scholarly journals Biological Functions of Rat Ultrasonic Vocalizations, Arousal Mechanisms, and Call Initiation

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 605
Stefan M. Brudzynski

This review summarizes all reported and suspected functions of ultrasonic vocalizations in infant and adult rats. The review leads to the conclusion that all types of ultrasonic vocalizations subserving all functions are vocal expressions of emotional arousal initiated by the activity of the reticular core of the brainstem. The emotional arousal is dichotomic in nature and is initiated by two opposite-in-function ascending reticular systems that are separate from the cognitive reticular activating system. The mesolimbic cholinergic system initiates the aversive state of anxiety with concomitant emission of 22 kHz calls, while the mesolimbic dopaminergic system initiates the appetitive state of hedonia with concomitant emission of 50 kHz vocalizations. These two mutually exclusive arousal systems prepare the animal for two different behavioral outcomes. The transition from broadband infant isolation calls to the well-structured adult types of vocalizations is explained, and the social importance of adult rat vocal communication is emphasized. The association of 22 kHz and 50 kHz vocalizations with aversive and appetitive states, respectively, was utilized in numerous quantitatively measured preclinical models of physiological, psychological, neurological, neuropsychiatric, and neurodevelopmental investigations. The present review should help in understanding and the interpretation of these models in biomedical research.

2018 ◽  
Camila Demaestri ◽  
Heather C. Brenhouse ◽  
Jennifer A. Honeycutt

AbstractThe communicative role of ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) in rodents is well established, with distinct USVs indicative of different affective states. USVs in the 22kHz range are typically emitted by adult rats when in anxiety-or fear-provoking situations (e.g. predator odor, social defeat), while 55kHz range USVs are emitted in appetitive situations (e.g., play, anticipation of reward). Previous work indicates that USVs (real-time and playback) can effectively communicate these affective states and influence changes in behavior and neural activity of the receiver. Changes in cFos activation following 22kHz USVs have been seen in cortical and limbic regions involved in anxiety, including the basolateral amygdala (BLA). However, it is unknown how USV playback influences cFos activity within the basal nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), a region also thought to be critical in processing anxiety-related information. The present work sought to characterize distinct behavioral, physiological, and neural responses in rats presented with aversive (22kHz) compared to appetitive (55kHz) USVs or silence. Our findings show that rats exposed to 22kHz USVs: 1) engage in anxiety-like behaviors in the open field and elevated zero maze, and 2) show distinct patterns of cFos activation within the BLA and BNST that contrast those seen in 55kHz playback. Specifically, 22kHz USVs increased cFos density in the anterodorsal nuclei, while 55kHz playback increased cFos in the oval nucleus of the BNST. These results provide important groundwork for leveraging ethologically-relevant stimuli in the rat to improve our understanding of anxiety-related responses in both typical and pathological populations.

2021 ◽  
George P. Fletcher

This engaging and accessible book focuses on high-profile criminal trials and examines the strategy of the lawyers, the reasons for conviction or acquittal, as well as the social importance of these famous cases.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mauro Vivaldini

PurposeConsidering the importance of a safe food chain for consumers and the advent of blockchain technology (BT), this research studies a food service (FS) distributor. The research aims to understand the implications related to the functional processes of distribution in FS in which it would be possible to use blockchain to achieve agility, transparency of information and improvements in food safety.Design/methodology/approachFirstly, theory regarding blockchain technology in the supply chain (BT-SC) and FS was analyzed to contextualize the theme conceptually. A single case study including 11 supply chain companies was applied in a BT implementation study in an FS distributor.FindingsInvestment in infrastructure is often identified as a barrier to adoption of BT-SC. This was, however, not found in this case. Furthermore, the validation of users was only necessary for those parties directly participating in the process or information input. Finally, findings differentiate between qualifying criteria and operational processes when considering BT projects in FS.Research limitations/implicationsThe findings are restricted to this single case that provided an in-depth understanding of the topic. Statistical generalization is not possible at this stage of the research.Practical implicationsThe study is a practical example and can provide several insights to anyone looking to implement BT in their SC.Social implicationsThe social importance of the study lies in the importance of FS in the food sector, and by presenting ways that contribute to mitigating risks to consumers.Originality/valueReal-life cases of application of BT-SC illustrate its functionalities in operational processes.

