scholarly journals Knowledge Management Referral System Using Artificial Intelligent Techniques: نظام احالة لإدارة المعرفة يعتمد على تقنيات الذكاء الصناعي

Bayan Marwan Murad, Mohamad-Bassam Kurdy

Knowledge management is an emerging area which is gaining interest from organization and governments. As moving nowadays toward building organizational knowledge, knowledge management will play a fundamental role towards the success of transforming tacit knowledge into organizational explicit knowledge during current big data and high level of competencies between organizations to provide promptly and required services. One of the key building blocks for developing and advancing this field of knowledge management is artificial intelligence. organizations need to be able to exchange information, queries, and requests with some other beneficiaries and agencies that they share a common unified domain. One possible approach to this issue is Automating Knowledge, the methods which have been used to employ Semantic techniques for modeling about provide automatic accurate information extracts inquiry’s answer from the proposed knowledge management system. This paper will clarify the future of knowledge management system and the methodology of its link to artificial intelligence in organizations when it’s come to providing humanitarian emergency assistant, services and health care as the current global pandemic virus. The advanced proposed system will enable beneficiaries, employees and external official entities to get instantly automatically replay for various inquiries without required humanitarian intervention unless it's necessary! and enable to save ’ transfer ’ retrieve and generate new knowledge through three levels depending on the semantic technique, natural language processing algorithms and Ontology techniques in extracting inquiry’s answer in the first level then using chat system with an employee in the second level and through sending email to the specialist in the last third level. The validity of the method is proved in this comprehensive intelligent inquiry system. Showing the effectiveness of this approach by testing it on a humanitarian agency. The experimental results were extremely encouraging as such organization did not own automatic knowledge management system as its provisions on this research paper, so its recommended to use it in a large area as the proposed system show outperforms baseline methods and improve the accuracy answering by 86%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 84
Ardiansyah Haryanto ◽  
Hady Efendy

The increasingly global business competition has an impact on the increasing demands of competitiveness among companies in Indonesia in order to survive, the ability of decision making and solving a problem and effective managerial capability requires the company has strong intellectual capital and embrace open system to be able to respond more easily to the needs and needs of stakeholders in the company. Knowledge Management System (KMS) is a system created to facilitate the capture, storage, retrieval, transfer and reuse of knowledge. The purpose of making KMS is to create and build technology that can help users to reduce the tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge to be used in dealing with a problem with knowledge in accordance with the procedures of a company or organization in the action to handle the problem. Every company or organization has done the implementation of knowledge management system, not least in Bank Central Asia (BCA). BCA's strategy focuses on growth, credit quality and efficiency that enable BCA to achieve high-quality growth and enhance its role as a transactional Bank providing payment settlement services in support of achieving a strong Indonesian economy and national development goals. This research explains how far the application of knowledge management system conducted by BCA.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-41
Chaerul Anwar ◽  
Safitri Jaya ◽  
Prio Handoko ◽  
Marcello Singadji

The Knowledge in a study program or faculty at Higher Education is an asset that must be utilized by universities. Explicit knowledge can be in the form of meeting attendance, meeting schedules, minutes of meetings, teaching materials, documentation of the final session, letters (SK, ST, contract letters, etc.), certificates, reports, guidelines, manuals , memos, strategic plans, curriculum and so on. However, knowledge cannot be easily accessed by cross study programs or cross faculties at the college. Some study programs have done documentation so well that it has an impact on satisfying accreditation assessments. Study programs that have satisfactory accreditation can be an example for other study programs. A knowledge management system is needed to bridge the distance between study programs that have good governance and others. The results of the knowledge management system testing allow for the exchange of knowledge to become a means of improving the quality of governance both at the study program level and at the faculty level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 38
Leon A. Abdillah ◽  
Tri A. Purwanto ◽  
Eka P. Agustini

The development of science in the era of globalization is happening so quickly. The ability of humans to develop a variety of science (knowledge) is getting better with the tacit and explicit knowledge. From this development both tacit and explicit knowledge can be combined and varied to a Knowledge Management System. PT SCF (Limited) Palembang branch is a company engaged in the field of inspection and certification services. The problem faced by this company is that the process and media for sharing and transferring knowledge between colleagues is still small and not yet entrenched. This condition makes the company less effective in terms of producing and disseminating knowledge to staff quickly and accurately. Documentation of daily activities and routines are not carried out in a planned and integrated manner. Each department carries out its own activities in its own way, for example storing documentation on a CD, as well as a piece of paper. So the authors are interested in analyzing and designing Web Knowledge Management System. The method used is the object analysis and design method. While the tools for modeling using Unified Modeling Language (UML). The results obtained are a prototype web Knowledge Management System (KMS) that can be a media of information and knowledge sharing related to employee acceptance and training

