Nativa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 589
Luciano Cavalcante de Jesus França ◽  
Danielle Piuzana Mucida ◽  
Marcelino Santos De Morais ◽  
Humberto Catuzzo ◽  
João Luís Ramalho Abegão ◽  

A fragmentação de ecossistemas é uma das implicações do processo de uso e ocupação antrópico da terra, especialmente em paisagens alteradas por cultivos agrícolas ou florestais. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo objetivou determinar a fragilidade ambiental do município de Capelinha, Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais, Brasil, utilizando-se da técnica de avaliação por múltiplos critérios por meio do software ArcGIS™ 10.3.1 e do método de hierarquização para tomadas de decisões Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Após gerados os mapas de classes de declividade, solos, hierarquia fluvial, domínios geológicos, pluviosidade e uso atual da terra, foram atribuídos pesos de fragilidade para cada um dos fatores, estabelecidos com base em metodologia clássica, sendo eles: (I) Baixa, (II) Levemente Baixa, (II) Média, (IV) Alta e (V) Extremamente Alta.  A partir da Combinação Linear Ponderada e álgebra de mapas, foram geradas as cartas de fragilidade ambiental potencial e emergente. A metodologia mostrou-se adequada, apoiada no método AHP na definição dos sítios de maior e menor fragilidade. Os mapas aqui gerados, embora sejam uma generalização da possível condição de fragilidade ambiental da área de estudo e, não da realidade em si, todavia, poderão apoiar estratégias de uso da terra para a restauração ambiental e fornecer introspecções para ordenamento territorial.Palavras-chave: manejo de ecossistemas; planejamento ambiental; restauração ambiental; álgebra de mapas; sistema de informações geográficas. ZONING ENVIRONMENTAL FRAGILITY OF NATURAL AND ANTHROPIZED ECOSYSTEMS BY MULTICRITERIA EVALUATION ABSTRACT: Fragmentation of ecosystems is one of the implications of the land use and the occupation process, especially in landscapes altered by agricultural or forestry crops. In this context, the present study aimed to determine the environmental fragility of the Capelinha municipality, Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil, by a multiple criteria evaluation technique using ArcGIS ™ software 10.3.1 and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). After generating maps of slope classes, soils, river hierarchy, geological domains, rainfall and current land use, weights of fragility were assigned to each of the factors, established based on classical methodology, those being: (I) (II) Slightly Low, (II) Medium, (IV) High and (V) Extremely High. Through Weighted Linear Combination and map algebra, maps of potential and emergent environmental fragility were generated. The methodology was commensurate to the task, which was supported by the AHP method and observation of the characteristics occurrences of the variables that corroborated with the sites of greater or lesser fragility. The maps generated here may support and enhance land use strategies for environmental restoration, as well as providing insights on spatial planning and management of environmental services.Keywords: ecosystem management; environmental planning; environmental restoration; map algebra; geographic information system.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Robby Irsan ◽  
Luthfi Muta'ali ◽  
S Sudrajat

Entikong is a sub-districts located in the borderline, northern end of Sanggau Regency directly adjacent to Sarawak, Malaysia. The growth of Entikong as a center of growth does not provide a downward trickle effect, but it creates an excessive resources exploitation effect to the surrounding area (backwash effect). The land use within an area should be adjusted to its function. For that reason, this research will determine the priority and rank of land use by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The ranking is based on four aspects of criteria; social, economic, institutional, and environmental. The hierarchy model is sorted into alternatives, criteria, and sub-criteria. The criteria and subcriteria are compared, as well as the value of consistency. After data processing and analyzing with Expert Choice software version 11, the researcher found that the main priority of land use in Entikong is for plantation, which is 29,7%. Keywords: AHP, Land Use, Expert Choice   References Adimihardja, A. (2006). Strategi mempertahankan multifungsi pertanian di indonesia. Jurnal Litbang Pertanian. Bourgeois, R., Penunia, E., Bisht, S., & Boruk, D. (2017). Foresight for all: Co-elaborative scenario building and empowerment. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Ernan Rustiadi, Sunsus Saefulhakim, D. R. P. (2011). Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah. Restpent Press. Fandelli, C. (2014). Bisnis Konservasi Pendekatan Baru Dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan Hidup (2nd ed.). Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. Retrieved from Giyarsih, S. R. (2010). POLA SPASIAL TRANSFORMASI WILAYAH DI KORIDOR YOGYAKARTA-SURAKARTA Spatial Pattern of Regional Transformation In Yogyakarta-Surakarta Corridor. Forum Geografi. Hidayat, W., Rustiadi, E., & Kartodihardjo, H. (2015). Dampak Pertambangan Terhadap Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan dan Kesesuaian Peruntukan Ruang (Studi Kasus Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan). Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah Dan Kota. IPCC. (2000). Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry. Forestry. 10.2277/0521800838 Ishartono & Raharjo, S. T. (2015). Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Dan Pengentasan Kemiskinan. Social Work Jurnal. Prawira, N. G. A., & Ariastita, P. G. (2014). Rumusan Insentif dan Disinsentif Pengendalian Konversi Lahan Pertanian di Kabupaten Gianyar. Jurnal Teknik Pomits. Saaty, T. L. (2008). Decision making with the analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Services Sciences.    

