The article researched the importance of using the project method in teaching “Biology and Ecology” in high (senior) school and “Basics of Health” in secondary school, as a method of content integration of the natural education and the conditions of effective student teaching. The relevance of this topic is that there is an observation of multi-vector using the “project method” in school today. New developments for the application of project-based teaching are conducted. The organization of project activities in the teaching process involves a specially organized by the teacher process, which is performed by students independently based on their subjective definition of the goal, while the project focuses on a set of actions that makes students independent. The result of the project activity can be any product of the student’s activity, for example, presentation, essay, and model. The method of projects is based on creativity, the skills of orientating in the information space and independently designing their knowledge. In the process of project activity, there is a metamorphosis of the teacher’s position in the educational process (the teacher organizes the students’ activities). For the organization of teacher's activity, it is necessary to master the methods and techniques of preparing students for the work on the project and its development. Teaching “Biology and Ecology” and “Basics of Health” is successful only if the teacher’s work with students in all its forms is a purposeful system of teaching and education that develops in unity biological concepts, dialectical-materialist worldview, thinking, and independent practical work skills, the project’s method helps in this the most. At the modern stage of development of school education, the problem of student's cognitive activity becomes especially important meaning due to the high rate of development and improvement the science and technology, society need for educated people and free from stereotypes, will be able to quickly orientate in the situation, thinking independently. Implementation of such tasks becomes possible only in the conditions of the project teaching stimulating the mental activity of students.
Keywords: method of projects; design activity; integration; biology; ecology; natural science education; natural science competence; creative health.