2021 ◽  
pp. 42-48
Sierykh L.V.

In the provisions of the scientific article the author reveals the features of the interaction of general secondary and out-of-school education institutions in the aesthetic education of teenagers. The scientist offers the developed and tested vectors of the interaction of general secondary and out-of-school education in the aesthetic education of teenagers. The interaction is aimed at achieving this goal – the aesthetic education of teenagers and which provides for direct or indirect involvement in the educational process of the subjects of pedagogical interaction.The developed vectors violate the subject-subject relations in general secondary education institutions, indicate the subject-subject relations in out-of-school education institutions and combine (integrate) subject-subject relations in the specified institutions. Vectors allow us to trace the relationships between all subjects of educational activities and the environment (nature, architecture, production, the Internet, etc.), relationships with other institutions (subjects and objects), creative associations, unions, museums, philharmonics, theaters, studios, galleries, exhibitions, photo galleries, parks of culture and recreation, public organizations, libraries, Internet cafes, etc.), to support the subject-object and subject-subject relationships in the aesthetic education of teenagers.The scientific definition is analyzed and clarified «esthetic environment of interaction», which the author interprets as a pedagogically organized educational environment in which there is a dynamic pedagogical action, cooperation of the subjects of pedagogical interaction. These are the subjects of interaction of general secondary education institutions, out-of-school education institutions, subjects-object relations of other institutions. These relationships support the complex relationship of social phenomena-systems of general secondary and extracurricular education and enable the aesthetic education of teenagers, the development of society, the fulfillment of the social order, and so on. Key words: aesthetic education, aesthetic environment, interaction, interaction vectors, general secondary education institution, out-of-school world institution, teenagers. У положеннях наукової статті автор розкриває особливості взаємодії закладів загальної середньої та позашкільної освіти в естетичному вихованні підлітків. Науковець пропонує розроблені й апробовані вектори взаємодії закладів загальної середньої та позашкільної освіти в естетичному вихованні підлітків, які діють в естетичному середовищі. Вектори взаємодії спрямовані на досягнення означеної мети – естетичного виховання підлітків і в якій передбачається прямо або опосередковано залучення до освітньо-виховного процесу суб’єктів педагогічної взаємодії.Розроблені вектори порушують суб’єкт-суб’єктні відносини у закладах загальної середньої освіти, указує суб’єкт-суб’єктні відносини у закладах позашкільної освіти, поєднує (інтегрує) суб’єкт-суб’єк-тні відносини у означених закладах. Вектори дозволяють прослідкувати взаємозв’язки між усіма суб’єктами освітньо-виховної діяльності й навколишнім середовищем (природа, архітектура, вироб-ництво, інтернет тощо), взаємозв’язки з іншими інституціями (суб’єктами та об’єктами) (творчі об’єднання, спілки, музеї, філармонії, театри, студії, галереї, виставки, фотогалереї, парки культури та відпочинку, громадські організації, бібліотеки, інтернет-кафе тощо), підтримувати суб’єкт-об’єктні та суб’єкт-суб’єктні взаємовідносини в естетичному вихованні підлітків.Проаналізовано й уточнено наукову дефініцію «естетичне середовище взаємодії», яку автор трактує як педагогічно організоване виховне середовище, в якому відбувається динамічна педагогічна дія, співпраця суб’єктів педагогічної взаємодії. Суб’єктами взаємодії є заклади загальної середньої освіти, заклади позашкільної освіти, суб’єкт-об’єктні відносини інших інституцій. Ці відносини підтримують складний взаємозв’язок суспільних явищ-систем загальної середньої та позашкільної освіти і уможли-влюють естетичне виховання підлітків, розвиток суспільства, виконання соціального замовлення тощо. Ключові слова: естетичне виховання, естетичне середовище, взаємодія, вектори взаємодії, заклад загальної середньої освіти, заклад позашкільної освіти, підлітки.

