scholarly journals Analisis Sentimen Opini Terhadap Vaksin Covid - 19 pada Media Sosial Twitter Menggunakan Support Vector Machine dan Naive Bayes

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-25
Frizka Fitriana ◽  
Ema Utami ◽  
Hanif Al Fatta

The corona virus outbreak, commonly referred to as COVID-19, has been officially designated a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). To minimize the impact caused by the virus, one of the right steps is to develop a vaccine, however, with the vaccination for the Indonesian people, it is controversial so that it invites many people to give an opinion assessment, but the limited space makes it difficult for the public to express their opinion, because Therefore, people choose social media as a place to channel public opinion. Support vector machine algorithm has better performance in terms of accuracy, precision and recall with values ​​of 90.47%, 90.23%, 90.78% with performance values ​​on the Bayes algorithm, namely 88.64%, 87.32%, 88, 13%, with a difference of 1.83% accuracy, 2.91% precision and 2.65% recall, while for time the Naive Bayes algorithm has a better performance level with a value of 8.1 seconds and the Support vector machine algorithm gets a time speed of 11 seconds with a difference of 2, 9 seconds. With the results of sentiment analysis neutral 8.76%, negative 42.92% and positive 48.32% for Bayes and neutral 10.56%, negative 41.28% and positive 48.16% for SVM.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-229
Muhammad Dwison Alizah ◽  
Arifin Nugroho ◽  
Ummu Radiyah ◽  
Windu Gata

Abstract:  Covid-19 has been set as a Pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The very large impact and the infection that is fast enough are the reasons for making Covid-19 as a pandemic and efforts to overcome. One anticipation that can be done is to do lockdown. Making the decision to carry out a lockdown is intended to reduce the spread that occurs. Lockdown is certainly not a 100% good solution for all of individual. There are individual who agree that the lockdown will be implemented, also there are those who think that the lockdown is better not to be carried out considering the negative impacts that can occur. Therefore in this study will be presented the predictive modeling for sentiment analysis related to "lockdown" specially on social media Twitter. The method used to labeled was using Vader then the tweets are extracted using TF-IDF, and modeling is made for the prediction of sentiment using Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine. The results obtained from the two algorithms are more than 80%. Keywords: Covid-19, lockdown, TF-IDF, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine Abstrak: Covid-19 telah ditetapkan sebagia Pandemi oleh World Health Organization (WHO). Dampak yang sangat besar dan penyebaran yang cukup cepat menjadi alsan untuk menjadikan Covid-19 sebagai Pandemi dan perlu dilakukan upaya penanggulangan. Salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan lockdown. Pengambilan keputusan untuk melakukan lockdown diperuntukan guna mengurangi penyebaran yang terjadi. Lockdown tentunya bukanlah solusi yang 100% baik bagi segala pihak. Terdapat pihak - pihak yang menyetujui akan dilaksanakannya lockdown, ada pula yang beranggapan bahwa lockdown lebih baik tidak dilaksanakan dengan pertimbangan dampak negatif yang bisa terjadi. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini akan disampaikan mengenai pembuatan pemodelan prediksi terkait analisa sentimen terkait “Lockdown” yang dikhususkan pada media sosial Twitter. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan labeling menggunakan Vader dan selanjutnya tweet tersebut dilakukan ekstraksi menggunakan TF-IDF, dan dibuatkan pemodelan untuk prediksi sentimen menggunakan Naïve Bayes dan Support Vector Machine. Hasil evaluasi yang didapat dari kedua algoritma tersebut ialah mencapai lebih dari 80%. Kata kunci: Covid-19, lockdown, TF-IDF, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine Abstract:  Covid-19 has been set as a Pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The very large impact and the infection that is fast enough are the reasons for making Covid-19 as a pandemic and efforts to overcome. One anticipation that can be done is to do lockdown. Making the decision to carry out a lockdown is intended to reduce the spread that occurs. Lockdown is certainly not a 100% good solution for all of individual. There are individual who agree that the lockdown will be implemented, also there are those who think that the lockdown is better not to be carried out considering the negative impacts that can occur. Therefore in this study will be presented the predictive modeling for sentiment analysis related to "lockdown" specially on social media Twitter. The method used to labeled was using Vader then the tweets are extracted using TF-IDF, and modeling is made for the prediction of sentiment using Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine. The results obtained from the two algorithms are more than 80%. Keywords:Covid-19, lockdown, TF-IDF, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine Abstrak: Covid-19 telah ditetapkan sebagia Pandemi oleh World Health Organization (WHO). Dampak yang sangat besar dan penyebaran yang cukup cepat menjadi alsan untuk menjadikan Covid-19 sebagai Pandemi dan perlu dilakukan upaya penanggulangan. Salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan lockdown. Pengambilan keputusan untuk melakukan lockdown diperuntukan guna mengurangi penyebaran yang terjadi. Lockdown tentunya bukanlah solusi yang 100% baik bagi segala pihak. Terdapat pihak - pihak yang menyetujui akan dilaksanakannya lockdown, ada pula yang beranggapan bahwa lockdown lebih baik tidak dilaksanakan dengan pertimbangan dampak negatif yang bisa terjadi. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini akan disampaikan mengenai pembuatan pemodelan prediksi terkait analisa sentimen terkait “Lockdown” yang dikhususkan pada media sosial Twitter. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan labeling menggunakan Vader dan selanjutnya tweet tersebut dilakukan ekstraksi menggunakan TF-IDF, dan dibuatkan pemodelan untuk prediksi sentimen menggunakan Naïve Bayes dan Support Vector Machine. Hasil evaluasi yang didapat dari kedua algoritma tersebut ialah mencapai lebih dari 80%. Kata kunci: Covid-19, lockdown, TF-IDF, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine

