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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-52
M. Zakir Saadullah Khan ◽  
Sharna Mazumder

The aim of this study is to measure the efficiency of higher educational institutions and investigate the comparative efficiency of public and private higher education in Bangladesh. Using data envelopment analysis (DEA), technical efficiency of 15 public universities and 20 private universities of Bangladesh are evaluated over the period 2008-2018. The empirical results reveal that public universities on an average operate between 56.2 to 80.7 percent level of technical efficiency while the private universities between 49.1 to 77.6 percent level over the study period. That is, universities in Bangladesh, on an average, do not operate efficiently in terms of resource utilization. Over the years only 33% public universities and 25% private universities are found efficient. The inefficient universities can improve their efficiency by utilizing full capacity of the inputs or reducing the amount of inputs at the estimated inefficiency rate of the respective universities. Findings also show that the public universities have the scope of producing 1.24 to 1.78 times and private universities 1.28 to 2.04 times as much output from the same level of inputs. Special monitoring by the regulatory authorities is required for inefficient universities to enhance their efficiency level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (No.2) ◽  
pp. 25-36
Ahmad Mahir Isa ◽  
Nor Hayati Ahmad ◽  
Zairy Zainol

This study investigates the relationship between Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Consumer Price Index (CPI), Unemployment Rate (UE), Interest rate (IR), Household Debt (HD) on bankruptcy discharge and test the application of an Islamic concept of mutual cooperation, Social Relief Fund (SRF) to enhance the bankruptcy discharge. The study period is from 2000 to 2019. The autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) was used in the study. Two models were tested; Model 1 consists of the macroeconomic variables without SRF and Model 2, with SRF. Model 1 shows none of the variables has significant effect on bankruptcy discharge for long run relationship. However, Model 2 shows GDP, CPI and SRF have significant positive long run relationship with bankruptcy discharge. This provides statistical evidence that SRF has a beneficial long-run relationship to enhance bankruptcy discharge in Malaysia. For short run relationship, Model 1 reveals GDP, CPI, and UE as significant variables to discharge. Model 2 shows stronger short run relationships in which GDP, IR, HD, SRF are positive and CPI is negative to bankruptcy discharge. These variables are significant at 1 percent level. The findings contribute new knowledge on determinants of bankruptcy discharge in Malaysia. The study provides empirical evidence that SRF is a potential component as a social safety net in providing financial assistance among distressed debtors from bankruptcy. We recommend the use of SRF as the current bankruptcy reform is being viewed from the legislative lens and lacks the social capital component to assist debtors achieve financial restitution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
pp. 046
Sambit K. Giri ◽  
Aurel Schneider

Abstract Baryonic feedback effects consist of a major systematic for upcoming weak-lensing and galaxy-clustering surveys. In this paper, we present an emulator for the baryonic suppression of the matter power spectrum. The emulator is based on the baryonification model, containing seven free parameters that are connected to the gas profiles and stellar abundances in haloes. We show that with the baryonic emulator, we can not only recover the power spectra of hydro-dynamical simulations at sub-percent precision, but also establish a connection between the baryonic suppression of the power spectrum and the gas and stellar fractions in haloes. This connection allows us to predict the expected deviation from a dark-matter-only power spectrum using measured X-ray gas fractions of galaxy groups and clusters. With these measurements, we constrain the suppression to exceed the percent-level at k=0.1-0.4 h/Mpc and to reach a maximum of 20-28 percent at around k∼ 7 h/Mpc (68 percent confidence level). As a further step, we also perform a detailed parameter study and we present a minimum set of four baryonic parameters that are required to recover the scale and redshift dependence observed in hydro-dynamical simulations. The baryonic emulator can be found at

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 413-420

ABSTRACT. El Ninos which occurred during 1871-1990 are divided into two categories of events. The first category, EW, consists of the El Ninos in which the equatorial southeast (ESE) Pacific region (0-10° S; 80°W-180°W) experienced a Warn1ing phase as defined by suitable objective criteria, and the second category, E, consists of El Ninos in which the ESE Pacific region did not experience the warming phase. Sea surface temperature rise as well as anomaly over the Pacific region, summer monsoon rainfall over India and over its meteorological sub-divisions, in the categories EW and E are compared. Area-averaged rainfall of India for the summer monsoon season and for each of the months July and September are significantly (at 0.1 percent level) lower in EW events in comparison to those in E events. The summer monsoon rainfall of each of the 12 sub-divisions, from northwest and central India constituting about 50 per cent of the Indian plains, is significantly lower in EW events than that in E events, the highest rainfall deficiency in EW events being in the westernmost sub-divisions, i.e., West Rajasthan and Saurashtra-Kutch. Possible causes for the same have also been discussed.    

