scholarly journals Analisis Metode Multi-Objective Optimization Method By ratio Analysis Pada Pemilihan Obat Terbaik (Kasus Diabetes Melitus)

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-128
Nurleli Idayati ◽  
Hidayatullah Hidayatullah ◽  
Cecep Maulana

Abstract: Diabetes mellitus drugs using Decision Support System (DSS) techniques. The DSS method used is the Multi Objective Optimization method on the basis of ratio analysis (MOORA). The data used in the study are data sourced from BPS in ther Kisaran city area. Application development uses web and MySQL database as a help tool to test the ranking results on the selection of Diabetes mellitus drugs. The results of this study are expected to provide better results in helping to determine the best Keywords : Decision Support System;MOORA Method;Diabetes mellitus;Drug Selection;Kisaran City Abstrak: obat Diabetes melitus dengan menggunakan teknik Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK). Metode SPK yang digunakan adalah metode Multi Objective Optimization On The Basis Of Ratio Analysis (MOORA). Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah data bersumber dari BPS di wilayah kota Kisaran. Pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan web dan database MySQL sebagai perangkat bantuan untuk menguji hasil perangkingan pada pemilihan obat Diabetes melitus. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dalam membantu menentukan obat diabetes terbaik Kata Kunci : Sistem Pendukung Keputusan;Metode MOORA;Diabetes mellitus;Pemilihan Obat;Kota Kisaran

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-242
Ratih Hafsarah Maharrani ◽  
Oman Somantri

The quality and success of a company is determined from the planning and efforts to meet the needs of Human Resources carried out in the selection process. This means that in an effective selection process good human resources can be obtained for a longer period of time. In this study, the effectiveness of student values ​​will be analyzed with a decision support system that is used to facilitate management in the selection stage of industrial class students. From the results of the assessment, the student will be recommended to become a new employee of PT BUMA who comes from the vocational level through an industry-based curriculum education program. There are 5 criteria in the process of calculating the assessment of industrial class students, including the average student report card grades, psychological test results, HRD interviews, physical checks and pre-medical. Value processing uses a decision support system with a Multi-Objective Optimization method on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) where if the greater the student's grade results, the better the rankings produced, the more in line with the criteria expected by the company. The MOORA method was chosen because it can provide ease in the ranking process by finding the best alternative from several alternatives.

2018 ◽  
Andysah Putera Utama Siahaan

Decision support system in selecting a product aims to improve the company's performance in the selection of certain products. This system is excellent to apply to companies, especially in companies that produce goods. It is so that consumers will not experience disappointment in the selection of these items. Every company needs a decision support system that can help choose the best product results accurately based on predetermined criteria. It is to avoid fatal errors. Therefore a company is beneficial and makes decision making more comfortable, in the selection of goods. The method used in this study is Multi-Objective Optimization on the Base of Ratio Analysis (MOORA). Selection of product results will be more structured and achieved using the MOORA method. Companies in the selection of goods will be under the desired target and can also minimize errors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 1177
Tundo Tundo ◽  
Wisnu Dwi Nugroho

<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu pengrajin kayu di Dongkelan, Krapyak, Yogyakarta dalam menentukan kayu terbaik untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan gitar, karena sering terjadi keluhan dari para pembeli bahwa bahan yang dijadikan bahan gitar cepat lapuk dan kusam dari segi warnah. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, dicari suatu solusi dengan menggunakan metode <em>Decision Support System</em> <em>Multi Objective Optimization on the basic of Ratio Analysis</em><em> </em>(MOORA) serta dibantu oleh pakar dalam menentukan kriteria yang tepat berkaitan penentuan kayu terbaik yang digunakan dalam pembuatan bahan gitar, setelah berdiskusi panjang ditemukan hasil kriteria yang tepat berdasarkan permasalahan, berupa kriteria kekuatan kayu, serat kayu, tekstur, dan berat kayu. Semua kriteria tersebut, kemudian diproses dengan menggunakan metode MOORA, dengan data yang digunakan sebanyak 29 jenis data kayu, yang diperoleh dari pengrajin yang ada di wilayah tersebut. Setelah diproses, diperoleh hasil 3 kayu terbaik yang layak untuk digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan gitar secara berurutan dalah kayu Bubinga dengan nilai 18,36785, kayu Bocote dengan nilai 17,33385, dan kayu Eboni dengan nilai 17,33385   dari beberapa pilihan alternatif  kayu yang ada. Membuktikan hasil dari metode MOORA<em>, </em>maka dilakukan responden secara langsung dengan memberikan hasil metode kepada pakar pembuat gitar. Dari 15 pakar pembuat gitar, 13 mengatakan setuju dengan peringkat 3 terbesar, dan 2 mengatakan kurang setuju. Sehingga ditemukan tingkat akurasi berdasarkan penilaian pakar sebesar 86,67 %.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><div><p><em>This study aims to assist wood craftsmen in Dongkelan, Krapyak, Yogyakarta in determining the best wood to be used as guitar material, because there are frequent complaints from buyers that the material used for guitar is rotten quickly and is dull in terms of color. Based on these problems, a solution was sought using the Multi Objective Optimization on the basic of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) Decision Support System method and assisted by experts in determining the right criteria related to determining the best wood used in making guitar materials, after a long discussion found the results. the right criteria based on the problem, in the form of wood strength criteria, wood grain, texture, and wood weight. All of these criteria are then processed using the MOORA method, with the data used as much as 29 types of wood data, which are obtained from craftsmen in the area. After processing, the 3 best woods that are suitable for use as a guitar-making material are Bubinga wood with a value of 18.36785, Bocote wood with a value of 17.333385, and Eboni wood with a value of 17.333385 from several alternative wood choices. . Proving the results of the MOORA method, the respondents directly gave the results of the method to guitar-making experts. Of the 15 expert guitar makers, 13 said they agreed with the third largest ranking, and 2 said they disagreed. So that it found the level of accuracy based on expert judgment of 86.67%. </em></p></div><p><strong><br /></strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-113
Nur Ha Yati

