scholarly journals Pendekatan Neurosains Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Guru Pendidikan Dasar

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Rahmi Rivalina

Tuntutan pembelajaran abad 21 mengharuskan siswa untuk menggunakan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi (High Order Thinking Skills/HOTS) melalui pemecahan masalah dan berpikir kritis, komunikasi dan kolaborasi, dan kreativitas dan inovasi. Untuk mengimplementasikannya guru terlebih dahulu harus memahami konsep HOTS karena arsitektur utama dalam mengisi kecerdasan siswa adalah guru. Masalah yang dibahas dalam kajian ini mengapa guru perlu dibekali dengan pendekatan neurosains dalam proses pembelajaran dan bagaimana strategi guru menerapkan pendekatan neurosains dalam pembelajaran sehingga siswa dapat mencapai kompetensi kecakapan abad 21. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk  mendeskripsikan: (1) pentingnya memahami pendekatan neurosains bagi guru dalam proses  pembelajaran, dan (2) strategi  guru  menerapkan pendekatan neurosains  untuk  mencapai kompetensi kecakapan abad ke-21.  Hasil kajian mengungkapkan guru perlu menerapkan pendekatan neurosains dalam pembelajaran untuk membantu guru dalam mencapai kompetensi keterampilan dan kecakapan abad 21 siswa. Strategi guru menerapkan  pendekatan neurosains dengan memahami tahapan perkembangan pusat kecerdasan,  tipe kecerdasan, dan diagram pembelajaran abad 21, yang dituangkan  dalam bentuk rancangan pembelajaran yang efektif dan menyenangkan. Kesimpulan kajian ini menyatakan peningkatan HOTS pada guru akan berdampak pada capaian hasil pembelajaran dan kompetensi siswa abad 21.     AbstrakThe demands of 21st learning is to enable students use High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) through    problem solving and critical thinking, communication and collaboration, and creativity and innovation. In its implementation, the teachers are the first persons to earlier master the concept of HOTS as the main architecture in creating the intelligence of students is the teacher.The problem discussed in this review is why the  teachers need to be equipped  with neuroscience  approaches in the learning process, how the teacher's strategy implements it   so   students  are able to achieve the 21st learning competency. The objective of this review is to describe: (1) the importance of teachers   to comprehend the neuroscience approach   in learning process, and (2) the strategy of teachers in implementing the neuroscience approach   to achieve the 21st competency.   The results of review revealed   teachers need to apply a neuroscience approach in learning to assist teachers in achieving 21st century students' competencies. The teacher's strategy applies the neuroscience approach by understanding the stages of development of the intelligence, the multiple  intelligence, and the 21st century learning diagram, which is formed  in effective and fun learning designs. The conclusion of this review states that the increase of teachers’ HOTS will have an impact in learning outcomes and 21st century students’ competency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Rahmi Rivalina

The demands of 21st learning is to enable students use High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) through    problem solving and critical thinking, communication and collaboration, and creativity and innovation. In its implementation, the teachers are the first persons to earlier master the concept of HOTS supported by understanding Neuroscience. The problem discussed in this review is why the teachers need to implement the neuroscience approach in learning their student and  how the teacher's strategy implements it   so   students  are able to achieve the 21st learning. The objective of this review is to describe: (1) the importance of teachers to comprehend the neuroscience approach in learning, and (2) the strategy of teachers in implementing the neuroscience approach   to achieve the 21st learning.The method used in writing this article is reviewing various documents, both in the form of laws and regulations, the results of research and development as well as studies,   various scientific works that are presented in print/written and networking. The result of the review is that to achieve 21st Century skills and competencies, ideally teachers must understand neuroscience,     such as brain development and function ranging from the early age to adults and student intelligence types, and teacher methods of teaching students. The conclusion of this study states that the achievement of 21st century skills and learning competencies is carried out using the Neuroscience approach as one of the solutions. AbstrakTuntutan pembelajaran abad 21 mengharuskan siswa untuk menggunakan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi (High Order Thinking Skills/HOTS) melalui pemecahan masalah dan berpikir kritis, komunikasi dan kolaborasi, dan kreativitas dan inovasi. Untuk mengimplementasikannya guru terlebih dahulu harus memahami konsep HOTS dibantu dengan pemahaman Ilmu Neurosains. Masalah yang dibahas dalam kajian ini   mengapa guru perlu menerapkan pendekatan neurosains di dalam membelajarkan peserta didiknya dan bagaimana strategi guru menerapkannya sehingga siswa dapat mencapai pembelajaran abad 21. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk  mendeskripsikan: (1) pentingnya guru memahami pendekatan neurosains dalam pembelajaran, dan (2) strategi  guru  menerapkan pendekatan neurosains  untuk  mencapai pembelajaran  abad ke-21. Metode penelitian yang digunakan di dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah mengkaji berbagai dokumen, baik yang berupa perangkat peraturan perundang-undangan, hasil-hasil penelitian dan pengembangan serta kajian, maupun berbagai karya ilmiah yang disajikan secara cetak/tertulis dan jejaring. Untuk memperkaya tulisan ini, penulis juga melakukan wawancara secara terbatas. Hasil kajian mengungkapkan bahwa untuk mencapai kompetensi keterampilan dan kecakapan abad 21,   idealnya guru harus memahami   ilmu neurosains   seperti perkembangan dan fungsi otak mulai dari balita sampai dewasa dan  tipe kecerdasan siswa, dan metode guru membelajarkan  siswa. Kesimpulan kajian ini menyatakan pencapaian kompetensi keterampilan dan kecakapan pembelajaran abad 21 dilakukan dengan pendekatan Neurosains sebagai salah satu solusi.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-86
Reni Anggraeni

