Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Latest Publications





Published By National Documentation Centre

2529-1718, 0438-9557

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 127
Chrysanthi Vogiatzi ◽  
Constantinos Loupasakis

The current investigation concerns the impact observed at natural and human environment, due to the implementation of the Aposelemis water supply project, as additional aqueduct of Heraklion and Agios Nikolaos cities, as well as other important tourist areas, in NE Crete, Greece. Aposelemis project is differentiated from standard water supply dam projects, through a special component of an underground tunnel that diverts uphill surface water from Lasithi Plateau into the reservoir. The study concerns the first years of project’s operation, and focuses at four affected areas, namely the Lasithi Plateau upland area, dam’s region, river estuary and water supplied cities. The investigation was based on various site visits, while a significant aspect involves local stakeholders’ observation, opinion and perception on the environmental impact of the project in everyday life, through four detailed questionnaires posed to the affected areas’ population. The recorded consequences were characterized as positive or negative and evaluated according to their size and importance, estimated for the current period and also for the future. Among the main positive effects are urban areas’ drinking water supply and improved upland plateau’s flood water drainage, while among the negative consequences appear multiple water resources’ impacts and feelings of downstream lakeside residents. The investigation indicates the initial environmental impact and sets the basis for further future research towards sustainability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 222
Alexandros Chatzipetros ◽  
Spyros Pavlides ◽  
Michael Foumelis ◽  
Sotiris Sboras ◽  
Dimitris Galanakis ◽  

A sequence of earthquakes occurred on March 3rd and 4th in Northern Thessaly, northern Greece, associated with previously unknown, blind normal faults within the crystalline Palaeozoic basement of the Pelagonian geotectonic zone. Surficial ground deformation, such as liquefaction phenomena in fluvial plains, as well as soil fissures and rock falls, have been mapped. Geological indications of the unmapped seismic fault, i.e., reactivated shear zones, open cracks, etc., have been identified within the bedrock. Based on geological indications, the main fault projection to the surface could be considered a 15 km NW-SE trending structure and average dip of 45o to the NE. The seismic source of the main shock was modelled, and the Coulomb static stress changes calculated for receiver faults similar to the source. The determination of the active tectonic regime of the region by geodetic data and the well-known faults of NE Thessaly plain are also presented, as well as the revised historical and instrumental seismicity. This earthquake raises new concerns and challenges, revising some established views, such as the status of main stress orientations, the orientation of active tectonic structures, the occurrence of a seismogenic fault in a mountainous massif of crystalline rocks without typical geomorphological expression and the role of blind faults in Seismic Hazard Assessment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 200
Dimitrios Galanakis ◽  
Sotiris Sboras ◽  
Garyfalia Konstantopoulou ◽  
Markos Xenakis

On March 3, 2021, a strong (Mw6.3) earthquake occurred near the towns of Tyrnavos and Elassona. One day later (March 4), a second strong (Mw6.0) earthquake occurred just a few kilometres toward the WNW. The aftershock spatial distribution and the focal mechanisms revealed NW-SE-striking normal faulting. The focal mechanisms also revealed a NE-SW oriented extensional stress field, different from the orientation we knew so far (ca. N-S). The magnitude and location of the two strongest shocks, and the spatiotemporal evolution of the sequence, strongly suggest that two adjacent fault segments were ruptured respectively. The sequence was followed by several coseismic ground deformational phenomena, such as landslides/rockfalls, liquefaction and ruptures. The landslides and rockfalls were mostly associated with the ground shaking. The ruptures were observed west of the Titarissios River, near to the Quaternary faults found by bore-hole lignite investigation. In the same direction, a fault scarp separating the alpidic basement from the alluvial deposits of the Titarissios valley implies the occurrence of a well-developed fault system. Some of the ground ruptures were accompanied by extensive liquefaction phenomena. Others cross-cut reinforced concrete irrigation channels without changing their direction. We suggest that this fault system was partially reactivated, as a secondary surface rupture, during the sequence as a steeper splay of a deeper low-to-moderate angle normal fault.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 177
Ioannis Spingos ◽  
Filippos Vallianatos ◽  
George Kaviris

