2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 224
Johan Harmawanto ◽  
Yosef Cahyo Setianto Poernomo ◽  
Sigit Winarto

Bakung River is a medium to supply water demand for irrigation in Cengkok Village TarokanSubdistrict Kediri Regency. Unfortunately, the soil embankment often slides to disturb the irrigation. The writer made the cost estimate, scheduling, network, and undertaking method of improving the Bakung River embankment with river stone. The data obtained from the Department of Water Public Work (DWPW) were of technical drawings, specifications, the unit price of material, and construction work of Kediri Regency 2019. The result was analyzed to find out the unit price analysis of construction work; hence the cost analysis was made. The schedule was derived from making the cost estimate by calculating the work quantity and calculating the duration. The results were processed through MS Excel to make a bar chart, S Curve, and Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) as the network. The calculations result in IDR 914.486.100,00 and 91 workdays.Kali Bakung merupakan sarana  untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air irigasi di Desa Cengkok Kecamatan Tarokan Kabupaten Kediri. Akan tetapi keadaan tanggul Kali Bakung mengalami kerusakan dan penyediaan air irigasi menjadi terganggu. Penulis membuat analisa anggaran biaya, penjadwalan, jaringan dan metode pelaksanaan untuk perbaikan tanggul Kali Bakung dengan pasangan batu kali. Data yang diperoleh dari Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Sumber Daya Air adalah gambar teknis, spesifikasi, harga satuan upah dan bahan Kabupaten Kediri tahun 2019. Hasilnya dianalisis untuk mengetahui analisa harga satuan pekerjaan, maka dibuat rencana anggaran biaya. Jadwal berasal dari rencana anggaran biaya dengan menghitung bobot pekerjaan dan menghitung durasi. Hasilnya diproses dengan MS Excel untuk membuat bar chart, kurva S, dan Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) sebagai jaringan. Hasil perhitungan didapatkan Rencana Anggaran Biaya untuk proyek tersebut adalah Rp. 914.486.100,00 dan durasi pelaksanaannya 91 hari.

2011 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-167 ◽  
Yousef Baalousha ◽  
Tahir Çelik

Estimating is a fundamental part of construction projects. Accurate cost estimate is the single most important element involved in the series of events that leads to a profitable completion of a contract in construction industry. The success or failure of a project depends on the accuracy of cost estimation. A cost estimate becomes more difficult and more complicated under inflationary medium. An unpredictable inflation rate and long progress payment delay during this period makes the budgeting function very difficult, if not impossible. The cost estimation process uses lots of data. The availability of the appropriate data at the appropriate time is one of the main factors affecting the accuracy of the cost estimation. As the complexity of the estimating task increases computerized system becomes increasingly important. The estimator should develop a good system of estimating forms and procedures that exactly meet the requirements of the pro- ject, and that is understood and accessible by all team members. This system should provide the ability to define material, labor hour and equipment hour quantities required for the project. Material, labor, and equipment unit costs are then applied to the bill of quantities. This paper presents An Integrated Web-Based Data Warehouse and Artificial Neural Net- works Model for Unit Price Analysis with Inflation Adjustment system called “DANUP“. Web facilities and database management capabilities of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 are applied to create a data warehouse which is mainly aimed to integrate data from multiple heterogeneous databases and other information sources. The System also supports integrated cost index for adjusting the effect of inflation during estimating process. An artificial neural network model for forecast- ing the cost indices in Turkey for the project period has been developed. A construction project takes relatively long time to complete, effective communication among the project participants during the project period is important. A web based system is developed to facilitate the collection of construction cost information and communication. The web based sys- tem focuses on demonstrating the potential of data centric web data bases in enhancing the communication process during project execution. End users can access the database through the internet and perform certain transactions according to their authorization. Santrauka Sąmatos sudarymas – esminė statybos projektų dalis. Tiksli sąnaudų sąmata – vienas svarbiausių elementų, susijusių su įvykiais, kurie statybų sektoriuje leidžia pelningai įvykdyti sutartį. Projekto sėkmė arba žlugimas priklauso nuo to, ar tiksliai įvertintos sąnaudos. Infliacinėje aplinkoje sąnaudas įvertinti sunkiau ir sudėtingiau. Dėl neprognozuojamo infliacijos lygio ir ilgalaikių dalinių mokejimų vėlavimo per tokį laikotarpį biudžetą numatyti itin sunku, o gal net neįmanoma. Vertinant sąnaudas reikia gausybės duomenų. Galimybė reikiamu metu gauti reikiamus duomenis – vienas pagrindinių veiksnių, darančių įtaką sąnaudų sąmatos tikslumui. Kadangi sąmatas sudaryti vis sudėtingiau, vis svarbiau yra naudoti kompiuterizuotas sistemas. Sąmatininkas turi suformuoti gerą sąmatų sudarymo formų ir procedūrų sistemą, tiksliai atitinkančią projekto reikalavimus, suprantamą ir prieinamą visiems komandos nariams. Tokioje sistemoje reikia funkcijos, leidžiančios nurodyti projektui reikalingų medžiagų, darbo valandų ir įrangos naudojimo valandų skaičius. Tuomet medžiagų, darbo ir įrangos vienetų kainos įtraukiamos i sąmatą. Šiame darbe pristatoma integruoto internetinio duomenų saugyklos ir dirbtinių neuroninių tinklų modelio, tinkamo analizuoti vieneto kainą, atsižvelgiant į infliacija, sistema, pavadinta ”DANUP“. Naudojant Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 internetines ir duomenų bazių valdymo funkcijas, sukuriama duomenų saugykla, kurios svarbiausias tikslas – integruoti iš daugybės heterogeninių duomenų bazių ir kitų informacijos šaltinių gautus duomenis. Be to, naudojant sistemą galima sudaryti integruotą sąnaudų indeksą, kuris sudarant sąmatą leidžia įvertinti infliacijos poveikį. Buvo sukurtas dirbtinio neuroninio tinklo modelis, leidžiantis Turkijoje prognozuoti sąnaudų indeksus, kurie galios vykstant projektui. Statybos projektas trunka gana ilgai, taigi vykdant projektą svarbu, kad bendravimas tarp jo dalyvių būtų efektyvus. Buvo sukurta internetinė sistema, padedanti rinkti informaciją apie statybų sąnaudas ir bendrauti tarpusavyje. Pagrindinis internetinės sistemos tikslas – parodyti, kaip, remiantis duomenų kiekiu grindžiamomis internetinėmis duomenų bazėmis, vykdant projektą galima pagerinti komunikaciją. Galutiniai vartotojai duomenų bazę gali pasiekti internetu ir, priklausomai nuo prieigos lygio, atlikti tam tikras operacijas.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Sugiharti ,

