marshall test
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2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-136
Samer Ali Naji ◽  
Alaa H. Abed

The objective of this paper is find the effect of using iron oxide as a filler on the Marshall stability, flow and the volumetric properties of HMA and compared the results with conventional HMA using limestone dust. Three blends were used: coarse, mid and fine with neat bitumen (AC 40-50). One aggregate type (crushed) with two types of fillers: limestone and iron oxide III (α- ) with three different filler content 6%, 8% and 10%. The Marshall mix design was conducted on the three blends and the optimum binder content is computed for each blend. The Marshall stability test results and the volumetric properties analysis showed that increasing the iron oxide content from 6% to 10%  increases the stability about 28%, 17% , 16% for the coarse , mid and fine mixtures respectively. This increment in stability of mixtures using iron oxide related to the increment in specific gravity of the mix (Gmb) by (1.3% to 1.5% about 30 to 50 kg/m3). On the other hand, the flow of mixtures is decreased about (5%) for mixes using iron oxide than the ones that used limestone as filler. The fine blend with 10% iron oxide exhibit the highest stability of 13.3 kN. While the coarse blend stability was 10 kN for the same filler type and content. Generally, the Marshall Test results of HMA using iron oxide as filler showed better resistance to plastic deformation, also produce denser HMA with higher stiffness. On the other hand, the volumetric properties analysis showed lesser values as compared with conventional mixture where the void in mineral aggregates and void filled with asphalt has decreased but within the acceptable limits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 349-358
Thopan Andhika Putra ◽  
Bambang Sugeng Subagio ◽  
Eri Susanto Hariyadi

Abstract One way to be developed to overcome challenges in providing flexible pavement materials is to apply the green roads principle by reusing some or all of the old road pavement material or Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) as a material for new road pavement, which if reused will affect the performance of the mixture, such as decreasing the level of durability and premature pavement damage, so an effort must be made to improve the performance of the recycled material, namely by adding full extracted Asbuton and rejuvenating materials. The RAP material was obtained from scratching the asphalt of the Jagorawi Toll Road. The mixture used was asphalt concrete-binder course (AC-BC) layer using 30%, 40%, and 50% RAP material, using full extracted Asbuton at 6%, and Nichireki rejuvenating material. Then, on mixtures with RAP material, Marshall Test, Resilient Modulus test with UMATTA, and resistance to fatigue with four points loading test with strain control were conducted. The use of RAP material with modified asphalt in the form of an addition of full extracted Asbuton into the Pen 60/70 Asphalt can increase the asphalt stiffness. Marshall test results showed that a mixture with 6% full extracted asbuton content and 0% RAP material content (A6RAP0) gave the highest stability value. The results of the Resilient Modulus test showed that the mixture with 6% full extracted asbuton content and 50% RAP material content (A6RAP50) gave a high Resilient Modulus value at a test temperature of 45oC. The results of the fatigue resistance test showed that the mixture with 6% full extracted asbuton content and 50% RAP material content (A6RAP50) at a strain level of 300 µε gave the longest fatigue life. Keywords: Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), full extracted asbuton, asphalt concrete -binder course, modified asphalt, resilient modulus, fatigue life. Abstrak Salah satu cara dikembangkan untuk mengatasi tantangan dalam penyediaan material perkerasan lentur adalah menerapkan prinsip greenroads dengan memanfaatkan kembali sebagian atau keseluruhan material perkerasan jalan lama atau Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) sebagai material untuk perkerasan jalan yang baru, dimana jika digunakan kembali akan mempengaruhi kinerja dari campuran seperti penurunan tingkat durabilitas dan kerusakan dini perkerasan, sehingga harus dilakukan suatu upaya untuk memperbaiki kinerja dari material daur ulang tersebut, yaitu dengan penambahan Asbuton murni dan bahan peremaja. Material RAP didapatkan dari hasil garukan aspal Jalan Tol Jagorawi. Campuran yang dipakai adalah Laston Lapis AC-BC menggunakan kadar material RAP sebanyak 30%, 40%, dan 50%, dengan penggunaan Asbuton murni sebesar 6%, serta bahan peremaja Nichireki, dan kemudian selanjutnya pada campuran dengan penggunaan material RAP dilakukan pengujian Marshall, Modulus Resilien dengan alat UMATTA dan ketahanan terhadap kelelahan (fatigue) metode four points loading test dengan kontrol regangan. Penggunaan material RAP dengan aspal modifkasi berupa penambahan Asbuton murni kedalam Aspal Shell Pen 60/70 dapat meningkatkan kekakuan aspal. Hasil pengujian Marshall menunjukkan campuran dengan kadar Asbuton murni 6% dan kadar material RAP 0% (A6RAP0) memberikan nilai stabilitas tertinggi. Hasil pengujian Modulus Resilien menunjukkan campuran campuran dengan kadar Asbuton murni 6% dan kadar material RAP 50% (A6RAP50) memberikan nilai Modulus Resilien yang tinggi pada temperatur pengujian 45oC. Hasil pengujian ketahanan terhadap kelelahan menunjukkan campuran dengan kadar Asbuton murni 6% dan kadar material RAP 50% (A6RAP50) pada regangan 300 µε memberikan umur kelelahan yang paling panjang. Kata-kata kunci: Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), Asbuton murni, laston lapis antara, aspal modifikasi,  modulus resilien, umur kelelahan.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-136
Atthaariq Muhammad Yandes ◽  
Rismanto Rismanto ◽  
Julianto Julianto ◽  
Ulfa Jusi

