scholarly journals Cyanobacterial Diversity of the Northern Polar Ural Mountains

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 607
Denis Davydov

This study provides new results from an inventory of cyanobacterial species from the Northern Polar Ural Mountains. The article also compiles all existing published data on the cyanobacterial diversity of the region. This ecoregion is located in a unique geographical position in the transition between the sub-Arctic and low Arctic zones and heterogeneous natural conditions. Likely, the unexplored biodiversity of this area’s terrestrial cyanobacteria is high. In total, 52 localities were studied, with 232 samples collected. Cyanobacterial samples were studied under a light microscope. Species were identified based on morphological characteristics only. A total of 93 species of cyanobacteria were identified in different habitats; 70 species were found on wet rocks, 35 on the shores of water bodies, 27 in slow streams, and 21 on waterfalls. In total, 37 species are reported as part of the Ural flora for the first time, while three species (Chroococcus ercegovicii, Gloeocapsopsis cyanea, Gloeothece tepidariorum) were detected in Russian territory for the first time. The composition of the cyanobacterial flora of the Polar Urals was compared with the flora of the nearby Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. According to the Sorensen similarity index, the Polar Urals’ flora is more like the flora of Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

2019 ◽  
Vol 489 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-56
N. S. Inkina

The article for the first time presents data on the material composition and structure of the Sezym Formation of the Lower Permian of the Western slope of the Polar Urals, which lies with stratigraphic disagreement on shallow medium-Carboniferous limestone and according to the overlapping deep-sea Artinian terrigenous deposits. New data are important for paleogeography and geodynamic reconstruction of the North-East of the European platform in the late Paleozoic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 485 (4) ◽  
pp. 488-492
N. S. Ulyasheva ◽  
Yu. I. Pystina ◽  
A. M. Pystin ◽  
O. V. Grakova ◽  
V. B. Hubanov

The first results of U-Pb LA-SF-ICP-MS-dating of detrital zircons from terrigenous deposits of the Miniseishor suite of the Nyarovei series of the Harbei anticlinorium of the Polar Urals are presented. The series has a presumably Middle Riphean age and lies at the base of the section of the Polar Ural Upper Precambrian. The data obtained give grounds to limit the lower age interval for the formation of sediments of the Minisejshor suite abroad 660 million years ago. Allotment the Nyarovei series as a Middle Riphean straton is erroneous. Formation of the whole cut the Nyarovei series occurred in a relatively narrow age range at the end of the late Riphean. The dominant role in the formation of deposits of the entire series belonged to the products of erosion close arrays of deeply metamorphosed rocks.

Alla Constantinovna Vasil'chuk ◽  
Yurij Kirillovich Vasil'chuk

The subject of this article is the pollen spectra of the samples from the surface of Romantic's Glacier, located in the Polar Urals in the Rai-Iz mountain range, as well as generalization of the results of published studies dedicated to glaciers of the Urals. The author also examines the pollen spectra of massive ice, which can be attributed to ice of atmospheric origin on the basis of similarity with the pollen spectra obtained from the surface of the glacier. The article reviews climatic peculiarities of the Polar Urals due to the existence of glaciers below the snow line, namely the landscapes of the Polar Urals, including vegetation as a source of pollen and spores falling onto the surface of glaciers of the Polar Urals, as well as possibility of distant pollen drift to the surface of Romantic’s Glacier. The main result consists in the conclusion that the composition pollen spectra of the Romantic’s Glacier in the Rai-Iz mountainous area is mainly determined by the long-range transport of pollen and spores from the western and south-western regions in a latitude direction. The pollen spectra obtained from the surface of the Romantic’s Glacier are characterized by significant presence of various pollen from broad-leaved rocks of lip, maple, oak, and hazel. Pine pollen and high forest birch are prevalent. Local vegetation is very poor. However, the pollen spectra indicates pollen of heath and crowfoot family, and grasses.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-122
Rima Briškaitė ◽  
Elena Patova ◽  
Sigitas Juzėnas

Abstract Fourteen thermokarst lakes and one mountain lake were explored in the study period. A total of 116 species of desmids belonging to 22 genera were identified. The genera Cosmarium (29), Staurastrum (18) and Closterium (13) were most abundant. The highest number of species (88) was recorded in the habitats with Sphagnum and brown mosses. Twenty-seven species and one variety of desmids were observed for the first time in the Polar Ural Mountains.

