scholarly journals Liquefaction damage enhanced by interference between the body wave and surface wave induced from the inclined bedrock

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (19) ◽  
pp. 723-728 ◽  
Kentaro Nakai ◽  
Akira Asaoka ◽  
Yoshihiro Sawada
The Body ◽  
1971 ◽  
Vol 61 (5) ◽  
pp. 1369-1379 ◽  
Nezihi Canitez ◽  
M. Nafi Toksöz

abstract The determination of focal depth and other source parameters by the use of first-motion data and surface-wave spectra is investigated. It is shown that the spectral ratio of Love to Rayleigh waves (L/R) is sensitive to all source parameters. The azimuthal variation of the L/R spectral ratios can be used to check the fault-plane solution as well as for focal depth determinations. Medium response, attenuation, and source finiteness seriously affect the absolute spectra and introduce uncertainty into the focal depth determinations. These effects are nearly canceled out when L/R amplitude ratios are used. Thus, the preferred procedure for source mechanism studies of shallow earthquakes is to use jointly the body-wave data, absolute spectra of surface waves, and the Love/Rayleigh spectral ratios. With this procedure, focal depths can be determined to an accuracy of a few kilometers.

Solid Earth ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1027-1044 ◽  
A. Brüstle ◽  
W. Friederich ◽  
T. Meier ◽  
C. Gross

Abstract. Historic analogue seismograms of the large 1956 Amorgos twin earthquakes which occurred in the volcanic arc of the Hellenic subduction zone (HSZ) were collected, digitized and reanalyzed to obtain refined estimates of their depth and focal mechanism. In total, 80 records of the events from 29 European stations were collected and, if possible, digitized. In addition, bulletins were searched for instrument parameters required to calculate transfer functions for instrument correction. A grid search based on matching the digitized historic waveforms to complete synthetic seismograms was then carried out to infer optimal estimates for depth and focal mechanism. Owing to incomplete or unreliable information on instrument parameters and frequently occurring technical problems during recording, such as writing needles jumping off mechanical recording systems, much less seismograms than collected proved suitable for waveform matching. For the first earthquake, only seven seismograms from three different stations at Stuttgart (STU), Göttingen (GTT) and Copenhagen (COP) could be used. Nevertheless, the waveform matching grid search yields two stable misfit minima for source depths of 25 and 50 km. Compatible fault plane solutions are either of normal faulting or thrusting type. A separate analysis of 42 impulsive first-motion polarities taken from the International Seismological Summary (ISS bulletin) excludes the thrusting mechanism and clearly favors a normal faulting solution with at least one of the potential fault planes striking in SW–NE direction. This finding is consistent with the local structure and microseismic activity of the Santorini–Amorgos graben. Since crustal thickness in the Amorgos area is generally less than 30 km, a source depth of 25 km appears to be more realistic. The second earthquake exhibits a conspicuously high ratio of body wave to surface wave amplitudes suggesting an intermediate-depth event located in the Hellenic Wadati–Benioff zone. This hypothesis is supported by a focal mechanism analysis based on first-motion polarities, which indicates a mechanism very different from that of the first event. A waveform matching grid search done to support the intermediate-depth hypothesis proved not to be fruitful because the body wave phases are overlain by strong surface wave coda of the first event inhibiting a waveform match. However, body to surface wave amplitude ratios of a modern intermediate-depth event with an epicenter close to the island of Milos observed at stations of the German Regional Seismic Network (GRSN) exhibit a pattern similar to the one observed for the second event with high values in a frequency band between 0.05 Hz and 0.3 Hz. In contrast, a shallow event with an epicenter in western Crete and nearly identical source mechanism and magnitude, shows very low ratios of body and surface wave amplitude up to 0.17 Hz and higher ratios only beyond that frequency. Based on this comparison with a modern event, we estimate the source depth of the second event to be greater than 100 km. The proximity in time and space of the two events suggests a triggering of the second, potentially deep event by the shallow first one.

1977 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Robert S. Hart ◽  
Rhett Butler ◽  
Hiroo Kanamori

abstract Observations of Love and Rayleigh waves on WWSSN and Canadian Network seismograms have been used to place constraints upon the source parameters of the August 1, 1975, Oroville earthquake. The 20-sec surface-wave magnitude is 5.6. The surface-wave radiation pattern is consistent with the fault geometry determined by the body-wave study of Langston and Butler (1976). The seismic moment of this event was determined to be 1.9 × 1025 dyne-cm by both time-domain and long-period (T ≥ 50 sec) spectral amplitude determinations. This moment value is significantly greater than that determined by short-period studies. This difference, together with the low seismic efficiency of this earthquake, indicates that the character of the source is intrinsically different at long periods from those aspects which dominate the shorter-period spectrum.

