Geological history of the Kerch-Taman area based on the reconstruction of the regional balanced section

G. V. Baskakova ◽  
A. M. Nikishin

The geological framework and tectonics of the Eastern Black Sea region is characterized through balancing a geological cross-section and paleoreconstruction during the Paleogene-Neogene period. Studied area includes the Kerch-Taman Trough, the Anapa Swell (the continuation of the immersed part of the Greater Caucasus Orogen), the Tuapse trough and the Shatsky Swell. The paper is mainly focused on the Russian shelf zone of the Black sea. The results are important for understanding of the trap formation time and the hydrocarbon deposits preservation in the Russian sector of the Black sea shelf.

2022 ◽  
pp. 243-256
Giga Abuseridze ◽  
Janis Grasis

In the recent history of the world, especially in the last two decades, large-scale military actions by Russia and Russian intervention have attracted wide international attention. Russia's increasingly confrontational stance has been manifested in military interventions in Georgia (2008) and in Ukraine (2014). The occupation/annexation of the territories of Georgia and Ukraine by the Russian Federation is a gross violation of the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity of a country, as well as of the norms and principles of international law, that have significantly changed the international order established between the states and called into question the security of the Black Sea region and Europe as a whole. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a legal analysis of Russia's aggressive policy and the economic consequences of Ukraine and Georgia as aggrieved parties.

Vodotyka S. ◽  
Robak I.

The article is devoted to reviewing the book by the well-known Turkish historian İlber Ortaylı "Ottomans on Three Continents". The authors consistently analyze the main postulates of the work in the history of Ottoman possessions in the Crimea and the Northern Black Sea region, focusing on the role of the Ottoman Empire in the interaction of Black Sea civilizations in the late Middle Ages and early modern times.The authors prove that the history of the Ottoman Empire is essential for understanding the history of Ukraine. Ottoman influences significantly impacted the history of the Ukrainian people and other indigenous peoples of Ukraine – Crimean Tatars, Karaites and Krymchaks, Crimean Greeks.The authors agree with the thesis of the Turkish researcher about the significant and sometimes decisive influence of the Ottomans on the situation in the Black Sea region in the XV–XVIII centuries. Furthermore, the authors express their views on certain statements of the book. In particular, İlber Ortaylı proves that the Ottoman Empire was a "state of the Middle Eastern Islamic type". Its presence in the Black Sea resulted in the interaction of Islamic Mediterranean civilization with Eastern European Orthodoxy and Ukraine were at the centre of this interaction. However, the authors cannot agree with the historian's statement about the primary basis of the empire – the system of the state, especially military, slavery (devshirme). It allowed to creation of a vast empire, The Sublime or Ottoman Porte. However, slavery could not create social mechanisms of progress. The civilizational basis of the Ottoman Empire was its steppe, Turkic-steppe, essence.In the Ottoman Empire, Western modernization borrowings were superficial, served utilitarian-pragmatic purposes, and did not change the foundations of civilization. Such selectable reforms were the reason why the Omans lost their possessions in the Crimea and the Northern Black Sea region to the Russian Empire in the eighteenth century. Significantly, both empires claim the imperial, not civilizational, heritage of the Roman Empire. The intelligence emphasizes that these claims are not sufficiently substantiated.Key words: İlber Ortaylı, Ottoman Empire, heritage, history of Ukraine, Northern Black Sea Coast, Crimea. Стаття присвячена огляду-рецензії книги відомого турецького історика Ільбера Ортайли «Османи на трьох континентах». Автори послідовно проаналізували основні постулати праці в координатах історії османських володінь в Криму і Північному Причорномор’ї, приділивши головну увагу ролі Османської імперії у взаємодії цивілізацій Чорномор’я у періоди пізнього середньовіччя і раннього модерного часу.Доведено, що історія Османської імперії має важливе значення для розуміння історії України. Османські впливи відіграли значну роль в історії українського народу та інших корінних народів України – кримських татар, караїмів і кримчаків, кримських греків.Автори погоджуються з тезою турецького дослідника про значний, а часом визначальний, вплив Османів на ситуацію у Чорномор’ї у ХV–ХVІІІ ст. та висловлюють свої міркування щодо окремих положень праці. Зокрема, І. Ортайли кваліфіковано доводить, що Османська імперія була «державою близькосхідно-ісламського типу» і її присутність у Чорномор’ї мала наслідком взаємодію ісламської середземноморської цивілізації зі східноєвропейською православною, причому Україна знаходилась у центрі цієї взаємодії. Однак, не можна погодитись з твердженням історика щодо головної основи імперії – системи державного, передусім військового, рабства (девшірме). Вона дозволило створити величезну імперію, Сяючу Порту, але рабство не може створити суспільних механізмів поступу. Цивілізаційною основою Османської імперії стала її степова, тюрксько-степова, сутність. В Османській імперії західні модернізаційні запозичення були поверховими, служили утилітарно-прагматичним цілям і не змінювали цивілізаційних основ. Власне це і стало основною причиною того, що у ХVІІІ ст. Омани втратили свої володіння в Криму і Північному Причорномор’ї, які дістались Російській імперії. Показово, що обидві імперії висувають претензії на імперську, а не цивілізаційну, спадщину Римської імперії. У розвідці наголошується, що ці претензії не є достатньо обґрунтованими. Ключові слова: І. Ортайли, Османська імперія, спадщина, історія України, Північне Причорномор’я, Крим.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 452-461
I. Sapozhnikov ◽  
M. Kashuba ◽  