2007 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 1904 ◽  
G. Bathrellos ◽  
H. Skilodimou

This study is aimed at the evaluation of the erosion risk at the drainage basin of Malakasiotiko stream in Trikala prefecture, using a Geographic Information System (GIS). A database from six factors that influence erosion namely slope, lithology, drainage density, tectonic features density, land use and rainfall inserted into GIS. Each factor was grouped in various classes. A method known as Analytic Hierarchy Process (ΑΗΡ) was applied to rate the individual classes of each factor and weight the impact of one factor against the other in order to determination their importance to erosion process. The results of the ΑΗΡ application in combination with GIS techniques were used to estimate the overall erosion risk and create the erosion risk map. The study area was divided into three zones of erosion risk. High erosion risk zones are mostly located on the northwest, west and south parts of the drainage basin of Malakasiotiko stream. The erosion risk map of the study area can be a useful geologic and géomorphologie criterion for the land use planning.

2014 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 139-158 ◽  
Karim C. ABBASPOUR ◽  
Jamal B. TALIB ◽  
Christoper TEH BOON SUNG ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 88
Daniela Polizeli Traficante ◽  
Sérgio Campos ◽  
Rodrigo Lillla Manzione ◽  
Bruno Timóteo Rodrigues

O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar a fragilidade ambiental da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Capivara, Botucatu-SP. Foram utilizados os atributos uso da terra, solos, declividade e geologia através da Combinação Linear Ponderada (álgebra de mapas) em que cada um foi considerado um fator condicionante à fragilidade ambiental. A normalização dos fatores se deu pelas classes de fragilidade com notas variando de um a cinco, de muito baixa à muito alta, respectivamente, e a determinação dos pesos pelo método do Processo Hierárquico Analítico. Os resultados indicaram que a bacia apresentou altos índices de fragilidade, em 90,4% de sua área total, tendo o uso da terra ocupado pelas áreas de pastagens degradadas como o maior vetor de pressão. Somente 9,6% da área total da bacia foi classificada com baixos índices de fragilidade onde estão as áreas com cobertura florestal (nativas e reflorestamento de eucalipto) mata ciliares e as áreas de várzea. Estes índices de alta fragilidade vêm contribuindo para a redução da disponibilidade hídrica da bacia como consequência da falta de planejamento ambiental e exploração desordenada dos recursos naturais.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Análise Multicriterial, EASY AHP, SIG, Planejamento Ambiental. ENVIRONMENTAL FRAGILITY IN CAPIVARA RIVER WATERSHEDABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to identify the environmental fragility of Capivara River Watershed, Botucatu, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Attributes like land use, soil, slope and geology were combined through weighted linear combination (map algebra) in which each of them was considered a conditioning factor to the environmental fragility. Factors standardization was given through the fragility classes with grades ranging from one to five, very low to very high, respectively, and the determination of weights by the Analytical Hierarchy Process method. The results indicated that the Capivara River Watershed showed high levels of fragility, with 90.4% of total area, and the land use occupied by degraded pastures was the greatest pressure vector for these high rates. Only 9.6% of the basin total area were classified as low fragility indexes, which are the areas with forest cover (natives and eucalyptus forest), riparian forest and lowland areas. These high fragility indexes have contributed to the reduction of water availability in basin because of lack of environmental planning and uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources.KEYWORDS: Multi-Criteria Analysis, EASY AHP, GIS, Environmental Planning.

Luciano Cavalcante de Jesus França ◽  
Eduarda Soares Menezes ◽  
Sandra Titon Custódio ◽  
Marcelino Santos de Morais ◽  
Danielle Piuzana Mucida