1982 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. 1093-1109
Jeffrey W. Given ◽  
Terry C. Wallace ◽  
Hiroo Kanamori

abstract The source mechanisms of the three largest events of the 1980 Mammoth Lakes earthquake sequence have been determined using surface waves recorded on the global digital seismograph network and the long-period body waves recorded on the WWSSN network. Although the fault-plane solutions from local data (Cramer and Toppozada, 1980; Ryall and Ryall, 1981) suggest nearly pure left-lateral strike-slip on north-south planes, the teleseismic waveforms require a mechanism with oblique slip. The first event (25 May 1980, 16h 33m 44s) has a mechanism with a strike of N12°E, dip of 50°E, and a rake of −35°. The second event (27 May 19h 44m 51s) has a mechanism with a strike of N15°E, dip of 50°, and a slip of −11°. The third event (27 May, 14h 50m 57s) has a mechanism with a strike of N22°E, dip of 50°, and a rake of −28°. The first event is the largest and has a moment of 2.9 × 1025 dyne-cm. The second and third events have moments of 1.3 and 1.1 × 1025 dyne-cm, respectively. The body- and surface-wave moments for the first and third events agree closely while for the second event the body-wave moment (approximately 0.6 × 1025 dyne-cm) is almost a factor of 3 smaller than the surface-wave moment. The principal axes of extension of all three events is in the approximate direction of N65°E which agrees with the structural trends apparent along the eastern front of the Sierra Nevada.

2021 ◽  
Vol 228 (1) ◽  
pp. 538-550
Yishan Song ◽  
Lian-Feng Zhao ◽  
Xiao-Bi Xie ◽  
Xiao Ma ◽  
Guilin Du ◽  

SUMMARY On 2019 March 21, an explosion accidentally occurred at a chemical plant in Xiangshui, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, China. Using broad-band digital seismic data from East China, South Korea and Japan, we investigate properties of the Xiangshui explosion as well as two nearby chemical explosions and four nearby natural earthquakes in Jiangsu Province, East China. From Lg and Rayleigh waves recorded by regional networks, both body wave magnitude mb (Lg) and surface wave magnitude Ms (Rayleigh) are calculated for these events. The magnitudes of the Xiangshui explosion are mb (Lg) = 3.39 ± 0.24 and Ms = 1.95 ± 0.27, respectively. Both the empirical magnitude–yield relation for buried explosion and empirical yield–crater dimension relation for open-pit explosion are adopted for investigating the explosive yield. The result from the yield–crater dimension relation is approximately 492 ton, which is consistent with the ground truth and considerably larger than that from the buried source model. This also reveals that, for Xiangshui explosion, the explosion to seismic energy conversion rate is approximately one-third compared to a similar sized fully confined explosion. By comparing the body wave and surface wave magnitudes from explosions and nearby earthquakes, we find that the mb:Ms discriminant calculated at regional distances cannot properly distinguish explosions from natural earthquakes. However, the P/S spectral ratios Pg/Lg, Pn/Lg and Pn/Sn from the same data set can be good discriminants for identifying explosions from earthquakes.

1978 ◽  
Vol 68 (5) ◽  
pp. 1281-1292
John E. Ebel ◽  
L. J. Burdick ◽  
Gordon S. Stewart

abstract The El Golfo earthquake of August 7, 1966 (mb = 6.3, MS = 6.3) occurred near the mouth of the Colorado River at the northern end of the Gulf of California. Synthetic seismograms for this event were computed for both the body waves and the surface waves to determine the source parameters of the earthquake. The body-wave model indicated the source was a right lateral, strike-slip source with a depth of 10 km and a far-field time function 4 sec in duration. The body-wave moment was computed to be 5.0 × 1025 dyne-cm. The surface-wave radiation pattern was found to be consistent with that of the body waves with a surface-wave moment of 6.5 × 1025 dyne-cm. The agreement of the two different moments indicates that the earthquake had a simple source about 4 sec long. A comparison of this earthquake source with the Borrego Mountain and Truckee events demonstrates that all three of these earthquakes behaved as high stress-drop events. El Golfo was shown to be different from the low stress-drop, plate-boundary events which were located on the Gibbs fracture zone in 1967 and 1974.

2019 ◽  
Vol 110 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-126
Leiph Preston ◽  
Christian Poppeliers ◽  
David J. Schodt

ABSTRACT As a part of the series of Source Physics Experiments (SPE) conducted on the Nevada National Security Site in southern Nevada, we have developed a local-to-regional scale seismic velocity model of the site and surrounding area. Accurate earth models are critical for modeling sources like the SPE to investigate the role of earth structure on the propagation and scattering of seismic waves. We combine seismic body waves, surface waves, and gravity data in a joint inversion procedure to solve for the optimal 3D seismic compressional and shear-wave velocity structures and earthquake locations subject to model smoothness constraints. Earthquakes, which are relocated as part of the inversion, provide P- and S-body-wave absolute and differential travel times. Active source experiments in the region augment this dataset with P-body-wave absolute times and surface-wave dispersion data. Dense ground-based gravity observations and surface-wave dispersion derived from ambient noise in the region fill in many areas where body-wave data are sparse. In general, the top 1–2 km of the surface is relatively poorly sampled by the body waves alone. However, the addition of gravity and surface waves to the body-wave dataset greatly enhances structural resolvability in the near surface. We discuss the methodology we developed for simultaneous inversion of these disparate data types and briefly describe results of the inversion in the context of previous work in the region.

