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Published By Sekolah Tinggi Teknik-Pln


2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Dyah Pratiwi Kusumastuti ◽  
Husna Alghoida

Abstract Dams have many benefits such as irrigation, flood prevention, power generation and even tourism, especially in areas where the dam is located. So that the benefits received can last a long time, in the planning, it must be analyzed for stability, seepage discharge that occurs and the safety of the piping. The piping hazard safety figures in this study were calculated using the Harza method for maximum water level conditions, normal water levels, fast receding and empty dams at sta 0 + 150, sta 0 + 200, sta 0 + 250 and sta 0 + 300. Based on the calculation results, it is found that the safety of piping hazards without filters with the grouting method do not meet the requirements safety factor, especially in conditions of maximum water level, normal water level and fast receding. In order for the safety of piping hazard in order to meet the requirements, a filter is applied under the dams. The filter is applied so that the piping hazard safety figure meets the requirements of all water level conditions and all station is 80 cm deep.   Keywords: safety factor, piping, Harza method, filter   ABSTRAK Bendungan memiliki banyak manfaat seperti irigasi, pencegah banjir, pembangkit listrik bahkan pariwisata khususnya pada wilayah dimana bendungan tersebut berada. Agar manfaat yang diterima dapat berlangsung lama maka dalam perencanaannya wajib dianalisis terhadap stabilitas, debit rembesan yang terjadi maupun keamanan dari piping. Angka keamanan bahaya piping pada penelitian ini dihitung dengan menggunakan metode Harza untuk kondisi muka air maksimum, muka air normal, surut cepat dan bendungan kosong di sta 0+150, sta 0+200, sta 0+250 serta sta 0+300. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan didapatkan bahwa angka keamanan bahaya piping tanpa penggunaan filter dengan metode grouting tidak memenuhi persyaratan angka keamanan khususnya pada kondisi muka air maksimum, muka air normal dan surut cepat. Agar angka keamanan bahaya piping memenuhi persyaratan maka diaplikasikan filter dibawah tubuh bendungan. Filter yang diaplikasikan agar angka keamanan bahaya piping memenuhi persyaratan diseluruh kondisi muka air dan seluruh sta adalah dengan kedalaman 80 cm.   Kata kunci: angka keamanan, piping, metode Harza, filter Abstract Dams have many benefits such as irrigation, flood prevention, power generation and even tourism, especially in areas where the dam is located. So that the benefits received can last a long time, in the planning, it must be analyzed for stability, seepage discharge that occurs and the safety of the piping. The piping hazard safety figures in this study were calculated using the Harza method for maximum water level conditions, normal water levels, fast receding and empty dams at sta 0 + 150, sta 0 + 200, sta 0 + 250 and sta 0 + 300. Based on the calculation results, it is found that the safety of piping hazards without filters with the grouting method do not meet the requirements safety factor, especially in conditions of maximum water level, normal water level and fast receding. In order for the safety of piping hazard in order to meet the requirements, a filter is applied under the dams. The filter is applied so that the piping hazard safety figure meets the requirements of all water level conditions and all station is 80 cm deep.   Keywords: safety factor, piping, Harza method, filter   ABSTRAK Bendungan memiliki banyak manfaat seperti irigasi, pencegah banjir, pembangkit listrik bahkan pariwisata khususnya pada wilayah dimana bendungan tersebut berada. Agar manfaat yang diterima dapat berlangsung lama maka dalam perencanaannya wajib dianalisis terhadap stabilitas, debit rembesan yang terjadi maupun keamanan dari piping. Angka keamanan bahaya piping pada penelitian ini dihitung dengan menggunakan metode Harza untuk kondisi muka air maksimum, muka air normal, surut cepat dan bendungan kosong di sta 0+150, sta 0+200, sta 0+250 serta sta 0+300. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan didapatkan bahwa angka keamanan bahaya piping tanpa penggunaan filter dengan metode grouting tidak memenuhi persyaratan angka keamanan khususnya pada kondisi muka air maksimum, muka air normal dan surut cepat. Agar angka keamanan bahaya piping memenuhi persyaratan maka diaplikasikan filter dibawah tubuh bendungan. Filter yang diaplikasikan agar angka keamanan bahaya piping memenuhi persyaratan diseluruh kondisi muka air dan seluruh sta adalah dengan kedalaman 80 cm.   Kata kunci: angka keamanan, piping, metode Harza, filter

