scholarly journals Redesign Woodeco Stool

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 037-047
Jhon Viter Marpaung ◽  
Muhammad Fauzi ◽  
Desy Prastyani

The concept applied to the design of stool furniture this time carries the theme that will be used, namely Scandinavian. A product that will be designed through trend analysis, through the uniqueness of the design owned. The uniqueness is presented through a combination of foreign and traditional cultures, being a style inspiration for designers and becoming the first choice product for the community in its needs. Qualitative methods with an event approach that is carried out make a direct source for designers to conduct a renewable data research so as to gain knowledge about the style and concept of a broader design to be applied to a design design this time. Market segmentation or User is intended is an urban society that has a standardization of modern living, as well as the characteristics of users who have uniqueness in a work such as creative workers oriented in the field of art or creative. This product is intended for families who have a modern lifestyle, with the implementation of modern product styles making this design has a concept of styling organic design that is combined with the application of batak toba motifs as the preservation of cultural products to preserve cultural knowledge to make their own scandinavian-style products

Triyono Budi Santoso

Tight competition in the broadband industry has forced the provider to have a good product propotition and strategy in the market, including market segmentation and type of services delivered based on customer’s expextation and intention to buy. This research aims to make a product proposition based on two major criteries in fixed broadband service, which are speed and price of the product, by looking into the competition in existing market (competitor’s product). As many players in Indonesia have created very tight situation, the will be launched product should have an attractive matter or differentiation in order to compete and get a “buy in” of the customer. In the research, some analysis was conducted across all the propositions by spreading questionnaires to respondents in urban area especially in Jakarta and Bandung, thus the provider can create product with an appropriate specifications to answer the needs of customers on their affordable price to buy. Some close-ended questions in the questionairres were scaled and performed by basic statistical approach methods. The result shows that product with affordable price is still become the choice of respondents in each segment (low, medium and high income). Price list per speed which is fitted to any segments is also suggested in this research. The result of the research can also be used to develop the product as a differentiation to be the choices and preferencesof customers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 417-421 ◽  
Robert Kreuzbauer ◽  
Joshua Keller

Authenticity is a central concern in the evaluation of cultural products. But why do people judge some cultural products as more authentic than others? We provide a psychological explanation centered on the judgment of authenticity as a “truth-seeking” process. Observers evaluate whether the perceivable features of the cultural product truthfully capture cultural knowledge as well as the inferred agency control and intentionality of the producer as a conveyer of cultural knowledge. We argue that while no cultural product is inherently authentic, individuals rely on the same psychological processes when judging cultural products’ authenticity. We discuss how our approach applies to any cultural product, including art, architecture, cuisine, tourism, and sports.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
M Husen MR ◽  
Maulin Maulina

Consumptive behavior does not only affect modern urban society. The reality is that farmers who generally live in rural areas are also influenced by the consumptive culture. Post-harvest agricultural products are used as a momentum for shopping. The commodities purchased are not limited to necessities but also other needs that are the fulfillment of desires. This study focuses on farmers who do not own land in farming rice and have post-harvest consumptive behavior. Besides, this study also looks at the impact of consumer behavior on their lives. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. The results showed that the motives of the families in Gampong Matang Maneh for post-harvest consumptive behavior were the availability of costs and the desire to behave consumptively. The impact of consumptive behavior on post-harvest farmers in Gampong Matang Maneh includes being unable to pay rent for land and difficulty meeting basic needs. Meanwhile, the efforts in meeting their daily needs are (a) involving family members to working, (b) and owes for basic needs.AbstrakPerilaku konsumtif tidak hanya menjangkiti masyarakat modern perkotaan. Realitasnya para petani yang umumnya hidup di wilayah pedesaan juga terpengaruh budaya konsumtif. Pasca panen hasil pertanian dijadikan momentum untuk berbelanja. Komoditas yang dibeli tidak terbatas pada kebutuhan pokok melainkan juga kebutuhan lain yang bersifat pemenuhan hasrat dan keinginan. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada petani yang tidak memiliki lahan sendiri dalam bertani padi dan berperilaku konsumtif pasca panen. Selain itu, studi ini juga melihat dampak yang ditimbulkan dari perilaku konsumtif terhadap kehidupan keluarga petani. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motif keluarga petani di Gampong Matang Maneh berperilaku konsumtif pasca panen adalah tersedianya biaya dan keinginan berperilaku konsumtif. Adapun dampak perilaku konsumtif terhadap petani pasca panen di Gampong Matang Maneh diantaranya tidak sanggup membayar sewa tanah dan kesulitan memenuhi kebutuhan pokok. Sementara upaya yang dilakukan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari adalah (a) melibatkan anggota keluarga dalam bekerja, (b) dan mengutang kebutuhan pokok.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Jasson Prestiliano ◽  
Debora Puspita Sarisih ◽  
Birmanti Setia Utami

