2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Abdul Hakim

The source of Islamic law is the main foundation a mujtahid for exploring Islamic law for existing arguments, both agreed ptopositions or disputed. Qaul Shahabi is one of the syar’i arguments wich became a discussion of scholars about the success in the determination of the law. Study of Qaul Shahabi become one of the interesting themes among experts ushul fiqh, even though they put it in the position of the disputed argument. However, the majority of scholars use Qaul Shahabi as a backrest in deciding the case of islamic law, especially events that are not partially explained in the Alquran and Hadis. Debate among these scholars only limited to which friends can be used as a basis and reference, but that does not prevent them from making Qaul Shahabiy a shar'i proposition

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-202
Hamid Pongoliu
The Will ◽  

Gorontalo has a customary principle derived from sharia law, and the sharia law is sourced from the Qur'an, hadith, ijmak and qiyas (adati-hula'a to syara'a, syara'a hula'a to Kitabi), which should reflect the existence of the implementation of the distribution of inheritance in Islam in the Gorontalo community. This customary principle can be a source of law if it is a rational act, not immorality, done always repeatedly, does not bring harm and does not conflict with the law of sharak. But in reality there is the implementation of inheritance that violates Islamic law, namely the distribution by way of deliberation, the determination of the amount of heirs equally, the delay in the distribution of inheritance, wills with houses given to girls, wills not to distribute inheritance, distribution of assets it depends on the will of the heir and the delay in the distribution of inheritance on the grounds that one of the parents is still alive. The distribution by deliberation and determination of the amount of the portion for each heir are equally acceptable as long as they follow the guidelines of the Compilation of Islamic Law article 183 and the concept of takharruj which was previously preceded by the Shari'a division. After the heirs know the size of the portion, then they may agree to share it in their own way or leave the inheritance according to Shari'a and agree to give to each other with other heirs.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Gibtiah Gibtiah ◽  
Yusida Fitriati

<p>Abstract: Social life is one of human nature that has innate.<br />One characteristic of social life is the constant change in the<br />community. There is no society ever stop at a certain point of all<br />time, but constantly changing and moving forward. Changes<br />that occur sooner or later be able to change the joints staple of<br />people's lives. This paper explores social change and renewal of<br />Islamic law by using the method of determination of the law<br />“sadd al dzari’ah”.</p><p><br />ملخص: الحیاة الاجتماعیة ھي واحدة من طبیعة الإنسان الذي لدیھ الفطریة . واحدة<br />من سمات الحیاة الاجتماعیة ھي التغییر المستمر في المجتمع. لا یوجد أي مجتمع<br />تتوقف أبدا عند نقطة معینة في كل العصور، ولكن تتغیر باستمرار، و تتحرك إلى الأمام<br />. التغیرات التي تحدث عاجلا أو آجلا تكون قادرة على تغییر الأساسیة مفاصل حیاة<br />الناس. وتبحث ھذه الورقة التغییر الاجتماعي والتجدید في الشریعة الإسلامیة باستخدام<br />طریقة تحدید القانون.</p><p>Kata kunci : metode penggalian hukum, sadd al-dzari’ah</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Iffaty Nasyiah

The Law No. 8 of 1999 about Consumer Protection Article 4 letter b said that one of consumer rights, namely the right to select and obtain goods in accordance with the exchange rate. Not found in authentic explanation regarding this exchange rate, if the exchange rate is the exchange rate that is in accordance with the agreement between the seller and the buyer, or in accordance with the production values or the exchange rate that corresponds to the price market, this then raises the question of free interpretation among the businessmen that the exchange rate is determined only by the desire of businessmen and weighing of benefits desired by businesses alone, so that entrepreneurs are allowed to set the exchange rate goods many times from the value of its production. In Islamic law is not found the rules regarding the determination of the limits of this exchange rate, but Islam is a tolerant religion, including in determining the exchange rate as the words of the Prophet Muhammad: "May Allah have mercy to a tolerant person (easy) when it sells, tolerant when buying, tolerant when fulfilling the obligation and tolerant when claiming its rights”. (HR. Bukhari from Jabir)

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-32
Norhidayah Pauzi ◽  
Saadan Man ◽  
Syed Mohd. Jeffri Syed Jaafar