Sierykh Larisa Vladimirovna

The article reveals the main results of scientific research on the implementation of the system of interaction of general secondary and out-of-school education institutions in the aesthetic education of teenagers. Methods of diagnosing the aesthetic education of students at the stages of the ascertaining and formative stages of the study, which were used during the experiments, confirmed the need and correctness of the conclusions. The main purpose of improving the aesthetic education of adolescents - the integration of the existing system and new forms of interaction, event technology in education as a technology of impressions and a component of the system of socio-pedagogical activities in educational institutions, methods of interaction, and methods of aesthetic education aimed at creative activities, promotes acme success, creative self-realization of teenagers. As a result of introduction of multi-vector model the tendencies of development of aesthetic education of modern teenagers in the conditions of application of system of interaction of establishments of general secondary and out-of-school education in aesthetic education of teenagers are allocated. A general trend for both control and experimental groups is a decrease in the number of teenagers who show a "low" level of aesthetic education. This allows us to argue about the feasibility of the proposed system of interaction of general secondary and out-of-school education in the aesthetic education of teenagers, the introduction of new forms, methods of interaction in the practice of school and out-of-school. With such interaction, the out-of-school education institution is able to solve a range of tasks aimed at aesthetic education of teenagers in particular and humanization of general secondary education in general: integrate resources of out-of-school and general secondary education, equalize initial opportunities at the same time to each pupil acme success, to promote self-realization of the personality of the child and the teacher.

Larisa Sierykh ◽  

The article describes the basis of the concept of interaction between institutions of general secondary and extracurricular education in the aesthetic education of adolescents. The first level of the concept is the mega-level, the main structural elements of which are discussed in the article. Concepts include the social component, the system of social relations, the demographic component, the legislative, normative base of research, provisions, concepts, normative and methodological documents, which operate in the conditions of interaction of institutions of general secondary and of the out-of-school education and directly and indirectly influence the development of aesthetic education of teenagers. Using theoretical methods: analysis, generalization, comparison and comparison of different normative-methodical acts, the content of the basic principles of out-of-school education and general secondary education in aesthetic education of teenagers was found out. Organization of interaction of secondary and out-of-schools education in the aesthetic education of teenagers is based on the results of the analysis of their practical and aesthetic activities and takes into account the components of aesthetic education: emotional, informational, communicative. In the interaction of secondary and out-of-schools education in the aesthetic education of teenagers the methodological basis is the integration of knowledge in the field of aesthetics, pedagogy, ethics, psychology, theories of aesthetic education. The regulatory framework of the study is considered in detail. This made it possible to expand the content of the basic principles of extracurricular and general secondary education in accordance with the orientation of the specifics of educational activities offered today by general secondary and out-of-school education and to highlight the content and scope of educational concepts, provisions, phenomena that are interrelated. Based on the above it can be argued that the invariant of process of interaction of secondary and out-of-schools education in the aesthetic education of teenagers is the aesthetic activity of teenagers, is carried out primarily in diverse social creativity. In the interaction of secondary and out-of-schools education in the aesthetic education of teenagers the methodological basis is the integration of knowledge in the field of aesthetics, pedagogy, ethics, psychology, theories of aesthetic education. The development of the system of aesthetic education separately as secondary and extracurricular educational institutions, which included in secondary schools: aesthetic education in the lessons of art-aesthetic cycle; aesthetic education on the lessons of other cycles in the framework of the educational goals of the lesson; in extracurricular work during the group work, electives, project, exhibition, concert, workshops and other creative student activities; work with parents. In out-of-schools education: aesthetic education in the classroom circles of artistic and aesthetic direction and other groups in the framework of educational goals; during mass events, during the organization and conduct of exhibitions, competitions, flash mobs, workshops, master classes, concerts of children and youth creativity, preparation teams and documentation accompanying the submission for the title of "Exemplary" and "Popular" children's creative teams.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (195) ◽  
pp. 118-123
Olga Syroezhko ◽  

