An ancient cityscape and its people: A study of ancient Hermione. Introductory remarks on historical sources and visible remains, archaeological research and prospects

Alcestis Papadimitriou

This article provides a brief introduction to the area of the Hermionid and the research that has been carried out in ancient Hermione. The main textual sources are presented, as are the still-visible archaeological remains and the results of important rescue excavations. The contribution outlines the scientific framework of the project that has generated the five articles that follow, and closes with an agenda for future development for the exploration and preservation of ancient Hermione.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-112
Agni Mochtar ◽  
Firman Setiawan ◽  
Shinatria Adhityatama

Aplikasi metode geofisika menggunakan side scan sonar dalam penelitian arkeologi bawah air belum banyak dilakukan di Indonesia. Tulisan ini memaparkan penggunaan side scan sonar untuk pemetaan dasar sungai dan identifikasi tinggalan arkeologi di dasar sungai dalam penelitian “Sungai Brantas dalam Perspektif Lanskap Kultur Maritim”, serta interpretasi hasil survei side scan sonar tersebut dalam konteks kesejarahan. Selain itu, dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas potensi pengembangan penggunaan side scan sonar dalam penelitian arkeologi bawah air di Indonesia, terutama di perairan sungai. Akuisisi data dilakukan dengan menggunakan side scan sonar Starfish 450H dengan sistem posisi GNSS Trimble R8s. Sementara itu, interpretasi diperoleh dengan melakukan analisis terhadap data peta dan arsip Belanda untuk memahami konteks temporal dari objek yang dideteksi oleh alat side scan sonar. Survei berhasil menunjukkan sedimen di dasar sungai berupa lempung dan lanau, serta beberapa objek yang diduga sebagai bangkai kapal, yang diperkirakan berasal dari pasca abad ke-19 Masehi. Hasil survei side scan sonar menunjukkan tingkat akurasi cukup hingga tinggi dan dapat menjadi pendukung penelitian arkeologi bawah air yang efisien, terutama di perairan yang keruh. Side scan sonar survey as one of the geophysics methods is still scarcely applied in underwater archaeological research in Indonesia. This paper describes the application of side scan sonar survey in mapping riverbed and identifying underwater archaeological remains in the “Sungai Brantas in the Perspective of Maritime Cultural Landscape” project, as well as interpreting its historical context based on survey results. This paper also explores the development of utilizing side scan sonar in underwater archaeological research in Indonesia, particularly in rivers. Data was acquisitioned by using the side scan sonar Starfish 450H and GNSS Trimble R8s positioning system. The interpretation was drawn by analysing related Dutch old maps and archives to understand the historical context of the survey findings. The result shows clay and silt sediment covering most of the riverbed and a number of objects, possibly shipwrecks, estimated as from the nineteenth century. The survey result has a medium to high accuracy. Thus, this method is able to serve as an efficient instrument for underwater archaeological research, especially in the low-visibility waters.

Artur Obłuski

The following chapter approaches the archaeology of medieval Nubia from a regional perspective. First, it presents the nomenclature used for chronology, then the history of archaeological research in Nubia determined by construction of dams on the Nile. The focus of the paper are the settlement systems of two medieval Nubian kingdoms: Nobadia and Makuria. Alwa is treated lightly due to the limited data. They are discussed in a static (settlement hierarchy) and dynamic perspective (integration of settlement systems in time). Church architecture as an indicator of regionalism is also debated. Some topics integrally associated with archaeology of Nubia like historical sources (Ruffini, this volume), languages (Łajtar and Ochała, this volume), capitals of the states (Żurawski, this volume), art and pottery (Zielińska, this volume) are generally absent here but are tackled by other authors in the same volume.

2000 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 37-54 ◽  
Mary M. Voigt ◽  
Robert C. Henrickson

A brief history of archaeological research at Gordion Piecing together documentary sources from areas to the east and west of Anatolia, historians agree that in the eighth century BC, central Anatolia was dominated by people who spoke an Indo-European language, Phrygian (Mellink 1991: 621; Muscarella 1995: 92 with refs). From historical sources we also know the location of the Phrygians' capital, Gordion: Quintus Curtius (Hist Alex III.1–2) states that the city lay on the Sangarios River ‘equally distant from the Pontic and Cilician Seas’. Using this description, Gustav and Augustus Körte travelled across Turkey more than a century ago looking for the physical remains of Gordion and Phrygia. They eventually focused on a mound lying adjacent to the Sangarios or modern Sakarya. The mound, now called Yassıhöyük, is large relative to others in the region, and lies in the proper geographical setting for ancient Gordion; a series of artificial mounds or tumuli scattered across nearby slopes provides additional evidence of the settlement's importance.