In the determination of Islamic law, there are two main principles used namely 'al-thabit' and 'al-mutaghayyir'. With the principle of 'al-thabit' and 'al-mutaghayyir' proves that Islam is practiced at all times and circumstances as Islam accepts any changes or differences that occur in society as long as it does not violate the fundamental principles of Islam. The difference in fatwa decisions issued between Malaysia and Indonesia has caused polemic among Muslims. Hence, this article will analyze the fatwas that have been decided between Malaysia and Indonesia on certain selected halal issues. Methods of documentation and interview methods have been used to obtain authentic and authoritative data. The findings show that Malaysia is still bound by the practice of Syafii Madhhab in determining the law on halal products. In contrast to Indonesia that is open to accepting views other than the Shafii Madhhab in determining the law besides taking different uruf and maslahah in both countries. Keywords: fatwa, halal, halal standard, cross-contamination. ABSTRAK: Dalam penentuan hukum Islam, terdapat dua prinsip utama yang digunakan iaitu ‘al-thabit’ dan ‘al-mutaghayyir’. Dengan adanya prinsip ‘al-thabit’ dan ‘al-mutaghayyir’ membuktikan Islam sesuai dipraktikkan pada setiap masa dan keadaan kerana Islam menerima sebarang perubahan atau perbezaan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat selagi mana ia tidak melanggar prinsip-prinsip asas Islam. Perbezaan keputusan fatwa yang dikeluarkan di antara Malaysia dan Indonesia telah menimbulkan polemik dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam. Justeru, artikel ini akan menganalisis secara perbandingan fatwa yang telah diputuskan di antara Malaysia dan Indonesia terhadap beberapa isu halal yang terpilih. Metode dokumentasi dan metode temu bual telah digunakan untuk mendapatkan data-data yang sahih dan berautoriti. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan Malaysia masih terikat dengan pengamalan Mazhab Syafii dalam penentuan hukum terhadap produk halal. Berbeda dengan Indonesia yang terbuka dalam menerima pandangan selain Mazhab Shafii dalam menentukan hukum disamping pengambilan uruf dan maslahah yang berbeza di kedua-dua buah negara ini. Kata Kunci: fatwa, halal, piawaian halal, kontaminasi silang.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Cempaka ◽  
Ali Abu Bakar ◽  
Badrul Munir

Penalties for adulterers have been regulated by law in a number of countries with their respective sanctions. One such arrangement is through Aceh Qanun No. 6 of 2014 concerning the Law of Jinayat and the Enactment of the Syariah Law of Selangor No. 9 of 1995 Sex. 25. But the penalties set out in the Aceh Qanun are different from the punishment of adultery perpetrators regulated in Selangor State Sharia Youth Enactments, therefore this study aims to find out what penalties are contained in the Aceh Qanun and the Selangor State Islamic Law, and what lies behind this difference. to get the answer to the problem of punishment for adulterers, the writer uses descriptive-comparative method. This research is categorized as library research. Punishment regulated in Qanun No. 6 of  2014 concerning jinayat law is a lash of 100 (one hundred) times without distinguishing between the muhsan and ghair muhsan, whereas in the Enakmen regulates adultery sanctions on three categories: fines, imprisonment and caning (sebat), this sentence is determined in the religious court (Syar Court 'iyah in Aceh or the Syariah Court in Selangor). The Selangor State Islamic Law Enactment regulates more criminal acts but the provisions of the sanctions are more severe in the Aceh Qanun. This is because in Selangor in the determination of penalties for perpetrators of crimes in Malaysia using Ta'zir's punishment and more looking at the benefits and local wisdom of Selangor State. While the Qanun is based on the punishment of hudud, which hudud is a punishment that has been determined the form and level by Allah SWT. In the author's opinion, punishment that is more in line with the sanctions of adultery is a punishment that is regulated in the Aceh Qanun because according to the provisions set out in the text namely 100 (one hundred) lashes, although it does not distinguish between muhsan adulterers and adulterers Ghair muhsan. Abstrak: Hukuman bagi penzina telah diatur oleh hukum di sejumlah negara dengan sanksi masing-masing. Salah satu pengaturan tersebut adalah melalui Qanun Aceh No. 6 tahun 2014 tentang Hukum Jinayat dan Penetapan Hukum Syariah Selangor No. 9 tahun 1995 pasal 25. Tetapi hukuman yang ditetapkan dalam Qanun Aceh berbeda dengan hukuman terhadap penzina yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Selangor State Sharia Youth Enactments. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kepustakaan. Hukuman yang diatur dalam Qanun No. 6 tahun 2014 tentang hukum jinayat adalah 100 kali cambuk tanpa membedakan antara muhsan dan ghair muhsan, sedangkan dalam State Sharia Youth Enactments sanksi perzinahan terbagi menjadi tiga kategori: denda, hukuman penjara dan hukuman cambuk, hukuman ini ditentukan di pengadilan agama (Pengadilan Syar'iyah di Aceh atau Pengadilan Syariah di Selangor). Qanun didasarkan pada hukuman hudud, dimana hudud merupakan hukuman yang telah ditentukan bentuk dan tingkatannya oleh Allah SWT. Hukuman yang lebih sesuai untuk sanksi perzinaan adalah hukuman yang diatur dalam Qanun Aceh karena sesuai ketentuan yang diatur dalam Al-Quran yaitu 100 (seratus) cambuk. Kata kunci: Hukuman bagi pezina, Hukuman, Hukum Jinayat Islam

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-58
Norhidayah Pauzi ◽  
Saadan Man ◽  
Syed Mohd. Jeffri Syed Jaafar