Motorcycle is one of the means of transportation that is loved by the community because it has a small size, fast and the price is not too expensive compared to other transportation equipment. Now many types of motorcycles complete with advantages and advantages. This of course will make it difficult for consumers to make the right choice, according to the desired criteria. To make it easier for buyers to choose the type of motorcycle that suits their needs, a decision support system is designed to recommend the appropriate motorcycle type.This system is built with accurate calculations using the MOORA method (Multi Objective Optimization on The Basic of Ratio Analysis) so that the accuracy of calculations is more guaranteed that is applied using PHP MySQL software. With this system, customers / buyers have no difficulty choosing the type of motorcycle that suits their needs and finances so that it will create a convenient and fast buying and selling process.From the 17 data, it can be seen that the results manually on the recommendation of a motorcycle type can be seen that A_3 is the highest alternative with a value of 27.336773. In other words the A_3 type motorcycle Vario 150 is the best motorcycle.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-142
Kusuma Hati ◽  
Firdha Aprilyani

Abstract   Nowadays, the manufacture of handicrafts using the bags from used coffee wrap do not have too much candidate for selection, so that problems sometimes arise after the bag has been already sewn, namely a coffee wrap or loose seams. In this study, the authors proposed the method how to choose the best used coffee wrap. This study uses Multi-Objective Optimization on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) to select the rank of the best coffee wrap used as material from Handicrafts bag. Criterion used for choosing the best coffee wrap as a material for making handicrafts bag were the thickness of the coffee wrap material, the texture of the coffee wrap, the size of the coffee wrap, and the strength of the seam. From the research conducted, it was found that the Indocafe Kopi Mix wrap was the best alternative as a material for making craft bags.   Keywords: Decision Support System, Coffee Wrap, Handicraft, MOORA   Abstrak   Selama ini, pembuatan kerajinan tangan berupa tas dari bungkus kopi bekas tidak memiliki pilihan bahan baku, sehingga terkadang timbul masalah setelah tas dijahit Diantaranya bungkus kopi sobek atau jahitan longgar. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis membahas ruang lingkup bagaimana cara memilih bungkus kopi yang paling baik atau paling tepat digunakan untuk membuat tas dari bugkus kopi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Multi-Objective Optimization berdasarkan Analisis Rasio (MOORA) untuk memilih peringkat bungkus kopi terbaik yang digunakan sebagai bahan dari tas Kerajinan. Kriteria yang digunakan untuk memilih bungkus kopi sebagai bahan pembuatan tas kerajinan adalah ketebalan bahan bungkus kopi, tekstur bungkus kopi, ukuran bungkus kopi, dan kekuatan jahitan. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa bungkus Kopi Indocafe adalah alternatif terbaik sebagai bahan untuk membuat kerajinan tangan tas bungkus kopi, karena memiliki kriteria bungkus kopi yang tebal, bungkusnya mengkilap sehingga lebih menarik, ukuran bungkusnya sedang sehingga mudah mengambil motifnya, jahitan tas lebih kuat karena ketebalan bungkusnya.   Kata kunci: Bungkus Kopi, Kerajinan Tangan, MOORA, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan,