The main goal of an Earthquake Early Warning System (EEWS) is to estimate the expected peak ground motion of the destructive S-waves using the first few seconds of P-waves, thus becoming an operational tool for real-time seismic risk management in a short timescale. EEWSs are based on the use of scaling relations between parameters measured on the initial portion of the seismic signal, after the arrival of the first wave. Herein, using the abundant seismicity that followed the 3 March 2021 Mw=6.3 earthquake in Thessaly we propose scaling relations for PGA, from data recorded by local permanent stations, as a function of the integral of the squared velocity (IV2p). The IV2p parameter was estimated directly from the first few seconds-long signal window (tw) after the P-wave arrival. Scaling laws are extrapolated for both individual and across sites (i.e., between a near-source reference instrument and a station located close to a target). The latter approach is newly investigated, as local site effects could have a significant impact on recorded data. Considering that further study on the behavior of IV2p is necessary, there are indications that this parameter could be used in future on-site single‐station earthquake early warning operations for areas affected by earthquakes located in Thessaly, as itpresents significant stability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 131
Vasileios Karakostas ◽  
Costas Papazachos ◽  
Eleftheria Papadimitriou ◽  
Michael Foumelis ◽  
Anastasia Kiratzi ◽  

On 3 March 2021, the Mw6.3 Tyrnavos earthquake shook much of the Thessalia region, leading to extensive damage in many small towns and villages in the activated area. The first main shock was followed in the next day, on 4th of March 2021, by an “equivalent” main shock with Mw6.0 in the adjacent fault segment. These are the largest earthquakes to strike the northeastern part of Thessalia since the M6.3, 1941 Larissa earthquake. The main shocks triggered extensive liquefaction mainly along the banks of the Titarisios tributary where alluvial flood deposits most probably amplified the ground motions. Our seismic monitoring efforts, with the use of recordings of the regional seismological network along with a dense local network that was installed three days after the seismic excitation initiation, led to the improved understanding the geometry and kinematics of the activated faults. The aftershocks form a north–northwest–trending, east–northeast–dipping, ~40 km long distribution, encompassing the two main ruptures along with minor activated structures, consistent with the rupture length estimated from analysis of regional waveform data and InSAR modeling. The first rupture was expanded bilaterally, the second main shock nucleated at its northern tip, where from this second rupture propagated unilaterally to the north–northwest. The focal mechanisms of the two main shocks support an almost pure normal faulting, similar to the aftershocks fault plane solution determined in this study. The strong ground motion of the March 3 main shock was computed with a stochastic simulation of finite fault model. Coseismic displacements that were detected using a dense GPS / GNSS network of five permanent stations located the Thessaly region, have shown an NNE–SSW extension as expected from the nature and location of the causative fault. Coulomb stress changes due to the coseismic slip of the first main shock, revealed that the hypocentral region of the second main shock was brought closer to failure by more than 10 bars.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 105
Maria Kouli ◽  
Sofia Peleli ◽  
Vassilis Saltas ◽  
John P Makris ◽  
Filippos Vallianatos

