scholarly journals Wind resistance of southern carbonate and ordinary сhernozems in agroforest landscapes of the steppe zone of Russia

2022 ◽  
Vol 354 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 104-108
T. V. Voloshenkova ◽  
V. K. Dridiger ◽  
R. F. Epifanova ◽  
A. A. Kalashnikova ◽  
A. A. Ogandzhanyan

Relevance. The rate of destruction of chernozems in the steppe zone as a result of deflation is very high. There is a threat of their loss of the humus horizon. To optimize the complex of protective measures, it is necessary to establish the regularities of the formation of wind resistance of these soils.Methods. The seasonal dynamics of the structure of the upper layer (0–5 cm) of chernozems of the steppe zone of the Lower Volga region and the Central Pre-Caucasus in the network of forest belts is studied. The aggregate composition was determined by fractionation of an air dry sample. The wind resistance of the soil was assessed by the total content of particles with a diameter of less than 1 mm.Results. It has been established that the open surface of southern carbonate chernozems is deflationary dangerous at any time of the year. Two spraying peaks were revealed — in early spring and before harvesting grain crops. In the first period, the content of particles with a diameter of less than 1 mm was 33–47%, in the second — 60–61%. Shelter forest belts reduced soil spraying in the zone of effective influence. A change in the internal structure of the deflationally dangerous fraction was detected during the year. The disintegration of large aggregates and an increase in the volume of smaller ones were observed. By the harvesting period, the number of particles with a diameter of 0.5–1.0 mm decreased by 1.7–2.6 times compared to the spring. Number of aggregates with a diameter of 0.1–0.5 mm, most strongly blown by the wind, increased by 1.3–1.8 times. The total dispersion of ordinary chernozem is almost two times lower than that of southern chernozem. However, the amount of particles with a diameter of 0.1–0.5 mm in the deflationary dangerous fraction of southern carbonate chernozem in the spring period is 37%, during the harvesting period — 50–56%. And in ordinary chernozem, already since the spring, there are more than 55% of such particles, in the future their number increases to 60%. As a result, by the harvesting period, the danger of a fraction with a diameter of less than 1 mm becomes the same for both subtypes of chernozems. This requires adjusting the complex of protective measures.

2015 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 294-302 ◽  
N. N. Kashirskaya ◽  
T. E. Khomutova ◽  
E. V. Chernysheva ◽  
M. V. El’tsov ◽  
V. A. Demkin

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
V. A. Gorban

For the current stage of the development of soil science it is relevant to search for objectively existing interactions between the various soil properties. Solving this issue most appropriately should be based on the establishment of pedotransfer functions. Pedotransfer functions appeared at the time of the birth of quantitative soil science, when one of the properties of the soil tried to predict others when it became clear that everything in the soil is interrelated when it was established that there is a well-defined number of fundamental, basic properties of the soil, which is basically defines its other properties. Accordingly, the purpose of our work is to establish the diagnostic value of the individual soil physical properties of forest biogeocoenoses of the steppe by means of determining the existing interconnections between them and other properties and characteristics of these soils. The solution of this issue is one of the tasks of developing research on the soil physical properties of forest biogeocoenoses of the Ukrainian steppe zone. The diagnostic value of granulometric and structural-aggregate composition, density and permeability for determining the general state of soils due to the existence of certain interactions between the indicated parameters and other soil properties is considered. The granulometric composition is a fundamental soil characteristic that determines not only the physical state, but also all the main soil properties and regimes of forest biogeocoenoses of the Ukrainian steppe zone. The structural and aggregate composition is an important complex diagnostic feature of chernozem, which helps to reveal the peculiarities of their genesis under the influence of forest vegetation, in particular as a result of changes in the content and composition of organic matter, exchange cations, the influence of root vegetation systems, etc. The soil density, due to existing interactions with other soil properties, is an important diagnostic feature that reflects the features of their genesis and regimes, which determines the specificity of the ecological functions of the soils of forest biogeocoenoses of the Ukrainian steppe zone. Water permeability can be considered as a complex characteristic of soils, which to a certain extent reflects their granulometric composition, porosity, structural and aggregate composition, determines the features of the water-air regime. The differences of physical properties of zonal chernozems and chernozems, the genesis of which are connected with artificial and natural forest biogeocoenoses within the steppe zone of Ukraine, are analyzed. The relevance of the further search for relationships between physical indicators that are easily and promptly analyzed, and other soil properties for expanding diagnostic possibilities with respect to their genesis is pointed out.