The use of precast concrete is planned on work structure tie beam, columns, beams, and slab for precast systems have the advantage in terms time and cost efficiency compared to conventional systems (cast in place) to reach the targets that have been planned by the government.The purpose is to find out the cost efficiency and time usage precast. The cost analysis was obtained from the multiplication of bill of quantity and the work volume. To find a network using the Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) which was processed through Microsoft Project 2007 software then arranged in Bar Chart. The Bar Chart was arranged in the S-Curve with Microsoft Excel 2007 software. From the calculations, total project cost is IDR 13,300,074,303.07 with the cost efficiency IDR 604,137,428.00 or 4.34% less than the conventional method and the duration is 214 days with the time efficiensy 86 workdays or 28.67% quicker than the conventional method.Keywords: pre-cast concrete, cost, time, efficiency

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 347
Henny Prasetiyo ◽  
Yosef Cahyo Setianto Poernomo ◽  
Agata Iwan Candra

Road pavement is a major component in supporting the smooth running of land transportation so that it can be accessed comfortably and safely by road users. Road pavement, according to its type, is divided into three types, namely flexible pavement, rigid pavement, and composite pavement. On flexible pavements, there are several methods used to determine the thickness of the pavement in the initial plan. The method used as a reference is the 2017 Design Manual Method, and the calculation of the RAB refers to the Basic Unit Price Analysis in 2019. This study aims to obtain good quality flexible pavement but at a low cost in terms of the 2017 Design Manual method and analysis calculations and The price of the basic unit (RAB) in 2019. From the calculation of the pavement thickness of each layer, namely the top layer of 5 cm, the middle layer of 20 cm, and the bottom layer of 15 cm, it is known that the cost required to carry out the construction of the pavement is Rp. 73,342,707,500.00.Perkerasan jalan adalah komponen utama dalam menunjang lancarnya suatu transportasi darat, sehingga jalan dapat diakses dengan mudah, nyaman dan aman oleh pengguna jalan. Perkerasan jalan menurut jenisnya dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu perkerasan lentur, perkerasan kaku dan perkerasan komposit. Pada perkerasan lentur terdapat beberapa metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan tebal perkerasan perencanaan awal. Adapun metode yang dipakai sebagai acuan adalah Metode Manual Desain 2017 serta perhitungan RAB mengacu dengan Analisa Harga Satuan Dasar pada tahun 2019. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan mutu perkerasan lentur yang baik tetapi dengan biaya yang murah ditinjau dari metode Manual Desain 2017 serta perhitungan Analisa Harga Satuan Dasar (RAB) pada tahun 2019. Dari hasil perhitungan tebal perkerasan masing-masing lapisan yaitu lapis atas 5 cm, lapis tengah 20 cm, dan lapis bawah 15 cm diketahui biaya yang diperlukan guna melaksanakan pembangunan perkerasan jalan tersebut sebesar Rp. 73.342.707.500,00.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-19
Dian Febrianti ◽  
Zakia Zakia