1963 ◽  
Vol 118 (4) ◽  
pp. 635-648 ◽  
Peter Stastny ◽  
Vernie A. Stembridge ◽  
Morris Ziff

The cutaneous lesions of adult rats with homologous disease are described, and evidence is presented to indicate that they have an immunologic basis. The skin changes included erythema, purpura, edema, and a variety of inflammatory lesions. In the more active lesions, dermal infiltration, hydropic degeneration, acanthosis, and atrophy of the epidermis with hyperkeratosis and follicular plugging were present. In some cases, ulceration and sloughing were also observed. More chronic lesions were characterized by atrophy of the epidermis and collagenization of the dermis with disappearance of the skin appendages. Rejection of autografts was observed simultaneously with acceptance of homografts. The histologic appearance of autografts undergoing rejection was similar to that of the spontaneous skin lesions, suggesting that the latter, too, had an immunologic basis. In favor of this, also, was the specificity of the dermatitis for the skin of the host, with sparing of neighboring homograft tissue. There was a histologic similarity between the spontaneous skin lesions of homologous disease and those of lupus erythematosus on the one hand, and scleroderma on the other, thus supporting the possibility that the cutaneous lesions of these connective tissue diseases of man may also have an immunologic basis. It was concluded that the adult rat with homologous disease may furnish a model for human autoimmune disease.

1989 ◽  
Vol 257 (5) ◽  
pp. C948-C956 ◽  
C. M. Hohl ◽  
S. Wetzel ◽  
R. H. Fertel ◽  
D. K. Wimsatt ◽  
G. P. Brierley ◽  

Ventricular myocytes isolated from the hypertrophied hearts of thyrotoxic adult rats have an increase in mean protein content per myocyte (6.3 +/- 0.2 vs. 4.4 +/- 0.2 ng) compared with euthyroid cells. Viability and adenine nucleotide profiles are similar in both populations, but NAD content of the hyperthyroid myocytes is depressed (4.9 +/- 0.2 vs. 5.5 +/- 0.2 nmol/mg for controls) and UTP is higher (1.2 +/- 0.09 vs. 0.9 +/- 0.04 nmol/mg). Binding of (-)-[125I]iodocyanopindolol to intact hyperthyroid myocytes is increased by 42% compared with controls, with no change in the dissociation constant (Kd). This elevation in beta-receptor number is correlated to enhanced beta-agonist-induced adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) production. The half-maximal effective concentration (EC50) for the euthyroid isoproterenol dose-response curve is 2.14 x 10(-7) M but is decreased to 2.51 x 10(-8) M in hyperthyroid cardiac cells. Basal adenylate cyclase activity is apparently not affected by thyroid hormones, since basal cAMP levels for both groups are identical (5 pmol/mg) and both rise roughly twofold in the presence of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Forskolin-induced cAMP production and cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase activity are similar as well. In contrast to beta-adrenergic response, there are no significant differences in alpha 1-antagonist [3H]prazosin binding parameters between hyperthyroid and euthyroid cardiomyocytes.

1986 ◽  
Vol 237 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-51 ◽  
M C McKenna ◽  
L I Bezold ◽  
S J Kimatian ◽  
J T Tildon

The rate of conversion of [1,3-14C]glycerol into 14CO2 was measured in the presence and absence of unlabelled alternative substrates in whole homogenates from the brains of young (4-6 and 18-20 days old) and adult rats. Unlabelled glucose decreased 14CO2 production from [1,3-14C]glycerol by about 40% at all ages studied. Unlabelled 3-hydroxybutyrate significantly decreased the 14CO2 production from both low (0.2 mM) and high (2.0 mM) concentrations of glycerol in 4-6- and 18-20-day-old rat pups. However, the addition of 3-hydroxybutyrate had no effect on the rate of 14CO2 production from 2.0 mM-glycerol in adult rats, suggesting that the interaction of 3-hydroxybutyrate with glycerol in adult rat brain is complex and may be related to the biphasic kinetics previously reported for glycerol oxidation. Unlabelled glutamine decreased the production of 14CO2 by brain homogenates from 18-20-day-old and adult rats, but not in 4-6-day-old rat pups. In the converse situation, the addition of unlabelled glycerol to whole brain homogenates had little effect on the rate of 14CO2 production from [6-14C]glucose, 3-hydroxy[3-14C]butyrate and [U-14C]glutamine, although some significant differences were noted. Collectively these results suggest that glycerol and these other substrates may be metabolized in separate subcellular compartments in brain such that the products of glucose, 3-hydroxybutyrate and glutamine metabolism can dilute the oxidation of glycerol, but the converse cannot occur. The data also demonstrate that there are complex age-related changes in the interaction of glycerol with 3-hydroxybutyrate and glutamine. The fact that glycerol oxidation was only partially suppressed by the addition of 1-5 mM-glucose, -3-hydroxybutyrate or -glutamine could also suggest that glycerol may be selectively utilized as an energy substrate in some discrete brain region.

