choice of life
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2021 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-33
T. Ye. Khraban ◽  

The article aims to identify the particularities of philosophical and religious thinking inherent in the social network audience of Ukraine. Discourse analysis was chosen as the primary method to analyse a set of posts in the form of quotes with accompanying visual components and comments to them that were posted on “Facebook” in 2020 on the pages of public groups “Ukraine is Free World”, “For Ukraine”, “Dialogue.UA” and private groups “Ukrainians Global Network”, “Ukraine is You”, “Ukraine Onlineツ. The author analysed a total of 630 posts with God’s obligatory explicit or implicit component (The Higher Power), which bring out the existential issues of life, raison d’être, human values. The meaning of life is increasingly prominent in the philosophical and religious discourse of the Ukrainian sector of social networks. The idea of the meaning of life is presented on two levels: ideological and social. At the worldview level, ideas about the meaning of life are concentrated in the systemic principle: “Freedom is worth dying for”. At the social level, ideas about the meaning of life are concretised in the following concepts: socio-demographic, aesthetic, religious, hedonistic, hygge, success. The next most common issue is a subject of love understood by the Ukrainian audience of social networks as a system of traits: an active position with the other, value-based principles of a code of conduct, the meaning-making basis for self-realisation, recognising and acceptation the humanity of others, orientation on vital activity, goodwill, and unity, overcoming loneliness, a mode of self-determination. The subjects of time, different issues related to dying and death are ranked last. The tendency of philosophical and religious thinking has shaped the Ukrainian sector of social networks. It has the following special features: 1) view of the world and personal choice of life strategies is based on first-hand knowledge; 2) absence of abstract, unrealistic considerations; 3) strong link with a particular socio-cultural context; 4) focus on solving problems related to anthropological dimensions of philosophising: man as a unique being, the place of man in the world and his role in the processes of being, freedom and responsibility, time as a characteristic of human.

2021 ◽  
pp. 93-99
Ксения Константиновна Ёлкина

В настоящее время все более остро встают вопросы, касающиеся различных аспектов идентичности личности. Процесс глобализации общества ведет к тому, что индивиду предоставляется более широкий выбор жизненных сценариев. Такое многообразие отрицательно влияет на восприятие индивидом себя как целостной единицы. Это явление носит название кризиса идентичности личности и встречается повсеместно. В качестве основных причин возникновения кризиса идентичности личности можно выделить следующие: угрозы ядерных и техногенных катастроф, моральная безответственность членов общества, пропаганда антисоциальных форм поведения СМИ и др. Исследователи также фиксируюткризис семьи в российском обществе, выражающийся в трансформации семьи и девальвации семейных ценностей: узаконивание однополых браков во многих странах Европы; увеличение количества женщин и мужчин, не вступавших в брак; снижение рождаемости вследствие ориентации на бездетность; увеличение количества неполных семей; рост числа детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей и т.д. В данной статье раскрыта актуальность проблемы формирования семейной идентичности у будущих педагогов. Представлено описание теоретической разработки модели развития семейной идентичности студентов педагогических направлений подготовки. Раскрыто содержание блоков модели: концептуального, содержательного, организационно-деятельностного, технологического и результативно-диагностического. Currently, questions concerning various aspects of personal identity are becoming more and more acute. The process of globalization of society leads to the fact that the individual is given a wider choice of life scenarios. Such diversity negatively affects the individual's perception of himself as an integral unit. This phenomenon is called the identity crisis of the individual and is found everywhere. The following can be identified as the main causes of the identity crisis: threats of nuclear and man-made disasters, moral irresponsibility of members of society, propaganda of antisocial forms of media behavior, etc. Researchers also record the crisis of the family in Russian society, expressed in the transformation of the family and the devaluation of family values: the legalization of same-sex marriages in many European countries; an increase in the number of women and men who did not marry; a decrease in the birth rate due to orientation to childlessness; an increase in the number of single-parent families; the increase in the number of children left without parental care, etc. This article reveals the relevance of the problem of the formation of family identity among future teachers. A description of the theoretical development of a model for the development of family identity of students of pedagogical training areas is presented. The content of the model blocks is disclosed: conceptual, substantive, organizational and activity, technological and performance-diagnostic

