their share in the total zoobenthos biomass is increased by 10 times. Gmelinoides fasciatus crustacean is especially active; it has massively populated the area of the Upper Yenisei river below the Sayano-Shushensky reservoir. The density and the fraction of crustaceans in the zoobenthos in the area of the Angara — Podkamennaya Tunguska has increased over the last 15 years. Conclusions. Creation of a geospatial database alongside with the results of expeditionary research and the introduction of a GIS web-system for information-analytical support of hydrobiological monitoring significantly expands opportunities for the analysis and presentation of geodata, forms the basis for interdisciplinary research.

Олег Закирович Халимов

В статье проанализированы трудности в процессе строительства автомобильной дороги от Братского моста через Енисей в сторону Абакана, связанные с отсутствием учета на стадии проектирования осложнившихся гидрогеологических условий, влияющих на опускание моста и дороги. Оползневые процессы, созданные искусственно при сооружении выемки дна автомобильной дороги от Братского моста более 40 лет развиваются на участке дороги Абакан-Подсинее перед железным и автодорожным мостом через Енисей. Как и в первом случае на стадии проектирования не выполнены гидро-геологические исследования. The article analyzes the difficulties in the process of construction of the highway from the Bratsk bridge over the Yenisei river to Abakan, associated with not taking into account the complicated hydrogeological conditions at the design stage, associated with the lowering of the bridge and road. Landslide processes created artificially during the construction of the dredging of the road bottom from the Bratsk bridge have been developing for more than 40 years on the Abakan-Podsinee road section in front of the railway and road bridge over the Yenisei. As in the first case, hydrogeological studies were not performed at the design stage.

A S Prokushkin ◽  
M A Korets ◽  
A V Panov ◽  
M P Prokushkina ◽  
I V Tokareva ◽  

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