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-29
Irma Sepriyanna ◽  
Arif Suardi ◽  
Utami Wahyuningsih

Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasokan energi, tidak cukup hanya mengandalkan energi fosil sebagai sumber utama. Salah satu sumber energi terbarukan yang memiliki potensi besar di Indonesia adalah tenaga surya, yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber utama pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS). Pelaksanaan pembangunan proyek PLTS dapat menjadi tugas yang rumit karena membutuhkan investasi waktu, biaya, dan tenaga kerja yang tidak sedikit. Masalah penjadwalan aktivitas adalah salah satu tugas penting yang harus dilakukan untuk pengendalian proses konstruksi dan perencanaan yang cermat sebelum dimulainya suatu proyek. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini mencoba menerapkan metode penjadwalan proyek pembangunan pembangkit tenaga surya terpusat off-grid, dengan metode jalur kritis (Critical Path Method). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa total waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan proyek, berdasarkan penghitungan, menjadi 37 minggu jika tidak ada penundaan. Penerapan metode jalur kritis dapat memperbaiki jadwal yang digunakan sebelumnya dan hal ini akan membantu manajer proyek dalam menangani masalah agar penyelesaian proyek dapat dikerjakan tepat waktu

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-40
Tommy Iduwin ◽  
Devita Mayasari ◽  
Tri Yuhanah

The impact of RAP on water was identified to be analyzed for the material's resistance to water because there are still a lot of waterlogged pavements in Indonesia. This research uses RAP variation 0%, 25% and 35%. The test is the Marshall test to get the optimum asphalt content value, the Cantabro test to determine the weight loss for 300 rounds and the durability by varying the immersion 0.1, 2, 4 and 7 days which will be tested for ITS. The KAO value obtained for each variation is 5.4% for 0% Rap, 5.6 for 25% Rap and 6% for 35% RAP. The results of the Cantabro test show that the largest percentage of weight loss is a mixture of 35% RAP which is 12.54%, where for 0% RAP there is a weight loss of 10.85% and at 25% RAP there is a weight loss of 11.66%. ITS test results have the highest value with variations of RAP 0%, RAP 25% and RAP 35%. variations of 0%, 25% and 35% showed a decreasing trend until the 7th day of immersion, it can be said that in the three variations the ITS value was influenced by the duration of continuous immersion. Keywords: RAP, AC-WC, Marshall, Cantabro, Indirect Tensile Strength

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-21
Nugroho Utomo

Railway crossing are amongst the most complex of road safety handling systems, due to the conflicts between road vehicles and rail infrastructure operations. Railway crossing until now is still become the one of major accident cause for road users. Mainly caused by indiscipline acts of road users when pass a railway crossing such as opening an illegal crossing, trespassing closed crossing gate and unaware road users. In the area that growing into an industrial and commercial area, the origins of road network that is local road type changed to collector road type. This roads transformation affected to appears of unprotected railway level crossings which existing railways and roads are closed to each other. In Province of East Java especially at Sidoarjo Municipality there are two railway crossing which indicating to this serious matters located at JPL 69 Gelam 1 and JPL 70 Gelam 2. These two railway crossing showing an incomplete standard safety facilities which required such as railway warning sign and others. By this urgency, paperwork is held to discussing about standard safety facilities identifications and analyzing availability of clear visible zone according with Guidance of Technically Design of Railway Crossing. As a results explained that JPL 69 Gelam 1 is not recommended for safety reasons and JPL 70 Gelam 2 is recommended with several conditions that must be equipped.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Dyah Pratiwi Kusumastuti ◽  
Dearman Hasiholan Saragih

