2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-34
Izzati Rahmi ◽  
Hazmira Yozza

To provide a quality and sustainable education, each study program needs to evaluate the effectiveness and productivity of education, one of which is using indicator of the length of the study. The length of study is influenced by various factors. In this study observations and evaluations of the factors affecting the study period of students of Study Program of Mathematics at Andalas University were conducted by using CART (Classification and Regression Tree) method. The results showed that the most significant factor influencing the length of the study is the Grade Point Average (GPA). Students with high GPA will have a higher chance of graduating on time. Another factor influencing the length of the study is student achievement during high school. Students who consistently perform well (always get the highest rank) when in high school have a high chance of graduating on time. The analysis also showed that students who joined the organization while in high school had a higher chance of graduating on time than those who did not participate. The interesting thing is the students who choose the Study Program of Mathematics at Andalas University as the third choice had a higher chance of graduating on time than the students who choose it as the first or second choice.  Dalam upaya menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang berkualitas dan berkesinambungan, maka setiap program studi perlu melakukan evaluasi terhadap efektifitas dan produktivitas pendidikan, salah satunya dengan menggunakan indikator masa studi. Masa studi mahasiswa dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi masa studi mahasiswa Program Studi Matematika Universitas Andalas dengan menggunakan metode CART. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang paling signifikan mempengaruhi masa studi mahasiswa adalah Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK).  Mahasiswa dengan IPK tinggi akan mempunyai peluang lulus tepat waktu lebih tinggi. Faktor lain yang berpengaruh adalah prestasi mahasiswa sewaktu SMA. Mahasiswa yang konsisten berprestasi baik (selalu juara) ketika SMA mempunyai peluang yang tinggi untuk lulus tepat waktu. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa yang mengikuti organisasik etika SMA mempunyai peluang lulus tepat lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang tidak ikut organisasi. Suatu hal yang cukup menarik adalah berdasarkan urutan pilihan ketika memasuki perguruan tinngi, kelompok mahasiswa yang memilih Program Studi Matematika Universitas Andalas sebagai pilihan ketiga justru memiliki peluang lulus tepat waktu yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok mahasiswa yang memilih matematika sebagai pilihan pertama atau kedua.

Dilek Konuk Şener ◽  
Dilek Akkuş ◽  
Aysel Karaca ◽  
Şengül Cangür

2021 ◽  
Waleed Ahmed Shahzad

The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether anxiety and depression have a negative effect on academic performance. This small-scale study assessed the relationship between these factors. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was carried out. A randomized sample of 52 high school students based in various schools across Lahore participated in the survey. Of the participants, 32 were males and 20 were females. As a measure of anxiety and depression 14 questions from the DASS-21 were utilized (The 7 questions pertaining to the measure of stress were not included in this study). Based on the DASS-21 score obtained by the respondents they were classified under categories of normal, mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe levels of anxiety and depression. As a measure of academic performance, the Grade Point Average (GPA) of the students was obtained via the survey. The mean average GPA was calculated for all the students falling under the aforementioned categories pertaining to anxiety and depression separately and these averages were compared. It was found that the mean average GPA was highest in students falling under the categories of normal and mild levels of anxiety and depression. Whereas, mean average GPA was lower in students suffering from severe levels of anxiety and depression. These findings suggest the need to come up with methods to combat anxiety and depression in high school students as these factors impede academic performance.

2015 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 150-157 ◽  
Jeong Sil Choi ◽  
Jun Young Ha ◽  
Jun Soo Lee ◽  
Yeon Tack Lee ◽  
Se Ung Jeong ◽  

