Suprihatin Suprihatin ◽  
Yustina Retno Wahyu Utami ◽  
Didik Nugroho

District Nogosari is one of the dengue-prone areas in Boyolali District. During the period of 2012 to 2014, there was a significant increase in dengue cases at Boyolali district. For the reasons above, the study is focused on how to cluster Areas DHF-Prone using K-Means method. Clustering is based on the parameter of the number of dengue cases in the sporadic and endemic zones. There are several types of data collection methods that include: observation, interview, and literature study. Design of this proposed system use modeling language the context diagram and data flow diagram. The system is implemented using PHP Programming Language and MYSQL database. This system cluster 3 level zones of Endemic and 3 level zones of Sporadic based on geographic information systems. The result of system testing using the silhouette coefficient on the sporadic zone is the average coefficient for level 1 is 0.837, level 2 is 0.858, and level 3 is 0.773 that means the object has been in the right group. The proposed system is expected to be a consideration in preventing, controlling and eradicating dengue hemorrhagic fever.Keywords: Endemic, Sporadic, K-Means clustering, Dengue hemorrhagic fever.

2012 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-169
Diane Lesley- Lesley-Neuman

An analysis of the affixation processes and the phonological rules governing [ATR] harmony in Karimojong verbs permits the organization of derivational processes into three levels. On each level specific groups of morphemes are affixed and the resultant derived words undergo defined sets of phonological processes. On Level 1 a feature filling [±ATR] harmony rule applies, in which the [ATR] feature spreads bi-directionally from the principal root vowel across the root and all Level 1 affixes. However, there are also localized disharmonic domains created by phonologized co-articulation effects of consonants and dissimilation rules for vowels. On Level 2, suffixation of Tense-Mood-Aspect (TMA) markers at the right edge of the verbal complex triggers [+ATR] feature spreading leftward across the derived word. On Level 3 affixation does not trigger [ATR] harmony processes, and both affix vowels and the derivational complexes to which they are added retain their [ATR] features. Some Karimojong affixes exhibit behaviors characteristic of two different levels, depending on context; these affixes are proposed to be in transition between levels. The three levels are proposed to result from diachronic evolution, and their relative chronological development can be established by (1) correspondences to landmarks within the cross-linguistically attested agreement system grammaticalization cline, which groups affixes according to ordering universals, and (2) the existence of successive evolutionary cycles of frequentive morphology. A model of the morphology-phonology interface is proposed in which linguistic structure internal to the morpheme channels the spread of [ATR] features. The model provides an explanation for surface irregularities that originated at the time of areal vowel mergers in Nilotic languages (Dimmendaal, 2002).

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Hadhi Nugroho ◽  
Adi Darmawan ◽  
Agus Sufyan

Pusat Pengkajian dan Perekayasaan Teknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan (P3TKP) - Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) telah mengembangkan teknologi elektronik log book penangkapan ikan berbasis GPRS. Elektronik log book merupakan perangkat keras yang memiliki fungsi utama untuk input data tangkapan ikan secara elektronik. Untuk menampilkan data elektronik log book menjadi informasi statistik secara real time, diperlukan sebuah sistem informasi berbasis web. Tahapan perancangan sistem informasi elektronik log book penangkapan ikan berbasis web terdiri dari identifikasi kebutuhan sistem, perancangan perangkat lunak, dan implementasi. Perancangan desain sistem database elektronik log book menggunakan MySQL. Desain sistem database tersebut berisi Conceptual Data Model (CDM) dan Physical Data Model (PDM). Untuk menggambarkan interaksi pengguna dengan sistem informasi elektronik log book dapat dilihat pada Data Flow Diagram (DFD). DFD pada perancangan sistem informasi elektronik log book terdiri dari DFD level-0, DFD level-1, dan DFD level-2. Modul-modul pada sistem informasi elektronik log book terdiri dari modul autentifikasi, modul data tangkapan, modul informasi harga ikan, dan modul informasi cuaca. Aplikasi kemudian diimplementasikan di domain Sistem informasi elektronik log book penangkapan ikan berbasis web yang diaplikasikan ini dapat memberikan informasi secara cepat dan tepat tentang data penangkapan ikan, informasi harga ikan, dan informasi cuaca perairan, dengan kerahasiaan data yang terjamin.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 83 ◽  
Wahyu Widada

