2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-155
Cahyono Cahyono ◽  
Lili Sukarliana ◽  
Dadang Mulyana

One of the learning models in the 2013 curriculum is the inquiry learning model, so researchers are interested in finding out the application of the inquiry learning model in developing students' critical thinking skills in Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) subjects. The aim is to describe the planning, process, student responses, obstacles and efforts of teachers to the application of the inquiry learning model in developing students' critical thinking abilities in Pancasila and Citizenship Education subjects. The theory used by the inquiry learning model according to Komalasari (2017) and critical thinking according to Deswani (in Nana Najmina 2017). Research Method Descriptive study qualitative approach. Data collection techniques include interviews, literature study, and documentation techniques. Respondents of Pancasila and Citizenship Education Teachers and Class XI Students. Sampling was taken by means of Proportionet Stratified Random Sampling and data processing techniques by means of reduction, display, verification, triangulation. The results showed that with the application of the inquiry learning model students could develop critical thinking skills by solving problems. The obstacles faced are generally from the allocation of time, students and the many efforts made by Pancasila and Civics Education teachers. Keywords: Inquary Learning Model, critical thinking, Pancasila and Citizenship Education

Hardianti Nur Fajri ◽  
Agung Purwanto ◽  
Erry Utomo

This study aims to explore information about the implementation of guided inquiry learning models on students' critical thinking skills. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of literature study research. The sampling technique in this study used secondary data sources, using data analysis techniques, namely reduction, exposure, and conclusion. The result of this research is that guided inquiry learning model can improve students' critical thinking skills. Science as a subject that is often associated with current issues is very suitable for fostering critical thinking skills and one of them is to increase student motivation. The inquiry learning model is designed as a contributive learning model for students. Inquiry learning model with stages: (1) planning; (2) preparation; (3) group division; (4) discussion; and (5) exposure, those steps are able to make learning meaningful, motivate students, and students can reconstruct knowledge independently, and foster critical thinking skills. The use of the guided inquiry model also contributes to students' critical thinking skills which consist of inference, interpretation, evaluation, and self-regulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-68
Rita Saekawati ◽  
Harun Nasrudin

This research aims to examine the effectiveness guided inquiry learning model based on blended learning on reaction rate material to improve students' critical thinking skills. The design in this research is the One Group Pretest and Posttest Design. The subjects in this research were students of SMAN 1 Kalitidu Bojonegoro in class XI IPA 1. The method used to collect data was the test, observation, and student response questionnaires. Data analysis used the percentage, mean, N-Gain, and Paired sample t-test. The results showed that the guided inquiry learning model based on blended learning was carried out well with an average percentage of the implementation of phase 1 was 98%, phase 2 was 93.76%, phase 3 was 100%, phase 4 was 93.75%, phase 5 was 100%. The average score of the N-gain critical thinking skills is 0.73 with the high category. There is a significant difference in the results of critical thinking skills between before and after being given a guided inquiry learning model based on blended learning. The results showed the guided inquiry learning model based on blended learning effectively improving students' critical thinking skills. Efektivitas Inkuiri Terbimbing Berbasis Blended Learning dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir KritisPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis blended learning pada materi laju reaksi dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Design pada penelitian ini adalah One Group Pretest and Posttest Design. Sasaran dalam penelitian ini yaitu peserta didik XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Kalitidu Bojonegoro. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa tes, observasi dan angket respon. Analisis data menggunakan teknik persentase, mean, n-gain, dan uji Paired Sample T-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis blended learning terlaksana dengan baik dengan rata-rata persentase keterlaksanaan fase 1 sebesar 98%, fase 2 sebesar 93,76%, fase 3 sebesar 100%, fase 4 sebesar 93,75%, fase 5 sebesar 100%. Nilai rata-rata N-gain kemampuan berpikir kritis adalah sebesar 0,73 dengan kategori tinggi. Terdapat perbedaan hasil keterampilan berpikir kritis yang signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis blended learning. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis blended learning efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-106
Samsul Nurdiansyah ◽  
Rostina Sundayana ◽  
Teni Sritresna