2021 ◽  
Liviu Ciucan-Rusu

As a dynamic transformation of the economy, companies put pressure on universities and other educational suppliers to deliver the labor force with new knowledge and skills required, to ensure their innovation and competitiveness. Because of these dynamics, students are also under pressure when they must decide about future jobs. There is also confusion in the mind of young adult that needs to bear the influence of public media, social media, online communities about the personal development in regional, national, or global environment. In this case, universities and high schools have to inform about trends and perspectives of future career and support students in their choice but they lack of communication capabilities or marketing aspects are overestimated. Our study is based on an online survey with more than 500 participants from Mures county high schools during the 2018-2019 academic year. Most of the student wants to continue their study at university 83,2 %. As a preferential channel of information about university programs students voted as very useful, university websites and meetings with representatives of faculties. The main fields students interested in are: business, engineering, informatics, medicine, public administration and law. Around 13.4% of the high school students intend to continue their study abroad. Almost half of the respondents have clear idea of study program to be chosen. Regarding the influence factors of their choice, family and acquaintances who are already university students have the higher impact rather than colleagues, friends and professors. When referring to criteria for choosing the future university, they favor the number of tax-free places and international mobility. Generally, we can say that students consider university the most important next step in their future career and they proof themselves rather independent to decide about this step. Our study also emphasizes significant levels of indecision and we will deepen our further research for better understanding of the phenomenon.

2012 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Inova Putri Carera ◽  
I Wayan Dasna

This study was aimed to develop teaching materials about chemical reaction rate which covered materials adapted to A-Level High School students of grade XI in Pioneer International Standard High School (RSMA-BI). The developmental research was adopting the instructional development model 4D which include four stages of development, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. Instructional materials were written in English consist of seven topics titled: Reaction Rate Concept, The Exchange's Expressions, Rate Law and Reaction Order, Experimental Determination of a Rate Law, Reaction Mechanism, Theories of Reaction Rate, Factors Affecting Reaction Rate. Results of content validation from content experts obtained the average score of 3. 56 of 14 range of scores which means valid / good / decent. Test limited to high school students of RSBI obtained an average score of 3.35 (valid / good / decent). The results of the use of teaching materials obtained a score of 77.8 which is above the minimal passing grade (75). Therefore it can be concluded that the materials were feasible to be used in the classroom.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar laju reaksi dengan cakupan materi yang disesuaikan dengan A-Level untuk siswa kelas XI Rintisan Sekolah Menengah Atas Bertaraf Internasional (RSMA-BI. Rancangan penelitian pengembangan mengadaptasi model pengembangan bahan ajar Model 4D yang meliputi empat tahap pengembangan, yaitu define, design, develop dan disseminate. Produk pengembangan adalah bahan ajar kimia RSMA-BI kelas XI materi laju reaksi yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan pendekatan kontekstual. Bahan ajar terdiri atas empat bagian utama yaitu pendahuluan, materi, evaluasi dan penutup. Materi tersusun atas tujuh sub materi yaitu Reaction Rate Concept, The Rates Expressions, Rate Law and Reaction Order, Experimental Determination of a Rate Law, Reaction Mechanism, Theories of Reaction Rate, Factors Affecting Reaction Rate. Hasil validasi isi dari ahli materi diperoleh nilai rata-rata 3,56 dari rentang skor 1-4 dengan kriteria valid/baik/layak. Hasil uji terbatas pada siswa SMA RSBI diperoleh nilai rata-rata 3,35 dari rentang skor 1-4 dengan kriteria valid/baik/layak. Hasil uji penggunaan bahan ajar diperoleh skor sebesar 77,8. Skor ini diatas SKM (Skor Kelulusan Minimal) yaitu 75 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar telah layak dan dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran di kelas.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.13) ◽  
pp. 447
Raheni Suhita ◽  
Herman J. Waluyo ◽  
Budhi Setiawan

This study aimed to determine the factors affecting writing skill quality and the level of their contribution to help language teachers to formulate more effective strategies using CAT to enhance writing skill. The correlating factors discussed in this research were students’ reading comprehension skill, vocabulary mastery, and attitude toward language.  The study applied quantitative approach with simple and multiple correlation and regression techniques. The samples of the study were 100 students taken using stratified random sampling technique from a population of 2000 junior high school students in Surakarta City. The data were collected using multiple choice test for students’ reading comprehension skills and vocabulary mastery, writing assignments, and questionnaires for their attitudes toward the Indonesian language. The findings showed that there are positive correlations between the independent variables, either individually or simultaneously, with writing skill. The individual contribution levels is 44.75% of reading comprehension skill, 27.70% of vocabulary mastery, and 28.5% of attitude toward language. As for the simultaneous correlation of the three determining factors make up to 45.16%. contribution level to writing skill quality. Thus it can be concluded that reading comprehension has the most contribution to writing skill compared to vocabulary mastery and attitude toward language. The identified levels of contribution can be taken into consideration in formulating teaching strategies and materials to enhance writing skill quality.  

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