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Atiqah Nurul Asri ◽  
Aly Imron ◽  
Satrio Binusa Suryadi

The proper teaching materials determine successful teaching-learning. Teaching materials are required to adapt to the current situation of the institution, curriculum, and learners. The new curriculum adopted by the Electrical Engineering Study Program required the updated version since English courses had been replaced by the first and last semester of both the D3 and D4 programs. Developing the new teaching materials for the study program aimed to provide relevant issues and teaching strategies that could boost students' motivation in the classroom. Thus, the developed teaching materials were to propose the teaching and learning that fit the learner's needs. The research objective was to develop new teaching modules for the Electrical Engineering Study Program that were much more interactive, effective, and efficient for the learners to study English within the Electrical Engineering context. This research applied Research and Development (R&D) model adopted from Borg and Gall comprising six stages, namely: (1) needs analysis, (2) designing the product, (3) proposing the product, (4) evaluating the product, (5) testing and (6) disseminating the product. As a result, the new teaching module was redesigned to provide English teaching and learning effectively and efficiently that could be easily understood and helpful for the student to achieve the learning outcomes as expected.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 521
Samsudin Samsudin ◽  
Indrawan Indrawan ◽  
Sri Mulyati

This study aims to present web-based algorithm and programming materials in order to increase interest and motivation in studying in the informatics engineering study program, this learning system is made so that all who want to learn algorithms and programming easily get solutions from the material and videos that are available on the web page. And the existence of this web-based learning information system can provide material archive storage and exercises so that there is no more loss of material or exercise files. This application is created using the PHP and MySQL programming languages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-203
Indran Gunawa ◽  
Nurhidayati Nurhidayati ◽  
Lalu Kerta Wijaya ◽  
Farid Wajdi ◽  

The Merdeka Campus Competition Program, held by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, is a financing program that aims to facilitate, encourage, and accelerate the transformation of higher education institutions. Informatics Engineering Study Program, Hamzanwadi University, as one of the universities that received the grant, developed an Internet of Things-based application to monitor the progress of Covid-19 patients who are self-isolating called SMART e-MONITORING. Therefore, this activity aims to socialize the Smart e-Monitoring application at STIPARK NTB as partners. This activity was held over four months. It’s were starting from product presentations to system testing and product launching. The activity results show that the developed application can run well and display the patient's condition in real-time. The recorded data include body temperature data, oxygen levels (SPO2), and heart rate (BPM). This data is used to facilitate the handling of self-isolated patients in real-time and without direct contact with Covid-19 patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Caca E Supriana

Abstrak: Program Studi Teknik Informatika sebagai sebuah organisasi bergantung pada pengambil keputusan untuk mendukung visi dan misi organisasi berdasarkan masukan dari beberapa domain pengetahuan. Kompleksitas domain pengetahuan yang mendasari pengambilan keputusan semakin meningkat dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komputer serta persaingan dengan organisasi lain. Knowledge Sharing Systems (KSS) dirancang untuk membantu pengguna berbagi pengetahuan. Perancangan proses yang saling terkait untuk mengelola informasi menjadi pengetahuan dan menyebarkannya kepada pemangku kepentingan di Program Studi. Informasi yang dikelola bersumber dari data dalam sistem informasi yang harus disimpan dan dikelola dengan efektif dan efisien. Pemanfaatan basis data sebagai kelanjutan perancangan sistem informasi untuk mendukung penyebaran atau pembagian pengetahuan akan mendukung kebutuhan tersebut, perancangan ini disebut Knowledge Sharing Systems Database (KSSDB). Penelitian ini akan menganalisis bagaimana pengetahuan diambil, disimpan serta dibagi kepada setiap pemangku kepentingan sebagai aset berharga di lingkungan program studi, sebagai acuan pengambilan keputusan serta pendukung pencapaian misi dan misi program studi dengan dukungan perancangan basis data. Hasil penelitian ini adalah perancangan model KSSDB, dengan menggunakan metode siklus hidup basis data yang dimulai dari analisis sistem informasi, perancangan model basis data sampai dengan pembangunan basis data fisik untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dengan studi kasus Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Pasundan. KSSDB akan membantu pengelolaan data untuk mendukung penyebaran pengetahuan, baik dalam Program Studi atau antar Program Studi di Fakultas Teknik dalam mendukung pelaksanaan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi dan meningkatkan kualitas pengetahuan berbagai pihak yang terlibat.   Kata kunci: Knowledge Sharing Systems Database, manajemen pengetahuan, Prodi Teknik Informatika   Abstract: The Informatics Engineering Study Program as an organization relies on decision makers to support the organization's vision and mission based on input from several knowledge domains. The complexity of the knowledge domain that underlies decision making is increasing with the development of information and computer technology and competition with other organizations. Knowledge Sharing Systems (KSS) are designed to help users share knowledge. Design of interrelated processes to manage information into knowledge and disseminate it to stakeholders in the Study Program. The managed information from data in the information system which must be stored and managed effectively and efficiently. Utilization of databases as a continuation of the design of information systems to sharing of knowledge will support these needs, this design is Knowledge Sharing Systems Database (KSSDB). This study will analyze how knowledge is taken, stored and shared with each stakeholder as a valuable asset in the study program environment, as a reference for decision making and supporting the achievement of the study program's mission and mission with the support of database design. The result of this research is the design of the KSSDB model, using the database life cycle method starting from information system analysis, database model design to the construction of a physical database to increase knowledge with a case study of the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Pasundan University. KSSDB will assist data management to support the dissemination of knowledge, both within Study Programs or between Study Programs at the Faculty of Engineering in supporting the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and improving the quality of knowledge of the various parties involved.   Keywords: knowledge management, Knowledge Sharing Systems Database, Informatics Engineering Study Program

