American television and off-screen registers: a corpus-based comparison

Corpora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-114 ◽  
Tony Berber Sardinha ◽  
Marcia Veirano Pinto

In this paper, we present an analysis of a corpus of American television programmes, comprising 930 texts from 191 different TV programmes (excluding commercial breaks and infomercials), totalling 5,320,159 tokens. This analysis compares different programme types (live politics, movies, news desk, reality shows, etc.) against one another and against non-televisual registers (face-to-face conversations, telephone conversations, prepared speeches, press reviews, etc.), using the multidimensional (MD) approach to register variation ( Biber, 1988 ). The goal of this analysis is to determine how homogeneous/heterogeneous the language of television is as well as to how it compares to the registers of English ( Biber, 1988 ). We sought to detect both the similarities and differences among the TV registers and with respect to the five major dimensions of register variation previously identified by Biber (1988) . Linguistic studies of television language to date (e.g., Al-Surmi, 2012 ; Bednarek, 2010; Quaglio, 2009 ; and Rey, 2001 ) have generally focussed on few or individual TV registers. This study provides a much more comprehensive view of American television discourse by relying on a large multi-register corpus optimised for representativeness through the application of Biber's (1993) method for sampling adequacy. The results show distinct differences among the registers' dimensions, suggesting that, on the whole, present-day American TV language is varied and patterned. In addition, the findings indicate that several TV registers have close counterparts in off-screen communication, such as conversations, speeches and interviews. All things considered, this study shows in detail the contact and separation points across different TV registers, as well as across TV and off-screen registers.

2021 ◽  
pp. arabic cover-english cover
فتحي أبو مراد ◽  
ناصر حسن يعقوب

حاولت الدراسة، استكناه حقيقة مصطلح (objective correlative) المعادل الموضوعي، ورصد ترجماته المختلفة إلى اللغة العربية، حسب تسلسلها الزمني، وتتبع الاختلافات والائتلافات في هذه الترجمات، وتعليل أسباب هذا وذلك، وبيان إشكالات الترجمة في فهم معنى المصطلح ودلالاته. ومن ثم شرعت الدراسة في كشف طبيعة هذا المصطلح، ومفهومه ومكوناته الأساسية، وجوهره القائم على إيجاد معادلات موضوعية حسية لمكنونات عالم الشاعر الداخلي المجرد، ومحاولة تجسيد هذا العالم المجرد عبر صور وأشكال فنية حسية قابلة للمعاينة، وفي الآن نفسه قادرة على إثارة حالة شعورية في المتلقي تشبه إلى حدٍ كبيرٍ تلك الحالة التي يعانيها الشاعر نفسه. وقد اتكأت الدراسة على معطيات المنهج التكاملي، واستعانت بكثير من وسائله، وآلياته في الوصف والتحليل في مقاربتها لموضوع الدراسة، استجابةً لطبيعة الموضوع نفسه الذي تمتدّ أوصاله وشرايينه في سراديب مسائل عدة؛ فمنها ما يتصل بلغة (المصدر) اللغة الأجنبية، وإشكالات الترجمة. ومنها ما يتصل بلغة (الهدف) اللغة العربية، وقضايا الترادف والمشترك اللفظي، وقضية الاختيار. ومنها ما يتصل في الجانب التطبيقي لبعض النصوص الذي تضمنتها الدراسة، وما يستدعيه النص الشعري من نظرة تكاملية شمولية. وخلصت الدراسة إلى نتائج عدّة منها: أن مفهوم هذا المصطلح يتبأّر حول إيجاد معادلات حسية خارجية لحالات الشعور الداخلية للشاعر، وأن الممارسات العملية المختلفة لمعطيات المعادل الموضوعي، تتمحور حول استقطاب أدوات فنية وأسلوبية قادرة على التعبير والتشكيل والتصوير في آنٍ واحدٍ، وما إلى ذلك من استعمالات اللغة، استعمالًا خاصًا قادرًا على تجسيد المجرد الداخلي للشاعر، عبر صور حسّية تبوح بعواطف الشاعر وأفكاره، وترسم لها صورةً مشابهةً في وعي القارئ. This study tries to find out what is meant by the expression "objective correlative" and to follow its different translations into Arabic according to its chronology. It also tries to show similarities and differences in those translations by giving reasons for each of them، and the obstacles that face readers to understand the meaning and semantics of the expression. Then، the study proceeds to discover the nature، the conception، and the main components of this expression، and its main aim to find out objective and sensitive correlative for the hidden feelings of the poet’s world through art and sensory images and forms that are reviewable and which are able to stimulate an emotional state for the receiver which is similar to that of the poet himself. The study depends on the data taken from the integrated approach and borrows many of its means and procedures to describe and analyze the data in this study in response to the nature of the subject whose components stretch to contain matters. Some relate to the source language (English) and obstacles in translation، others relate to the target language (Arabic) and the issues of tandem، verb al joint،echoic and its effect on translating the expression. Some relate to the practical aspects of some texts which were included in the study and the integrated and comprehensive view needed for poetry. This study comes to some conclusions، such as: The expression "objective correlative" focuses on the external sensitive correlative of the inner feeling of the poet. The different practical experiences are polarizing on constructive and stylistic forms that are able to express forms، and give images at the same time. The uses of language for certain propose are able to represent the inner abstract feeling of the poet through sensitive images that reveal the poet’s feelings and thoughts and to draw a similar image in the reader's awareness.

