scholarly journals Efektywność nauczania w klasach łączonych na poziomie edukacji wczesnoszkolnej

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-49
Ryszard Pęczkowski

This elaboration undertakes the subject of the effectiveness of teaching in multi-grade classes on early school education level. This form of organising the education process, despite considerably quantitive contribution to organising work for the Polish school, it never has been and still is not a subject of particular interest of pedagogical theory and practice. The deliberations presented in this article are the result of empirical studies which have been being performed by the author for twenty years in schools environment functioning in multi-grade classroom system. The research results presented, on the one hand constitute, in the author’s opinion, a substantial complement of knowledge regarding functioning of early school education, and on the other hand, they represent an attempt of verification of a widely spread stereotype referred to the multi-grade classroom system, namely, organising the educational process in multi-grade classes determines low level of pupils’ school achievements who are enrolled in this system. Nothing could be further from the truth and it is proven by the analysis of research results presented in this elaboration.

Rona Bušljeta ◽  
Marko Kardum

Objections to the fact that education is, on the one hand, overburdened by theory and separate from practice or, on the other hand, completely separate from theory can be found in contemporary researches and theory of education. These objections also imply the problem of selecting the content, as well as the way of teaching and formulating the desired outcomes arising from the education process. One of the possible solutions to this problem is the concept of “school for life”, which, in the pursuit of John Dewey’s philosophy of education, leads to the abolition of the false dichotomy of theory and practice in education. Contemporary education can, therefore, no longer be understood as a process in which passive subjects acquire knowledge, but as activity of subjects that by experimenting and innovating adjust the content that comes from experience and ultimately applies them again to everyday life. In this way, the outcomes of the educational process should be understood not as dogmatic reproductions of existing knowledge, but as an entity’s ability to participate fully in the life of the community to which it belongs, including lifelong education, participating in the process of acquiring work experience and active, responsible and constructive action within community. The demand for meaningful education related to the subject’s developmental age, its interests and close to its everyday life experiences is also shaped by the current reform of the Croatian educational system, which is developing under the concept of “school for life”. The aim of this paper is to establish the theoretical framework of such a request, to analyse specific Croatian case and to examine how close to the contemporary tendencies in education Croatian reform in school education has really come to.

10.28945/3521 ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 283-303 ◽  
Jesús Moreno León ◽  
Gregorio Robles ◽  
Marcos Román-González

The introduction of computer programming in K-12 has become mainstream in the last years, as countries around the world are making coding part of their curriculum. Nevertheless, there is a lack of empirical studies that investigate how learning to program at an early age affects other school subjects. In this regard, this paper compares three quasi-experimental research designs conducted in three different schools (n=129 students from 2nd and 6th grade), in order to assess the impact of introducing programming with Scratch at different stages and in several subjects. While both 6th grade experimental groups working with coding activities showed a statistically significant improvement in terms of academic performance, this was not the case in the 2nd grade classroom. Notable disparity was also found regarding the subject in which the programming activities were included, as in social studies the effect size was double that in mathematics.

Anna Krajewska

The presented research results are a selected, small fragment of the more extensive ones. The subject of the research is the circumstances hindering the didactic cooperation of teachers and students in their assessment. The aim of the research is to present circumstances hindering didactic cooperation in the subsequent stages of the educational process and their justifications expressed by students and teachers in open statements. Teachers and students mainly pointed to difficulties in cooperation regarding external circumstances (related to the educational process and organizational), and less frequently emphasized the importance of internal circumstances regarding the participants of the educational process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 ◽  
pp. 01017
Zoya D. Denikina ◽  
Anatoly V. Denikin

The article traces the substantial and functional evolution of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge and its integration into the theory and practice of higher education. The method of distinguishing between classical, non-classical, and post-non-classical rationality is used to disclose the specifics of university transdisciplinarity. The proposed hypothesis suggests that in non-classical and post-non-classical education, different types of studied objectivity exist while when the subject boundaries are fixed, various forms of subject uncertainty are observed. Difficulties in the practice of non-classical education are associated with the objective of overcoming double uncertainty. In one case, the onedimensionality of the study depends on the choice of ontological conditions that are only sufficient for a given monodiscipline. In another case, the task of combining the intervals of studying a subject in the framework of multidisciplinary knowledge is being solved. Transdisciplinarity manifests primarily through educational modeling technologies. What can be attributed to the specifics of post-non-classical education is the study of two types of objectivity: the system-level reality in cases of severe disequilibrium and the system-operational reality in cases of mild disequilibrium. Thus, the subject area demonstrates substantial and systemic uncertainty. It is concluded that the study of systemic objects as a part of the educational process requires interdisciplinary efforts and is carried out in line with the following scheme: problem – project – concept – practical solution.

2021 ◽  
pp. 42-48
Sierykh L.V.