Letak lapisan tanah lempung kaku yang memiliki daya dukung cukup umumnya terletak pada kedalaman yang cukup jauh, sehingga pondasi tiang bor menjadi pilihan yang sering digunakan. Daya dukung pada kelompok pondasi tiang bor dipengaruhi oleh bahan pembentuk tiang, jarak antar tiang, banyaknya tiang yang digunakan dan susunan tiang. Variasi jarak yang digunakan pada kelompok tiang akan menyebabkan zona tegangan serta dapat menimbulkan keruntuhan tamah disekitar pondasi. Analisis efisiensi daya dukung kelompok tiang bor digunakan metode Converse Labarre dengan variasi jarak antar tiangbor  yang digunakan adalah 2,5D dan 3D serta perhitungan penurunan menggunakan metode Vesic. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan diameter tiang 1 meter didapatkan efisiensi daya dukung pada jarak 2,5D dan 3,0D berturut-turut adalah 4721,851 ton dan 5057 ton. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka jarak 2,5D merupakan  susunan kelompok tiang bor yang dipilih dengan penurunan sebesar 267,199 meter.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Yules Pramona Zulkarnain

Angkutan umum trayek  Ampera– Tangga buntung merupakan salah satu  angkutan kota yang melayani  daerah yang cukup strategis, dilihat dari rute yang menjadi wilayah pelayanannya adalah terminal dan pasar Tangga Buntung, Dermaga penyeberangan Tangga Buntung, kawasan sekolah, perumahan dan berakhir di ikon kota Palembang yaitu Benteng Kuto Besak.  Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi oleh pemakai jasa angkutan kota adalah besarnya biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk melakukan perjalanan (tarif), biaya waktu tunggu, ketidak nyamanan dan keamanan penumpang , biaya operasional yang harus dikeluarkan  untuk mengoperasikan angkutan kota pada tingkat pelayanan tertentu. Penelitian ini membahas Analisa perhitungan tarif angkutan kota berdasarkan Biaya Operasional Kendaraan (BOK) dan tingkat pelayanan angkutan kota trayek Ampera –Tangga Buntung berdasarkan karakteristik pengguna jasa angkyan kota. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisis data diketahui bahwa tarif optimum angkutan kota trayek Ampera – Tangga Buntung sebesar Rp.4.200,- dan tarif yang diinginkan konsumen yaitu sebesar Rp.3.000,- pada tingkat pelayanan  angkutan kota  masih sangat penting dan dibutuhkan oleh  masyarakat tetapi  perlu peningkatan dan perbaikan sarana dan prasarana untuk kenyamanan dan keamanan pengguna jasa angkutan kotasedangkan  jumlah kebutuhan armada angkutan kota yang dibutuhkan sebanyak 17 kendaraan trip pada jam sibuk pagi, pada jam sibuk siang dibutuhkan 9 kendaraan trip dan pada jam sibuk sore dibutuhkan 12 kendaraan trip.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Ani Firda Firda ◽  
Indra Syahrul Fuad

ABSTRAK   Salah satu bahan tambah beton ialah serat (fiber). Serat dalam beton berfungsi untuk mencegah retak–retak sehingga menjadikan beton lebih daktail dari pada beton biasa dan untuk meningkatkan kekuatan tarik beton. Pemakaian beton pada lingkungan agresif sangat berpengaruh pada keawatan dan nilai kuat tekan dan tarik beton. Struktur beton dapat dikatakan berada pada lingkungan agresif manakala beton terus-menerus berada dalam lingkungan air laut, air rawa, tanah, dan kawasan industri dimana banya terkandung sulfat, beton akan menjadi rentan terhadap serangan sulfat yang dapat mengurangi durabilitas beton dan dapat membuat beton menjadi korosi. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini akan meneliti mengenai seberapa besar pengaruh variasi perendaman air PDAM Tirta Musi (pH=7) dan air rawa (pH<7) dan terhadap kuat tekan dan kuat lentur dengan tambahan serat purun tikus (eleocharis dulcis)  sebesar 0.75% selama 28 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perendaman beton mutu fc’ = 20Mpa umur 28 hari menggunakan air rawa (pH=4.5),  dapat menurunkan kuat tekan  beton normal sebesar 11.63%, sedangkan pada beton purun tikus 0.75% sebesar 4.12%, dibanding beton perendaman air PDAM Tirta Musi (pH=6.5). Perendaman beton mutu fc’ = 20Mpa umur 28 hari menggunakan air rawa (pH=4.5), dapat menurunkan kuat lentur beton normal sebesar 14.8%, sedangkan pada beton purun tikus 0.75% sebesar 5.8%, dibanding beton perendaman air PDAM Tirta Musi (pH=6.5).   Keywords : pH air, kuat tekan, kuat lentur, serat purun tikus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-33
Indah Handayasari ◽  
Irma Sepriyanna Sepriyanna ◽  
Dyah Pratiwi Kusumastuti