Governing agencies and administrators of education have typically been operating under the impression that online teaching is Face-to-Face (F2F) teaching using computers. This belief is a negative stereotype of education that is continually disproven by instructors of both modes, students of both modes, and research into the similarities and differences. Traditional pedagogies have a longstanding role in the F2F classroom, which do not always transfer into the online classroom. Rather, online pedagogy should be considered as a distinct area of study that addresses the new and evolving pedagogies regarding technology and online learning. Specifically, this chapter identifies what the differences are between online and F2F education in order to demonstrate the unique and necessary distinction of online pedagogy from traditional pedagogies.

Laurence Saglietto

The concept of intermediation has existed for a long time and taken numerous different forms. In this introductory chapter, we will therefore start by examining the state of the art of intermediaries through a range of different disciplines (history, management, economics, health, sociology), highlighting their historical evolution and current forms. We will then present the different models and theories of intermediation and their development, to produce an appreciation of their similarities and differences and a comprehensive view of the subject. This will allow us, in the last section, to propose the framework for a general theory of intermediation, in terms of organisational architecture and the services provided.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S582-S582
Ozcan Tunalilar ◽  
Paula C Carder ◽  
Sarah Dys ◽  
Sheryl Elliott

Abstract Researchers who collect resident-level data from RCCs face several challenges. Conducting face-to-face, on-site interviews with administrators is costly and presents scheduling difficulties. Contacting administrators by telephone requires multiple attempts. Even when they are reached, they have limited time and might not share resident-level data. To overcome these difficulties, the current survey of Oregon RCCs combines a mail questionnaire with a self-administered sampling tool that allowed communities to select a random sample of their residents (two from each community). Pilot interviews with administrators indicated they were able to select a random sample of their residents easily, quickly, and accurately using this method. The feasibility and validity of this method were further tested by comparing results to community-level aggregate data collected using traditional mail questionnaires from RCCs (n=392). The similarities and differences between resident- and community-level data are discussed within the context of sampling design and mode of data collection from RCCs.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-32 ◽  
Charles H. Carlin ◽  
Katie Boarman ◽  
Emily Carlin ◽  
Karissa Inselmann

In the present feasibility study, e-supervision was used to provide university liaison supervision to SLP graduate students enrolled in student teaching practica. Utilizing a mixed methodology approach, interview and survey data were compared in order to identify similarities and differences between face-to-face and e-supervision and guide future practice. Results showed e-supervised graduate students received adequate supervision, feedback, support, and communication. Further, e-supervision provided additional benefits to supervisors, children on the caseload, and universities. Despite the benefits, disadvantages emerged. Implications for future practice and limitations of the study were identified.

2011 ◽  
pp. 1880-1886
Athanasis Karoulis ◽  
Andreas Pombortsis

The main concern of this article is the comparison of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) with the traditional, face-to-face educational approach. It aims to pinpoint the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the similarities and differences of both approaches, and answer the question of when and under what circumstances one particular method has an advantage over the other. This question makes educationalists anxious when it comes to designing a new curriculum, so in this article we consider Open and Distance Learning as a multidisciplinary evolution and part of a broader framework.

2009 ◽  
Vol 217 (4) ◽  
pp. 182-188 ◽  
Julian J. Dooley ◽  
Jacek Pyżalski ◽  
Donna Cross

Cyberbullying has been described as a type of electronic bullying and has recently been subjected to intense media scrutiny largely due to a number of high profile and tragic cases of teen suicide. Despite the media attention relatively little is known about the nature of cyberbullying. This is, at least in part, due to a lack of theoretical and conceptual clarity and an examination of the similarities and differences between cyberbullying and face-to-face bullying. This paper reviews the limited theoretical and empirical literature addressing both cyberbullying and face-to-face bullying, using some specific examples from a qualitative study for illustration. We compare and contrast individual factors common to cyber and face-to-face bullying. We then examine social information processing factors associated with face-to-face bullying and present a discussion of the similarities and differences that may characterize cyberbullying.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 2545
Mustafa Çağlayandereli ◽  
Hediye Göker