This article presents various strategies for raising student’s high order thinking skills (HOTS) in reading comprehension. Basically, to be able to raise the capability of HOTS, a student is encouraged to have better thinking processes so that varied strategies to implement HOTS will work out properly and accordingly. Just like children’ cognitive development, HOTS is best put into practice since early childhood. The strategies to improve the student’s critical thinking skills in reading comprehension are described thoroughly in three different ways: 1) seven strategies proposed by the National Reading Panel, 2) word reading skills proposed by Mellard et al. (2010), and 3) Vocabulary knowledge proposed by Wise et al. (2007). This article is developed based on the importance of 21st century skills proposed by National Commission on Excellence in Education, Common Core State Standards Initiative, Partnership for 21 Century Skills, and Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills to be included in today’s curriculum. According to the one of the organisations proposing the 21st century skills, students and young generation are demanded to be able to acquire specific soft skills pertaining to critical thinking.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-60
Atikah Nur Azizah ◽  
Hening Widowati ◽  
Muhfahroyin Muhfahroyin

Abstract: The science learning process emphasizes providing direct experience to develop competencies in order to be able to explore and understand the nature around scientifically. students can gain direct experience, so they can add strength to accept and apply the concepts they have learned. Integrated science learning deals with the way students think and develop critical thinking skills. These skills include the ability to think critically, think creatively, and problem solving abilities. Modules are printed teaching materials that are designed to be independently studied by students, Module development is done to improve students' critical thinking skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-102
E. Haryani ◽  
W. W. Coben ◽  
B. A-S. Pleasants ◽  
M. K. Fetters

The significance of learners acquiring the skills required in the 21st century, including communication skills, teamwork, ICT-related skills and socio-cultural knowledge, imagination, critical thinking, and problem-solving, has been extensively discussed. Integrating the 21st century into the curriculum requires teachers to have knowledge and resources to foster classroom practices. This qualitative study was designed to explore the resources that Indonesian science teachers use in supporting the implementation of the skills of creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, and communication (4Cs) integrated science instruction. Data analyses include surveys, audio recordings of smalls and large group discussions, and group discussion artifacts of 28 Indonesia vocational high school science teachers to identify the type of resources that teachers have had access to support the integration of 4C into science instruction and the extent to which these resources promote the 4C integration into science instruction. The analysis indicates that teachers use multiple resources to help them prepare for 4C integration into teaching practices, including various professional development (PD) programs, various teacher collaborations, curriculum guidelines, and open resources. Teachers found that Teacher Professional Education (TPE) was the most favorable PD program, and curriculum guideline was the least effective for advancing 4C integration. Implications are discussed further.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 145
Alif Aulya Riana

This study is based on the problems that occur in IPS learning in class VIII-D students of SMPN 5 Bandung that is teacher-centered in the classroom and the ability of students to think high-order are still low. The alternative problem solving chosen is by applying the Means Ends Analysis (MEA) learning model. Based on the background, the formulation of this study problem is how the planning, implementation, implementation results and what are the obstacles of the learning model Means Ends Analysis in attempt to improve the ability of high-order thinking. Reviewing the problems to be studied in relation to the learning process, the author chose Classroom Action Research (PTK) with Kemmis and Taggart cycle model in 3 cycles with 12 actions. Implementation of learning by using learning model Means Ends Analysis in improving the ability of students high-order thinking are said to succeed. The improvement of high-order thinking ability of students can be seen from the development of aspects that becomeindicators of high-order thinking. All aspects of this indicator have evolved from cycle 1 to cycle 3, from which initially the quality is less, it is sufficient to improve. In conclusion, the implementation of learning model Means Ends Analysis can improve the ability of high-order thinking of students in IPS learning. This is supported by the achievement of all indicators in analyzing and evaluating. Both are in good categories and indicators to create are in enough category.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-164
Sarwenda Sarwenda