The purpose of this research is to describe proil cognitive structure of students in understanding the concept of real analysis. This research is part of the research development of the theory of cognitive structure of students Mathematics Education Program at the University of Bengkulu. The results of this research are: 1)there are seven models decompositions of genetic students mathematics education reviewed based on the SRP Model about the concepts of Real Analysis namely Pra-Intra Level, Level intra, Level semi-inter, Level inter, Level semi-trans, Trans Level, level and Extended-Trans (only theoretic level while empirically not found); 2) There are six models decompositions of genetic students mathematics education reviewed based on KA about the concepts of Real Analysis namely Level 0: Objects of concrete steps; Level 1: Models Semi-concrete steps; Level 2: Models Theoretic; Level 3: Language in Domain Example; Level 4: Mathematical Language; Level 5: Inferensi Model. Profile of cognitive structure of mathematics education student at the University of Bengkulu is 6.25% Students located on the Basic Level (Pra-Intra Level with concrete objects), there is 8.75% Students located at Level 0 (intra Level with concrete objects), there are 15,00% Students located at Level 1 (semi-Level inter with Semi-Concrete Model), there are 33.75 percent students located on Level 2 (Level inter with theoretical model), there are 22.50 percent students located at Level 3 (Semi-trans Level with the Bible in Domain example), there are located on the student percent during the Level 4 (Trans Level with the language of Mathematics), and there are 0 percent students located at Level 5 (Level Extended-Trans with Inferensi Model). Students Education Mathematics at the University of Bengkulu pembangunnya element is functional can achieve Trans Level, students will be able to set up activities and make the algorithm that formed the concept/principles with the right. Functional students can also perform the process of abstraction using the rules in a system of mathematics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Muliadi Muliadi ◽  
Meri Andriani ◽  
Heri Irawan

Hotel Kartika Kota Langsa adalah salah satu hotel tertua yang ada di Kota Langsa dan Hotel Kartika masih berstatus bintang 2, hotel ini berdiri pada tahun 1982 yang di dirikan oleh bapak H.Abdullah Hanafiah dan sampai sekarang masih beroperasi dalam melayani pelanggan hotel. Hotel Kartika mempunyai 47 orang tenaga kerja yang terbagi dari beberapa bagian yang sudah terstruktur.  Hotel Kartika Kota Langsa memiliki 70 kamar, dengan 52 kamar di lantai 1 dan 18 kamar di lantai 2. Hotel Kartika dalam sehari dapat terisi 25 sampai 35 kamar. Harga kamar Hotel Kartika berkisar antara 150 ribu sampai 800 ribu/kamar.   Permasalahan pada Hotel Kartika adalah belum berjalan nya sistem informasi pemesanan kamar hotel secara online, sehingga konsumen (tamu hotel) masih memesan kamar hotel secara langsung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Merancang sistem informasi pemesanan kamar hotel agar dapat mempermudah konsumen (tamu hotel) dalam memesan kamar hotel secara online yang berbasis website (WEB). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode data flow diagram (DFD) untuk merancang aliran sistem dan bahasa pemrograman menggunakan personal home page (PHP) dalam merancang website (WEB). Hasil dan pembahasan pada perancangan website (WEB) terdapat 2 level proses yang akan berjalan dalam pemesanan kamar hotel secara online yaitu level 1 terdiri dari daftar akun login tamu, login admin, check-in hotel dan cetak struk pemesanan harian, sedangkan untuk level 2 tediri dari login tamu,pesan kamar, pilih tipe kamar, pengisian data pemesanan,pilih jenis bank transaksi, konfirmasi pembayaran, konfirmasi pemesanan, input data tamu,id card kamar hotel, pengolahan laporan harian,bulanan dan tahunan. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah Sistem informasi pemesanan kamar hotel yang berbasis website (WEB) ini memudahkan pelanggan untuk mengetahui informasi hotel dan sistem pemesanan kamar pada Hotel Kartika. website (WEB)  juga menampilkan data fasilitas hotel, data kamar hotel,data laporan hotel beserta data harga kamar hotel dan tipe kamar hotel secara jelas karena tersedianya database yang baik dalam bentuk file-file komputer. Website yang telah di rancang bisa di kunjungi dengan nama domain

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 122
Isadora Nugroho ◽  
Haryanto Haryanto ◽  
Ambar Saputri