1972 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 789-792
B. F. Howell

Abstract The standard deviations of the body-wave magnitude, surface-wave magnitude and frequency-band magnitude of four shallow (H < 60 km) earthquakes are compared. For three out of four of these earthquakes, surface-wave magnitude exhibited lower standard deviations than either body-wave or frequency-band magnitude. In three out of the four cases, lower standard deviations were obtained by calculating surface-wave magnitude from the largest surface-wave amplitude than from time-correlated surface-wave phases.

1998 ◽  
Vol 88 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-61
Mehdi Rezapour ◽  
Robert G. Pearce

Abstract We investigate bias in surface-wave magnitude using the complete ISC and NEIC datasets from 1978 to 1993. We conclude that although there are some small differences between the ISC and NEIC magnitudes, there is no major difference between these agencies for this presentation of the global dataset. The frequency-distance plot for reported surface-wave amplitude observations exhibits detailed structure of the body-wave amplitude-distance curve at all distances; the influence of the surface-wave amplitude decay with distance is much less apparent. This censoring via the body waves represents a large deficit in the number of potentially usable surface-wave amplitude observations, particularly in the P-wave shadow zone between Δ = 100° and 120°. We have obtained two new modified Ms formulas based upon analysis of all ISC data between 1978 and 1993. In the first, the conventional logarithmic dependence of the distance correction is retained, and we obtain M s e = log ( A / T ) max + 1.155 log ( Δ ) + 4.269 . In the second, we make allowance for the theoretically known contribution of dispersion and geometrical spreading, to obtain M s t = log ( A / T ) max + 1 3 log ( Δ ) + 1 2 log ( sin Δ ) + 0.0046 Δ + 5.370. Comparison of these formulas with other work confirms the inadequacy of the distance-dependence term in the Gutenberg and Prague formulas, and we show that our first formula, as well as that of Herak and Herak, gives less bias at all epicentral distances to within the scatter of the observed dataset. Our second formula provides an improved overall distance correction, especially beyond Δ = 145°. We show evidence that Airy-phase distance decay predominates at shorter distances (Δ≦30°), but for greater distances, we are unable to resolve whether this or non-Airy-phase decay predominates. Assuming 20-sec surface waves with U = 3.6 km/sec, we obtain a globally averaged apparent Q−1 of 0.00192 ± 0.00026 (Q ≈ 500). We argue that our second formula not only improves the distance correction for surface-wave magnitudes but also promotes the analysis of unexplained amplitude anomalies by formally allowing for those contributions that are theoretically predictable. We conclude that there remains systematic bias in station magnitudes and that this includes the effects of source depth, different path contributions, and differences in seismometer response. For intermediate magnitudes, Mts shows less scatter against log M0 than does Ms calculated using the Prague formula.

2020 ◽  
Vol 222 (3) ◽  
pp. 1639-1655
Xin Zhang ◽  
Corinna Roy ◽  
Andrew Curtis ◽  
Andy Nowacki ◽  
Brian Baptie

SUMMARY Seismic body wave traveltime tomography and surface wave dispersion tomography have been used widely to characterize earthquakes and to study the subsurface structure of the Earth. Since these types of problem are often significantly non-linear and have non-unique solutions, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods have been used to find probabilistic solutions. Body and surface wave data are usually inverted separately to produce independent velocity models. However, body wave tomography is generally sensitive to structure around the subvolume in which earthquakes occur and produces limited resolution in the shallower Earth, whereas surface wave tomography is often sensitive to shallower structure. To better estimate subsurface properties, we therefore jointly invert for the seismic velocity structure and earthquake locations using body and surface wave data simultaneously. We apply the new joint inversion method to a mining site in the United Kingdom at which induced seismicity occurred and was recorded on a small local network of stations, and where ambient noise recordings are available from the same stations. The ambient noise is processed to obtain inter-receiver surface wave dispersion measurements which are inverted jointly with body wave arrival times from local earthquakes. The results show that by using both types of data, the earthquake source parameters and the velocity structure can be better constrained than in independent inversions. To further understand and interpret the results, we conduct synthetic tests to compare the results from body wave inversion and joint inversion. The results show that trade-offs between source parameters and velocities appear to bias results if only body wave data are used, but this issue is largely resolved by using the joint inversion method. Thus the use of ambient seismic noise and our fully non-linear inversion provides a valuable, improved method to image the subsurface velocity and seismicity.

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