The leading trend of modern education of young people in Ukraine is a harmonious combination of interests of adolescents striving for free self-development and preservation of their individuality; a society that ensures the comprehensive development of their personality and the state, which sets before education the task of educating future patriotic citizens who are able to provide it with a worthy place in the world community. Pedagogical conditions are a component of the pedagogical system of out-of-school education and a set of possibilities of its educational environment, which effectively functions, develops and optimally influences the musical and aesthetic education of adolescents. Based on the analysis of the current state of musical and aesthetic education of adolescents, the study of practical pedagogical experience of out-of-school educational institutions, taking into account the requirements of state regulations on education, identified the following pedagogical conditions that optimize this pedagogical activity: – implementation by the teacher of a personality-oriented approach to interaction with students in the process of their involvement in folk instrumental performance; – introduction of the method of contextual music making by the head of the circle in the process of musical and aesthetic education of teenagers; – formation of adolescents' need for creative self-development from the standpoint of their focus on learning the experience of musical activities and integration into the socio-cultural environment. The organization of the educational process in the circles of out-of-school educational institutions on playing folk instruments is based on the interrelation of individual, group and collective forms of activity and in parallel or in the variant of interpenetration (individual-pair classes). The optimal combination of individual, group and collective forms of musical activity of adolescents provides their psychological and emotional comfort. Due to the use of the method of contextual music making by teachers of out-of-school education, the possibility of effective adaptation of individual features of the pupil, traditional and innovative methods of musical and aesthetic education of teenagers is realized, the level of theoretical knowledge increases. An important stimulus for the formation of musical and aesthetic taste of adolescents by means of folk instrumental performance are public performances of pupils-participants of musical groups, participation in competitions, festivals of creative projects, flash mobs. Further development of out-of-school education institutions requires a variety of forms and methods of organizing specialized cognitive and practical activities of students; optimization of conditions to ensure subject-subject relationships; increasing the role of out-of-school educational space - spatial and environmental association of subjects of activity, between which close relationships have been established that ensure the effectiveness of educational and creative interaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (194) ◽  
pp. 139-144
Tetiana Kravtsova ◽  

The article is devoted to the problem of future masters’ professionalism development in the process of practical training in the institutions of out-of-school education. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the understanding of the concept of professionalism has been clarified, the peculiarities of practice in a multidisciplinary institution of out-of-school education have been revealed, the requirements to the bases of practical training of future masters of education, educational program 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences (Out-of-school education) It has been found out that the future teachers’ practical training acts as an integrating main component of personal and professional development of the specialist, the link between theoretical training and independent work in the establishments and institutions of out-of-school education. Providing performance of various tasks, which include: acquaintance with the general directions of work in a multidisciplinary institution of out-of-school education; creation of an individual educational trajectory of the applicant of out-of-school education according to abilities of talents and gifts of children and youth on the basis of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics; development of curricula, calendar and lesson plans for group and club work, development of scenarios and script plans for collective and mass events, which are included in the annual work plan of the institution of out-of-school education. It has been specified that the professionalism of the future master will be reflected in the following results of practical training: the ability to recognize and take into account the diversity of students, the ability to provide individual support in the educational process; awareness of different contexts in which training, upbringing and development of students of out-of-school education can take place; ability to implement subject-subject interaction with different participants of the educational process at different levels; the ability to contribute to the formation of a general culture of personality, socialization, conscious choice and development of additional educational programs, using a variety of forms, techniques, methods and means of teaching; to master the norms of pedagogical relations in the process of designing and implementing educational activities, search, sharing, application of innovations and creativity in the educational process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (5) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Антоніна Вікторівна Гривко

The article features a methodology for systematization of research on ICT use in secondary education. Making important decisions about improving school education, including through the introduction of certain information and communication technologies into the educational process, is based on the study of relevant experience and relevant research results. The large number of diversified scientific works that make up the theoretical, practical, and methodological basis of the ICT use in school education necessitates the generalization, ordering, and determination of their typological features. The author singles out the following groups of studies related to the ICT use in school: generalizing theoretical-analytical (documentary), empirical and complex. Each of the groups is characterized by a variable set of typological features in terms of scale and independence of their conduct. They allow distinguishing their main types (10 types of research are considered in the article, for example, empirical/international large-scale/contextual studies or complex/local/separate studies, etc.). The author determined the structural and methodological criteria for the analysis of different research types (thematic, targeted, sampling, organizational, methodological, analytical, resultant) and carried out a selective analysis of the studies on the proposed typological features, structural and methodological criteria, the results of which were systematized in the matrix of methodological analysis of different research types on the ICT use in school education. According to the results of the works review, topical thematic areas of the analyzed research were identified, typical methods of data collection and analysis were singled out and the format of results reporting was highlighted for each selected research group. The approach to systematizing research on the use of ICT in secondary education institutions, presented in the proposed article, can be applied during the review of scientific achievements, the analysis of pedagogical research in the field of ICT, or to design individual research. Filling in the proposed analysis matrix will allow it to be further used as a database of relevant research papers, facilitate the search and selection of those that meet the objectives of a specific scientific search.