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-231
Thomas Sukardi ◽  
Bayu Rahmat Setiadi ◽  
Afri Yudantoko

The study was aimed at investigating the advantages of the habituation of running maintenance and supervision over the practice learning process and the learning achievement of the students of Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. It was participatory classroom action research. The subjects were 80 third-semester students grouped into the group C class. The data on the habituation of running maintenance were collected using a questionnaire; those on the students’ learning achievement were collected through documentation and analyzed using a descriptive technique; those on the supervision intensity and machine feasibility were gathered through observations and analyzed using the descriptive qualitative technique. The findings showed that: 1.) The implementation of running maintenance used the systems of coaching, mentoring, and supervision with an optimal intensity of lecturers in teaching-learning machining practices; 2.) The habituation of running maintenance was done through standard procedures, and the implemented action took three cycles; 3.) The achievement of the habituation of running maintenance on students during the implementation of teaching-learning practices was characterized by the rapid job sheet completion that must be taken in one semester; and 4.) With the habituation of running maintenance, the feasibility of the existing machines in the workshop could be maintained.

Nixon JP Teis ◽  
Christo J Els

The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) affirms that the transformation and advancement of all industries and society are progressively driven by emergent and rapidly changing technologies. In order to help establish a technologically literate society, it is crucial for lecturers in Technical Engineering to stay abreast of the latest trends and technological advancements in their area of specialisation. This article reports on the findings of a sub-section of a nationwide survey that collected data from lecturers in Technical Engineering at 52 TVET college campuses across South Africa (n = 577) that offer TVET Engineering Study programmes. The purpose of the survey was to profile TVET Engineering Study lecturers’ knowledge and pedagogical practices in engineering programmes across South Africa. The sub-section of the survey specifically probed the participants’ awareness and understanding of discipline-specific technological advancements and digital educational enterprises, and also the potential impact of these on teaching technical subjects. The findings show that 52,3% (n = 302) of the participating lecturers in Technical Engineering are unaware of any technological advancements in their area of specialisation and that they do not know what the potential impact of this might be on future technical training. When Engeström’s Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT model) is applied to the activity systems that are involved, the underlying tension between these systems is revealed. This article examines the possible implications of these findings for the renewal of the Technical Engineering curriculum, considering that these lecturers demonstrate limited awareness of the technological advancements needed to participate effectively in the 4IR era.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1
Meirista Wulandari ◽  
Suraidi Suraidi