The result of this research reveals that critical thinking skills possessed by the students in the pesantren has been developed through several learning approaches implemented during learning process in the pesantren. Among the approaches are critical awareness on the study of classical books (bahtsul masâil), discussion and debate in which students and teachers are equal in presenting ideas (cooperative and collaborative strategies are also embedded in this approach), and problem solving approach in which contextual issues are posed and solved. While creating students to be critical, such approaches were found to preserve students’ moral attitude to the teachers that has been skeptically seen will be deminished. DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v1i2.1265

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rahmita Mawadah ◽  
Zulyusri Zulyusri ◽  
Relsas Yogica ◽  
Sa'diatul Fuadiyah

The 2013 curriculum encourages learners to have high-level high-level thinking skills high order thinking skills (HOTS). This requires teaching materials that are in line with the demands of the 2013 Curriculum such as Student Worksheets (LKPD). To develop LKPD in accordance with the demands of the 2013 Curriculum, it is necessary to analyze the needs of students about the LKPD. The purpose of this study was to see the needs of students' analysis of HOTS-based LKPD to hone higher order thinking skills so that students could think critically and creatively. This type of research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The sampling technique was observation, interviews and questionnaires to students of SMPN 3 and SMPN 23 Padang. The results showed that the teaching materials available at SMPN 3 Padang and SMPN 23 Padang already used the 2013 Curriculum, but the LKPD used was only made by the Subject Teacher Conference. The LKPD made by the MGMP does not require students to analyze, evaluate and create which are indicators of HOTS. From the analysis of the curriculum, the two schools have implemented the 2013 curriculum, but in its implementate it has not emphasized a student-centered learning process. Based on the interview with the teacher, it was found that the problem in the learning process was that students were not used to higher-order thinking and there was no teaching material that specifically required students to improve higher-order thinking. Thus, the development of HOTS-based LKPD is very much needed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1899 (1) ◽  
pp. 012144
A Bahri ◽  
A B Jamaluddin ◽  
A Muharni ◽  
M J N Fikri ◽  
M Arifuddin

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Melysa Pramitha Rosa ◽  
Utiya Azizah

 The purpose of its research for  train students' critical thinking with problem solving learning models of equilibrium theory. The research was conducted in XI MIPA 1 class at SMA Negeri 14 Surabaya using the One Group Pretest Posttest Design method. The results obtained in this study were the teacher's implementation of the syntax in accordance with the problem solving learning model obtained by a percentage of ≥61% at each meeting. The student's relevant activity reaches a percentage of 82.78% for meeting 1; 84.44% for meeting 2, and 85% for meeting 3. At the time of the critical assessment of the 4 indicators drilled namely, interpretation, analysis, inference, and increasing understanding of 93.49% respectively; 82.87%; 88.90%; 85.42%. On the learning outcomes of students in the realm of knowledge by 92%. This shows the application of effective problem solving learning models in learning chemical equilibrium in training critical thinking skills. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-112
Mulyono ◽  
Ilham Ampo

ABSTRAK Artikel ini bertujuan  untuk mendeskripsikan tentang pemanfaatan sumber dan media belajar di era modernisasi dan globalisasi seperti di abad ke 21 ini, pendidikan menjadi semakin penting untuk menjamin peserta didik memiliki keterampilan (life skills). Hal ini sesuai dengan tuntutan abad 21 dimana peserta didik harus memiliki kompetensi berpikir dan belajar. Kompetensi-kompetensi tersebut diantaranya adalah kompetensi komunikasi (communication), kolaborasi (collaboration), berpikir kritis dan memecahkan masalah (critical thinking and problem solving) kreatif dan inovatif (creativity and innovation). Dalam  pesatnya perkembangan IPTEK menuntut berbagai perubahan mendasar termasuk perubahan dalam memanfaatkan penggunaan media dan sumber belajar. Sehingga dengan adanya media dan sumber belajar yang lebih bervariatif, maka akan menjawab berbagai permasalahan pembelajaran sehingga akan menciptakan tujuan hasil pembelajaran yang lebih maksimal. Kata kunci: Media, Sumber, Belajar   ABSTRACT   This article aims to describe the use of learning resources and media in the era of modernization and globalization such as in this 21st century, Education to be more and more important to guarantee the member of education to have skills (life skills).It is in accordance with the 21st century pursuit , where they should have the competence of thinking and learning. Those competences are such as competence to communicate, collaborate, think critically, solve problems, and to be creative and innovative. Along with rapid development of Science and Technology it pursue many basic – changes including the changes in utilizing the use of media and learning resources.So that with the media and learning resources that are more varied, it will answer various learning problems so that it will create a goal of learning outcomes that is more leverage.Keyword: Media, Resources, Learning

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