1965 ◽  
Vol 31 (2Part1) ◽  
pp. 246-249 ◽  
Ricardo E. Alegría

AbstractHistorical sources corroborated by archaeological research demonstrate that the Antillean area was inhabited by people of three cultural traditions. Puerto Rico, because of its intermediate position between the Greater and Lesser Antilles, is of great importance in determining the chronology and the distribution of West Indian aboriginal cultures. Recent radiocarbon dates demonstrate that Puerto Rico was first populated by a preceramic people who arrived before the Christian era. A relationship between these Indians and certain preceramic groups of Venezuela has been postulated, although neither the chronology of the sites nor their distribution correspond. Other radiocarbon dates from Puerto Rico establish a clear relationship between the different pottery styles of the island and those of the Lesser Antilles and Venezuela.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Rr. Triwurjani ◽  
Shinatria Adhityatama

Abstract. Underwater archaeological research usually talks about archaeological remains under the sea like a sinking ship. The issue of sinking ships concerns the cargo, the type of ship, shipping lines, trade routes, and the origin and technology of shipbuilding. The problem is that archeological findings are not only in the sea, but also in lakes, swamps, or rivers. Therefore underwater archeology not only studies archeological findings in the sea but also on the lake. Archaeological findings originating from within the Matano lake include in the form of pottery both intact and fractions mixed with metal objects. Lake Matano located in Luwu Regency in South Sulawesi is an ancient lake and is the deepest lake in Southeast Asia. How and why these pottery findings arrived inside the lake, are the problems that will be answered in this study. The aim is to find out the function and role of pottery in the sites of Lake Matano and what factors influence it. With the method of inductive reasoning and underwater exploration and land and an analogy with the findings of similar pottery in the terrestrial area of the lake, we can find a connection between the findings of pottery and the same activities related to the manufacture of metal objects, and strong suspicion of tectonic activity that affects the site's existence.Keywords: Pottery, Underwater, Terrestrial, Metal, Lake MatanoAbstrak. Penelitian arkeologi bawah air biasanya berbicara tentang tinggalan arkeologi di bawah laut seperti kapal tenggelam. Isu kapal tenggelam ini menyangkut tentang muatan, jenis kapal, jalur pelayaran, jalur perdagangan, dan asal muasal dan teknologi pembuatan kapal. Permasalahannya, temuan arkeologi tidak saja berada di dalam laut, tetapi juga terdapat di perairan danau, rawa, ataupun sungai. Oleh karena itu, arkeologi bawah air tidak saja mempelajari temuan arkeologi di dalam laut, tetapi juga di danau. Temuan arkeologi yang berasal dari dalam Danau Matano antara lain berupa tembikar, baik utuh maupun pecahan yang bercampur dengan benda logam. Danau Matano yang terletak di Kabupaten Luwu di Sulawesi Selatan adalah danau purba dan merupakan danau terdalam di Asia Tenggara. Bagaimana dan mengapa temuan tembikar ini sampai berada di dalam danau adalah permasalahan yang hendak dijawab dalam penelitian ini. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui fungsi dan peran keberadaan tembikar di situs-situs Danau Matano dan faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhinya. Dengan metode penalaran induktif dan ekplorasi bawah air dan daratan serta analogi dengan temuan tembikar serupa di area terrestrial danau dapat diketahui adanya hubungan antara temuan tembikar dengan aktivitas yang sama berkaitan dengan pembuatan benda logam, dan dugaan kuat adanya aktivitas tektonik yang mempengaruhi keberadaan situs.Kata kunci: Tembikar, Bawah air, Terrestrial, logam, Danau Matano