Keberhasilan suatu  proyek dilihat dari keuntungan yang didapatkan dan kecepatan dalam menyelesaikan proyek tersebut, sehingga faktor pemilihan alat berat sangat penting dalam keberhasilan suatu proyek. Biaya penggunaan alat berat yang tinggi, berpengaruh pada konstribusi alat berat terhadap pelaksanaan proyek maka permasalahan yang timbul pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis biaya dan waktu penggunaan salah satu alat berat, yaitu excavator. Permasalahan diatas mendasari penelitian ini untuk mencari durasi penggunaan alat berat excavator dengan metode barchart untuk mengetahui berapa lama durasi penggunaannya dan selanjutnya menghitung biaya penyusutan (depresiasi) alat berat dengan menggunakan metode garis lurus untuk mengetahui nilai sisa alat setelah pemakaian alat dan yang terakhir untuk menghitung biaya penggunaan alat berat menggunakan Analisis Harga Satuan Pekerjaan (ASHP). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada pekerjaan timbunan pilihan pada proyek peningkatan jalan alun-alun suka makmue - jalan lingkar timur ibu kota tahap II kabupaten Nagan Raya. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode barchart maka diperoleh waktu penggunaan alat berat pada pekerjaan timbunan pilihan adalah  excavator 36 hari. Selanjutnya  hasil perhitungan depresiasi alat berat mengalami penurunan nilai asetnya adalah excavator  tipe hitachi Rp.136.000.000/tahun, excavator tipe komathatsu Rp.53.000.000/tahun, dan terakhir hasil mehitung biaya sewa penggunaan alat berat adalah excavator tipe hitachi sebesar Rp.365.300/hari, excavator tipe komathatsu sebesar Rp.409.400.,00/hari. Kesimpulan yang didapat pada penelitian ini adalah pengunaan alat berat yang optimal dapat mengghemat penggunaan biaya sewa alat berat.Kata kunci : Alat berat, Durasi, DepresiasiThe success of a project is seen from the benefits obtained and the speed in completing the project, so that the selection factor of heavy equipment is very important in the success of a project. The cost of using heavy equipment is high, affecting the contribution of heavy equipment to the implementation of the project, the problems that arise in this study aim to analyze the cost and time of use of one of the heavy equipment, namely an excavator. The above problems underlie this study to find the duration of the use of excavator heavy equipment with the barchart method to determine how long the duration of use and then calculate the depreciation of heavy equipment using the straight-line method to determine the remaining value of the tool after use of the tool and the last to calculate the cost heavy equipment use using Job Unit Price Analysis (ASHP). This research was carried out on selected heap work on a road improvement project in the town square like makmue - the eastern ring road of the second stage capital of Nagan Raya district. Based on the results of calculations using the barchart method, it is obtained the time of heavy equipment usage on the selected pile job is 36 days excavator. Furthermore, the calculation of the depreciation of heavy equipment experienced a decrease in the value of its assets are hitachi type excavators Rp. 136,000,000 / year, komathatsu type excavators Rp. 53,000,000 / year, and finally the result of calculating the rental cost of heavy equipment is hitachi type excavators Rp.365,300 / day, komathatsu type excavators of Rp. 409,400 .00 / day. The conclusion obtained in this study is that the optimal use of heavy equipment can save the use of heavy equipment rental costs.Keywords: Heavy equipment, Duration, Depreciation

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 89-101
Novika Candra Fertilia ◽  
Sani Sona Swasti