Material Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) yang terbuang dan menjadi limbah diharapkan dapat digunakan kembali sebagai material campuran aspal. Recycling (daur ulang) adalah salah satu alternatif yang bisa digunakan. Penggunaan bahan peremaja dari limbah RAP ini diperlukan apabila material RAP tidak dapat memenuhi spesifikasi Bina Marga. Persyaratan mengenai spesifikasi material RAP dan pengujian material mengacu pada Spesifikasi Umum Bina Marga 2010 Revisi 3 dan Spesifikasi Khusus Interim Bina Marga 2011 Seksi 6.3. Penelitian ini menggunakan oli bekas sebagai bahan peremaja pada campuran Asphalt Concrete Binder Course (AC-BC) dengan variasi 0%, 10%, 20% dan 30%. Dengan 10 buah benda uji, masing-masing 3 buah benda uji ditambah 1 benda uji dalam kondisi original (0%). Dari hasil pemeriksaan Marshall Test didapat hasil pada 10% campuran oli bekas nilai stability adalah 711 kg, kelelehan (flow) 3,5%, Marshall Quotient (MQ) 205 kg/mm, rongga terisi pori (VMA) 14,8%. Pada 20% campuran oli bekas nilai stabiitynya 526 kg, kelelehan (flow) 3,5%, Marshall Quotient (MQ) 152 kg/mm, rongga terisi pori (VMA) 14,9%. Sedangkan pada campuran 30% oli bekas didapat nilai stability 394 kg, kelelehan (flow) 3,5%, Marshall Quotient (MQ) 114 kg/mm, rongga terisi pori (VMA) 15,1%. Dari hasil diatas yang mendekati standar spesifikasi Bina Marga 2010 untuk stability adalah oli bekas 10% (711 kg), flow pada setiap campuran sama (3,5 mm), Marshall Quotient (MQ) semakin menurun dari standar sedangakan untuk nilai VMA mengalami kenaikan.

Gbadamosi Aderemi Tobi ◽  
Ogunsuyi Raphael Abidemi ◽  
Ojo Meshach Felix

With the rapid economic growth and continuously increased consumption, a large amount of glass waste materials is generated; this study investigated the effect of crushed waste glass as filler and also as an aggregate in the asphalt binder course. It compares the glassphalt mix with the specification range at different percentages to meet specifications limit according to Nigeria roads and bridges reverse book of 1997 Waste glass are cleaned and crushed from the glass bottles and added to the asphalt as a filler and as a replacement for coarse aggregates, the marshal method is used to determine the optimum bitumen content and evaluate the properties of the asphalt mix. However, 24 samples were prepared in total, 12 samples each for the asphalt mix used to determine the optimum bitumen content and the other 12 samples for the glassphalt mix used to find out the effect of adding the different percentages of crushed waste glass to the asphalt mixture. The Marshall test carried out on the asphalt mixtures showed that the optimum bitumen content of bitumen was found out to be 6.2% of the asphalt mix by weight. Also, Marshall Test carried out on the glassphalt mix showed the optimum percentage of glass used in the binder course of the weights of aggregates in the asphalt mix. The result of this experiment is been checked to be consistent with the Nigeria road and bridges reverse book of 1997, i.e. Marshall Stability, flow, bulk density, and air voids.

2021 ◽  
Vol 921 (1) ◽  
pp. 012025
S Gusty ◽  
M. Tumpu ◽  
H Parung ◽  
I Marzuki

Abstract Inundation due to heavy rain often disturbs traffic flow and porous pavement as a wearing course is one solution to overcome standing water. This asphalt mixture uses an open gradation which is dominated by coarse aggregate with an air cavity content ranging from 20% - 25%. In Indonesia, according to the Indonesian Solid Waste Association (2013), this type of plastic waste ranks second with 5.4 million tons per year and is ranked second in the world as a producer of marine plastic waste after China. This research tries to use plastic waste as an added material in the porous asphalt mixture where the gradation of porous asphalt refers to REAM Specifications, 2008. The type of plastic used is Low Density Polyethilene (LDPE). The levels of plastic waste used were 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% of the total weight of the mixture. Marshall and Cantabro characteristics tests were conducted to evaluate the resulting mixture. The results of this study indicate that the stability value meets the REAM specifications, namely 350 - 800 kg. Marshall test results with the use of LDPE plastic waste as an additive to the test object meet the characteristics of Marshall except for Marshall Quotient (MQ) and voids filled with bitumen (VFB).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 459-468
Yanti ◽  
Rais Rachman ◽  