2021 ◽  
pp. 46-55
Abtisam SA ◽  
Osama HA ◽  
Nosiba EB ◽  
Fayrouz AK

Injections are usually more expensive than tablets, but they may be required less often since they are more concentrated, whereas a person may need to take a tablet more regularly, thus consuming a large volume. when we administer a drug via oral rout ,its meant to be absorbed by stomach or intestinal mucosa ,but its so happens that, gastric acid, food ,other drugs and many other factor come into the play and retarded the drug absorption ,metabolized in intestinal mucosal cells even before it can reach to liver or target tissue(first-pass metabolism)thus decrease the effective amount reaching to circulation, Now, a drug given through injection reaches circulation at cent percent level and show prompt action which is earnestly required at the moment ,it also decrease the dose and systemic side effects . also the tablets formulation contain the excipient like filler ,diluents for the purpose of long -term stabilization ,bulking up tablet formulations making concentration of drug less in tablets and need more dose to give the therapeutic action. Tramadol is a potent analgesic effective in the treatment of mild to severe pains. However, the use of the drug can pose a threat to other organs and systems. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the effect of tramadol injection as dosage form on reproductive parameters in male rabbits. Tenth rabbits were randomly divided into two equal groups (each group five rabbits). The first group was used as a control. The second group was used to study the effect of tramadol (50 mg/kg body weight) for six weeks. Results obtained showed that tramadol significantly (P<0.05) decreased libido (by increasing the reaction time), ejaculate volume, sperm concentration ,total sperm output, sperm motility (%), total motile sperm per ejaculate (TMS), packed sperm volume (PSV), total functional sperm fraction (TFSF), normal and live sperm and semen initial fructose. While initial hydrogen ion concentration (pH) and dead and abnormal sperm were increased (P<0.05). Live body weight (LBW) and relative weights of testes (RTW) were significantly (P<0.05) decreased. Concentrations of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) were significantly (P<0.05) increased in plasma of rabbits treated with tramadol compared with control. The study showed the harmful effects of tramadol on the reproductive performance on male rabbits. Keywords: Tramadol Injection; Rabbits; Semen; Testosterone

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
D. Maître ◽  
H. Truong

Abstract In this article we present a neural network based model to emulate matrix elements. This model improves on existing methods by taking advantage of the known factorisation properties of matrix elements. In doing so we can control the behaviour of simulated matrix elements when extrapolating into more singular regions than the ones used for training the neural network. We apply our model to the case of leading-order jet production in e+e− collisions with up to five jets. Our results show that this model can reproduce the matrix elements with errors below the one-percent level on the phase-space covered during fitting and testing, and a robust extrapolation to the parts of the phase-space where the matrix elements are more singular than seen at the fitting stage.

Dr. Eman Elsayed Hussein

Abstract: Background: Pressure ulcers are the common conditions among patients hospitalized in acute and chronic care facilities and impose significant burden on patients, their relatives and caregivers. Pressure ulcers have been described as one of the most costly and physically debilitating complications since the 20th century. The pain and discomfort due to pressure ulcer prolongs illness, rehabilitation, time of discharge and even contribute to disability and death. Lengthy periods of immobilization are emotionally stressful for patients. Immobility related problems include pressure ulcers, pneumonia, constipation, loss of appetite, urinary stasis, urinary track infections and venous stasis or deep vein thrombosis. When the complications due to immobilization are prevented it helps an individual to be physically, emotionally and psychologically sound. These complications can be prevented through simple basic patient care like skincare, active-passive exercises, changing position and deep breathing exercises. Nurses have a key role in prevention of these complications by educating the patients. Hence the study was conducted “To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding prevention of complications of immobilized patients . methods: The study involved 50 immobilized orthopaedic patients using the structured interview schedule. STP was implemented and post-test was conducted after 8 days using the same structured interview schedule to find out the effectiveness. Results: 86% of respondents were taking mixed diet and 60% had compound fracture. The main cause for the fracture was road traffic accident (46 %). Regarding effectiveness of Structure exercise plan , the overall mean percentage knowledge score in the pre-test was 34.71% and 80.91% in the post-test. The statistical paired ‘t’ test indicates that enhancement in the mean percentage knowledge score was found to be significant at P≤0.05 percent level for all the aspects . Conclusion: This study revealed that nursing staffs’ knowledge and practice about pressure ulcer preventive measures could be improved. Participants in the study reported that they could use the educational program effectively and easily in the prevention of pressure ulcers among their immobilized patients, which decreases the occurrence of pressure ulcers and as well as improved patient outcome. Keywords: pressure ulcer, post operative patients, structure exercise plan