One of the polymer materials that can be a mixture of asphalt is Ethylene Vinyl Acetate, which is a material that is widely used in making toys and making footwear. This large amount of toys and footwear production waste has only become rubbish and has not been utilized optimally. Ethylene Vinyl Acetate polymers themselves belong to elastomeric polymers which have flexible properties such as rubber, smooth, flexible, resistant to low temperatures, are not easily cracked and are resistant to water. The use of polymer material as a mixture of asphalt has been widely carried out considering that asphalt modification with polymeric materials is known from several tests showing that it has better resistance to deformation and overcoming cracks, so that road construction can be produced more durable and can reduce maintenance and repair costs Street. In this study the use of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate waste on asphalt mixes has a pretty good effect, this is seen from the results of marshall tests that can meet the requirements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-41
Ika Sari Damayanthi Sebayang ◽  
Syaefudin Wibowo

The Cikapundung River is one of the rivers that divides the city of Bandung and is often used as the main drainage center of the city, the flow of sewage or waste, tourism objects, and raw water sources. This causes the importance of observing reliable discharge values flowing on the Cikapundung River. In this study the authors analyzed the availability of minimum river discharge in Cikapundung Hulu Sub Das using the FJ Mock method. This study uses rainfall data and climatology data. The rainfall data used are rainfall data from Dago Pakar station and Meteo Lembang station, with a span of 10 years while the climatological data used is data from the Bandung Geophysical Station with a span of 10 years. Mainstay discharge calculated using the F.J Mock Method, where in the F.J Mock calculation there are a number of parameters assumed. This modeling test process is by calibrating the parameters assumed by Trial and Error.  The average discharge magnitude for Q50, Q80, Q90, and Q95 in calculating the mock model in the period 2008 to 2014 resulted in a value of 3.87 m³ / sec; 2.98 m³ / sec; 2.46 m³ / sec; and 2.21 m³ /sec. While the discharge values of Q50, Q80, Q90, and Q95 in the observation debit produce successive values of 3.85 m³ / sec; 2.45 m³ / sec; 2.05 m³ / sec; and 1.91 m³ / sec. Even with the increase in the calculation period, reliable debit values have a tendency to rise.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-19
Tommy Iduwin ◽  
Dicki Dian Purnama ◽  
Pratiwi Septyaning Putri ◽  
Hastanto Siswo Martono

Infrastructure development is increasing every year making the need for concrete materials increases. Using alternative materials can reduce the scarcity of material and environmental damage caused by taking and dredging the material. This research is to find out how much influence the recycled material has on the compressive strength of no fines concrete. The variations used are recycled materials of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Mechanical testing conducted is a compressive strength test to determine the compressive strength of no fines concrete at the age of 7, 14 and 28 days. The ratio of cement and aggregate used is 1: 4 with FAS 0.5. This research uses 15 x 30 cm cylindrical molds with 45 test specimens. The test results show the highest compressive strength value of non-sand concrete occurs at 0% recycled material by 10.47 Mpa and the lowest compressive strength on non-sand concrete 100% recycled material is 8.39 Mpa. The percentage of absorption of no fines concrete shows that the more recycled material is used, the smaller the value of water absorption. The highest absorption value in no fines concrete is 0% recycled material, which is 5.93% and the smallest value is in the variation of no fines concrete 100% recycled material recycled material that is equal to 4.99%.

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