In this article, Anatolia tattoo tradition and art are examinated of Tunceli culture. Tattoo is accepted the first father of writing is defined to aim of decoration or giving message and to paint specific cultural figures to the body and lower part of skin surface. Tattoo is one of subject of social sciences especially sociology and antropology, tattoo is dating back to old periods of history, and it is seen in all societies as a cultural object. The tattoo is also a colorful elemen of Anatolian civilization. As a sociological context of tattoo is used to show an occupation group as a ‘mark’, social statute or tribe and tariqat of a person’s society. However, there is a belief such as Anatolian tattoo motifs protect to people from illness and the evi leye and these motifs bring beauty and bravery.Anatolia tattoo art is a general expression of composition of different local specifics. Tunceli region is the most specific city in Turkey with its geographical density of ‘Alevi’ and ‘Kurd’ identities. More than 90% population in Tunceli, societies are formed from tribes and these tribes are different from general society. According to this information, the aim of this research is to describe Tunceli tattoo art, which is estimated specific, and to determine its similarities and differences from Anatolia tattoo art. At the same time, this information are quality to assist in Anatolia tattoo art literature.Datas in Article are gotten after face-to-face interviews, which are prepared by researches via their developed standart question form, and 15 people (who had tattooes on their body) in 2010 in Tunceli. Tunceli tatoo art sample pictures are presented in Article’s addition part (with approval of source people).The general result from the research is: (1) Tunceli tattoos are not Picture; they are ideogram form of Picture. (2) Tunceli tattoo technique is not more different from East and South-East Anatolia regions. (3) Ethnic or religious figures are not dominant in Tunceli tattoos. (4) Tribe’s figurs also are not dominant in Tunceli tattoos. (5) According to this, Tunceli tattoos can be evaluated a kind of figur in Anatolia tattoo tradition. (6) In Sociological, interest of traditional tattoo art is decreased in Tunceli and ‘tattoo desgins’ concerning Western Culture become widespread.According to this reason, the suggest of researchers is Tunceli and Anatolia tattoo art should become brand value via scientific researches and add to global relation networks. ÖzetMakalede Tunceli kültürüne ait Anadolu dövme geleneği ve sanatı incelenmiştir. Yazının ilk atası kabul edilen dövme, süsleme veya mesaj verme amacıyla, belirli kültürel figürlerin, bedene; derinin alt yüzeyine nakşedilmesidir. Dövme, tarihin eski dönemlerine dayanan ve tüm toplumlarda görülen kültürel objedir. Dövme Anadolu medeniyetinin de renkli bir unsuru olagelmiştir. Dövme “damga” olarak kimi zaman bir meslek grubunu, sosyal statüyü veya aşiret ve tarikat gibi kişinin bağlı bulunduğu topluluğu belirtmek amacıyla kullanılmıştır. Aynı zamanda Anadolu dövme motiflerinin kişiyi hastalıklardan, nazardan koruduğuna; güzellik ve yiğitlik getirdiğine inanılmaktadır.Anadolu’da dövme sanatı farklı yöresel özgüllüklerinin bileşimi olan genel bir form ortaya çıkarır. Bunlardan Tunceli yöresi, “Alevi” ve “Kürt” kimliklerin coğrafi yoğunluğu bakımından, Türkiye’nin en özgün ili konumundadır. Tunceli’de yaşayan nüfusun büyük çoğunluğu, toplumun genelinden farklılaşan aşiret düzenindeki topluluklardan oluşmaktadır. Buna göre makalede Tunceli dövme sanatını betimlemek ve Anadolu dövme sanatından benzer ve farklı özelliklerini tespit etmek istenmiştir. Burada ortaya konan bilgiler Anadolu dövme sanatı literatürüne katkı yapabilecek niteliktedir.Makalede sunulan veriler Ağustos 2010 tarihine aittir. Tunceli kent merkezinde kartopu örnekleme tekniğine göre tespit edilen (ve bedeninde dövme bulunan) 15 kişi ile standart soru formu aracıyla yüz yüze görüşülmüştür. Tunceli dövme sanatı örneklerini gösteren fotoğraflar (kaynak kişilerin onayı ile) makalenin ekinde sunulmuştur.Araştırmanın genel bulgusu şöyle ifade edilebilir: (1) Tunceli dövmeleri resim değil, resmin düşünce yazısına (ideograma) dönüşmüş şekilleridir. (2) Tunceli dövme tekniği Doğu ve Güney Doğu Anadolu Bölgelerinkinden çok farklı değildir. (3) Tunceli dövmelerinde etnik veya dinsel figürler başat değildir. (4) Tunceli dövmelerinde aşiret figürleri de başat değildir. (5) Buna göre, Tunceli dövmeleri, Anadolu dövme geleneği içerisinde motif çeşitlerinden birisi olarak değerlendirebilir. (6) Sosyolojik bilgi olmak üzere, Tunceli’de geleneksel dövme sanatına ilgi azalmıştır ve fakat Batı kültürünün “tattoo designs”leri yaygınlaşmaktadır.Araştırmada ortaya konan bulguya göre kaybolmaya yüz tutan Tunceli (ve genel olarak Anadolu) dövme sanatının sürdürülebilmesi için bilimsel araştırmalara gereksinim vardır. Dışarıya verdiği göç nedeniyle ekonomik ve sosyal sermayesini hızla kaybeden Tunceli (vb yerleşimler) çeşitli projelerle marka kent haline gelebiler. Tunceli’nin markalaşma sürecinde geleneksel dövme sanatı önemli rol oynayacaktır.

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