2021 ◽  
pp. 128-137
Ulyana Sergeevna Luferenko ◽  
Tatyana Alexandrovna Romm ◽  

Introduction. In the new digital and networked world a different culture arises, which actualizes the ability of man in mobility, adaptation. Besides knowledge and skills modern schoolchildren need qualities which contribute to successful personal socialization. In this regard, it is important to look for new formats of educational activities, which allow acquiring and developing competencies, which later can contribute to professional self-determination. One of the possible instruments for creating such a space can be an innovative space-educational environment – a techno-park. In order to effectively ensure the formation of social competencies of students it is important to consider the evolution of formation and development of technological parks. Studies on the development of technoparks are mainly focused on the analysis of socio-economic factors, leaving out the features of educational technoparks, which have their own specifics in the children’s environment. This makes it difficult to determine the prospects of their further functioning and features in relation to the problems of modern technological education and socialization of the younger generation. The aim of the article is to characterize the existing models of existence and the specifics of national development of educational technoparks based on the analysis of evolution. Methodology and research methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the provisions of the theory of social education in the context of socialization (A.V. Mudrik, T.A. Romm, B.V. Kupriyanov and others) using methods of analysis of statistical, theoretical, comparative and pedagogical data. Research results. The stages of technopark development in the world practice are analyzed; the models (American, European, Japanese, mixed, Russian) of their organization are generalized. The features and prospects of development of children’s technoparks are shown. Conclusion. The formation of model structures of technoparks has a cultural and historical character. The peculiarity of educational technopark is that educational, research and project activities of students are enriched with clear practical meaning, which can significantly influence motivation to study school disciplines, to form a socially active attitude towards own self-determination, choice of life path, responsibility and readiness for constructive interaction and socially significant activities.

Екатерина Васильевна Быкова

В статье рассматриваются источники формирования визуального образа в старообрядческой лицевой рукописи матушки Македонии, созданной в 1950-1960-е гг. на Енисее, и современном лубке «Внутреннее состояние сердца человеческого при жизни праведной и греховной», нарисованном в 2011 г. в женских монастырях староверов-часовенных на Дубчесе в Красноярском крае. Сравнение вербального и визуального текстов в книге «Сердце человеческое», изданной большими тиражами в России в XVIII-XX вв., с одноименной лицевой рукописью м. Македонии, найденной в экспедиции в 2019 г., позволило установить прототипы копирования и переработки материалов для создания настенного листа. Впервые в научный оборот вводятся два письменных источника старообрядческой культуры середины ХХ-XXI вв. - лицевая рукопись и настенный лист, свидетельствующие о сохранении книжной и лубочной традиций при кардинальных трансформациях культурного пространства и времени в условиях развития современных технологий. Антропология лубка раскрывается через интерпретацию образа Человека и его «внутреннего состояния сердца», размышления о выборе жизненного пути - праведного и греховного. Компаративный анализ и комментирование картинки позволяют описать мироощущение и восприятие изобразительного источника. В целом традиция переписывания книг и создания народной картинки актуальна в старообрядческих общинах на Енисее, выполняет дидактическую и коммуникативную функции, о чем свидетельствуют рассказы информантов и артефакты, найденные в экспедициях Красноярского края. This article examines the source of the visual imagery in an Old Believer illuminated manuscript of Mother Macedonia, created in the 1950s-1960s on the Yenisei River, and in the modern lubok “The Inner State of the Human Heart During a Righteous and a Sinful Life,” drawn in 2011 in Chasovennye Old Believer female monasteries on the Dubches River in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Comparison of the illuminated manuscript with the book “The Human Heart,” published in large editions in Russia in the 18th - 20th centuries, reveals the materials used in creating the lubok. These two written sources, the illuminated manuscript and the lubok, that are here introduced to scholarship, testify to the perseverance of the book and lubok traditions despite fundamental changes in culture and technology. The anthropology of the lubok is revealed in the image of the “inner state of the heart,” reflecting a person’s choice of life path, righteous or sinful. Comparative analysis and commentary on the image allow us to better understand the worldview and perception of those who created it. In general, the tradition of copying books and creating popular prints is alive among the Old Believer communities on the Yenisei and performs didactic and communicative functions, as also evidenced by the stories of informants and artifacts found on expeditions in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 280 ◽  
pp. 04004
Tamara Hovorun ◽  
Kulpreet Kaur ◽  
Hanna Ryk ◽  
Olha Lomak ◽  
Oksana Kikinezhdi

The article deals with the topical problem of economic deprivation of young women and men and alternatives for overcoming it through the introduction of the psycho-correctional practices of positive psychology. The subject of the study is to find out the gender symmetry or its violation in the position of the subjectivity of genders in the choice of life activity strategy. The conceptual model of positive psychology and its components as the indicators of the psychological state of young women and men in personal and professional self-determination are presented. The social and psychological factors that determine the satisfaction of the youth with the choice of a job and its content, the ability to direct and adjust the requests and motivations of young women and men in searching for a more successful professional and social status have been substantiated. It has been found out that overcoming gender inequality in social and economic gender expectations, and a sense of economic deprivation of the youth is possible by internalizing the basic principles of personality self-determination through learning, and involvement in positive psychology. Egalitarian orientations concerning the importance of receiving professional education and developing adequate personality qualities are important for youth but especially for young women’s internal subjective well-being experience. Satisfaction with social environment and confidence in the coming day the most common international concepts of economic happiness for group youth psychology.

