scholarly journals Analisis Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Industri Konstruksi Yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2012 – 2016

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Venny Junica Utami

The results of this study indicate that Financial Performance, Risk Management and Working Capital Management Against Stock Price of Construction Industry in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2012-2016 with the number of Fhitung 12,441 and Ftabel of 2.71, it can be seen that Fcount> Ftable is 12,441> 2, 71, meaning there is a significant influence between earnings per share (EPS), price earning ratio (PER), return on equity (ROE), bi rate and cash conversion cycle (CCC) simultaneously to stock prices while the value of t arithmetic EPS of 5.494 and ttabel 1.72472 from the comparison then it can be known t count <ttabel (5,494 <1,72472). The conclusion is that all independent variables have significant effect on dependent variable at α = 5% or 0,05 and F test criterion by comparing Fcount 12,441 and Ftabel 2,71, it can be seen that Fcount> Ftable is 12,441> 2,71 , meaning there is a significant influence between earnings per share (EPS), price earning ratio (PER), return on equity (ROE), bi rate and cash conversion cycle (CCC) simultaneously to stock price in property and real estate industry in 2012 -2016. Keyword: financial performance, stocks, stock exchange

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-109
Syahril Effendi ◽  
Baru Harahap

This study aims to determine the effect of a given return on equity, earnings per share, Inflation and Interest Rates on Stock Prices on the company's sector of consumer goods industry listed on the Indonesia stock Exchange. The population in this study consisted of 49 companies engaged in the sector of consumer goods industry listed in Bursa efek Indonesia (BEI). Sampling technique in this study using purposive sampling and there are 10 companies that meet the criteria for the selection of the sample. Financial Data in this research was obtained through IDX representative of Kepri. As for the inflation data and the interest rate is obtained from Central bureau of Statistics and Bank Indonesia. The research results of the F test show a significant influence of the mean return on equity, earnings per share, inflation and interest rates simultaneously have a significant influence on stock prices so that the regression model contained in this study deserve to be studied. Partially by t test obtained the result that variable return on equity and earnings per share have a significant effect on stock prices, while variable inflation and interest rates do not significantly influence the stock price

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Syuaib Syuaib ◽  
Muslimin Muslimin ◽  
Harnida Wahyuni Adda

This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE), and Net Profit Margin (NPM) on stock price, both simultaneously and partially. The sample  of  this  research consists  of  30  banks  listed  on  Indonesia Stock  Exchange  (IDX).  Method  of analysis  is  multiple  linear  regressions.  The  results  show  that ROA,  ROE,  and  NPM  simultaneously have  significant  influence  on  stock prices  in  Indonesia  Stock  Exchange.  Partially,  ROA,  ROE,  and NPM have significant influence on stock prices in Indonesia Stock Exchange, while the influence of ROE  on  stock  prices  is  negative.  Coefficient  determination indicates  adjusted  R-square  of  0.529, which  means  that  52.90%  of stock  prices  affected  by  ROA,  ROE,  and  NPM,  and  47.10%  of  stock prices affected by other variables that are not studied. Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengetahui  dan  menganalisis pengaruh  return  on  asset (ROA), return  on  equity  (ROE),  dan  margin laba  bersih  terhadap  harga  saham  secara  simultan  dan  parsial. Sampel  penelitian  ini  terdiri  dari  30  bank  yang  terdaftar  di  Bursa Efek  Indonesia  (BEI).  Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa return on asset, return on equity, dan margin laba bersih secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap harga saham  di  bursa   Indonesia.  Secara  parsial, return  on  asset,  return  on  equity,  dan  margin  laba  bersih berpengaruh  signifikan  terhadap  harga  saham  di  bursa  Indonesia, tetapi  efek  dari  return  on  equity terhadap harga saham adalah negatif. Koefisien determinasi menunjukkan adjusted R-square sebesar 0,529, yang  berarti  bahwa  52,90%  dari  harga  saham  dipengaruhi  oleh  ROA,  ROE  dan  NPM,  dan 47,10% dari harga saham dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti.