Brilian Sidhatama ◽  
Fatmasari Fatmasari ◽  
Iman Solikin

Knowledge pada era informasi ini sangat penting bagi perusahaan Pada Administrasi rumah sakit muhammadiyah Palembang ini memiliki asset pengetahuan yang penting yaitu tacit knowledge dan explicit knowledge. Namun  sayang, Knowledge Sharing yang ada di rumah sakit muhammadiyah Palembang ini belum berjalan dengan baik dimana tacit knowledge hanya dimiliki oleh karyawan tertentu, dan explicit knowledge seperti dokumen yang tersimpan di berbagai tempat penyimpanan. Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut yaitu membangun KMS bagian administrasi pelayanan di rumah sakit muhammadiyah Palembang. KMS pada bagian administrasi ini diperlukan untuk berbagi informasi dan sebagai referensi bagi para karyawan yang membutuhkan Aplikasi KMS yang dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman HTML 5 dan basis data MySQL. Serta dengan menggunakan metode the 10-step knowledge management roadmap. Aplikasi KMS yang dibangun dapat membantu rumah sakit muhammadiyah dalam mengumpulkan pengetahuan tersebut kedalam suatu wadah, sehingga tidak akan kehilangan pengetahuan yang dimiliki karyawan dibagian administrasi.


Managing knowledge in software development is very important, since software development is a human and knowledge intensive activity. The main asset of a software organization consists of its intellectual capital. In this paper we propose KnowBench, a novel knowledge management system that integrates into the daily software development process and can be used for capturing knowledge and experience as soon as it is generated by providing lightweight tools based on Semantic Web technologies. This approach supports developers during the software development process to produce better quality software. The goal of KnowBench is to support the whole knowledge management process when developers design and implement software by supporting identification, acquisition, development, distribution, preservation, and use of knowledge — the building blocks of a knowledge management system.

Shankar Kambhampaty

Organizations need well architected systems for Knowledge Management (KM). This chapter begins with a review of approaches adopted by organizations for developing KM solutions. It defines a set of components that can form the building blocks for developing a Knowledge Management system. The relevance of the principles of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to KM solutions is explained. It presents the architecture of a generic Knowledge Management system based on the components defined and the principles of SOA. It then discusses the patterns for implementing the architecture followed by maturity levels of Knowledge Management systems.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 1
Agnes Novita ◽  
Isnin Faried ◽  
Dwi Atmodjo WP

Bimbingan dan Konseling (BK) adalah proses interaksi antara konselor dengan konseli baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung guna membantu konseli agar dapat mengembangkan potensi dirinya atau memecahkan permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi. Proses ini terjadi sangat intesif dan selalu berkembang sesuai dengan keadaan dan kebutuhan konseli. Banyaknya kasus dan jumlah penanganan dirasakan perlu adanya media untuk menyimpan hasil konseling agar dapat digunakan kembali sebagai rujukan konselor dalam menangani kasus yang sama atau memiliki kemiripan. Media yang diperlukan bukan sekedar menyimpan namun dapat digunakan untuk mengambil kembali secara cepat sekaligus mencatatsebagaisebuah basis pengetahuan (Knowledge Base). Berdasarkan kebutuhan tersebut perlu dibuatkan sistem yang dapat menyimpan dan mengambil hasil konseling dengan pendekatan Knowledge Management (KM). Kegiatan BK yang diawali dengan diskusi, memberikan saran atau solusi kepada konseli, merencanakan pemecahan masalah sampai dengan implementasi pemecahan masalah memiliki karakteristik KM dan dikenalsebagai proses SECI (Sosialisation, Externalisation, Combination, Internalization) (Nonaka –Tekeuchi, 1995). Proses inilah yang perlu disimpan dalam bentuk Explicit Knowledge agar dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai rujukan pengetahuan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pengembangkan sistem informasi Bimbingan dan Konseling yang mengimplementasikan pendekatan Knowledge Management System yang menyelesaikan kebutuhan penyimpanan dan penyajian kembali hasil konseling.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 619
Ariq Cahya Wardhana ◽  
Yani Nurhadryani ◽  
Sri Wahjuni