Kurios ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 255
Hasahatan Hutahaean

Live side by side between religions is no longer a choice of life, especially in Indonesia. Because Indonesian society is formed from various religions and tribes or sub-tribes. Therefore, the effort to find a format and order to live side by side in getting along well and harmony is a relevant topic of all time. In this paper, the pattern of life in diversity is traced to the time of the first human life on earth through the narrative of the Scriptures in Christianity, the Bible. With the help of searching for cognate libraries, this paper presents proposals that are simple and easy to understand for each adherent of the religion. Various data collected were then processed using the heuristic inquiry theory approach while the data from the scriptures were explored with a hermeneutic pattern. The tripolar typology that is considered to be the first or pioneering pattern in the theology of religions is now gaining a new partner in realizing life between religious communities towards harmony. Abstrak Hidup berdampingan antar pemeluk agama tidak lagi menjadi pilihan hidup, apalagi di Indonesia. Sebab masyarakat Indonesia terbentuk dari berbagai agama dan suku atau sub-suku. Karena itu pula upaya mencari format dan tatanan hidup berdampingan dengan rukun dan harmonis menjadi topik yang relevan sepanjang masa. Dalam tulisan ini, pola kehidupan dalam keberagaman ditelusuri hingga masa-masa kehidapan pertama manusia di bumi melalui narasi Kitab Suci dalam kekristenan yaitu Alkitab. Dengan bantuan penelusuran pustaka serumpun, tulisan ini menyajikan usulan yang sederhana dan mudah untuk dimengerti oleh masing-masing pemeluk agama. Berbagai data yang berhasil dihimpun kemudian diolah dengan pendekatan teori heuristic inquiry sedangkan data dari kitab suci didalami dengan pola hermeneutik. Kerangkeng tipologi tripolar yang dianggap menjadi pola pertama atau perintis dalam teologi agama-agama kini memperoleh mitra baru dalam mewujudkan kehidupan antar umat beragama menuju keharmonisan

2020 ◽  
pp. 28-34
T.A. Blynskaya ◽  
K.O. Malinina

Analyzed is educational motivation of senior school pupils. Theoretical part of the work includes analysis of the theory of generations, taking into account Russian conditions. Modern senior school pupils (born in 2003), according to generation theory, belong to generation Z. Empirical study was carried out in schools оf city of Arkhangelsk. Objects of the research were both teachers and students of 9–11 ages. As a result of the work, it was revealed, that in senior school age, success of education largely depends on cognitive interest of pupils. In such situation, certain contradiction arises: on the one hand, teacher must arouse interest in schoolchildren, manage this interest, develop and improve. On the other hand, if pupils are in lack cognitive interest as a motive for educational activity, it is difficult for teacher to arouse this interest on his own. In the process of interviewing teachers, the majority of informants expressed opinion, that impossible is to motivate pupil, if he don’t want. Teachers think that reasons for unformed interest are uncomfortable conditions for teachers in the system of education, as well as the lack of innovations in that system.

Theo Vos

This chapter describes the motivation behind and history of the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) and the approach it uses to measure population health. It discusses several of the value choices involved in the GBD (including choice of life expectancy, disability weights, comorbidity, and incidence vs. prevalence perspective), technical details involved in producing GBD results (including modeling techniques, data synthesis, and data analysis), several key metrics used by the GBD, and the GBD’s online data visualization tools. It concludes by briefly discussing some important empirical results from the most recent GBD study, before reflecting on the future of the GBD.

2020 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 15005
Valentina Abraukhova ◽  
Tatiana Vlasova ◽  
Anastasiya Zimovetc

This article is devoted to the study and construction of a model of continuous natural science education. The article considers the concept of “continuouslearning”inthefield ofnaturalscience.Specialemphasismade on thespecificityandamountofcontentatdifferentlevelsofeducation:pre-school, primary, secondary general and secondary professional, additional for training personnel in the agricultural sector. The foreign and domestic experience of lifelong learning training practices is analyzed in detail. The social effect of the results of the implementation of the projects is characterized by the creation of a modern industry of continuing education for children and new forms of lifelong education, creates a space for tests, forms the choice of life path and professional development of staff for the agriculturalsector.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 137-151
M.V. Levina ◽  
E.E. Krieger

Full-fledged development and optimal adaptation of a person in society is an urgent task of society. While reducing the risks of deviant behavior affects the psychological health and well-being of the subject. Their prevention is largely due to the peculiarities of choosing a life path. The novelty of this article is that it is devoted to the problem of choosing a life path for young men who are on active military service and have a tendency to deviant behavior. The study involved military conscripts from 18 to 23 years of age in the number of 50 young men. Test and projective techniques were used. The study established the relationship between the types of attitudes associated with the choice of young people's life path and their propensity to various forms of deviant behavior. The results show that young men who have hedonistic attitudes to choosing a life path do not tend to develop deviant behavior, while young men who are serving in the army, who have value and creative attitudes, tend to deviate. In addition, military personnel who have creative attitudes to choosing their life path show signs of addictive behavior and aggression when serving in the army. And the creative attitude of choosing a life path causes the emergence of addictions.

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