Accounting ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 1339-1346
Mohammed Ibrahim Sultan Obeidat ◽  
Tareq Mohammad Almomani ◽  
Mohammad Abdullah Almomani

The main purpose of the study is to investigate whether the cash conversion cycle has an impact on the financial performance of listed chemical firms in Amman Stock Exchange. To achieve the objectives of the study, data covering the period 2010-2019 of 5 among a total of 6 listed chemical firms were collected and used in analysis and hypotheses testing. The excluded firm was eliminated because its information was incomplete along the study period. Return on equity and earnings per share were used as indicators for financial performance in a separate form. The study involved two hypotheses, and both hypotheses were tested under the 95 percent level of confidence. Descriptive statistics including the mean and variance, in addition to correlation, were used in data analysis. Using both of the multiple and single regression models, the study showed that the cash conversion cycle had a significant impact on the financial performance of firms. Moreover, both of the controls were found significantly affecting the financial performance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Marzuki Marzuki

The objective of this study is to examine the effect of ROE, DER, and firm size on stock prices of the manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The data used in this study were panel data sourced from the combination of cross section data and time series data. This research used purposive sampling method with the sample consisted of 86 manufacturing companies listed on IDX in 2017. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results showed that ROE and firm size had a positive and significant influence on stock price. However, DER did not have a significant influence on stock price. Keywords : ROE, DER, company size, stock price

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 132-138
Herlina Lusiana

This study aims to analyze the source of a company's profitability by choosing two main factors namely, Return on Equity (ROE) and Earning per Share (EPS) as the strength and resilience of companies engaged in food and beverage listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study uses time series data from 2015 to 2018. The dependent variable is the stock price. Meanwhile the independent variables are Return on Equity (ROE) and Earning per Share (EPS). The determination of the sample uses positive sampling, the sampling technique uses two special criteria from researchers. The first criterion, only food and beverage companies that publish financial statements in full during the period 2015 to 2018, and the second criterion, food and beverage companies that have financial statement data in accordance with the studied variables, namely Return on Equity (ROE) and Earning per Share (EPS). Samples that meet the criteria are 11 registered food and beverage companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2015 to 2018. Data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression with the help of the SPSS program.The findings show that Return on Equity (ROE) has a positive and significant impact on stock prices, while Earning per Share (EPS) has an impact negative and significant to stock prices. This finding confirms that strength the profitability of a company through Return on Equity (ROE) affects the stock prices of food and beverage companies in Indonesia. Therefore, it is important to maintain the company's profitability through Return on Equity (ROE) from the investor's perspective, not from the company's view. Meanwhile, interesting findings from a company's profitability through Earning per Share (EPS) do not affect the stock prices of food and beverage companies in Indonesia. Because earnings per share or earning per share (EPS) is obtained from the perspective of the company's financial statements where there are differences in the size and size of the company's expenses other than earning per share (EPS) can turn out to be high if the number of shares outstanding is reduced. Keywords: Profitability, Return on Equity (ROE), Earnings per Share (EPS), Stock Prices, Indonesia stock exchange (IDX)  

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 57
Yuli Anwar

The purpose of this study is to analyze, test, and prove the effect of returns on equity (ROE), earnings per share (EPS), and price-earnings ratio (PER) on stock prices (SP). The method carried out in this test uses multiple linear regression with the preceding test of classical assumption deviations. The result shows that the data is normally distributed and no overlapping is obtained. Based on the results of the ANOVA test calculations obtained the value of F-value = 13.349 with a significance of 0.005. By using the 0.05 level of significance, the value of F-table is 2.839. Then Fvalue 13.349> F-table (2.389), or significance of 0.005 smaller than 0.05 so that it can be concluded that the three independent variables namely ROE, EPS and PER simultaneously influence the Stock Price on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Partially the ROE has a significant effect but EPS and PER do not affect. Keywords: returns on equity, earnings per share, and price-earnings ratio on stock prices.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
S Sukimin