The research objective focuses on testing the characteristics of the Laston Lapis Aus mixture, the aggregate taken later to be studied is the aggregate of Concrete Waste. The method used in this study included testing the properties of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and filler, after that the Laston Lapis Aus mixture design was carried out after that the marshall test was carried out while the marshalltest was carried out namely the conventional marshall to get the characteristic value. The results showed that the characteristics of the pavement material in the form of aggregates from Concrete Waste tested the 2018 Bina Marga General Specifications as road layers. Through Marshall testing, the characteristics of the Laston Lapis Aus mixture were abtained with asphalt levels of 5,50%, 6,00%, 6,50%, 7,00%, and 7,50%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-22
Reynaldi Sutrisno ◽  
Eding Iskak Imananto ◽  
Mohammad Erfan

ABSTRAK Perkerasan jalan merupakan bagian dari jalan yang berupa campuran agregat, bahan pengikat dan bahan pengisi (filler). Komposisi material campuran perkerasan aspal mempengaruhi kualitas pada campuran. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan limbah beton sebagai pengganti agregat kasar pada Campuran ATB, dikarenakan kurangnya pemanfaatan limbah beton. Limbah beton yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari Laboraturium Bahan Kontruksi Universitas Negeri Malang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan limbah beton sebagai pengganti agregat kasar 10/10 pada campuran ATB ditinjau dari karateristik Marshall. Kemudian melakukan pembuatan benda uji sebanyak 27 buah dilanjutkan dengan pengujian menggunakan metode Marshall Test di laboratorium bahan kontruksi Teknik Sipil Institut teknologi nasional malang. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan maka diperoleh : Agregat limbah beton  yang berasal dari Laboraturium Bahan Kontruksi Universitas Negeri Malang telah memenuhi spesifikasi dan layak digunakan sebagai campuran perkerasan jalan. Penggunaan limbah beton sebagai bahan pengganti agregat kasar 10/10 pada lapisan ATB berpengaruh atau memberikan perbedaan yang signifikan. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari hasil pengujian hipotesis, dimana Fhitung > Ftabel. Nilai stabilitas pada kadar limbah beton 0% sebesar 1048,56 kg dan pada kadar limbah beton 100% sebesar 842,41 kg. nilai karakteristik yang diharapkan pada campuran memenuhi batasan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Dinas  Bina Marga 2018 seperti nilai stabilitas, flow.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 469-478
Yospina Malingga ◽  
Robert Mangontan ◽  

The purpose of this test is to determine the aggregate characteristics of the Pucak river as Aus Layer Laston Mixture. So, several series of studies were used, starting from testing aggregates (coarse and fine), asphalt and filler, then making compositions to making samples of Laston Wear Layer. The results of this study are to determine the characteristics of the pavement material using aggregate from the Pucak River Maros Regency to meet the requirements of the 2018 General Bina Marga specification, to be used in road layers. Based on the Conventional Marshall test, the Stability, Meltability (flow), Void In Mix (VIM), Void In Mix Aggregate (VMA), and Foid Filled With Bitumen (FVB) all values obtained meet the General Specifications of Highways 2018. And testing Marshall Immersion in the Aus Layer Laston mixture meets the 2018 Highways General Specifications, where the value of the Marshall Remaining Stability is 94.50 ≥ 90%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Muhammad Rizal ◽  
Muhammad Darwis ◽  
Erwinsyah Tuhuteru

Abstrak Permasalahan lalu lintas yang terjadi di Kota Ternate yang semakin meningkat dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk maka bertambah pula jumlah kendaraan yang akan melintasi ruas jalan tersebut terutama di ruas Jalan Sultan Khairun. Jalan Sultan Khairun merupakan ruas jalan yang terdapat berbagai pusat perekonomian yang cukup ramai di sepanjang ruas jalan tersebut akan tetapi sebagian besar tidak memiliki lahan parkir yang cukup sehingga banyak pengunjung melakukan kegiatan On Street Parking. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat pengaruh adanya kegiatan perubahan kawasan pemukiman menjadi kawasan komersial terhadap karakteristik kinerja ruas Jalan Sultan Khairun. Metode yang digunakan yaitu gabungan antara survey lapangan dan studi literatur dengan data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Survey dilakukan selama 7 hari dengan perhitungan menggunakan MKJI 1997. Kata kunci:ac-base, kulit kenari, karakteristik marshall test. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 431-440
Mita Palebangan ◽  
Robert Mangontan ◽  

The implementation of road pavement construction so far has used materials imported from other places, and most of the road pavement constructions have been damaged before reaching the design life, so maintenance is carried out and even additional coating is given. This study aims to test the characteristics of the mixture of Laston Lapis Antara by utilizing Sungai Pucak aggregate according to laboratory tests. The research method is the Conventional Marshall test which is used to determine the KAO, then the manufacture of the KAO test object to obtain the Marshall Remaining Stability (SMS). The results showed that the characteristics of the aggregates originating from the Pucak River, Maros Regency for the Laston Lapis Antara mixture were in accordance with the General Specifications of Highways in 2018. The results of the characteristic test of the conventional Marshall mixture obtained that the values of stability, flow, VIM, VMA, and VFB all met the General Bina specifications. Marga in 2018. The Marshall Immersion test has complied with the 2018 General Highways specifications, where the value is 95.56%≥90%.  

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