In the provisions of the scientific article the author reveals the features of the interaction of general secondary and out-of-school education institutions in the aesthetic education of teenagers. The scientist offers the developed and tested vectors of the interaction of general secondary and out-of-school education in the aesthetic education of teenagers. The interaction is aimed at achieving this goal – the aesthetic education of teenagers and which provides for direct or indirect involvement in the educational process of the subjects of pedagogical interaction.The developed vectors violate the subject-subject relations in general secondary education institutions, indicate the subject-subject relations in out-of-school education institutions and combine (integrate) subject-subject relations in the specified institutions. Vectors allow us to trace the relationships between all subjects of educational activities and the environment (nature, architecture, production, the Internet, etc.), relationships with other institutions (subjects and objects), creative associations, unions, museums, philharmonics, theaters, studios, galleries, exhibitions, photo galleries, parks of culture and recreation, public organizations, libraries, Internet cafes, etc.), to support the subject-object and subject-subject relationships in the aesthetic education of teenagers.The scientific definition is analyzed and clarified «esthetic environment of interaction», which the author interprets as a pedagogically organized educational environment in which there is a dynamic pedagogical action, cooperation of the subjects of pedagogical interaction. These are the subjects of interaction of general secondary education institutions, out-of-school education institutions, subjects-object relations of other institutions. These relationships support the complex relationship of social phenomena-systems of general secondary and extracurricular education and enable the aesthetic education of teenagers, the development of society, the fulfillment of the social order, and so on. Key words: aesthetic education, aesthetic environment, interaction, interaction vectors, general secondary education institution, out-of-school world institution, teenagers. У положеннях наукової статті автор розкриває особливості взаємодії закладів загальної середньої та позашкільної освіти в естетичному вихованні підлітків. Науковець пропонує розроблені й апробовані вектори взаємодії закладів загальної середньої та позашкільної освіти в естетичному вихованні підлітків, які діють в естетичному середовищі. Вектори взаємодії спрямовані на досягнення означеної мети – естетичного виховання підлітків і в якій передбачається прямо або опосередковано залучення до освітньо-виховного процесу суб’єктів педагогічної взаємодії.Розроблені вектори порушують суб’єкт-суб’єктні відносини у закладах загальної середньої освіти, указує суб’єкт-суб’єктні відносини у закладах позашкільної освіти, поєднує (інтегрує) суб’єкт-суб’єк-тні відносини у означених закладах. Вектори дозволяють прослідкувати взаємозв’язки між усіма суб’єктами освітньо-виховної діяльності й навколишнім середовищем (природа, архітектура, вироб-ництво, інтернет тощо), взаємозв’язки з іншими інституціями (суб’єктами та об’єктами) (творчі об’єднання, спілки, музеї, філармонії, театри, студії, галереї, виставки, фотогалереї, парки культури та відпочинку, громадські організації, бібліотеки, інтернет-кафе тощо), підтримувати суб’єкт-об’єктні та суб’єкт-суб’єктні взаємовідносини в естетичному вихованні підлітків.Проаналізовано й уточнено наукову дефініцію «естетичне середовище взаємодії», яку автор трактує як педагогічно організоване виховне середовище, в якому відбувається динамічна педагогічна дія, співпраця суб’єктів педагогічної взаємодії. Суб’єктами взаємодії є заклади загальної середньої освіти, заклади позашкільної освіти, суб’єкт-об’єктні відносини інших інституцій. Ці відносини підтримують складний взаємозв’язок суспільних явищ-систем загальної середньої та позашкільної освіти і уможли-влюють естетичне виховання підлітків, розвиток суспільства, виконання соціального замовлення тощо. Ключові слова: естетичне виховання, естетичне середовище, взаємодія, вектори взаємодії, заклад загальної середньої освіти, заклад позашкільної освіти, підлітки.

1999 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-190 ◽  

Since Vinogradoff described merchet payments as ‘the most odious’ of the numerous manorial exactions for which villein tenants were liable, the fine for marriage, classically defined as a levy due from the villein upon the marriage of his daughter, has received a good deal of attention from historians. Although the issue of marriage licences has accordingly been tackled from various perspectives, in recent years the subject at the heart of a number of contributions to the topic was the question of seigneurial control. In tackling this matter, one has to ask what kind of control a manorial lord could or would want to exercise over the matters of matrimony of his social inferiors.An important contribution to the debate was provided in 1979 by Eleanor Searle. A key element in her argument was that marriage licences essentially constituted a tax on the chattels taken as dowry by the bride into her marriage, and as such were not universally enforced. Further, in her view merchet did not so much constitute a test of the status of the individual as one of tenure. At the same time she argued that merchets could be used by the lord to vet prospective marriage partners and thus control the transfers of tenant property lest the latter should slip into freehold tenure. By imposing financial disincentives, merchets, it was argued, also encouraged endogenous marriages. Richard Smith, while arguing that the rates of licences to marry were unlikely to reflect a proportional tax on dowries, nevertheless showed that merchets were not universally exacted and tended to fall predominantly upon richer tenants. Thus he took issue with R. Faith, who in a rejoinder to Searle's contribution suggested that the marriage licence constituted a tax on the marriage itself and was as such universally exacted.In order to consider these problems and test some of the propositions that have been made, this study aims to examine the practice of seigneurial exaction and hence the function of marriage licences, on the one hand, and the relevance and nature of tenant evasion of merchet payments on the other, on one manor from 1330 to 1377. Changes in seigneurial policy towards merchet payments will be analysed and placed in the wider context of the demographic and socio-economic changes affecting manorial life in this period. Within this framework three intertwined aspects of the licence to marry will be examined. First, focusing on the question of which tenants were liable to pay merchets and what constituted the criteria for this liability, the theory and practice of merchet exaction will be considered. Secondly the reasons for the lord's interest in the marriages of his tenants in conjunction with the routes open to him to influence villein marriages to his advantage will be explored. Thirdly the extent and consequences of tenant evasion of merchet fines will be assessed, whilst the clash between lord and tenant over marriage fines will be viewed in the wider context of lord–tenant friction, especially in the post-Black Death period. Central to this discussion, the role and importance of women in this particular act of non-compliance will be examined.

