2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Candra Yulianto ◽  
Yosef Cahyo ◽  
Ahmad Ridwan

ABSTRACTIn the construction of highways, the community generally uses concrete asphalt as aningredient in the construction of highways. Asphalt concrete mix (Hotmix) use in Indonesiafrom year to year is increasing. Because concrete asphalt (Hotmix) has advantages comparedto other materials, for example, the price is relatively economical / cheap compared to usingconcrete, its ability to support heavy loads of high vehicles. the practicality of making asphaltconcrete (hotmix) can be made from locally available materials and has good resistance toweather changes. The purpose of this research is how the effect of adding lime extinguishedon mixed materials on asphalt concrete (hotmix) and knowing how much percentage of lime2mixture goes out to reach the optimum point of concrete asphalt from the author's calculationresults can be concluded as follows:1. The value of stability of each decrease by adding lime is 5% at 778 kg, 10% at 645 kg,15% at 534 kg.2. The results of the volume of air cavity to mixture (VIM) with levels of 5%, 10% and 15%,namely 8.17%, 7.51%, and 6.85%.3. Pore volume results between aggregate grains (VMA) with levels of 5%, 10% and 15%,among others, 19.87%, 18.55%, and 17.73%.4. Pore volume results between aggregate grains filled with asphalt (VFB) with levels of 5%,10% and 15%, among others 58.88%, 56.61%, and 54.35%.5. The results of the Marshall Quotient (MQ) value of 5%, 10% and 15% Marshall Quotient(MQ) are 297 kg / mm, 230 kg / mm, and 198 kg / mm.Keywords: Concrete Asphalt, Addition of lime extinguished, Marshall test characteristics

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 96
Nanda Ade Kurniawan ◽  
Sigit Winarto ◽  
Ahmad Ridwan

Asphalt concrete as a material for road construction has long been known and used widely in road construction. Its use in Indonesia is increasing from year to year. This is because asphalt concrete has several advantages compared to other materials, including a relatively lower price than concrete, its ability to support high vehicle weight loads, and can be made from locally available materials and has good resistance to weather. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of add sugarcane waste as a concrete asphalt mixture and look for out what percentage of the mixture of molasses waste on asphalt concrete to reach the optimum point. From the calculation of the addition of molasses to the concrete asphalt mixture with levels of 5%, 10%, and 15% yield Marshall Quotient (MQ), namely 395 kg / mm, 293 kg / mm, and 817 kg / mm. From these results, it can be concluded that the addition of molasses with a variation of 15% has an optimal result compared to 5%, 10% addition of molasses.Aspal beton sebagai bahan untuk konstruksi jalan sudah lama dikenal dan digunakan secara luas dalam pembuatan jalan. Penggunaannya pun di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun makin meningkat. Hal ini disebabkan aspal beton mempunyai beberapa kelebihan dibanding dengan bahan-bahan lain, diantaranya harganya yang relatif lebih murah dibanding beton, kemampuannya dalam mendukung beban berat kendaraan yang tinggi dan dapat dibuat dari bahan-bahan lokal yang tersedia dan mempunyai ketahanan yang baik terhadap cuaca. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan bahan limbah tetes tebu sebagai bahan campuran pada aspal beton dan Mengetahui berapa persentase campuran limbah tetes tebu pada aspal beton agar mencapai titik optimum. Dari hasil perhitungan penambahan tetes tebu pada campuran aspal beton dengan kadar 5%, 10% dan 15% menghasilkan Marshall Quotient (MQ) yaitu antara lain 395 kg/mm, 293 kg/mm, dan 817 kg/mm. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan tetes tebu dengan variasi 15% memiliki hasil yang optimal dibandikan dengan 5%, 10% penambahan tetes tebu.