Electrical engineering perception especially in electronics, is limited for teachers and high school students. The application of electronics makes the system more applicative by sharing knowledge among the Untar electrical engineering study program lecturer and high school students or teachers. Hygienics, such as hand sanitizers are important, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Automatic hand sanitizer is a means of supporting applications that can support protocols for maintaining hygienics. The method of this activity is to conduct electronics training. The activity took place and was carried out at Tarsisius II High School, Jakarta via online, zoom. The teaching staff for electronic training are lecturers of Electrical Engineering, Tarumanagara University. The material is about making an automatic hand sanitizer in few steps. Outcomes are produced with finished products for high school students and seminars for lecturers who support this activity. Training using ready-made modules. The training starts from an explanation of the system, an explanation of the modules used, the characteristics of each module, how to connect, the stages of manufacture, and the final stage is system testing. The training was attended by students of SMA Tarsisius 2. The training was conducted online. The participating students were able to take part in the training well and the implementation of this activity went well that is indicated by the survey of beneficial 56%. Wawasan mengenai teknik elektro terutama dalam bidang elektronika sangatlah terbatas termasuk juga bagi para guru dan siswa sekolah tingkat SMA. Penerapan ilmu elektronika yang membuat sistem menjadi lebih aplikatif dapat dilakukan dengan berbagi ilmu dari dosen program studi teknik elektro Untar dengan sekolah SMA. Kebutuhan kebersihan seperti hand sanitizer menjadi penting terutama dalam masa pandemi Covid 19 sekarang ini. Hand sanitizer otomatis menjadi sarana penunjang aplikasi yang dapat mendukung protokol menjaga kebersihan. Metode kegiatan ini dengan melakukan pelatihan elektronika. Kegiatan berlangsung dan dilaksanakan di SMA Tarsisius II, Jakarta via zoom online. Tenaga pengajar pelatihan elekltronika adalah dosen Teknik Elektro Universitas Tarumanagara. Materi yang diajarkan adalah cara membuat hand sanitizer otomatis secara bertahap. Luaran yang dihasilkan dengan produk jadi bagi siswa SMA dan seminar bagi dosen pengampu kegiatan ini. Pelatihan menggunakan modul – modul yang sudah jadi. Pelatihan dimulai dari penjelasan sistem, penjelasan modul yang digunakan, karakteristik tiap modul, cara koneksi, tahapan pembuatan, dan tahap akhir yaitu uji coba sistem. Pelatihan diikuti oleh siswa SMA Tarsisius 2. Pelatihan dilakukan secara daring. Siswa peserta dapat mengikuti pelatihan dengan baik dan pelaksanaan pelatihan ini berjalan dengan baik ditunjukkan berdasarkan hasil survei manfaat 56%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 86 ◽  
pp. 103215
Masayuki Kikumoto ◽  
Yuichi Kurita ◽  
Shigekazu Ishihara

И.А. Хомяков

Сбор метрик программного обеспечения является фундаментальной деятельностью, которая необходима для проведния практически любого эмпирического исследования в области программной инженерии. Однако, даже при наличии широкого спектра инструментов, сбор таких фундаментальных данных по-прежнему занимает много времени. Более того, каждый исследователь собирает практически одни и те же данные (например, метрики CK, цикломатическая сложность МакКейба и т.д.) из практически одних и тех же проектов (например, из известных проектов с открытым исходным кодом). Объем такой дублирующей работы, выполняемой в сообществе, уменьшает усилия, которые исследователи могут потратить на наиболее ценную часть своих исследований, такую как разработка новых теорий и моделей и их эмпирическая оценка. В данной работе предлагается новый подход для сбора и обмена данными метрик программного обеспечения, позволяющий сотрудничать исследователям и сократить количество напрасных усилий в сообществе разработчиков программного обеспечения. Мы стремимся достичь этой цели, предлагая Формат обмена программными метриками (SMEF)и REST API для сбора, хранения и обмена данными метрик программного обеспечения. In almost every empirical software engineering study, software metrics collection is a fundamental activity. Although many tools exist to collect this data, it still takes a considerable amount of time. In addition, almost all researchers collect essentially the same data (e.g., CK metrics, McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity, etc.) from essentially the same sources (e.g., well-known open-source projects).Having so much duplication of work done within a community reduces the amount of time that researchers can spend developing new ideas and evaluating them empirically, which is the most valuable part of their research. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for getting and sharing software metrics data that will allow them to collaborate and reduce the amount of wasted effort. SMEF, a file format for exchanging software metrics information, and a REST API, targeted at this objective, are proposed in this paper.

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