scholarly journals Pengembangan Knowledge Management System Berbasis Knowledge Audit

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-156
Panji Madya Ramdani

Abstrak Dasar dari sumber daya ekonomi saat ini bukan lagi berupa modal uang, sumber daya alam maupun tenaga kerja melainkan juga pengetahuan (knowledge). Pengetahuan sebagai intangible asset yang harus dikelola perusahaan menjadi paradigma baru dalam lingkungan bisnis sebagai pusat kekuatan dan keunggulan dalam bersaing. Namun masih banyak organisasi belum atau tidak mengetahui potensi pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh karyawannya karena organisasi kesulitan dalam menangkap (capture) tacit knowledge. Lambatnya penyebaran pengetahuan disebabkan oleh terbatasnya ruang dan waktu. Transfer knowledge hanya menggunakan metode tatap muka, konsultasi secara langsung dengan atasan, dan briefing pagi (socialization-tacit totacit). Adapun Explicit knowledge hanya terdapat dalam bentuk berkas (hardcopy), dimana terdapat kesulitan dalam proses pencarian. Penelitian ini telah berhasil mempermudah transfer knowledge di dalam perusahaan melalui pengembangan knowledge management system berbasis knowledge audit dengan knowledge management processes sebagai standar pengembangan. Audit yang dihasilkan telah mampu mengidentifikasi kompetensi dan kapabilitas dari karyawan, serta mengoptimalisasi mekanisme knowledge management yang ada di organisasi. Kata kunci: Tacit Knowledge, Explicit Knowledge, Knowledge Audit, Knowledge Management System. Abstract The basic economic resources now adays is no longer capital, natural resources, nor labor, but also knowledge. Knowledge as intangible asset, that need to be managed by organization became new paradigm in the business environment where knowledge is now considered to be central to organizational performance and integral to the attainment of a sustainable competitive advantage. Many organizations still do not realize the knowledges and experiences their employees had. It happens because the organizations have difficulties in detecting the tacit knowledge, thus the sharing of knowledge and experience did not run smoothly. If the employees had to share what they know then they do it by meeting face to face with their superior or share it in the morning briefing.Time and spaces are still the main problems in this case. Explicit knowledge only shared in form of a hardcopy archives, while there is also a problem in archiving files within the organization. This research has succeeded in easing the transfer of knowledge through knowledge management system with knowledge audit as a base and knowledge management process as a development standard. The audit result has the capability in identifying competence and capability of the workers, and also optimize the existing knowledge management mechanism within the organization. Keywords: Tacit Knowledge, Explicit Knowledge, Knowledge Audit, Knowledge Management System

Brilian Sidhatama ◽  
Fatmasari Fatmasari ◽  
Iman Solikin

Knowledge pada era informasi ini sangat penting bagi perusahaan Pada Administrasi rumah sakit muhammadiyah Palembang ini memiliki asset pengetahuan yang penting yaitu tacit knowledge dan explicit knowledge. Namun  sayang, Knowledge Sharing yang ada di rumah sakit muhammadiyah Palembang ini belum berjalan dengan baik dimana tacit knowledge hanya dimiliki oleh karyawan tertentu, dan explicit knowledge seperti dokumen yang tersimpan di berbagai tempat penyimpanan. Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut yaitu membangun KMS bagian administrasi pelayanan di rumah sakit muhammadiyah Palembang. KMS pada bagian administrasi ini diperlukan untuk berbagi informasi dan sebagai referensi bagi para karyawan yang membutuhkan Aplikasi KMS yang dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman HTML 5 dan basis data MySQL. Serta dengan menggunakan metode the 10-step knowledge management roadmap. Aplikasi KMS yang dibangun dapat membantu rumah sakit muhammadiyah dalam mengumpulkan pengetahuan tersebut kedalam suatu wadah, sehingga tidak akan kehilangan pengetahuan yang dimiliki karyawan dibagian administrasi.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-128 ◽  
Hesham Magd ◽  
Salah Hamza

Abstract Knowledge management has became vital in organizations in today's business environment as the implementation of knowledge management tends to provide benefits such as an enhanced way to organize existing corporate knowledge; making individuals more effective at sharing explicit knowledge; and providing new ways to expose tacit knowledge, and in turn this will lead to competitive advantage. It has been argued that the role of quality professional can contribute greatly to knowledge management to include raising strategic awareness, improving the knowledge management process, cost minimization through the usage of one model to blend knowledge management and quality verification and leading the way, and in turn achieving organizational competitiveness. Due to the contribution of quality professional to the enhancement of the knowledge management process, it is suggested that a quality management system that supports all the quality management dimensions and knowledge creation processes will be more effective than one that does not. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to establish a knowledge management system where quality professional will be a key player in capturing the knowledge needed for the needs of small and medium sized organizations in Saudi Arabia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 84
Ardiansyah Haryanto ◽  
Hady Efendy

The increasingly global business competition has an impact on the increasing demands of competitiveness among companies in Indonesia in order to survive, the ability of decision making and solving a problem and effective managerial capability requires the company has strong intellectual capital and embrace open system to be able to respond more easily to the needs and needs of stakeholders in the company. Knowledge Management System (KMS) is a system created to facilitate the capture, storage, retrieval, transfer and reuse of knowledge. The purpose of making KMS is to create and build technology that can help users to reduce the tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge to be used in dealing with a problem with knowledge in accordance with the procedures of a company or organization in the action to handle the problem. Every company or organization has done the implementation of knowledge management system, not least in Bank Central Asia (BCA). BCA's strategy focuses on growth, credit quality and efficiency that enable BCA to achieve high-quality growth and enhance its role as a transactional Bank providing payment settlement services in support of achieving a strong Indonesian economy and national development goals. This research explains how far the application of knowledge management system conducted by BCA.