Muhammad Dwison Alizah ◽  
Arifin Nugroho ◽  
Ummu Radiyah ◽  
Windu Gata

<em>Covid-19 telah ditetapkan sebagia Pandemi oleh World Health Organization (WHO). Salah satu antisipasi yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan lockdown. Pada penelitian ini, akan disampaikan mengenai pembuatan pemodelan prediksi terkait analisa sentimen terkait “Lockdown” pada media sosial Twitter. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan labeling menggunakan Vader dan selanjutnya tweet dilakukan ekstraksi menggunakan TF-IDF, dan dibuatkan pemodelan untuk prediksi sentimen menggunakan Naïve Bayes dan Support Vector Machine. Hasilnya yang didapat dari kedua algoritma tersebut ialah lebih dari 80%.</em><em> </em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-68
Nurlaelatul Maulidah ◽  
Riki Supriyadi ◽  
Dwi Yuni Utami ◽  
Fuad Nur Hasan ◽  
Ahmad Fauzi ◽  

Diabetes melitus adalah penyakit metabolik yang ditandai terjadinya kenaikan gula darah yang disebabkan oleh terganggunya hormon insulin yang memiliki fungsi sebagai hormon dalam menjaga homeostatis tubuh menggunakan cara penurunan kadar gula darah (American Diabetes Association, 2017). World Health Organization (WHO) memperkirakan jumlah penderita diabetes melitus orang dewasa diatas 18 tahun dalam tahun 2014 berjumlah 422 juta (WHO, 2016:25). Prevalensi diabetes melitus Asia Tenggara sudah berkembang dalam tahun 1980 sebanyak 4,1% dan tahun 2014 menjadi sebanyak 8,6%. Menurut Riset Kementerian Kesehatan pada tahun 2018, Prevalensi diabetes Indonesia sebanyak 2,0%, sedangkan di Provinsi Jawa Timur sebanyak 2,6% pada penduduk umur diatas 15 tahun (KEMENKES RI, 2019). Penelitian ini dikembangkan melalui pengolahan data sekunder database kesehatan Dataset Diabetes yang diambil dari dataset Kaggle dan dapat diakses melalui Dimana datanya sendiri terdiri dari 2000 record dengan beberapa variabel prediktor medik (Pregnancies/Kehamilan, Glucose/Glukosa, BloodPressure/Tekanan Darah, SkinThickness/Ketebalan Kulit, Insulin, BMI/Indeks Masa Tubuh, DiabetesPedigreeFunction/Keturunan, Age/Umur and Outcome/Hasil). Kemudian data tersebut akan diolah dengan menggunakan metode Support Vector Machine dan metode Naive Bayes untuk mengetahui akurasi hasil diagnosa diabetes. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian yang sudah dilakukan metode Support Vector Machine memiliki nilai akurasi yang jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metode Naive Bayes. Nilai akurasi untuk model metode Support Vector Machine adalah 78,04% dan nilai akurasi untuk metode Naive Bayes 76,98%. Berdasarkan nilai ini, perbedaan akurasinya adalah 1,06%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode Support Vector Machine mampu menghasilkan tingkat akurasi diagnosis diabetes yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metode Naive Bayes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 275-280
Agus Setiyono ◽  
Hilman F Pardede

It is now common for a cellphone to receive spam messages. Great number of received messages making it difficult for human to classify those messages to Spam or no Spam.  One way to overcome this problem is to use Data Mining for automatic classifications. In this paper, we investigate various data mining techniques, named Support Vector Machine, Multinomial Naïve Bayes and Decision Tree for automatic spam detection. Our experimental results show that Support Vector Machine algorithm is the best algorithm over three evaluated algorithms. Support Vector Machine achieves 98.33%, while Multinomial Naïve Bayes achieves 98.13% and Decision Tree is at 97.10 % accuracy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 362-369
Sharazita Dyah Anggita ◽  