Smartphone atau yang biasa dikenal dengan Ponsel merupakan salah satu wujud dari perkembangan teknologi yang dapat mempersempit ruang maupun waktu. Fungsi ponsel sekarang tidak hanya menjadi alat komunikasi saja akan tetapi sudah menjadi sarana hiburan dan juga gaya hidup. Aplikasi pemesanan barang pada unit produksi percetakan berbasis android ini bisa menjadi suatu sistem atau aplikasi yang sangat membantu pelanggan percetakan dalam mengumpulkan informasi dan melakukan pemesanan barang, karena bisa diakses dimanapun. Aplikasi Pemesanan Barang Pada Unit Produksi Percetakan SMK Grafika Berbasis Android, dibangun menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus di Kota Surakarta. Teknik analisa kelemahan sistem menggunakan analisa PIECES (Perfomance, Information, Economy, Cotrol, Efficiency, dan Service). Untuk teknik pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode waterfall, sedangkan untuk menggambarkan alur data menggunakan Data Flow Diagram yang terdiri dari diagram konteks, Data Flow Diagram level 0, Data Flow Diagram Level 1 dan Data Flow Diagram Level 2. Software yang digunakan untuk membangun sistem ini adalah Android Studio dan XAMPP sebagai koneksi database MySQL. Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan menggunakan blackbox testing, sistem yang dibangun dapat membantu masalah yang dihadapi unit produksi percetakan dan pelanggan.

MATHEdunesa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-304
Masyita Putri Firdausy ◽  
Abdul Haris Rosyidi

Justification is the process of justifying a claim that is supported with evidence. Justification is the center of mathematics. Justification plays an important role in learning because it can help students improve understanding of mathematical concepts. By using a qualitative approach, this study aims to analyze the mathematical justification of high school students in solving problems on statistical topics. This research was conducted on 122 high school students by giving justification test questions on the topic of statistics resulted in 17% (21 students) included in the level justification level 3, 16% (19 students) included in level 2, 47% (47 students) included in level 1, and 20% (25 students) the rest are included in level 0. Further analysis was carried out to see the mathematical justification process by each level. The mathematical justification process consists of three stages, 1) the process of recognition; 2) the development process (building-with), and 3) understanding (awareness) process. Level 3 and level 2 students can recognize the problem and determine the right strategy to solve the problem, level 3 and level 2 students are also able to execute the strategy and interpret the results of the calculations they have done. The difference in level 3 and level 2 students lies in the understanding the concepts they have. Level 1 students can recognize problems and determine solution strategies. Although level 1 students can recognize and do calculations well, level 1 students fail in interpreting the results of calculations performed. While students who are level 0 are not able to recognize the problem, so level 0 students do not carry out the justification process.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Wahyu Widada

The purpose of this research is to describe proil cognitive structure of students in understanding the concept of real analysis. This research is part of the research development of the theory of cognitive structure of students Mathematics Education Program at the University of Bengkulu. The results of this research are: 1)there are seven models decompositions of genetic students mathematics education reviewed based on the SRP Model about the concepts of Real Analysis namely Pra-Intra Level, Level intra, Level semi-inter, Level inter, Level semi-trans, Trans Level, level and Extended-Trans (only theoretic level while empirically not found); 2) There are six models decompositions of genetic students mathematics education reviewed based on KA about the concepts of Real Analysis namely Level 0: Objects of concrete steps; Level 1: Models Semi-concrete steps; Level 2: Models Theoretic; Level 3: Language in Domain Example; Level 4: Mathematical Language; Level 5: Inferensi Model. Profile of cognitive structure of mathematics education student at the University of Bengkulu is 6.25% Students located on the Basic Level (Pra-Intra Level with concrete objects), there is 8.75% Students located at Level 0 (intra Level with concrete objects), there are 15,00% Students located at Level 1 (semi-Level inter with Semi-Concrete Model), there are 33.75 percent students located on Level 2 (Level inter with theoretical model), there are 22.50 percent students located at Level 3 (Semi-trans Level with the Bible in Domain example), there are located on the student percent during the Level 4 (Trans Level with the language of Mathematics), and there are 0 percent students located at Level 5 (Level Extended-Trans with Inferensi Model). Students Education Mathematics at the University of Bengkulu pembangunnya element is functional can achieve Trans Level, students will be able to set up activities and make the algorithm that formed the concept/principles with the right. Functional students can also perform the process of abstraction using the rules in a system of mathematics.