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (10) ◽  
pp. 1079-1090
T. N. Kovalskaya ◽  
D. A. Varlamov ◽  
A. R. Kotelnikov ◽  
N. V. Chukanov ◽  
G. M. Kalinin

In order to reconstruct the crystallization conditions of the gallium epidote analogue Ca2Al2Ga(Si3O12)(OH) from the Tykotlova gold-sulphide ore occurrence in the Polar Urals, for the first time, a series of epidote-gallium epidote solid solutions were synthesized. The parameters of the unit cell were calculated for these phases, and IR and Raman spectra were obtained. It was concluded that gallium is predominantly in position M3, which allows us to consider the gallium epidote as an independent mineral specie. Stable Ga-containing aluminosilicate and silicate phases in the Ca-Ga-Al-Fe-Si-O system were obtained as by-products of the synthesis (analogs of the grossular-andradite garnet and calcium feldspar).

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-58
Andrey V. Zhuravlev ◽  
Dmitriy B. Sobolev

Abstract Early Carboniferous (late Tournaisian) conodonts, recovered from siliceous shales and silicites of the Nyan- Vorga Formation within the Lemva tectonic belt of the Polar Urals (Russia), include the biostratigraphically important taxa Siphonodella lanei, Gnathodus typicus, Dollymae hassi, and Scaliognathus anchoralis, marking the following conodont zones of the upper Tournaisian: crenulata, typicus, and anchoralis. Associated species include representatives of genera Siphonodella, Polygnathus, Pseudopolygnathus, Dollymae, Gnathodus, Kladognathus, and Idioprioniodus. These conodont faunas provide the first biostratigraphically constrained correlations between bathyal deposits of the Lemva Allochthone in the Polar Urals and the “standard” conodont zonation. Ostracodes found in the silicite of the typicus Zone are represented by Sagittibythere ? sp. and Tricornina (Bohemia) sp. The ostracodes are reported from the bathyal deposits of Urals for a first time. The traces of the global Mid-Aikuanian Event are recognized in the upper part of the Tournaisian bathyal succession. This event led to turnover in conodont associations and is followed by increasing in conodont diversity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-288 ◽  
О. V. Udoratina ◽  
М. A. Coble ◽  
A. S. Shuyskiy ◽  
V. A. Kapitanova

The rocks of the Sobsky complex, composing the bulk of the Sobsky batholith in the Polar Urals, contain mafic inclusions. The geological, petrographic and petro‐geochemical data show that the mafic inclusions of the Sobsky rocks belong to igneous formations, which are similar in their characteristics to autoliths. According to all the characteristics, these are the structures non‐contrasting to host rocks and having different structural‐textural features, a more basic composition of minerals and a more basic composition of rocks. The contact with the rocks of the complex is sharp and clear. The rocks of the complex in contact with autoliths are medium‐grained massive diorite rocks, quartz diorites, tonalites, mafic inclusions rocks – fine‐grained gabbros, gabbro‐diorites, and diorites. Isotopicgeochemical (U‐Pb, SIMS) data on zircons from the mafic inclusions suggest that their age is close, within the error limits, to the age of zircons from the enclosing Sobsky complex rocks.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 66-72
Roman Novitskiy ◽  
Leonid Manilo ◽  
Viktor Gasso ◽  
Nadiia Hubanova

In December 2016, the common perсarina Percarina demidoffii Nordmann, 1840 has been evidentiary detected in the Dniprovske (Zaporizske) reservoir for the first time. Two specimens of percarina were caught in the rowing channel area (the upper part of the reservoir) near the Dnipro city. One individual was caught there in 2017 as well. The paper presents their morphological characteristics, as well as a comparison with specimens from the brackish waters of the Dniester estuary (the Black Sea). The preliminary data allow us to assume that differences in some plastic characters may have adaptive character in relation to the environment. There are no any meristic differences between these fishes. It is noted that the new finding of this fish species in the cascade of Dniprovske reservoirs allows us consider P. demidoffii as not mesohaline but as a freshwater-oligohaline species. The finding of the common percarina in the Dniprovske reservoir confirms a few earlier published data about the advance of this fish upstream of the Dnieper River and extends its current range. The presence of P. demidoffii as a new species for the fish fauna of the Dniprovske reservoir shows a continued active advance of the Ponto-Caspian fish species upstream of the cascade of reservoirs on the Dnieper River.

2013 ◽  
Vol 47 ◽  
pp. 127-134
O. V. Morozova ◽  
E. S. Popov

The paper describes two records of species of the genus Pseudobaeospora Singer emend. Bas. P. pillodii (Quel.) Wasser, collected in 2009 in the Teberda State Nature Reserve, was found before in Altai [reported as P. oligophylla (Singer) Singer, the type species of the genus], as well as in the Polar Urals. P. pyrifera is new to Russia. The descriptions are illustrated by line drawings and colour photographs.

2011 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-73 ◽  
Ya.N. Kovalenko

Acanthocnemus nigricans (Hope, 1843), a single recent representative of the beetle family Acanthocnemidae, is reported from Russia for the first time. Distribution, probable ways of dispersion and the published data on the biology of A. nigricans are discussed.

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