2017 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
Gito Sugiyanto

Highways are important transportation infrastructures that influence economy, culture, and security. Most of the highways in Indonesia are flexible pavement that use asphalt as a binder. The use of scrapped tire rubber as a partial replacement of fine aggregates is based on the limited available natural aggregate in nature. Utilization of scrapped tire rubber as a fine aggregate is one of the alternatives for reducing environmental pollution and supporting Clean Development Mechanism program. The aim of this study is to analyze the Marshall test characteristics of asphalt concrete (AC) mixture that use scrapped tire rubber as a partial substitute of fine aggregate and comparing with a standard mixture. Laboratory tests are performed on three different types of mixtures as follows the mix without scrapped tire rubber, mix containing 50%, and 100% substitution of aggregate at fraction of No.50 with scrapped tire rubber. The test, it show that optimum asphalt content for ACStandard mixture is 6.76%, while ACScrapped-tire 50% mixture is 7.04% and ACScrapped-tire 100% mixture is 6.25%. The use of scrapped tire rubber in asphalt concrete mixtures can improve the resistance to permanent deformation and resistance to water. The use of scrapped tire rubber is acceptable as a partial replacement of aggregate in asphalt concrete mixtures.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 256
Satria Arung Bangun Samodera ◽  
Yosef Cahyo Setianto Poernomo ◽  
Ahmad Ridwan ◽  
Agata Iwan Candra

Asphalt Concrete is a mixture of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and filler (Filler) with asphalt binder in high-temperature conditions with the composition regulated. This study uses three types of additions samples of red brick powder on concrete asphalt with a mixture of 5%,10%, and 20%. Each test results decreased with the addition of red brick powder among others 5% of 289,992 kg, 10% of 2248,822 kg, 20% of 1574,782,and produce volume of air cavity to mixture (VIM) with a level of 5%,10%,20% wich are among others 8,481%, 9,444%, 8,334%, and produce pore volume between aggregate (VMA) and levels of 5%,10%,20%,which are among others 22,575%, 23,390%, 22,450%, and produce pore volume between aggregate grains filled with asphalt (VFB) with levels of 5%,10%,20%, among others 62,575%, 59,903%, 62,897%, and produced a marshal question (MQ) with a 5% content of 942 kg/mm, 10% at 632 kg/mm, 20% at 378 kg/mm. To achieve optimum levels, the mixture of red brick powder on asphalt concrete ranges < 5%.Aspal Beton merupakan campuran agregat kasar, agregat halus, dan bahan pengisi (Filler) dengan bahan pengikat aspal dalam kondisi suhu tinggi (panas) dengan komposisi yang diatur. Penelitian ini mengunakan tiga jenis sampel penambahan serbuk batu bata merah pada aspal beton dengan campuran 5%,10%,dan 20%.Hasil pengujian masing masing mengalami penurunan dengan penambahan serbuk batu bata merah yaitu antara lain 5% sebesar 289,992 kg,10% sebesar 2248,822 kg,20% sebesar 1574,782,dan menghasilkan volume rongga udara terhadap campuran (VIM) dengan kadar 5%,10%,20% yaitu antara lain 8,481%,9,444%,8,334%,dan menghasilkan volume pori antara butir agregat (VMA) dengan kadar 5%,10%,20% yaitu antara lain 22,575%,23,390%,22,450%,dan menghasilkan volume pori agregat yang terisi aspal (VFB) dengan kadar 5%,10%,20% yaitu antara lain 62,575%,59,903%,62,897%,dan menghasilkan marshal quotient (QM) dengan kadar 5% sebesar 942 kg/mm,10% sebesar 632 kg/mm,dan 20% sebesar 378%. Untuk mencapai kadar optimum maka campuran serbuk batu bata merah pada aspal beton berkisar antara < 5%

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-39
Eko Wiyono ◽  
Anni Susilowati