This paper is devoted to the brief but successful collaboration in the 1860s between the Imperial Archaeo- logical Commission (IAC) and the Odessa scholar of German origin F. K. Brun (Philipp Jakob Bruun) (1804–1880). This episode is recorded in a dossier kept at the Manuscript Department of the Scientific Archives of the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The scientist was commissioned with writing the foreword to the then expected publication of “Antiquities of Herodotus’ Scythia”. He prepared the work basing on materials from two trips across the region: it was published in 1872 in the form of an appendix with supplements about the description of Darius’ campaign against the Scythians and a map of Herodotus’ Scythia. The article publishes a report by F. K. Brun on the surveys of 1864– 1865 in the Northern Black Sea region and his propositions of 1869 to IAC concerning the expansion of researches to the entire littoral of the Black Sea. The facts presented show F. K. Brun as an expert on historical geography and an archaeologist.

D. Abramov

Автор продолжает серию статей по этнической и конфессиональной истории Причерноморья. Крым и Таманский полуостров издревле для многих народов были олицетворением единения Европы и Азии. Именно отсюда началось приобщение народов Восточной Европы к христианству. Именно здесь в VIII-IX вв. разворачивалось острое противостояние между готами-христианами и хазарами-иудеями. Все эти процессы запечатлены в памятниках архитектуры и археологии, объектах историко-культурного наследия.The author continues a series of articles on the ethnic and confessional history of the Black Sea region. For centuries, the Crimea and the Taman Peninsula have represented for many peoples the unity of Europe and Asia. This is where the introduction of the peoples of Eastern Europe to Christianity began. This is where in the VIII-IX centuries a sharp confrontation between the Christian Goths and the Khazars-Jews took place. All the processes are reflected in monuments of architecture and archeology, objects of historical and cultural heritage.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Vanessa R. de Obaldía

Abstract Santa Maria della Purificazione was the first Latin Catholic church built by the Friars Minor Capuchin in the Black Sea region during the post-Tanzimat period. It was an example of the order settlement after it sought refuge in the region due to its expulsion from Russian Georgia, where it was based since the mid-seventeenth century. Furthermore, this study analyzes the history of Capuchins at the time of their arrival in Trabzon in 1845, with the establishment of their church, friary, school, and cemetery, the latter intended to meet the needs of the local and foreign Latin Catholic residents of the city. The topic is also historically dealt with in terms of demography and urban planning. All these aspects are examined in the wider context of the legal impact of the Tanzimat on church building.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-184

Book Review, The NEC “Black Sea Link” Yearbook 2013-14: a multidimensional insight into the history of the Black Sea Region (Petru Negură)

Ali Kutlu ◽  
Derya Unal

There has recently been an increase in mammalian meat allergy (MMA) in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. It has been associated with the expansion of tick populations.Tick bites appear to result in sensitization to the carbohydrate allergen galactose-alpha–1, 3-galactose, which is present in many types of mammalian meats. In this study, we have emphasized that  Ixodes ricinus named tick type which is implicated in meat allergy, is found in domestic animals of Black Sea Region of Turkey. A new concept has been recently raized; suggesting that having an alpha-gal allergy is associated with an increased risk of sensitization to multiple venom spesific immunoglobulin (Ig) E. Our aim is to evaluate the clinical characteristics of adult patients with MMA and its relationship with insect sting reactions in Turkey. Patients referring to the allergy outpatient clinic with possible MMA were interviewed regarding reactions to a stinging insect. Demographic features and detailed histories of the patients were recorded. Skin prick test (SPT) with commercial beef extract and venom allergens, as well as prick to prick tests with raw beef and cooked beef were performed. Serum total IgE and beef meat specific IgE were measured. Of 50 interviewed patients, 12 patients (4 male [33,3%] and 8 female [66,6%]) had a history of venom hypersensitivity reaction. The mean age was 36.50±13.35 years (range:18–61). History of other allergic diseases was present in 8 (66.6%) patients. Both venom and meat allergy were confirmed with SPT or prick to prick tests in these 12 patients. Among these patients sensitization to honey bee venom was more frequent (83%). MMA and venom allergy are influenced by the same environmental exposures. We believe that there may be shared immunologic factors and similar antigens; making venom allergic patients more susceptible to MMA.

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