Abstrak Bali merupakan salah satu pulau di Indonesia yang memiliki khasanah budaya yang sangat luas dan kaya. Kebudayaan Bali memiliki filosofi yang mendalam, khususnya dalam pakaian adat dan rumah adatnya. Namun belum banyak pelaku seni modern, khususnya perancang seni game yang mengetahui makna dan filosofi setiap bentuk dan warna tersebut. Hal ini membuat mereka merancang sejauh yang mereka lihat saja. Penelitian ini membahas tentang perancangan asset game berbasis pixel art 2D dengan ciri khas Bali. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat asset pixel art 2D dengan menggunakan ciri khas Jawa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan strategi linear. Didapatkan hasil bahwa Pakaian dan Rumah adat Jawa memiliki ciri khas yang berbeda-beda serta memiliki berbagai filosofi yang berbeda dalam setiap bentuknya, sehingga hasil perancangan ini dapat menjadi panduan desain pixel art 2D bagi para pengembang game dan perancang seni game agar tidak menghilangkan filosofinya. Manfaat untuk para pemain game hasil perancangan ini dapat memberikan ilmu budaya tentang pakaian adat dan rumah adat Bali.Kata Kunci: Kebudayaan Bali, Pakaian Adat Bali, Rumah Adat Bali, Aset game, pixel art 2D AbstractBali is one of the islands in Indonesia that has a rich and wide culture. Balinese culture has deep philosophy, especially in its traditional clothes and traditional houses. However, not many modern artist, especially game artist that know know the meaning and the philosophy of each form and color. This  reason made them design the art related to Bali only as far as they see. This study discusses the design of 2D pixel art based game assets with Balinese characteristics. This study uses qualitative methods and linear strategies. The result is that the clothes and traditional houses of Bali have different characteristics and have different philosophies in each form, so the results of this design can be a 2D pixel art design guide for game developers and game artist so they will not to eliminate the philosophy. The advantage for the game players will give them the cultural knowledge about Balinese traditional clothes and traditional houses.Keywords: Balinese culture, Balinese Traditional Clothes, Balinese Traditional House, Game Asset, Pixel Art 2D

2006 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 55

Pflege ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-57
Tilmann Netz

Um die direkte Pflege weiter zu professionalisieren, ist es notwendig, neue Lehrmethoden für Aus- und Fortbildung zu entwickeln. Werden qualitative Verfahren bei der Planung und Gestaltung von Lehreinheiten im Fachbereich Pflege favorisiert, so werden auch subjektive Theorien transparent, die das Pflegegeschehen unterschwellig beeinflussen. Ziel handlungsorientierter Unterrichtseinheiten im Fachbereich Pflege ist, diese gezielt im Sinne des neuen Pflegeparadigmas zu beeinflussen.

Swiss Surgery ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 116-121 ◽  

Surgical resection is the first choice of treatment for patients with hepatocellular (HCC) and cholangiocellular carcinomas. Prolongation of survival is, however, the only realistic goal for most patients, which can be often achieved by nonsurgical therapies. Inoperable patients with large or multiple HCCs are usually treated with transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) with lipiodol in combination with a chemotherapeutic drug and gelfoam. Three-year survival depends on the stage of the disease and is about 20%. Patients with earlier tumor stages (one or two tumor nodules less than 3cm in size) are suitable for treatment with percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) alone or in combination with TACE. Several studies have shown that in these early stages, the 3-year survival rate is approximately 55%-70% in the actively treated patients which is significantly higher than in untreated patients. In advanced stages of the disease, TACE and PEI have no effect on survival and should not be performed. Some of these patients have been successfully treated with octreotide. Patients with inoperable cholangiocellular carcinoma are treated by endoscopic or percutaneous stent placement. If stenting does not achieve adequate biliary drainage, multidisciplinary therapy including internal / external radiotherapy or photodynamic therapy should be considered in patients with potential long-term survival. In conclusion, nonresectional therapies play an essential role in the therapy of inoperable hepato- and cholangiocellular carcinomas as they lead to satisfactory survival. Multidisciplinary therapy appears to be the current trend of management.

1968 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 315-315
Morton Deutsch

2013 ◽  
Vol 58 (28) ◽  
Judith L. Gibbons ◽  
Katelyn E. Poelker

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