AbstractThe objectives of the research were to obtain the Marshall properties of asphalt concrete mixture mixed with variations of manual compact collisions and to determine the optimum number of compactions collisions in the asphalt concrete mixture using anti stripping additives. The independent variables in this research are variation of the number of compaction collisions of asphalt concrete as many as 2x50, 2x75, 2x100, 2x125 and 2x150, with optimum asphalt content of 6%, and Wetfix Be 0,3% to optimum asphalt content. Marshall test method used in this research was based on SNI 06-2489-1991. The dependent variables (research parameters) included percent of cavities in the aggregate (VMA), percent of cavities in the mix, percent of cavities filled in asphalt (VFB), percent of cavity to mix (VIM), stability, melting, and Marshall Quotient. The result showed that the optimum number of compactions of asphalt concrete was 2x100 with Marshall properties value fulfilling SNI 8198-2015 specification. In Asphalt concrete mixture with optimum asphalt content (KAO) of 6%, Wetfix Be level of 0,3%, optimum number of compactions of 2X100, could be obtained by Aggregate (VMA) cavity 17.50%; Asphalt filled cavity (VFB) 76.50%; Cavity to Mixture (VIM) 4,00%; Stability of 1800.00 kg; Melting of 3.75 mm; and Marshall Quontient 500.00 kg/mmKeywords: Anti Stripping, Collision, Compaction, Wetfix BeAbstrakTujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan nilai properties Marshall campuran beton aspal dengan berbagai variasi jumlah tumbukan pemadatan dan menentukan jumlah tumbukan pemadatan yang optimum pada campuran beton aspal dengan menggunakan bahan tambah anti stripping. Variabel bebas pada penelitian ini adalah variasi jumlah tumbukan pada pemadatan pembuatan beton aspal  sebanyak 2x50, 2x75, 2x100, 2x125 dan 2x150, dengan Kadar Aspal Optimum 6%, dan Wetfix Be 0,3% terhadap kadar aspal optimum. Metode pengujian Marshall berdasarkan SNI 06-2489-1991. Variabel terikat (parameter penelitian) meliputi persen rongga dalam agregat (VMA), persen rongga dalam campuran, persen rongga terisi aspal (VFB), persen rongga terhadap campuran (VIM), stabilitas, kelelehan, Marshall Quotient. Hasil penelitian didapat jumlah tumbukan pada pemadatan beton aspal yang optimum sebesar 2x100 dengan nilai properties Marshall memenuhi spesifikasi SNI 8198-2015. Campuran beton aspal dengan Kadar Aspal Optimum (KAO) 6%, kadar Wetfix Be sebesar 0,3%, Jumlah Tumbukan Optimum 2X100, diperoleh Rongga terhadap Agregat (VMA) 17,50%; Rongga Terisi Aspal (VFB) 76,50%; Rongga terhadap Campuran (VIM) 4,00%; Stabilitas 1800,00 kg; Kelelehan 3,75 mm; dan Marshall Quontient 500,00 kg/mmKata kunci: Anti Stripping, Tumbukan, Pemadatan, Wetfix  Be

UKaRsT ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 8
Sugeng Dwi Hartantyo ◽  
Rasiyo Hepiyanto

Laston is a mixture of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and filler with a binder under the temperature of 145-155oC with the composition being studied and regulated by technical specifications. Laston is also known as AC (Asphalt Concrete).Laston itself is commonly used in Indonesia with continuous gradations used for heavy traffic loads. To get the addictive material is not easy and the material is expensive. Therefore, it is necessary to find alternatives to the cellulose fiber. Water hyacinth is a water weed that once grow and develop, it has high cellulose fiber content, which is about 60%.For that, done a research to add a hot asphalt mixture material that aims to improve the quality of mixed result. The selected material is natural water hyacinth. The method used is trial and error with reference of SNI 03-1737-1989. Variations used are 3%, 5%, and 7% of the asphalt weight, asphalt level used Is 5.61%.The result of this study is Marshall evaluation where the greatest score obtained for stability is 1325 kg,  Flow is 3.73 mm, Quotient Marshall is 401.02 kg/mm, VMA is 66.30%, VFWA is 19.25%, and VIM score is 54.35 %. With this result, the asphalt mixture can not be used because the results of VMA, VFWA, and VIM have not been suitable on specification of SNI 03-1737-1989.  Keywords: Laston, Asphalt Concrete, Water Hyacinth, SNI 03-1737-1989.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-71
Lie Ing Tan ◽  
Wildan Reza Pahlevi