AbstrakKemampuan berpikir kritis matematis dan Habits of Mind merupakan salah satu kemampuan dasar yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa. Fakta menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis dan Habits of Mind siswa masih rendah. Diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis dan Habits of Mind siswa salah satunya menggunakan model Inquiry Learning dan model pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis dan Habits of Mind antara siswa yang mendapatkan model Inquiry Learning dengan Creative Problem Solving. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan populasi seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 11 Garut. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak dua kelas yaitu kelas X-MIPA 5 sebanyak 35 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen I yang mendapat model Inquiry Learning dan kelas  X-MIPA 6 sebanyak 35 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen II yang mendapat model pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa tes uraian dan angket skala Likert. Berdasarkan hasil analisis secara statistik diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis dan Habits of Mind antara siswa yang mendapatkan model Inquiry Learning dengan Creative Problem Solving. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis dan Habits of Mind, model Inquiry Learning cocok digunakan. Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability And Habits Of Mind Using Inquiry Learning Model And Creative Problem Solving ModelAbstractMathematical Critical Thinking Skills and Habits of Mind are some of the basic abilities that students must have. The fact shows that the Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills and Habits of Mind are still low. Efforts are needed to improve the Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills and Habits of Mind, one of them using Inquiry Learning and Creative Problem Solving learning. The purpose of this research was to analyze the differences in Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills and Habits of Mind between students who get the Inquiry Learning model with Creative Problem Solving. The research method used a quasi-experimental with a population of all class X of SMAN 11 Garut. The sample consisted of two classes, class X Science 5 by 35 students as the first experimental class, which got Inquiry Learning model, and class X Science 6 by 35 students as the second experimental class which got Creative Problem-Solving learning model. The research instrument used a description test and a Likert scale questionnaire. Based on the results of statistical analysis, it is found that there are differences in Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills and Habits of Mind between students who get the Inquiry Learning model with Creative Problem Solving. To improve mathematical critical thinking skills and Habits of Mind, the Inquiry Learning model is suitable.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 98
Lia Nurmayani ◽  
Aris Doyan ◽  
Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati

This study aims to determine the effect of guided inquiry learning model toward critical thinking skills of students. This type of research is quasi experiment with non-equivalent group design. Sampling using purposive sampling technique, so that obtained class XI MIA 1 as experiment class and class XI MIA 2 as control class. The research instrument is a essay test of 5 questions that have been tested for validity, reliability, level of difficulty, and different power of problems. The learning data of the two classes is normally distributed. Based on the homogenity data obtained both homogeneous. Data were analyzed by MANOVA test. Result of data analysis show significance  0,021 if  determined the level of significance 0,05 then 0,021<0,05. Based on these facts it can be concluded that there is influence of guided inquiry learning model toward critical thinking skills of students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-254
Deasy Rahmawati ◽  
Ike Annita

ABSTRACT This aims of this study is to comprehend  the increase in the critical thinking skills of PGSD students through the implementation of social inquiry models in elementary social studies education courses. The population of this study were all 3rd semester students of the PGSD FKIP Unla study program. Sampling was carried out by using saturated sampling technique, where all members of the population were sampled, class A01 as a control class that applied conventional learning and class A02 as an experimental class that was treated with social inquiry learning models. The data in this study were obtained through the results of the pretest and posttest using the critical thinking essay test instrument. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the increase in the critical thinking skills of PGSD students in the SD social studies course after the social inquiry learning model is applied. Beside that, the critical thinking skills of PGSD students in the Elementary Social Sciences Education course after applying the social inquiry learning model are better than the control class using conventional learning methods.   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa PGSD melalui penerapan model inkuiri sosial dalam mata kuliah pendidikan IPS SD.  Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa semester 3 program studi PGSD FKIP Unla. Penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik sampling jenuh, dimana seluruh anggota populasi dijadikan sampel, yaitu kelas A01 dijadikan kelas kontrol yang menerapkan pembelajaran konvensional dan kelas A02 dijadikan kelas eksperimen yang mendapatkan perlakuan model pembelajaran inkuiri sosial. Data yang dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui hasil pretes dan postes dengan menggunakan instrumen tes uraian berpikir  kritis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa PGSD pada mata kuliah Pendidikan IPS SD setelah diterapkan model  pembelajaran inkuiri sosial. Selain itu, kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa PGSD pada mata kuliah Pendidikan IPS SD setelah diterapkan model  pembelajaran inkuiri sosial lebih baik daripada kelas kontrol yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran konvensional.