In recent years, there is a growing interest concerning the development of a multi-parametric system for earthquakes’ short term forecast identifying those parameters whose anomalous variations can be associated to the complex process of such events. In this context, the Robust Satellite Technique (RST) has been adopted herein with the aim to detect and map thermal anomalies probably related with the strong earthquake of M6.3 occurred near the city of Larissa, Thessaly on March 3rd 2021 10:16:07 UTC. For this purpose, 10 years (2012-2021) of daily Night-time Land Surface Temperature (LST) remotely sensed data from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), were analyzed. Pixels characterized by statistically significant LST variations on a daily scale were interpreted as an indicator of variations in seismic activity. Quite intense (Signal/Noise ratio > 2.5) and rare, spatially extensive and time persistent, TIR signal transients were identified, appearing twenty five days before the Thessaly main shock (pre-seismic anomalies: February 6th, February 11th March 1st), the day of the main earthquake (co-seismic anomaly) and after the main shock (post-seismic anomalies: March 4th, 10th and 17th). The final dataset of thermal anomalies was combined with geological and structural data of the area of interest, such as active faults, composite seismogenic sources, earthquake epicenter and topography in order to perform preliminary spatial analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Konstantinos Boronkay ◽  
Georgios Stoumpos ◽  
Maria Benissi ◽  
Georgios Rovolis ◽  
Konstantinos Korkaris ◽  

The ground investigations for the construction of Athens Metro –including over 60.000 m of sampling boreholes and geological mapping of the underground tunnel face–, planned and carried out under the supervision of ATTIKO METRO S.A., offer important geological data that enrich and locally modify our knowledge for the geology of Athens Metropolitan Area (AMA). On the basis of these data, this paper presents the Geological Map of AMA as well as a revised tectonostratigraphic scheme for the area and geological profiles along several sections of the Athens Metro lines. The geological map is a synthesis of the geological data obtained from the ground investigations with the already published geological maps and includes a Mesozoic rock assemblage as well as the Neogene-Quaternary Athens Basin. The following basic conclusions can be drawn from the interpretation of these data: (a) The Athens Unit, the basement of AMA, is divided into four formations (from bottom to top), the Lower Athens Schist, the Upper Athens Schist, the Athens Sandstone-Marl Series and the Crest Limestone. (b) Ultrabasic rocks (serpentinite) constitute the basement of Athens Unit. (c) Serpentinite bodies at the eastern border of Athens Basin, have undergone almost complete metasomatism to listwanite along their tectonic contacts with Alepovouni Marble on top and Kessariani Dolomite at their base. (d) The limestone outcrops at the western border of Athens Basin (e.g., Karavas hill) form tectonic windows of Pelagonian Upper Cretaceous limestone underneath the Athens Schist and not klippen of Crest Limestone on top of it. The revised geological map also includes the Attica-Evia Fault, which is the dominant structure of the broader area, locally mapped by two sampling boreholes across the planned metro line 4.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 87
Georgios Chatzopoulos

A widely felt strong shallow earthquake with Mw 6.3 magnitude occurred in Thessaly (Central Greece) on March 3, 2021. This recent strong event attracted our interest to apply and evaluate the capabilities of the Accelerating Deformation method. Based on the recently proposed generalized Benioff strain idea which could be justified by the terms of Non-Extensive Statistical Physics (NESP), the common critical exponent was calculated in order to define the critical stage before a strong event. The present analysis comprised a complex spatiotemporal iterative procedure to examine the possible seismicity patterns at a broad region and identify the best one associated with the preparation process before the strong event. The starting time of the accelerating period, the size and location of the critical area are unknown parameters to be determined. Furthermore, although, the time of failure is already known, in the present research it was not set as a fixed value in the algorithm to define the other unknown parameters but instead different catalogue ending dates have been tried out to be with an objective way. The broad region to be investigated was divided with a square mesh and the search of events around a point has been carried on with different size circular and elliptical shapes. Among the obtained results, the solution which exhibits the most dominant scaling law behavior as well as the one which exhibits the smallest spatial area and yet the more dominant scaling law behavior are presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 37
Athanassios Ganas ◽  
Sotiris Valkaniotis ◽  
Pierre Briole ◽  
Anna Serpetsidaki ◽  
Vassilis Kapetanidis ◽  