Like the project in general, slab work on Project Indonesia 1 uses one material, namely metal deck. The upper structure slab consists of 64 floors with a majority of 90% using a metal deck system. Where these components require support that can carry the workload, rebar, and fresh concrete. Starting with Metaldeck's non-reusable / fixed supporting (angle & anchor) design which is quite difficult to apply in the field, it has an impact on increasing time and increasing the cost of work. So the engineering team has the innovation of replacing non-reusable / fixed supporting material (angle & anchor) with reusable material (angle & drop hollow). Cost analysis is sought by calculating the RAB (Cost Budget Plan) using the unit price analysis used by the DKI Jakarta Government and how efficient the time gained. Based on the results of calculations and interviews with relevant experts on the project, the implementation of temporary supporting work costs was carried out using a non-reusable method of Rp.3,211,000,000.00. As for the implementation of the reusable method of Rp.649,916,800. There is a difference in cost between the non-reusable and reusable methods of Rp. 2,561,083,200.00. Where to implement the temporary supporting reusable method is cheaper than using the non-reusable initial method. Then in terms of installation time, the temporary supporting using the non-reusable method was 520 days while for the reusable method it was 260 days. There is a difference between the non-reusable and 260-day reusable methods. The results obtained that the use of Welded Angle & Drop Hollow as Temporary Supporting is more effective and efficient than using the initial Non-reusable method.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Icha Tatrisya Derka ◽  
Hernu Suyoso ◽  
Anik Ratnaningsih

Scheduling is important, because of the time limit, so the implementation of project activities must be planned and timely. The Integrated Laboratory for Natural Science and Food Technology building is one of the development projects of the IsDB (Islamic Development Bank), in the Jember University. In this study, the schedule will be carried out using the PDM method (Precedence Diagram Method), assisted by the Microsoft Project. The PDM is a working network with a clear dependency relationship and can be used on projects that have overlapping activities between tasks to another, PDM can show critical trajectory. Secondary data needed in the form of soft-drawings, BoQ (Bill of Quantity), City of Jember AHS 2018 and S curve. There are 30 jobs included in the critical track including 14 jobs in construction work, 11 jobs in architectural work and 5 jobs in outside work. The results of the study indicate that the duration of the construction Building is 242 days, or 8 months 16 days. Penjadwalan merupakan hal yang penting, karena adanya batasan waktu, maka pelaksanaan kegiatan proyek harus tepat rencana dan tepat waktu. Gedung Integrated Laboratory for Natural Science and Food Technology merupakan salah satu pembangunan proyek IsDB (Islamic Development Bank), yang ada di lingkungan Universitas Jember. Pada penelitian ini, akan dilakukan penjadwalan menggunakan metode PDM (Precedence Diagram Method) dibantu dengan Microsoft Project. PDM merupakan jaringan kerja dengan hubungan ketergantungan yang jelas dan dapat digunakan pada proyek yang mempunyai kegiatan tumpang tindih antar satu pekerjaan ke pekerjaan lainnya, serta dapat menunjukkan lintasan kritis. Data yang dibutuhkan berupa data sekunder yaitu gambar rencana, BoQ, AHS Kota Jember 2018 dan kurva S. Terdapat 30 pekerjaan yang termasuk dalam lintasan kritis meliputi 14 pekerjaan di pekerjaan strukur, 11 pekerjaan di pekerjaan arsitektur serta 5 pekerjaan di pekerjaan luar bangunan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jangka waktu pelaksanaan pembangunan Gedung Integrated Laboratory for Natural Science and Food Technology adalah selama 242 hari, atau 8 bulan lebih 16 hari.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 190

Project is any work that has a beginning and ending, consisting of several jobs/activities that must be carried out in a certain order. Contractors typically use the Gantt Chart Method in scheduling home construction projects so that it is difficult to know the impact caused by the late completion of work on scheduling the entire project. The purpose of this study is to determine the time needed to complete two housing units using the Precedence Diagram Method and the Line of Balance Method. The data used in this research are the dependency relationship between activities, time schedule, cost analysis plan (RAB), and SNI unit price analysis. The analysis process carried out in this study is to calculate the time needed to complete two housing units using two methods, namely the Precedence Diagram Method and the Line of Balance method. The results of this study indicate the time needed to build two housing units using the Precedence Diagram Method 7 days faster than using the Line of Balance Method.

2009 ◽  
Vol 12 (-1) ◽  
pp. 95-103
Jacek Zabielski ◽  
Piotr Bogacz

1997 ◽  
Vol 133 (3) ◽  
pp. 269-274 ◽  
W. L. Woolverton ◽  
Justin A. English ◽  
Michael R. Weed

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