М.Н.Сертек,Ш.Ш. Бекенова,А.П.Науанова, З.Ш Сулейменова

According to the results of research on the phytosanitary status of rapeseed on ordinary Chernozem of the forest-steppe zone of the Akmola region, the species composition of pests was determined. Danadim power, Zolone 35% KE, Decis Expert were used against pests of this rapeseed. Indicators of biological effectiveness in the use of insecticides against pests ranged from 78-95%.The article discusses the biological and economic effectiveness of insecticides used against the main pests of rapeseed. Treatment of cruciferous rape beetle, rapeseed sawfly and cruciferous bug with Decis Expert insecticide (0.075 l/ha) showed high efficiency during the growing season. The use of plant protection products against a complex of harmful organisms showed that, depending on the prevailing climatic conditions, the yield increased to 1.3 c/ha, and the maximum - to 1.9 c/ha. Thus, according to the biological effectiveness of insecticides used against pests, the productDecis Expert showed high results in all pests. On the Cruciferous rape beetle it was 85.7%, in the turnip sawfly – 93.5%, in the cruciferous bug – 81.9%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-107 ◽  
Irina Samsonova ◽  
Anatoly Gryazkin ◽  
Natalia Belyaeva ◽  
Vladimir Belyaev ◽  
Vitaliy Petrik ◽  

Abstract Creation of forest shelterbelts in steppe zone is important because they allow to obtain the highest yields of grains of cereals where the area of the most favorable conditions for growth is formed in comparison with many other soil-climatic regions. Melliferous and pollen production value of lands changes as a result of anthropic landscape conversion from agrarian to forest agrarian. There are a lot of melliferous trees and shrubs in forest belts; some of them have been introduced from the other floristic regions and are well naturalised in the local conditions. Nature-oriented potential resource of forest belts is in carbon deposition and oxygen production by phytomass of the main species. The aim of the research is to evaluate the bioresource potential of forest belts in the conditions of steppe agrarian landscapes. Bioresource potential (Brp) of forests for honey supply in the region was defined according to the distribution of species in the area. Potential honey stock of melliferous lands, represented by forest stands was assigned according to their area, given by the Forestry Department of Rostov region, and the average normative honey productivity of 1 ha of these crops. The number of beehives (N) necessary for honey supply that use ½ of bioresource forest potential was calculated according to the need of a bee family in honey per year. Value of nature-oriented resource of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) stands was defined according to the amount of oxygen produced and carbon deposed. Pure and mixed forest belts with the share of black locust from 60 to 80% (335.0–494.5 kg/ha) in composition with ash (Fraxinus sp.), Norway maple, Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila), apricot and dense structure of honey suckle and Siberian pea tree underbrush have the highest productivity. The total volume of possible honey yield from forest belts of agro-forest landscapes in the studied region is 26,379.8 t. Maximum indices of carbon fixation and oxygen production are observed in the maturing stands of black locust, and the largest honey stock dominate in average age stands and are 3,755,000 t, 10,288,000 t and 25,200 t, respectively. The role of the whole system in the increase of landscape honey productivity and formation of forage conveyor for bees and enthomophages might be much more if the recommended assortment of the best melliferous and pollen bearing species would be more completely used when forest belts are created.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-47
Egor Chebochakov ◽  
Valeriy Murtaev

Research was conducted with the aim of developing technology for the development of fallow lands in the south of Central Siberia. The work was carried out in 2012-2015 on chestnut soil (experiment 1) and southern chernozem (experiment 2) in the Republic of Khakassia. The humus content in the 0 ... 20 cm layer of chestnut soil is 2.67%, N-NO3 is 20.1 ... 22.4 mg/kg, P2O5 and K2O (according to Machigin) are 23.5 and 328 mg/kg, respectively, in southern chernozem - respectively 4.5%, 16.6 ... 19.2, 19.3 and 720 mg/kg. The experimental designs provided for various combinations of mechanical tillage and spraying with herbicides of fallow plots, performed at different times, in the year preceding the sowing of crops. In technologies using herbicides in August, the amount of conditional stubble in spring was 60 pcs/m2 more, and erosion was 1.7 ... 2.5 times lower than in versions with flat cutting. The dumping of chestnut soil increases the yield of green mass of oats, compared with flat-cut, by 2.5 t/ha (24.5%), corn - by 4.0 t/ha (31.2%). In the southern chernozem, the technology with plowing ensured the formation of 5.7 t/ha of green mass of oats, which is 0.5 t/ha (8.8%) more than during flat cutting. In general, in the steppe zone of Central Siberia, the use of plowing in the technology for the development of fallow lands increases their productivity, while the greatest protection of the soil from erosion is provided by replacing its mechanical treatment in August with spraying with herbicides

Ю. П. Яновський ◽  
С. В. Cуханов ◽  
С. В. Cуханов ◽  
Л. П. Михайленко ◽  
Є. В. Чепернатий