Here we present a joint analysis of the geodetic, seismological and geological data of the March 2021 Northern Thessaly seismic sequence, that were gathered and processed as of April 30, 2021. First, we relocated seismicity data from regional and local networks and inferred the dip-direction (NE) and dip-angle (38°) of the March 3, 2021 rupture plane. Furthermore, we used ascending and descending SAR images acquired by the Sentinel-1 satellites to map the co-seismic displacement field. Our results indicate that the March 3, 2021 Mw=6.3 rupture occurred on a NE-dipping, 39° normal fault located between the villages Zarko (Trikala) and Damasi (Larissa). The event of March 4, 2021 occurred northwest of Damasi, along a fault oriented WNW-ESE and produced less deformation than the event of the previous day. The third event occurred on March 12, 2021 along a south-dipping normal fault. We computed 22 focal mechanisms of aftershocks with M≥4.0 using P-wave first motion polarities. Nearly all focal mechanisms exhibit normal kinematics or have a dominant normal dip-slip component. The use of InSAR was crucial to differentiate the ground deformation between the ruptures. The majority of deformation occurs in the vertical component, with a maximum of 0.39 m of subsidence over the Mw=6.3 rupture plane, south and west of Damasi. A total amount of 0.3 m horizontal displacement (E-W) was measured. We also used GNSS data (at 30-s sampling interval) from twelve permanent stations near the epicentres to obtain 3D seismic offsets of station positions. Only the first event produces significant displacement at the GNSS stations (as predicted by the fault models, themselves very well constrained by InSAR). We calculated several post-seismic interferograms, yet we have observed that there is almost no post-seismic deformation, except in the footwall area (Zarkos mountain). This post-seismic deformation is below the 7 mm level (quarter of a fringe) in the near field and below the 1 mm level at the GNSS sites. The cascading activation of the three events in a SE to NW direction points to a pattern of domino-style earthquakes, along neighbouring fault segments. The kinematics of the ruptures point to a counter-clockwise change in the extension direction of the upper crust (from NE-SW near Damasi to N-S towards northwest, near Verdikoussa).

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 1
Spyridon Mavroulis ◽  
Maria Mavrouli ◽  
Panayotis Carydis ◽  
Konstantinos Agorastos ◽  
Efthymis Lekkas

In early March 2021, when Greece was struggling with the evolving third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic with the highest numbers of daily cases and fatalities from its initiation, Thessaly was struck by a seismic sequence, which included the 3 March, Mw = 6.3 mainshock, its strongest Mw = 6.1 aftershock the following day and numerous large aftershocks. The mainshock caused extensive damage to houses and infrastructure, while the aftershock aggravated damage and caused widespread concern among residents. Based on post-event field surveys in the affected area, it is concluded that the old unreinforced houses with load-bearing masonry walls in the northeastern part of the Thessaly basin suffered the most, while the recent constructions remained intact. As a result, hundreds of homeless were in need of immediate temporary sheltering, which immediately mobilized the Civil Protection authorities to manage the emergency situation. This emergency had something unique, which made its management a challenge: the implementation of the earthquake emergency response actions was incompatible with the measures to limit the further spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the community during the evolving third pandemic wave. Many of the actions have been adapted to the unprecedented conditions through a prism of a multi-hazard approach to disaster management and their impact. Among others, more and different types of emergency shelters were used to prevent overcrowding, emergency supplies distribution processes were modified to prevent transmission through hands and surfaces, places for the identification and isolation of suspected COVID-19 cases were designated in emergency shelters and extensive and regular screening testing of the local population was conducted for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus. From the analysis of the daily reported COVID-19 cases in the earthquake-affected area during the pre- and post- disaster periods as well as from results of rapid testing during the post-disaster period, it was found that the viral load of the earthquake-affected villages was not increased, despite the difficult and unprecedented conditions. It can be suggested that the adaptation of the measures to the new conditions has worked beneficially to reduce the spread of the new virus among those affected and the involved staff. For this reason, this approach could be considered as good practice and important lesson learned, which can be applied to similar future compound emergencies in areas with similar geoenvironmental and epidemiological characteristics.

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