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-215
NFN Nasruddin

Studies on karst is a study that can be done hotisticaliy, because in the karst region them are various potentials such as; prehistoric archaeological remains which are quite old, there am groups of people who have local knowledge seekers swallow nest, traditional agricultural activities and the utilization of the site of the settlement (settlement area), as well as habits embodied in traditions and art. Through archaeological approach to spatial {spatial archeology), the archaeological research in East Kutai Karst, not only reveal the spatial and temporal aspects alone, but as a whole want to explain culturally and physically; synchronic and diachronic this region inhabited by humans. Mangkulirang karst area is so vast traffic would require a study to obtain an explanation; subsistence, technology and the ancient environment, as well as the adaptation of the system that have become extinct Cave sites and niches in the Mangkulirang a valuable contribution to the knowledge of the history and prehistory of cultural processes. Any kind of potential above require management in the context of synergy, participation and shared responsibility with the local authorities, cross-institutional and community organizations, as well as cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary to minimize conflicts of the various interests in the karst region in the management and preservation of cultural heritage Indonesia. AbstrakKajian tentang karat adalah kajian yang dapat dilakukan secara holistik, karena di daiam kawasan karst tendapat berbagai potensi seperti; tinggalan arkeologis prasejarah yang cukup tua, terdapat keiompok-kelompok masyarakat yang memiliki kearifan lokal, para pencari sarang waist, aktivitas pertanian tradisional dan pemanfaatan menjadi lokasl pemukiman, serta kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang dlwujudkan daiam bentuk tnadisl dan kesenian. Melalui pendekatan arkeologi kemangan, maka penelitian arkeologi di Karst Kutai Timur, tidak hanya mengungkapkan aspek spasial dan temporal saja, tetapl secara utuh ingin menjelaskan secara kultural maupun fisikal; sinkronik maupun diakronik kawasan ini dihunl manusia. Kawasan karst Mangkulirang yang begitu luas tentunya memerlukan iintas kajian untuk memperoleh penjelasan; subsistensi, teknologi dan lingkungan purba, serta sistem adaptasi yang teiah punah. Situs gua dan cernk di kawasan Mangkulirang dapat memberlkan kontribusl berharga tarhadap pengetahuan sejarah dan proses budaya prasejarahnya. Sagaia jenis potensi di atas memerlukan pengeioiaan daiam rangka sinergitas, peran serta dan tanggung jawab bersama dengan pemerintah daerah, iintas kelembagaan dan organisasi masyarakat, maupun lintas sektoral dan multi disiplin untuk meminimalisir benturan atas berbagai kepentingan di kawasan karst dalam rangka pengelolaan dan pelestarian cagar budaya Indonesia.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
Syahruddin Mansyur

AbstrakKepulauan Banda dikenal sebagai wilayah yang memiliki pengaruh kolonial yang kuat. Salah satu tinggalan arkeologi yang banyak ditemui di wilayah ini adalah batu nisan. Sebagai salah satu budaya materi, batu nisan memiliki beragam informasi yang terdapat pada batu nisan itu sendiri mulai dari bentuk, bahan, dan ragam hias. Penelitian ini merupakan tinjauan awal untuk mengetahui tipologi dan beragam informasi yang dapat diungkap dari inskripsi yang termuat pada batu nisan. Melalui tahapan penelitian arkeologi dengan melakukan analisis terhadap keragaman jenis artefak dan analisis terhadap data inskripsi, penelitian ini mengungkap bahwa tipologi batu nisan memiliki kekayaan ragam hias berupa lambang heraldik, iluminasi, dan inskripsi. Aspek lain pada data inskripsi adalah informasi tentang orang-orang yang dimakamkan memiliki status sosial tinggi, di antaranya; para pejabat pemerintahan, pejabat militer, pejabat perdagangan, pejabat keagamaan, para perkenier, beserta para keluarganya. Aspek lain yang berhasil diungkap bahwa kehidupan sosial masyarakat Eropa saat itu menganggap bahwa batu nisan adalah salah satu simbol kemewahan. AbstractBanda Islands are known as the region that has a strong colonial influence. One of the archaeological remains found in the region is the tombstone. As one of the material culture, the tombstone has a variety of information contained on a tombstone itself from the shape, material, and ornaments. This study is a preliminary review to determine the typology and variety of information that can be revealed from inscriptions contained in the tombstone. Through the stages of archaeological research by analysing the diversity of artefacts and analysis inscriptions data, this study revealed that the typology of the tombstone has a wealth of ornamentation in the form of heraldic emblem, illumination, and inscriptions. Another aspect from the inscription data is information about people who are buried has a high social status. They are from government officials, military officials, trade officials, religious officials, the perkenier (landlord), along with his family. Another aspect that can be revealed is the social life of Europe in that time considered that the tombstone is one of the symbols of luxury.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Rr. Triwurjani ◽  
Shinatria Adhityatama