Viktoriia Miziuk

The influence of digital technologies on the educational sector, the requirements of educational reform in the direction of introducing digital education in the educational process of institutions of general secondary education are examined. It is established that the basis of the digital space is the information and educational environment, which consists of information resources, pedagogical technologies, technological means and means of maintaining the system’s performance. It turned out that a modern teacher, regardless of the subject he teaches, should have informational and digital competencies. The article presents the results of a study of the existing conditions for the introduction of digital education in institutions of general secondary education at the regional level. An insufficient level of resource provision of institutions, a low level of teachers' knowledge of digital information competencies was found, problems were formulated that needed to be solved. An adaptive approach to the organization of teacher training courses on the formation of information and digital competencies is proposed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-49
Ryszard Pęczkowski

This elaboration undertakes the subject of the effectiveness of teaching in multi-grade classes on early school education level. This form of organising the education process, despite considerably quantitive contribution to organising work for the Polish school, it never has been and still is not a subject of particular interest of pedagogical theory and practice. The deliberations presented in this article are the result of empirical studies which have been being performed by the author for twenty years in schools environment functioning in multi-grade classroom system. The research results presented, on the one hand constitute, in the author’s opinion, a substantial complement of knowledge regarding functioning of early school education, and on the other hand, they represent an attempt of verification of a widely spread stereotype referred to the multi-grade classroom system, namely, organising the educational process in multi-grade classes determines low level of pupils’ school achievements who are enrolled in this system. Nothing could be further from the truth and it is proven by the analysis of research results presented in this elaboration.

Alexey Viktorovich Suslov ◽  
Dmitrii Alekseevich Gusev ◽  
Vasilii Aleksandrovich Potaturov

This article analyzes the fundamental principles of the concept of "aesthetic education" of F. Schiller, which remain relevant in solving the crisis challenges of the modern era. The subject of this research is the concept of “aesthetic education” described in Friedrich Schiller's “Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man”. The goal consists on analysis of the concept of “aesthetic education” for more profound understanding of the development paths of German philosophy, as well as in assessment of the philosophical and sociopolitical importance of the philosopher’s ideas in the current context. Detailed analysis is conducted on F. Schiller's “Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man”, highlighting the key features and major contradictions the concept of “aesthetic education”. The novelty of the research lies in the relevant analysis of the concept of “aesthetic education”, and assessment of its value for the development of philosophy and society. The central concept of aesthetic theory becomes the concept of play drive, which balances the sense drive and the form drive, which ensures the ability of perception in all kinds of interaction between a human and the world, and the rational independence from perception. The aesthetic freedom, on the one hand, is determined as state of harmony between the sensual instincts and the laws of reason; while on the other hand, it is the freedom that arises from the sense of exalted belonging to the category of pure spirit and revealing the absolute moral power beyond feelings. According to modern philosophers, the aesthetic way of creating the “composition of the world" lies in the sphere of transcendental. The advantage of Schiller’s concepts is the expansion of its boundaries from the sphere of art to sociopolitical sphere. In addition to intellectual and ethical path of human development, Schiller offers the aesthetic path. The idea of “aesthetic education” implies the communicative and societal power of art, which is capable to comprehend the overall nature of modern politics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Tamara O. Pushkareva

In this article, a preliminary terminological analysis of the conceptual apparatus in the direction of computer-oriented informatization of pedagogical designing of educational activity in the structure of general secondary education has been made. The influence of the subject and object factors of the informatization of the educational process on the efficiency of pedagogical design is investigated. The existence of a dual problem in the educational sphere, related both to the formatting of an effective informational and educational product, and to the technologically acceptable component of well-organized computer-oriented support for students, is established. It is carried out the analysis of priority in the perception of varieties of information by the subjects of the educational system, as well as revealed that in the perception of computer information by subjects of different status or age there are differences that are related to their individual needs, desires, inclinations. The means of informative support of educational process are considered and recommendations on their use are given.

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