2021 ◽  
pp. 254-266
I Wayan Sudika ◽  
Dwi Ratna Anugrahwati

This study aims to determine the average leaf angle, harvest age and yield of F1 from cross-hybrid composite; heterosis value and knowing the maternal effect of these three traits on maize. The experiment was carried out in technically irrigated rice fields from November 2019 to February 2020. The design used in this experiment was a randomized block design with two replications. The treatment was 28 F1 as a result of crossing P8IS vs NK212 and P8IS vs NK7328 and their respective reciprocal crosses. The experimental data were analyzed by means of analysis of variance and further tested with the LSD test at the 5 percent level. Heterosis values were calculated on the basis of the parents whose scores were higher (High Parent Heterosis). The t test at the 5% level was used to determine whether the maternal effect was significant. The results showed that the mean leaf angles of F1 lines from crosses and reciprocal P8IS vs NK212 were the same as the two parents; whereas the P8IS vs NK7328 cross is different. The reciprocal of cross number 13 (P8IS vs Nk7328 /R13) has smaller leaf angle than P8IS and is the same as the leaf angle of NK7328. The yield of the F1 lines from the two types of crosses was the same as each of the two parents; however, there was a tendency for an increase in yield compared to P8IS for most of the F1 lines. There was a change in leaf angle properties, harvest age and yield of F1 lines compared to one of the best parents with heterosis values are negative and positive with variations from 0.00 to 65.70 percent. Coefficient of correlation between heterosis with the average value of traits was classified as strong for the harvest age; moderate for yield and weak for leaf angle. These three traits in the two types of crosses showed no maternal effects. Smaller leaf angle, super early harvest age and higher yield, are possible to be obtained from the lines of both crosses.

Atayi Abraham Vincent ◽  

This study tried to investigate the impact of agriculture and manufacturing on economic growth using time series data from (1987-2019). To analyze the link between the variables, the researchers utilized the ADF to test for stationarity, the Ordinary Least Square Method, the Error Correction Model, and the Granger Causality Test. The result shows that, the coefficient of agricultural output has a positive sign, indicating a favorable association. The AGRQ coefficient is (0.045142), implying that a 5% change in AGRQ will result in a 5% change in Manufacturing Value Added. At the 0.05 percent level, the finding is statistically significant, with a probability of (0.0000). The coefficient of determination R-Squared (R2) is 0.817974, indicating that variations in the explanatory variables account for nearly 82 percent of the variation in Manufacturing Value Added. The ECM's coefficient (-1) is (0.619202). The coefficient indicates that the short run adjustment annually offsets 62% of the system's disequilibrium in order to restore long-run equilibrium. This means that the system will reach equilibrium at a 62 percent rate the following year. At the 5% level of significance, Granger causality demonstrates that there is no causal link between Manufacturing Value Added and Real Gross Domestic Product. However, manufacturing value-added and agricultural output have a one-way relationship. The study recommends that government must urgently expand the Nigerian agricultural sector by allocating more financing to the industry and ensuring that the funds are used wisely and to further support increased industrial productivity and expansion, the government should work to strengthen its incentives to the manufacturing sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 5
Balgobin Nandram ◽  
Jai Won Choi ◽  
Yang Liu

Probability sample encounters the problems of increasing cost and nonresponse. The cost has rapidly been increasing in executing a large probability sample survey, and, for some surveys, response rate can be below the 10 percent level. Therefore, statisticians seek some alternative methods. One of them is to use a large nonprobability sample (S_1 ) supplemented by a small probability sample (S_2 ). Both samples are taken from the same population and they include common covariates, and a third sample (S_3 ) is created by combining these two samples; S_1&nbsp; can be biased and S_2&nbsp; may have large sample variance. These two problems are reduced by survey weights and combining the two samples. Although S_2&nbsp; is a small sample, it provides good properties of unbiasedness in estimation and of survey weights. With these known weights, we obtain adjusted sample weights (ASW), and create a sample model from a finite population model. We fit the sample model to obtain its parameters and generate values from the population model. Similarly, we repeat these processes for other two samples, S_1&nbsp; and S_3&nbsp; and for different statistical methods. We show reduced biases of the finite population means and reduced the combined sample size becomes large. We analyze sample data to show the reduction of these two errors.

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