<p class="Abstrak">Meningkatnya jumlah populasi penduduk di Indonesia berdampak pada terbatasnya luas wilayah pertanian di Kota Bogor yang mengakibatkan ancaman produksi pertanian karena konversi lahan persawahan sebesar 88,12% menjadi perumahan dan kebun. Solusi sistem produksi pertanian dengan terbatasnya lahan salah satunya adalah hidroponik. Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan budidaya hidroponik dan memudahkan akses fasilitas belajar digital sebagai bagian penting dari rencana pemerintah Kota Bogor yaitu <em>smart society </em>diperlukan dukungan teknologi informasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan <em>Knowledge Management System </em>(KMS) budidaya hidroponik dengan mengadopsi metode <em>Knowledge Management Life Cycle</em> melalui identifikasi pengetahuan <em>tacit</em> maupun <em>explicit </em>dari komunitas hidroponik. Proses menangkap pengetahuan berorientasi pada seluruh proses budidaya sayuran hidroponik dengan menggunakan bibit yang siap tanam. <em>Knowledge map </em>digunakan untuk kodifikasi pengetahuan menghasilkan 34 pengetahuan <em>explicit</em> berupa media interaktif video maupun dokumen yang dapat digunakan oleh pengguna. Implementasi sistem menggunakan aplikasi berbasis <em>Web</em> dengan pendekatan <em>object oriented</em> yang sudah diuji oleh pakar dan semua fungsi berjalan dengan baik. Sistem ini memiliki fitur klasifikasi KMS yaitu <em>knowledge capture</em>, <em>knowledge sharing</em>, serta <em>knowledge discovery</em>.</p><p class="Abstrak"> </p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>The increasing number of populations in Indonesia has an impact on the limited area in Bogor, which has resulted in the threat of agricultural production because of the conversion of 88.12% of paddy fields to housing and gardens. A solution to agricultural production systems with limited land, one of which is hydroponics. Facilitate access to digital learning facilities as an essential part of the plan of the Bogor City government, namely smart society, information technology support is needed as a means of sharing hydroponic cultivation knowledge. Based on this, we developed a knowledge management system (KMS) adopting the Knowledge Management Life Cycle method by identifying tacit and explicit knowledge from the hydroponic community. The process of capturing knowledge is oriented to the whole process of hydroponic vegetable cultivation by using seeds that are ready for planting. Knowledge map is used for codification of knowledge that produces 34 explicit knowledge in the form of interactive media in the form of videos and documents that can be used by user. The output generated from this study is KMS was implemented using Web-based applications with an object-oriented approach that has been tested by experts with system functions is working and has KMS classification features, namely knowledge capture, knowledge sharing, and knowledge discovery.<strong></strong></em></p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 253
Halimah Tus Sadiah ◽  
Muhamad Saad Nurul Ishlah ◽  
Nyayu Siti Aminah Lily Elfrieda ◽  
Mauladani Adi Gasbara

<p class="Abstrak">Selama kehamilan, seorang ibu sering mengalami mual, muntah, sakit punggung, atau indikasi penyakit ringan lainnya. Terkadang hal ini menghasilkan keputusan untuk minum obat tanpa resep dokter atau bidan. Perilaku seperti itu dapat menyebabkan risiko cacat janin. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena kurangnya pengetahuan tentang obat-obatan yang dapat dikonsumsi selama hamil. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu sistem yang mengumpulkan pengetahuan tentang obat-obatan yang aman untuk dikonsumsi wanita hamil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun Sistem Manajemen Pengetahuan (KMS) obat berbasis Android untuk wanita hamil. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode <em>Knowledge Management System Life Cycle</em> (KMSLC) yang terdiri atas beberapa tahap, yaitu evaluasi infrastruktur, pembentukan tim,  menangkap pengetahuan, merancang cetak biru<em> </em> KMS, verifikasi dan validasi, implementasi KMS, dan pengujian KMS. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan pengetahuan <em>tacit</em> dan <em>explicit</em> mengenai obat ibu hamil. KMS Obat Ibu Hamil ini dilengkapi dua fungsi pencarian, yaitu pencarian berdasarkan nama obat dan pencarian berdasarkan keluhan nyeri atau indikasi penyakit. Pengetahuan Obat yang ada di KMS telah diverifikasi dan divalidasi. Pengembangan KMS Obat telah dilengkapi fiturnya sesuai dengan hasil proses penangkapan pengetahuan dari pakar. Adapun KMS Obat Ibu Hamil lebih lengkap 72% fiturnya dibandingkan dengan aplikasi yang telah berjalan, yakni MomsMed. KMS ini telah diuji fungsionalitas dan kompatibilitasnya, sehingga berfungsi dan kompatibel untuk versi Android 5.0, Lollipop (API level 21) ke atas. Terakhir, KMS ini dapat membantu ibu hamil dalam mencari pengetahuan tentang keamanan obat yang akan dikonsumsi ibu hamil sehingga tidak berisko pada janin.</p><p class="Abstrak"> </p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p><em>During pregnancy, a mother often experiences nausea, vomiting, back pain, or other indications of minor illness. Sometimes this results in the decision to take medication without a prescription from a doctor or midwife. Such behavior can cause the risk of fetal defects. This can occur due to a lack of knowledge about medicines that can be consumed during pregnancy. Therefore, we need a system that collects knowledge about medicines that are safe for consumption by pregnant women. This study aims to build an Android-based Knowledge Management System (KMS) of medicines for pregnant women. This research uses the Knowledge Management System Life Cycle (KMSLC) method which consists of several stages, namely evaluation of infrastructure, team building, knowledge capture, design of the KMS blueprint, verification and validation, implementation of KMS, and KMS testing. This study has produced tacit and explicit knowledge regarding the medicines of pregnant women. KMS for Pregnant Women Medicines is equipped with two search functions, namely searching by medicine name and searching based on complaints of pain or indication of disease. Drug knowledge in KMS has been verified and validated. The development of KMS has been equipped with features under the results of the process of capturing knowledge from experts. The KMS for Pregnant Women is 72% more complete than the existing application, namely MomsMed. This KMS has been tested for functionality and compatibility, so it works and is compatible with Android versions 5.0, Lollipop (API level 21) and above. Finally, this KMS can assist pregnant women in seeking knowledge about the safety of drugs that are to be consumed so that there is no risk of the fetus.</em></p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>

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