1985 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
C. L. Au ◽  
D. M. Robertson ◽  
D. M. de Kretser

ABSTRACT The hormonal control of inhibin production by adult rat testes was investigated using an in-vitro inhibin bioassay validated for the measurement of inhibin activity in charcoal-treated rat testicular extracts. The effect of hypophysectomy examined at 16 h, 3, 7 and 42 days after surgery showed a decrease in testicular inhibin content and seminiferous tubule fluid production by 7 days and a decrease in inhibin production by 42 days. Serum FSH and LH were suppressed 3 days after surgery. In 30-day chronically hypophysectomized adult rats treated for 3 days with twice daily s.c. injections of (a) human FSH (hFSH, 22 i.u./rat per day), (b) testosterone (5 mg/rat per day), (c) hFSH + testosterone (same doses as a and b), or (d) human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG, 12 i.u./rat per day), hFSH or hFSH and testosterone stimulated an increase in testicular inhibin content but not in inhibin production or tubule fluid production. Testosterone and hCG had no effect on these parameters. It is concluded that in vivo, FSH alone stimulates an increase in testicular inhibin content. The failure to observe an increase in inhibin production in vivo is attributed to the suppression of seminiferous tubule fluid production under the same experimental conditions. J. Endocr. (1985) 105, 1–6

2002 ◽  
Vol 87 (5) ◽  
pp. 2624-2628 ◽  
Zoltan Nusser ◽  
Istvan Mody

In some nerve cells, activation of GABAA receptors by GABA results in phasic and tonic conductances. Transient activation of synaptic receptors generates phasic inhibition, whereas tonic inhibition originates from GABA acting on extrasynaptic receptors, like in cerebellar granule cells, where it is thought to result from the activation of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors with a specific subunit composition (α6βxδ). Here we show that in adult rat hippocampal slices, extracellular GABA levels are sufficiently high to generate a powerful tonic inhibition in δ subunit–expressing dentate gyrus granule cells. In these cells, the mean tonic current is approximately four times larger than that produced by spontaneous synaptic currents occurring at a frequency of ∼10 Hz. Antagonizing the GABA transporter GAT-1 with NO-711 (2.5 μM) selectively enhanced tonic inhibition by 330% without affecting the phasic component. In contrast, by prolonging the decay of inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs), the benzodiazepine agonist zolpidem (0.5 μM) augmented phasic inhibition by 66%, while leaving the mean tonic conductance unchanged. These results demonstrate that a tonic GABAA receptor–mediated conductance can be recorded from dentate gyrus granule cells of adult rats in in vitro slice preparations. Furthermore, we have identified distinct pharmacological tools to selectively modify tonic and phasic inhibitions, allowing future studies to investigate their specific roles in neuronal function.

2021 ◽  
Matthew S Binder ◽  
Zachary P Pranske ◽  
Joaquin N Lugo

Vocal communication is an essential behavior in mammals and is relevant to human neurodevelopmental conditions. Mice produce communicative vocalizations, known as ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs), that can be recorded with various programs. The Mouse Song Analyzer is an automated analysis system, while DeepSqueak is a semi-automated system. We used data from C57BL/6J, FVB.129, and FVB mice to compare whether the DeepSqueak and Mouse Song Analyzer systems measure a similar total number, duration, and fundamental frequency of USVs. We found that the two systems detected a similar quantity of USVs for FVB.129 mice (r= .90, p< .001), but displayed lower correlations for C57BL/6J (r= .76, p< .001) and FVB mice (r= .60, p< .001). We also found that DeepSqueak detected significantly more USVs for C57BL/6J mice than the Mouse Song Analyzer. The two systems detected a similar duration of USVs for C57BL/6J (r= .82, p< .001), but lower correlations for FVB.129 (r= .13, p< .001) and FVB mice (r= .51, p< .01) were found, with DeepSqueak detecting significantly more USVs per each strain. We found lower than acceptable correlations for fundamental frequency in C57BL/6J (r= .54, p< .01), FVB.129 (r= .76, p< .001), and FVB mice (r= .07, p= .76), with the Mouse Song Analyzer detecting a significantly higher fundamental frequency for FVB.129 mice. These findings demonstrate that the strain of mouse used significantly affects the number, duration, and fundamental frequency of USVs that are detected between programs. Overall, we found that DeepSqueak is more accurate than the Mouse Song Analyzer.

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