Наведено результати досліджень з уточнення біо-логічних особливостей оленки волохатої (Epicometishirta Poda.) в промислових насадженнях суниці в зонілісостепу України. Встановлено, що жуки літаютьу теплі сонячні дні, найбільш інтенсивно з 10 годиниранку до 15 години дня, а вже після 18 години вечората в прохолодні ночі жуки ховалися в ґрунт на глиби-ну 0,5–2,5 см. Фітофаг пошкоджував рослини суниціз фази «висування квітконосів» до закінчення фази«закінчення цвітіння і утворення зав’язі», не надаючиособливої переваги їх сортовому походженню. Пару-вання особин розпочиналося відразу після виходу жу-ків на поверхню ґрунту і тривало до закінчення льотуімаго. Впродовж першої половини травня–кінець червнявідбувалося активне відкладання яєць шкідником уґрунт на глибину до 35 см. Потенційний запас однієїсамиці (у 2–3 прийоми) досягав 34–44 яєць; вона від-кладала по 12–17 яєць у ґрунт у декількох місцях. Від-родження личинок з яєць спостерігалося в ІІ-й декадітравня і тривало до кінця ІІІ-ї декади липня. Личинкижили в ґрунті до кінця серпня–початку вересня і жи-вилися рослинними рештками. Заляльковування роз-починалося з кінця серпня і тривало до половини ве-ресня. Через 15–20 днів з’являлися молоді жуки, щозалишалися зимувати в ґрунті (на необроблених ділян-ках) до весни наступного року. За відсутності прове-дення захисних заходів до 93 % квіток рослин у насад-женнях було пошкоджено цим видом, їх врожайністьзнижувалася до 65 %. Для зниження чисельностіцього виду необхідно застосовувати інсектициди«Моспілан», РП (0,2 кг/га) та «Каліпсо» 480 SC, КС(0,25 л/га).        It is showed the results of studies where the biological peculiarities of Epicometis hirta Poda. are ascertained in industrial plants of strawberries in the right bank of Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine.       It is established that beetles fly in warm sunny days the most intense from 10 a.m. to 15 p.m. and after 18 p.m. and in cool nights beetles hide in the soil in the depth of 0,5–2,5 cm.  Pest has started to harm plants of strawberry starting of phase «nomination of peduncles» to the end of phase «end of flowering and the formation of ovaries» without any preferring of varietal origin. Copulation of individuals was started immediately after beetles appearing on the soil surface and lasted until the end of the adults fly. During the first half of May till the end of June active pests’ eggs laying in the soil on a depth of 35 cm was observed. The potential production of one female (2–3 hours) has reached 34–44 eggs, she postponed 12–17 eggs in the soil in several places. Larvae hatching from eggs was observed in II-decade of May and continued until the end of the III decade of July. The larvae lived in the soil by the end of August – early September and was fed by plant remains. The pupation phase was started from the end of August and lasted until half of September. After 15-20 days there were young beetles that stayed wintering in the soil (in untreated plots) till the next spring. In time of absence of protective measures to 93 % of flower of  plants in plantations were damaged by this pest, their productivity was reduced to 65 %.         For decrease of this pest population it is required to apply insecticide Mospilan, RP (0,2 kg/ha) and Calipso 480 SC, (0,25 l/hа).

2020 ◽  
pp. 48-53
Olga Georgievna Shabaldas ◽  
Konstantin Igorevich, Pimonov ◽  
Anatoliy Petrovich Solodovnikov ◽  
Svetlana Sergeevna Vaytsekhovskaya

The possibilities of increasing the productivity of soybeans grown on irrigation after application of mineral fertilizers and biological nitrogen in the steppe zone of the Central Ciscaucasia have been studied. It was found that, on average, over 3 years of research, the highest yield in the experiment was when growing the mid-season variety Selecta 302 with the introduction of ammophos in doses of N12P52 and N24P104 in combination with pre-sowing inoculation of seeds with rhizotorfin - 2.68 –2.74 t / ha, which is more than in standard variant (Vilana variety) by 0.11-0.12 t / ha. Compared to the control (without fertilizers and rhizotorfin), the increase was 0.21–0.27 t / ha, or 8.5–10.9%. It is economically feasible to grow the soybean variety Select 302 on irrigation with the application of mineral fertilizers at a dose of N12P52 and pre-sowing inoculation of seeds with rhizotorfin. The profitability was 68.8%.

2021 ◽  
E. Zamiusskaya ◽  
V. Koza ◽  
Tat'yana Kramareva

The paper presents the results of studies of protective strips located in the Voronezh region in the Rossoshansky district. The characteristic of biometric data of forest belts of the same age and their dependence on the density of planting, width of strips and row spacing is given. The comparison of the soil, its impact on the growth and development of trees is displayed. The influence of the design of protective forest stands on the temperature of the surface air layer is also shown. The state of the plantings and the factors that adversely affect it are determined: the lack of care measures, deforestation, clutter and the presence of a large number of diseases and pests.

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