Problemas relacionados a fragilidade de ecossistemas naturais à degradação ambiental têm sido motivo de discussões de ordem global entre cientistas e formuladores de políticas públicas. Neste sentido, esse estudo teve como objetivo modelar a Fragilidade Ambiental Potencial (FAP) do município de Almenara, Minas Gerais, visando o reconhecimento de potencialidades do meio biofísico susceptíveis à instabilidade ambiental natural e identificação de áreas para priorização à conservação. Utilizou-se a modelagem espacial a partir de uma análise de multicritério. Considerou-se 5 critérios para a avaliação: declividade do terreno, classes de solos, hierarquia fluvial, domínios geológicos e pluviosidade. Foram atribuídos pesos de fragilidade ambiental para as respectivas sub-classes de acordo com metodologia clássica: (I) Baixa, (II) Levemente Baixa, (III) Média, (IV) Alta e (V) Extremamente Alta. Por combinação linear ponderada gerou-se o mapa final de FAP. Aplicou-se o Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) para a determinação da hierarquia de importância dos critérios avaliados e cálculo do índice e razão de consistência da matriz AHP. Os resultados demonstraram que 29,72% da área de estudo apresenta alta fragilidade ambiental. O mapa de FAP poderá apoiar estratégias de ordenamento territorial e planejamento ambiental.

Environments ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 75
Ashraf Abd El Karim ◽  
Haya M. Alogayell ◽  
Ibtesam I. Alkadi ◽  
Ismail Youssef

The management of land use in big cities and capitals and the surrounding adjacent urban aggregates is still of major importance in the field of urban development, especially in cities with populations of millions and various types of land uses and economic activities. The rural–urban continuum between the cities of Ar Riyadh and Al Kharj suffers from an unclear general land use trend, due to urban expansion at the expense of the agriculture lands, the imbalance of the population compound, the deterioration of the urban fabric, lack and poor distribution of services, and the dominance of industrial land use at the expense of other uses. These factors have led to an increase in environmental changes and loss of the environmental and ecological characteristics of this area between Ar Riyadh and Al Kharj. The present study aims at evaluating the land use suitability for urban development in the rural–urban continuum between Ar Riyadh and Al Kharj cities. This is achieved by using the GIS-based Multi Criteria decision Analysis (GIS-MCDA) on twelve various economic, environmental, urban, and law criteria. The weights of criteria were determined using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The results of the spatial suitability map of the land use for sustainable urban development revealed that there are five categories of spatial suitability ranging in suitability from 32% to 86%. The recommended areas for sustainable urban development are those with a spatial suitability upwards of 70% in the rural–urban continuum corridor between Ar Riyadh and Al Kharj cities. The sustainable development in this corridor can be achieved by executing high priority projects that ensure and support the urban sustainable development plan through establishing four local urban development centers and upgrading four current villages to rural communities, aiming at strengthening the functional bonds between the rural communities and the local urban development centers. These projects will limit the sustainable urban development to specific areas without allowing random expansion, avoiding the urban conjugation of the two Ar Riyadh and Al Kharj cities through the connecting area between them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Florentino F. Morales ◽  
Walter Timo de Vries

Despite the large number of studies on natural hazards mapping and modeling, an increasing number of disasters still occur worldwide. Floods, landslides, and tsunamis, among others, consistently hit vulnerable countries, resulting in increasing death tolls and economic losses in the last decades. The increased reliability of available hazard maps is still insufficient when not fully integrated and incorporated in the respective communities' land use plans. As a pro-active and preventive approach in combatting disasters, land use planning requires the relevant stakeholders' active participation. This study derives the most crucial criteria in the eyes of planners, experts, and decision-makers for natural hazards mapping as part of land use planning and part of disaster risk reduction. These stakeholders and experts establish criteria for flood, landslide, earthquake and storm surge hazard mapping through Multi-criteria Evaluation (MCE). The MCE technique compares the relative merits of different spatially related criteria following the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) through pair-wise comparisons of criteria by experts and the decision-makers. This research process derives a general and consistent list of criteria for hazard mapping initially developed and based in the Philippines, which can be used in subsequent GIS analysis. Results further show the advantages of using AHP in a multi-criteria analysis for decision-making and compliance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Akmal Muhni

The use of land resources for settlements is generally determined by the capability of the land or the appropriateness of the land. Residential area planning must consider the risk of a disaster because it will have an impact on material and physical losses. Administratively, the research area is located in the north of Kuta Baro Sub-District, Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province with a research area of about 12 km2. The research location which is close to the Seulawah Agam volcano will cause potential impacts of disasters such as volcanic eruption and landslide. The purpose of analyzing settlement land use using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in this study is to determine and analyze the feasibility of residential land at the research location. The parameters used in the land use analysis consist of 5 parameters including rock lithology, geomorphological conditions, slope, soil type, and rainfall. The results obtained in this study were 3 (three) classes of land use feasibility zones, namely the feasible zone, the less feasible zone, and the unfeasible zone. Analysis of land use suitability based on the feasible zone for settlements in Kuta Baro District with lowland geomorphology (0 - 8% slope level), rock lithology in the form of silt deposits, low rainfall, and alluvium soil types which have a very low level of erosion.

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