The needs of the community for freight forwarding are now starting to increase with the marketplace. User opinion about freight forwarding services is currently carried out by the public through many things one of them is social media Twitter. By sentiment analysis, the tendency of an opinion will be able to be seen whether it has a positive or negative tendency. The methods that can be applied to sentiment analysis are the Naive Bayes Algorithm and Support Vector Machine (SVM). This research will implement the two algorithms that are optimized using the PSO algorithms in sentiment analysis. Testing will be done by setting parameters on the PSO in each classifier algorithm. The results of the research that have been done can produce an increase in the accreditation of 15.11% on the optimization of the PSO-based Naive Bayes algorithm. Improved accuracy on the PSO-based SVM algorithm worth 1.74% in the sigmoid kernel.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 504-512
Faried Zamachsari ◽  
Gabriel Vangeran Saragih ◽  
Susafa'ati ◽  
Windu Gata

The decision to move Indonesia's capital city to East Kalimantan received mixed responses on social media. When the poverty rate is still high and the country's finances are difficult to be a factor in disapproval of the relocation of the national capital. Twitter as one of the popular social media, is used by the public to express these opinions. How is the tendency of community responses related to the move of the National Capital and how to do public opinion sentiment analysis related to the move of the National Capital with Feature Selection Naive Bayes Algorithm and Support Vector Machine to get the highest accuracy value is the goal in this study. Sentiment analysis data will take from public opinion using Indonesian from Twitter social media tweets in a crawling manner. Search words used are #IbuKotaBaru and #PindahIbuKota. The stages of the research consisted of collecting data through social media Twitter, polarity, preprocessing consisting of the process of transform case, cleansing, tokenizing, filtering and stemming. The use of feature selection to increase the accuracy value will then enter the ratio that has been determined to be used by data testing and training. The next step is the comparison between the Support Vector Machine and Naive Bayes methods to determine which method is more accurate. In the data period above it was found 24.26% positive sentiment 75.74% negative sentiment related to the move of a new capital city. Accuracy results using Rapid Miner software, the best accuracy value of Naive Bayes with Feature Selection is at a ratio of 9:1 with an accuracy of 88.24% while the best accuracy results Support Vector Machine with Feature Selection is at a ratio of 5:5 with an accuracy of 78.77%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-85
Dwi Yuni Utami ◽  
Elah Nurlelah ◽  
Noer Hikmah

Liver disease is an inflammatory disease of the liver and can cause the liver to be unable to function as usual and even cause death. According to WHO (World Health Organization) data, almost 1.2 million people per year, especially in Southeast Asia and Africa, have died from liver disease. The problem that usually occurs is the difficulty of recognizing liver disease early on, even when the disease has spread. This study aims to compare and evaluate Naive Bayes algorithm as a selected algorithm and Naive Bayes algorithm based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Bagging to find out which algorithm has a higher accuracy in predicting liver disease by processing a dataset taken from the UCI Machine Learning Repository database (GA). University of California Invene). From the results of testing by evaluating both the confusion matrix and the ROC curve, it was proven that the testing carried out by the Naive Bayes Optimization algorithm using Algortima Genetics and Bagging has a higher accuracy value than only using the Naive Bayes algorithm. The accuracy value for the Naive Bayes algorithm model is 66.66% and the accuracy value for the Naive Bayes model with attribute selection using Genetic Algorithms and Bagging is 72.02%. Based on this value, the difference in accuracy is 5.36%.Keywords: Liver Disease, Naïve Bayes, Genetic Agorithms, Bagging.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 117
Hardian Oktavianto ◽  
Rahman Puji Handri

Breast cancer is one of the highest causes of death among women, this disease ranks second cause of death after lung cancer. According to the world health organization, 1 million women get a diagnosis of breast cancer every year and half of them die, in general this is due to early treatment and slow treatment resulting in new cancers being detected after entering the final stage. In the field of health and medicine, machine learning-based classification has been carried out to help doctors and health professionals in classifying the types of cancer, to determine which treatment measures should be performed. In this study breast cancer classification will be carried out using the Naive Bayes algorithm to group the types of cancer. The dataset used is from the Wisconsin breast cancer database. The results of this study are the ability of the Naive Bayes algorithm for the classification of breast cancer produces a good value, where the average percentage of correctly classified data reaches 96.9% and the average percentage of data is classified as incorrect only 3.1%. While the level of effectiveness of classification with naive bayes is high, where the average value of precision and recall is around 0.96. The highest precision and recall values are when the test data uses a percentage split of 40% with the respective values reaching 0.974 and 0.973.

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