The quality of implementation, drainage, materials that do not meet the standards, and overloaded from the specified class of roads are the main causes of road damage. Thus violations and negligence both in the implementation or maintenance of the road can cause a lot of traffic accidents, damage to vehicles, and various things that can disrupt the comfort and safety of drivers or pedestrians. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of polypropylene plastic as an additive in the Asphalt Concrete-Wearing Course (AC-WC) layer. The use of polypropylene waste used as an additive is around 2.5%; 3.5%; 4.5%; and 5.5% of the asphalt weight. Based on the results of the analysis it was concluded that the mixture of AC-WC with the addition of polypropylene plastic experienced increased stability and decreased melting. Polypropylene plastic which can be used based on the five Marshall test parameters with the highest value of stability and lowest melting is 4.5% of the weight of asphalt.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-62
Ika Sulianti ◽  
Ibrahim Ibrahim ◽  
Agus Subrianto ◽  
Adelia Monita ◽  
Medici Medici

Styrofoam waste presents the environment issue because it is difficult to decompose. As an effort to recycle this pollutant, styrofoam can be utilized as an additive in asphalt concrete mixture. The use of additives aims to create a flexible pavement layer having good performance and meet the requirements. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the addition of styrofoam can improve the quality of asphalt mixtures, and look for alternative additives that can increase asphalt pavement performance. In this study, researchers used food container styrofoam as an addition and incorforated into Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (AC-WC) mixture. The styrofoam content was 6.5%; 6.75%; 7% ; 7.25%; and 7.5% of asphalt weight. The optimum asphalt contentused is 5.5%. The value of the optimum stability was 3126,002 kg, found at 7.25% of styrofoam content. The best results of Marshall test was obtained at 6.5% of styrofoam content  with stability value  1362,045 kg, VIM value 4,96%, VMA 15,025%, VFA 67,800%, flow 3,44 mm, and MQ 416,338 kg / mm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-39
Gilang Trianugrah S ◽  
Bambang Wedyantadji ◽  
Togi Nainggolan

Keterbatasan material batu kali untuk campuran perkerasan lama kelamaan akan mengalami pengurangan. Dalam penelitian ini mengambil alternatif pemanfaatan limbah batu marmer sebagai pengganti agregat 10/10 pada campuran AC-WC. Di Kabupaten Tulungagung khususnya Desa Gamping Rejo mempunyai limbah batu marmer dari hasil pengolahan kerajinan yang hanya digunakan sebagai timbunan jalan berlubang dan kurang bernilai secara ekonomis.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh limbah batu marmer sebagai pengganti agregat 10/10 ditinjau dari nilai karakteristik Marshall dan juga kelayakan dari limbah batu marmer. Kemudian melakukan pembuatan benda uji berjumlah 45 buah dilanjutkan dengan pengujian menggunakan metode Marshall Test di laboratorium bahan konstruksi Teknik Sipil Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang. Dari hasil pengujian Marshall sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan batu marmer didaptkan nilai Kadar Aspal Optimum sebesar (5,80%) dan (5,81%). Untuk kadar limbah pecahan batu marmer yang baik didapatkan pada variasi 25% dengan nilai karakteristik Marshall : Stabilitas (973,63 Kg), Flow (3,00 mm), VIM (3,99%), VMA (16,88%), VFA (76,36%), MQ (328,19 Kg/mm). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian batu marmer layak digunakan sebagai pengganti agregat 10/10 pada lapis AC-WC dengan nilai : Flakiness (20,04 %), Impact (12,98 %), Abrasi (27,26 %), Berat jenis (2,58), Penyerapan (1,43 %).

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