Claretha Hughes ◽  
Matthew W. Gosney

The crux of the challenge in bridging the scholar-practitioner gap in Human Resource Development is in creating effective mechanisms for the transfer of knowledge between scholars and practitioners. Emerging literature on the topic of knowledge management, and of knowledge management systems, provide a compelling point of view in which to consider the scholar-practitioner gap in HRD. In the chapter, knowledge management systems, as a functional outcropping of systems theory, are considered along with the use of logic models to develop and evaluate organization and program effectiveness. Preliminary research results conducted by Hughes and Wang (2015) gives further support to the notion that considering HRD as a knowledge management system may provide a framework for bridging the scholar-practitioner gap.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-41
Chaerul Anwar ◽  
Safitri Jaya ◽  
Prio Handoko ◽  
Marcello Singadji

The Knowledge in a study program or faculty at Higher Education is an asset that must be utilized by universities. Explicit knowledge can be in the form of meeting attendance, meeting schedules, minutes of meetings, teaching materials, documentation of the final session, letters (SK, ST, contract letters, etc.), certificates, reports, guidelines, manuals , memos, strategic plans, curriculum and so on. However, knowledge cannot be easily accessed by cross study programs or cross faculties at the college. Some study programs have done documentation so well that it has an impact on satisfying accreditation assessments. Study programs that have satisfactory accreditation can be an example for other study programs. A knowledge management system is needed to bridge the distance between study programs that have good governance and others. The results of the knowledge management system testing allow for the exchange of knowledge to become a means of improving the quality of governance both at the study program level and at the faculty level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 38
Leon A. Abdillah ◽  
Tri A. Purwanto ◽  
Eka P. Agustini

The development of science in the era of globalization is happening so quickly. The ability of humans to develop a variety of science (knowledge) is getting better with the tacit and explicit knowledge. From this development both tacit and explicit knowledge can be combined and varied to a Knowledge Management System. PT SCF (Limited) Palembang branch is a company engaged in the field of inspection and certification services. The problem faced by this company is that the process and media for sharing and transferring knowledge between colleagues is still small and not yet entrenched. This condition makes the company less effective in terms of producing and disseminating knowledge to staff quickly and accurately. Documentation of daily activities and routines are not carried out in a planned and integrated manner. Each department carries out its own activities in its own way, for example storing documentation on a CD, as well as a piece of paper. So the authors are interested in analyzing and designing Web Knowledge Management System. The method used is the object analysis and design method. While the tools for modeling using Unified Modeling Language (UML). The results obtained are a prototype web Knowledge Management System (KMS) that can be a media of information and knowledge sharing related to employee acceptance and training

Toufic Mezher ◽  
M.A. Abdul-Malak ◽  
Mohamad Khaled ◽  
Ibrahim El-Khatib

Knowledge management represents a strategic vision for developing an organization’s performance and its likelihood of success in dealing with future challenges in its industry. The case starts by discussing the importance of knowledge management in improving the competitive edge of firms in general and of consulting firms in particular. Then, the case discusses the process of building a knowledge management system in the structural engineering department at a leading engineering design consulting firm, based in the Republic of Lebanon. The knowledge, both tacit and explicit, needed during the design phase is identified and mapped according to the adopted design process, and an expert system was built to capture some of the tacit knowledge needed in the conceptual design stage of the process. In addition, an intranet Web-based knowledge management system was developed with the aim of helping diffuse both explicit and tacit knowledge.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 1
Agnes Novita ◽  
Isnin Faried ◽  
Dwi Atmodjo WP

Bimbingan dan Konseling (BK) adalah proses interaksi antara konselor dengan konseli baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung guna membantu konseli agar dapat mengembangkan potensi dirinya atau memecahkan permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi. Proses ini terjadi sangat intesif dan selalu berkembang sesuai dengan keadaan dan kebutuhan konseli. Banyaknya kasus dan jumlah penanganan dirasakan perlu adanya media untuk menyimpan hasil konseling agar dapat digunakan kembali sebagai rujukan konselor dalam menangani kasus yang sama atau memiliki kemiripan. Media yang diperlukan bukan sekedar menyimpan namun dapat digunakan untuk mengambil kembali secara cepat sekaligus mencatatsebagaisebuah basis pengetahuan (Knowledge Base). Berdasarkan kebutuhan tersebut perlu dibuatkan sistem yang dapat menyimpan dan mengambil hasil konseling dengan pendekatan Knowledge Management (KM). Kegiatan BK yang diawali dengan diskusi, memberikan saran atau solusi kepada konseli, merencanakan pemecahan masalah sampai dengan implementasi pemecahan masalah memiliki karakteristik KM dan dikenalsebagai proses SECI (Sosialisation, Externalisation, Combination, Internalization) (Nonaka –Tekeuchi, 1995). Proses inilah yang perlu disimpan dalam bentuk Explicit Knowledge agar dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai rujukan pengetahuan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pengembangkan sistem informasi Bimbingan dan Konseling yang mengimplementasikan pendekatan Knowledge Management System yang menyelesaikan kebutuhan penyimpanan dan penyajian kembali hasil konseling.

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