Lailatul Badriyah ◽  
Warsono Warsono ◽  
Ali Haidar

The Jurisprudential Inquiry learning model is a learning model in its application facilitating learners to be sensitive to social problems, take a position on the problem, and maintain that position / attitude with relevant and valid arguments so as to improve students' critical thinking skills. Critical thinking in this research refers to five indicators, namely the ability to form conclusions, formulate questions, uncover problems, formulate alternative solutions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Jurisprudential Inquiry learning model on critical thinking skills of MTs N 1 Situbondo students. This study uses experimental research design with the form of Quasi-Experimental Design with the type of pretest posttest control group design. The sample in this study was class VIII G numbering 22 students and VIII H a number of 24 students with purposive sampling sampling technique. The technique of collecting data uses test questions with the description form. The data analysis technique in this study is to use the independent sample t-test. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant influence on the use of the Jurisprudential Inquiry learning model on students' critical thinking with indicators formulating conclusions, formulating questions, expressing problems and providing alternative solutions. The results of the hypothesis test show tcount 3.362 and ttable with a significance level (5%) 0.05, degree of freedom (db) = (n-2) then obtained t(0.05) (44) table = 2.015. The results of tcount>ttable,which shows the results of 3.362> 2.015. As for the significance level of 5% (0.05) has a significance value α> 0.05, i.e. (2-tailed) 0.694> 0.05., it can be concluded that thelearning model is Jurisprudential Inquiry more influential than themodel Problem Solving on the critical thinking ability of students on the material emergence of national organizations and the growing spirit of nationalism.

Nia Devi Anggraini ◽  
I Made Astra ◽  
Erry Utomo

The aim of this study is to determine the effect of Inquiry Learning Model and Scientific Literacy toward students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Primary School. This Study was Conducted at SD Islam Al-Ikhwan Tangerang in Fifth Graders. The True Experiment Method with Two Way Anava design (treatment by level 2x2) was implemented in this study. 40 students as the sample was selected by simple random sampling. Students in experimental group were learned through Inkuiri Mandiri model. Meanwhile, in control group, students were learned through Guided Inquiry. Based on data analysis, it was obtained: (1) the student’s critical thinking skills given by Inkuiri Mandiri Model is higher than Guided Inquiry, as evidenced by Fcount (10.93) > Ftable (4.10 ); (2) there is influence of interaction between learning models and scientific literacy toward student’s critical thinking skills, this can be seen from the acquisition price of Fcount (58.926) > Ftable (4.10); (3) student’s critical thinking skills given Inkuiri mandiri Model is higher than Guided Inquiry in group of students with high scientific literacy, with the Tukey-test Qcount Test (10.986) > Qtable (4.33); and (4) student’s critical thinking skills given Inkuiri Mandiri Model is lower than Guided Inquiry in group of students who have low scientific literacy, with the Tukey-test Qcount Test (4.369) > Qtable (4.33).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 682-699
Shofiyatul Masruro ◽  
Elok Sudibyo ◽  
Tarzan Purnomo

This article was created to identify the effect of the Problem Based Learning model in improving students' critical thinking. The data collection method is in the form of a literature study. This article explains that problem-based learning is a learning model that focuses on students' solving problems in physics concepts. Critical thinking is the student's ability to analyze and evaluate the information received to conclude appropriately. The results of the literature study showed an increase in students' critical thinking skills in the learning process with the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model. The application of Problem Based Learning has an average increase of about 50% after the learning pattern is applied. The existence of the PBL learning model is effectively used to improve students' critical thinking, which incidentally in solving physics concepts requires the ability to analyze and evaluate to conclude.

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