Stock split is one of the corporate action by the company with the goal set back to stock prices in the range that is more liquid and provide a quality signal to investors. This study aims to analyze the effect of the stock split and the financial performance of the issuer's stock price studies on the manufacturing sector. The theory is the reference of this study, namely Signaling Theory. Signaling theory declares a stock split provides a positive signal for the company manager will inform the future prospects of the company to the public good who do not know. The stock price is the value of a stock that reflects the wealth of the company that issued the stock. Stock prices are formed from the interaction of buyers and sellers of shares in the stock market or stock exchange which is motivated by their expectations of corporate profits. The study was conducted on 7 companies that are listed on the Stock Exchange and they do stock split in the year 2008-2011. Hipoteis testing in this study using multiple regression. The research instrument will be tested in this study is the Earning Per Share (EPS), Return On Investment (ROI), Return on Equity (ROE), Price Earning Ratio (PER), Price to Book Value (PBV) is to test the effect of the stock split and financial performance of the company's stock price. The equations are formed in this study is Stock Price = C + 11,18421EPS - 2,10ROI - 23,62ROE + 556,82PBV + 85,25PER - 244,80Stocksplit + e. The results showed Earning Per Share (EPS) is a variable financial performance and a significant positive effect on stock prices, both before and after stocksplit, while the Return On Investment (ROI), Return on Equity (ROE), Price Earning Ratio (PER), Price to Book Value (PBV) effect is not significant. According to the theory, the higher the ratio of financial performance, the better the state of a company

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-31
Nadi hernadi Moorcy

Abstrak   Harga saham dapat mencerminkan nilai dari suatu perusahaan. Perusahaan yang kinerja keuangannyabaik, sahamnya akan banyak diminati oleh investor. Salah satu yang diperhatikan dalam pencapaian kinerja suatu perusahaan adalah laba. Rasio yang digunakan sebagai pengukur kinerja keuangan perusahaan antara lainReturn On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity(ROE) dan Earning Per Share (EPS).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan secara empiris pengaruh Return On Asset, Return On Equity dan Earning Per Shareterhadap harga saham pada perusahaan Food & Beverages yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2010-2015. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 10 perusahaan. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis linear berganda. Hasil penelitian secara parsialmenunjukan bahwa ROA tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham, ROE tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham, sedangkan EPS berpengaruh terhadap harga saham. Secara simultan ROA, ROE dan EPS berpengaruh terhadap harga saham. Abstract   Stock prices may reflect the value of a company. Companies whose financial performance is good, its shares will be much in demand by investors. One that is considered in the achievement of a company's performance is profit. Ratios used as a measure of corporate financial performance include Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) and Earning Per Share (EPS). This study aims to determine and prove empirically the influence of Return On Assets, Return On Equity and Earning Per Share to stock prices at Food & Beverages companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2010-2015 period. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with the number of samples of 10 companies. Data were analyzed by using multiple linear analysis. The results of partially show that ROA does not affect the stock price, ROE do not affect the stock price, while the EPS effect on stock prices. Simultaneously ROA, ROE and EPS effect on stock prices.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Aditya Pratama ◽  
Teguh Erawati

This study discusses the stock price and financial ratios based on the financial statements of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2008-2011. The purpose of this research was to determine whether the Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Equity, Net Profit Margin and Earning Per Share has an influence on the stock price. The company sampled as many as 20 of the 136 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2008-2011. Using regression analysis, it can be seen that the variable current ratio, debt to equity ratio, return on equity, net profit margin and earnings per share to simultaneously have a significant influence on stock prices. Test results partially, current ratio, debt to equity ratio, and earnings per share positive and significant effect on stock prices. Return on equity has a negative effect on stock prices. Net profit margins and significant positive effect on stock prices. Keywords: Current Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio, Return On Equity, Net Profit Margin, Earning Per Share, Stock Price.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Erlyta Agustine Noviyanti ◽  
Caecilia Wahyu Estining Rahayu ◽  
Christina Heti Tri Rahmawati

Financial performance is an important factor to attract investors in buying stocks. This study aims to determine the influence of financial performance measured by Non-Performing Loan Ratio (NPL), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Return on Assets (ROA), and Net Profit Margin (NPM) on price of stocks of banks listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2014-2018. Of 43 banks, there were only 31 banks fit the criteria under purposive sampling technique. The data used in this study are secondary data obtained from the official website of Indonesia Stock Exchange ( Multiple linear regression analysis was applied for analyzing the data that were tested for classic assumptions. The results showed that simultaneously NPL, LDR, CAR, DER, ROA and NPM had significant influence on stock prices. Partially, the result showed that only ROA and NPM had a significant influence on stock prices. Banks must then focus mainly on ROA and NPM in attracting investors.

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