Lania Muharsih ◽  
Ratih Saraswati

This study aims to determine the training evaluation at PT. Kujang Fertilizer. PT. Pupuk Kujang is a company engaged in the field of petrochemicals. Evaluation sheet of PT. Fertilizer Kujang is made based on Kirkpatrick's theory which consists of four levels of evaluation, namely reaction, learning, behavior, and results. At level 1, namely reaction, in the evaluation sheet is in accordance with the theory of Kirkpatrick, at level 2 that is learning should be held pretest and posttest but only made scale. At level 3, behavior, according to theory, but on assessment factor number 3, quantity and work productivity should not need to be included because they are included in level 4. At level 4, that is the result, here is still lacking to get a picture of the results of the training that has been carried out because only based on answers from superiors without evidence of any documents.   Keywords: Training Evaluation, Kirkpatrick Theory.    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui evaluasi training di PT. Pupuk Kujang. PT. Pupuk Kujang merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang petrokimia. Lembar evaluasi PT. Pupuk Kujang dibuat berdasarkan teori Kirkpatrick yang terdiri dari empat level evaluasi, yaitu reaksi, learning, behavior, dan hasil. Pada level 1 yaitu reaksi, di lembar evaluasi tersebut sudah sesuai dengan teori dari Kirkpatrick, pada level 2 yaitu learning seharusnya diadakan pretest dan posttest namun hanya dibuatkan skala. Pada level 3 yaitu behavior, sudah sesuai teori namun pada faktor penilaian nomor 3 kuantitas dan produktivitas kerja semestinya tidak perlu dimasukkan karena sudah termasuk ke dalam level 4. Pada level 4 yaitu hasil, disini masih sangat kurang untuk mendapatkan gambaran hasil dari pelatihan yang sudah dilaksanakan karena hanya berdasarkan dari jawaban atasan tanpa bukti dokumen apapun.   Kata kunci: Evaluasi Pelatihan, Teori Kirkpatrick.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 869
Xiuguo Zou ◽  
Jiahong Wu ◽  
Zhibin Cao ◽  
Yan Qian ◽  
Shixiu Zhang ◽  

In order to adequately characterize the visual characteristics of atmospheric visibility and overcome the disadvantages of the traditional atmospheric visibility measurement method with significant dependence on preset reference objects, high cost, and complicated steps, this paper proposed an ensemble learning method for atmospheric visibility grading based on deep neural network and stochastic weight averaging. An experiment was conducted using the scene of an expressway, and three visibility levels were set, i.e., Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Firstly, the EfficientNet was transferred to extract the abstract features of the images. Then, training and grading were performed on the feature sets through the SoftMax regression model. Subsequently, the feature sets were ensembled using the method of stochastic weight averaging to obtain the atmospheric visibility grading model. The obtained datasets were input into the grading model and tested. The grading model classified the results into three categories, with the grading accuracy being 95.00%, 89.45%, and 90.91%, respectively, and the average accuracy of 91.79%. The results obtained by the proposed method were compared with those obtained by the existing methods, and the proposed method showed better performance than those of other methods. This method can be used to classify the atmospheric visibility of traffic and reduce the incidence of traffic accidents caused by atmospheric visibility.

2002 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-219 ◽  
Adam Ockelford

Like all fields of human artistic endeavour, music is constrained by our cognitive processing requirements and limitations (Swain, 1986; Lerdahl, 1988; Huron, 2001). This articleconsiders particular forms of constraint pertaining to the relationships that the structure-seeking mind (subconsciously) fabricates between perceived musical events. It is proposed that 2±1 may be a universal limitation pertaining to the level of relationships so ideated. That is, in terms of Lewin'S (1987) theoretical framework in which “intervals” can be intuited between the “elements” of musical “spaces”, it is posited that the cognition of musical structure occurs either through intervals (level 1), through intervals between these (level 2), or — in some circumstances — through intervals between these(level 3). This proposition is explored through the psychomusicological model developed by Ockelford (1991, 1993, 1999), which too analyses musical structure in terms of the relationships that may be cognised between its discrete perceptual components. In particular, the model identifies a type of cognitive link through which events (at any level) arefelt to imply others the same or similar — through so-called “zygonic” relationships. This theory suggests a further general principle: that the highest level of relationship inoperation at any given point must be zygonic if the music is to be structurally coherent. Evidence for this, and for the limit on the level of relationships of 2±1, is offeredthrough a series of musical examples, which illustrate a variety of musical organisation in action. Finally, empirical work is suggested to explore further the theoretical ideas that arepresented here.

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