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Andreyan Rizky Baskara ◽  
Yuslena Sari ◽  
Muhammad Adetya Ashari

<p><em>The recruitment of new employees, especially for housing loan sales employees (KPR) is often carried out by banks because the performance evaluation of KPR sales employees is carried out regularly. The large number of prospective employees and the variety of criteria determined for selecting new employees lead to a lengthy decision-making process. Decision Support System (DSS) is basically a comprehensive computer system that can help make decisions and solve problems. The Multi Objective Optimization method on The Basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) as a decision-making method is used to build a decision support system. The decision support system is implemented as a web-based application using ATOM software which is integrated with the MySQL database. The Black Box testing method is used to test the system. The results showed that the MOORA method is very suitable to be applied in the decision making of KPR sales employee recruitment</em></p><p><em><strong>Keywords</strong></em><em>: </em><em>Decision Support System, KPR Sales Employee, MOORA</em> </p><p><em>Perekrutan pegawai baru khususnya untuk pegawai Sales Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR) sering dilakukan oleh bank karena evaluasi kinerja pegawai sales KPR dilakukan secara berkala. Banyaknya calon pegawai dan beragamnya kriteria-kriteria yang ditentukan untuk menseleksi pegawai baru menyebabkan lamanya proses pengambilan keputusan. </em><em>S</em><em>istem </em><em>P</em><em>endukung </em><em>K</em><em>eputusan (SPK)</em><em> pada dasarnya adalah sistem komputer komprehensif yang dapat membantu</em><em> </em><em>membuat keputusan dan menyelesaikan masalah. </em><em>M</em><em>etode </em><em>Multi Objective Optimization on The Basis of Ratio Analysis</em><em> </em><em>(</em><em>MOORA</em><em>) sebagai salah satu metode pengambilan keputusan</em><em> digunakan untuk membangun sistem pendukung keputusan.</em><em> </em><em>Sistem pendukung keputusan diimplementasikan</em><em> sebagai aplikasi berbasis web</em><em> menggunakan perangkat lunak ATOM yang terintegrasi dengan database MySQL. </em><em>M</em><em>etode </em><em>pengujian Black Box</em><em> digunakan</em><em> untuk menguji sistem</em><em>.</em><em> Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode MOORA sangat cocok diterapkan dalam pengambilan keputusan perekrutan pegawai sales KPR</em></p><p><em><strong>Kata kunci</strong></em><em>: </em><em>MOORA</em><em>, </em><em>Pegawai Sales KPR , Sistem Penunjang Keputusan</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Poningsih Poningsih

Currently AMIK and STIKOM Tunas Bangsa have approximately 100 employees (staff and employees). Each employee has a different and varied salary. Every year, AMIK and STIKOM Tunas Bangsa management provide salary increases to their employees. But the number of increases is very diverse. This decision support system will later provide recommendations to management in the form of employee performance ranking. There are several factors used in this decision support system, including work period, education and performance. The method used is Multi-objective Optimization on The Base of Ratio Analysis (MOORA). Where the advantages of MOORA are having a good level of selectivity because it can determine the objectives of the conflicting criteria.

Khairun Nisa Arifin Nur ◽  
Sundari Retno Andani ◽  
Poningsih Poningsih

Pematangsiantar  is a developing city in North Sumatra, so it is not surprising that there are a lot of freight forwarding partners that offer goods delivery services to peoples such as POS Indonesia, JNE, JET Express, J & T Express and SiCepat Express. Many factors that influence people, especially online shop users on the selection of freight forwarding companies, such as the length of delivery, price, type of fleet, range, to company experience. Then it is necessary to build a system that helps the community in taking a decision. The model used to build this Decision Support System uses the Multi-Objective Optimization On The Base Of Ratio Analysis Method which is expected to provide convenience for people in the selection of cellular operators that they will use.Keywords: Decision Support System, MOORA, Online Shop, delivery services

2018 ◽  
Rivalri Kristianto Hondro ◽  
Mesran Mesran ◽  
Andysah Putera Utama Siahaan

Procurement selection process in the acceptance of prospective students is an initial step undertaken by private universities to attract superior students. However, sometimes this selection process is just a procedural process that is commonly done by universities without grouping prospective students from superior students into a class that is superior compared to other classes. To process the selection results can be done using the help of computer systems, known as decision support systems. To produce a better, accurate and objective decision result is used a method that can be applied in decision support systems. Multi-Objective Optimization Method by Ratio Analysis (MOORA) is one of the MADM methods that can perform calculations on the value of criteria of attributes (prospective students) that helps decision makers to produce the right decision in the form of students who enter into the category of prospective students superior.

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