Underwater archaeological research usually  talks about archaeological remains under the sea like a sinking ship. The issue of sinking ships concerns the cargo, the type of ship, shipping lines, trade routes, and the origin and technology of shipbuilding. The problem is that archeological findings are not only in the sea, but also in lakes, swamps, or rivers. Therefore underwater archeology not only studies archeological findings in the sea but also on the lake. Archaeological findings originating from within the Matano lake include in the form of pottery both intact and fractions mixed with metal objects. Lake Matano located in Luwu Regency in South Sulawesi is an ancient lake and is the deepest lake in Southeast Asia. How and why these pottery findings arrived inside the lake, are the problems that will be answered in this study. The aim is to find out    the function and role of pottery in the sites of Lake Matano and what factors influence it. With the method of inductive reasoning  and  underwater  exploration and land and an analogy with the findings of similar pottery in the terrestrial area of the lake, we can find a connection between the findings of pottery and the same activities related to the manufacture of metal objects, and strong suspicion of tectonic activity that affects the site's existence. Keywords: Pottery, Underwater, Terrestrial, Metal, Lake MatanoPenelitian arkeologi bawah air biasanya berbicara tentang tinggalan arkeologi di bawah laut seperti kapal tenggelam. Isu kapal tenggelam ini menyangkut tentang muatan, jenis kapal, jalur pelayaran, jalur perdagangan, dan asal muasal dan teknologi pembuatan kapal. Permasalahannya, temuan arkeologi tidak saja berada di dalam laut, tetapi juga terdapat di perairan danau, rawa, ataupun sungai. Oleh karena itu, arkeologi bawah air tidak saja mempelajari temuan arkeologi di dalam laut, tetapi juga di danau. Temuan arkeologi yang berasal dari dalam Danau Matano antara lain berupa tembikar, baik utuh maupun pecahan yang bercampur dengan benda logam. Danau Matano yang terletak di Kabupaten Luwu di Sulawesi Selatan adalah danau purba dan merupakan danau terdalam di Asia Tenggara. Bagaimana dan mengapa temuan tembikar ini sampai berada di dalam danau adalah permasalahan yang hendak dijawab dalam penelitian ini. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui fungsi dan peran keberadaan tembikar di situs-situs Danau Matano dan faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhinya. Dengan metode penalaran induktif dan ekplorasi bawah air dan daratan serta analogi dengan temuan tembikar serupa di area terrestrial danau dapat diketahui adanya hubungan antara temuan tembikar dengan aktivitas yang sama berkaitan dengan pembuatan benda logam, dan dugaan kuat adanya aktivitas tektonik yang mempengaruhi keberadaan situs.Kata Kunci: Tembikar, Bawah air, Terrestrial, logam, Danau Matano  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 227-248
Maria Panagiotonakou

Hellenistic theatre in Magna Graecia and Sicily differs in morphology from its contemporaries in Greece and Asia Minor. Since the beginning of the previous century, scholars have developed a discussion on a variety of issues in their attempt to better understand the architectural evolution of the Sicilian stone theatres, and in particular of their scene building. The most apparent and persistent problems lie in the uncertainty of dating and the morphology of each of the scene buildings. That is due to various difficulties that will be discussed further into this article. Over the last 100 years, this broad discussion has led to very different conclusions and interpretive proposals, especially regarding the dating of the original construction, the identification of the various building phases of these theatres, and the reconstruction proposals for their scene buildings. The issue of dating is related to the issue of the Romanization of Sicily and so far, it has been one of the most problematic chapters in the history of the island.1 Researchers evaluate differently both archaeological finds and historical sources, thus resulting in divergent interpretations of the significance of this period in the history of Sicily. With the results of the archaeological research of the last 30 years, the debate has been rekindled, causing a true polemic. At the epicenter of the enduring controversy are the four theatres with paraskenia scene buildings, namely the theatres of Tyndaris, Segesta, Solous and Iaitas. In this brief survey of the status quaestionis of the dating of these theatres, which makes no claims to comprehensive coverage, it is my intention to suggest that with the progress of archaeological research and the increase of scholarship on Hellenistic Sicily, we are offered arguments that can help us form a fresh interpretative framework for the chronological integration of these theatres and their architectural evolution.

Birger Stichelbaut ◽  
Jean Bourgeois ◽  
Guy De Mulder ◽  
Simon Verdegem ◽  
Wouter Gheyle

When the First World War ended, the landscape had been transformed into a wasteland. Later, the population faced the challenge of rebuilding the region. Many traces of the war were then wiped out. Everywhere, the archaeological remains are slumbering in the soil, barely 30 cm deep and invisible to the visitors. It took a while before the remains of the war have been considered as archaeological heritage. It was not until 2002-2004 that professional archaeologists in Belgium began to show an interest in this special heritage. Since then, the importance of this archaeology has only increased and today it is part of mainstream archaeological research. Several initiatives built on the successful first commemorative year 2014 in Belgium, with record numbers of visitors in the Westhoek. During the commemorations, various archaeological projects were put in the spotlight and were picked up with great interest from the public. This chapter highlights a series of high-profile initiatives that shaped specific parts of the remembrance of the First World War in Belgium.

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