In the determination of Islamic law, there are two main principles used namely 'al-thabit' and 'al-mutaghayyir'. With the principle of 'al-thabit' and 'al-mutaghayyir' proves that Islam is practiced at all times and circumstances as Islam accepts any changes or differences that occur in society as long as it does not violate the fundamental principles of Islam. The difference in fatwa decisions issued between Malaysia and Indonesia has caused polemic among Muslims. Hence, this article will analyze the fatwas that have been decided between Malaysia and Indonesia on certain selected halal issues. Methods of documentation and interview methods have been used to obtain authentic and authoritative data. The findings show that Malaysia is still bound by the practice of Syafii Madhhab in determining the law on halal products. In contrast to Indonesia that is open to accepting views other than the Shafii Madhhab in determining the law besides taking different uruf and maslahah in both countries. ABSTRAK Dalam penentuan hukum Islam, terdapat dua prinsip utama yang digunakan iaitu ‘al-thabit’ dan ‘al-mutaghayyir’. Dengan adanya prinsip ‘al-thabit’ dan ‘al-mutaghayyir’ membuktikan Islam sesuai dipraktikkan pada setiap masa dan keadaan kerana Islam menerima sebarang perubahan atau perbezaan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat selagi mana ia tidak melanggar prinsip-prinsip asas Islam. Perbezaan keputusan fatwa yang dikeluarkan di antara Malaysia dan Indonesia telah menimbulkan polemik dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam. Justeru, artikel ini akan menganalisis secara perbandingan fatwa yang telah diputuskan di antara Malaysia dan Indonesia terhadap beberapa isu halal yang terpilih. Metode dokumentasi dan metode temu bual telah digunakan untuk mendapatkan data-data yang sahih dan berautoriti. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan Malaysia masih terikat dengan pengamalan Mazhab Syafii dalam penentuan hukum terhadap produk halal. Berbeda dengan Indonesia yang terbuka dalam menerima pandangan selain Mazhab Shafii dalam menentukan hukum disamping pengambilan uruf dan maslahah yang berbeza di kedua-dua buah negara ini.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-140
Ahmad Arief
The Law ◽  

Al-Ta'assuf in the use of rights is a terminology in Islamic law which by the experts usul al-fiqh used as one of the indicators in doing istinbat al-hukm (the determination of the law). The method of settling the use of rights is the most obvious evidence that Islam is not a religion of terror. The fulfillment of the right and anticipation of misuse on every human right has been established in the method since the time of the Prophet, reinforced by the results of the legal examination of the four Imams of the Mazhab when they performed a law.

Al-Ahkam ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Abdul Ghofur

This study intends to analyze the historical background of the enactment of Law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking in the perspective of relationship between law and political power. This study are considered attractive in the context of Indonesia as a state law that the majority of the population is Muslim, which is ethically Islamic law becomes an important part in the law development. Politically, the Indonesian government also has a historical background of the harmonious relationship with the Islamic forces. Determination of law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Sharia banking is not free from the constellation and political configurations that occured at that time. However, despite decorated by strict political configuration, the determination of this statue has a accountability of its juridical basis, sociological, and philosophical. Determination This law proves that Islamic law has become one of the sources of national law and has the opportunity to contribute to the development of national laws optimally in the future.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 21-32
Siti Fatimah Binti Salleh
The Past ◽  

The influence of women in the establishment of Shariah law covering aspects of ability, qualifications, ability, determination,contribution and others which represent that women also played a role in the implementation of Islamic law. Shariah in its universal and flexible nature does not marginalize women in making or evaluating of the law. The objective of this paper is to discuss the influence of women in the establishment of Islamic law. The methodology used is based on the classical book of turath and contemporary Islamic studies covering fiqh, hadith and tafsir. The findings of the study show that women do have a role in the determination of Islamic law since in the past until the modern days.   Keywords: women, the influence of women, women and law, the determination of legislation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Panji Adam

Istihsan is one of the ijtihad methods disputed by the scholars ushul fiqh, although in reality, all scholars use it practically. The establishment of the law by istihsan method is widely carried out by scholars among the Hanafiyyah and Malikiyyah so that in the history of ushul fiqh, the Hanafiyyah are known as the group that uses istihsan as one of the methods of istinbâth al-ahkâm (determination of the law). Imam Shafi'i is a cleric who rejects istihsan as a method of determining Islamic law. But in practice Imam Shafi'i also uses istihsan as a method of determining Islamic law. The science of ushul fikih has a significant role in contributing to the existence of Islamic law, especially in the field of Sharia economic law. Research method conducted based on normative juridical approach, The specification of research used is analytical descriptive, The type of data used in this research, namely secondary data, data collection method used is literature study and analysis of secondary data that is qualitative. The results showed that istihsan is one of the methods of istinbâth al-ahkâm, which can be used as an argument and a proof of syara' and serves in determining the validity of an agreement / transaction in the field of Sharia economic law.

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