R. T. Sirazetdinov ◽  
A. Yu. Fadeev ◽  
R. E. Hisamutdinov

The article describes the use of the anthropomorphic robot ROMA in the educational process. The trends and the main threats associated with the avalanche-like development of robotics and total robotization of society, and the tasks that the teachers face are considered. A small robot ROMA developed at the Kazan Federal University is presented, and its characteristics are described. A comparison is made with the characteristics of foreign analogues, whence it is clear that the presented robot occupies a worthy place in its niche. Various variants for using the ROMA robot in the educational process — from primary school classes to senior university students, are considered. There are educational disciplines and specific topics on which the use of the robot can give a significant impetus to understanding and mastering the subject. On the one hand, this is connected with the students’ interest in the robot as such, and on the other hand, the robot allows to physically demonstrate certain abstract concepts, the effect of algorithm execution, etc. The robot can be used at school for technology lessons. It may be indispensable when studying programming at various levels, 3D modeling, the theory of automatic control, elements of artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, and in a number of other courses. Currently, the process of developing methodological support for various disciplines is underway.

Ryszard Pęczkowski

In the article, I undertake an analysis of the education process carried out at the level of early school education, taking into account the assessment criteria of acts of communication in the form of interrogative statements. In my considerations, I refer to the results of research conducted over a period of over twenty years, limiting myself to one, but at the same time the basic aspect of the given problem – the frequency of questions formulated by teachers and students of grades 1–3. Furthermore, I am trying to answer the question whether the curriculum reforms of the Polish education system, carried out since 1999, had or still have an impact on the implementation of the educational process in everyday school practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
R. U. Arifulina ◽  
O. A. Katushenko

Introduction. The individualization of the education process is today one of the priority directions of the transformation of the higher education system, which involves the creation of conditions for the implementation of the educational opportunities of students, their academic mobility, the design of an individual educational trajectory, i.e. on the one hand, it serves as a tool for fulfilling the state order in the formation of a competitive specialist, and on the other hand, it allows you to maximally orient education to the personality of the student.Materials and Methods. The article considers domestic and foreign research materials aimed at organizing and implementing the individualization of the learning process. The work uses methods of analysis of scientific literature, questionnaires, analysis, generalization and systematization of data.Results. The authors identified and described the main trends in the development of individualization of the educational process, the relationship between the concepts of "individual educational route" and "individual educational trajectory". A comparative analysis of the results of a questionnaire survey of teachers and students on the problem of individualization of education is carried out, and the main models of individualization of the educational process are highlighted.Discussion and Conclusions. As challenges for the individualization of the educational process of higher pedagogical education, the authors see the bridging of the "digital divide" arising from the inequality in access to digital tools between the subjects of the educational space of the university, as well as regions and countries; updating the goals and content of education, as well as forms, methods and technologies of organizing the educational process; changing approaches and tools to assessing the competencies and educational results of students in the course of mastering an individual educational route; changing the roles of the subjects of the educational process.

Tatiana Vitalievna Makeeva ◽  
Vitalii Nikolaevich Gur'yanchik

Professional socialization of future graduates of the pedagogical university is aimed at the formation of competencies essential for the practical activity and solution of vital tasks. One of the components of successful professional activity is the willingness for continuing education. The subject of this research is the phenomenon of continuous pedagogical education as the value. Globalization has encompasses all segments of life of the modern society, including education. The rapidly changing world with its uncertainty imposes new requirements on the system of vocational training. A modern specialist is no longer narrow-focused, but is capable of solving complex and versatile tasks, which is facilitated by constant striving for new knowledge using various forms of learning. However, this is only possible with realization by the individual of the need for continuing education and its utility in different axiological coordinates. For the analysis of axiological basis of continuing education, the author surveyed the students of pedagogical university to determine their perception of continuing education as a personal meaningful value that contributes to the achievement of certain career results. The acquired results on the one hand demonstrate the the vagueness of the concept of “continuing education” for the university students; while on the other hand, prove the hypothesis on the need and importance of continuing education for the pedagogues, but at the same time the unwillingness of the future specialists to consider it as the value of life. The presented materials allow adjusting the educational process of future pedagogues and their motivation for continuing education, since the pedagogical classes to Master’s Degree.

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