scholarly journals One Divided by Another

Luca Di Blasi

While Christian churches dramatically lost ground during the last decades (at least in European societies), in this very period one of the major Christian figures, Saint Paul, attracted the interest of leading ‘progressive’ intellectuals and philosophers like Pier Paolo Pasolini, Alain Badiou, Slavoj Žižek, or Giorgio Agamben. In the following text, by focusing on Pasolini and his uncompleted film project San Paolo, I will concentrate on the notion of the split.

Rafał Tomasz Szczerbakiewicz

<p>Przedmiotem artykułu jest znaczące przekształcenie kulturowego obrazu historycznej postaci w związku z ideologicznym wpływem dominujących na przełomie XX i XXI wieku mód kulturowych i ideologii. Tkwiąca w człowieku narracyjna skłonność jest zarazem potrzebą nieustannego korygowania znanych z historii opowieści o wybitnych dziejowych postaciach – ich osobowościach, motywacjach, czynach (swoisty retelling rekapitulizujący znane i weryfikowalne bądź mityczne ich losy).</p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 177-184
Ole Jakob Løland

Paul is a figure through whom Jacob Taubes can discern his true disagreement with his intellectual opponents, such as Friedrich Nietzsche. The Pauline epistles provide some perspectives for Taubes to reconsider the Christian culture that shaped his identity as a German-speaking Jew in a post-Holocaust Europe. These texts are useful for this particular reader to reconsider history without ever fully separating it from philosophy. The contemporary philosophical turn to Paul, considered by taking Taubes as its prime example, can partly be explained by these philosophers’ (Taubes, Badiou, Agamben, Žižek) attraction to Paul as an antinomian figure, a figure of lawlessness and freedom from law that can lead to apocalyptic violence (for Taubes) or pave the way for an existential and political break with the domain of law, as in the philosophies of Alain Badiou and Slavoj Žižek. While these two continental philosophers draw upon other readings of the apostle than Taubes’s, Giorgio Agamben bases his readings of Paul on several aspects in Taubes’s works. Nonetheless, the call from Taubes to reinterpret Paul through Freud and Nietzsche is more consistently followed in the recent work of Ward Blanton.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. e43057
Maiquel Ângelo Dezordi Wermuth ◽  
José Luis Bolzan De Morais

O artigo propõe-se a fazer uma revisão de alguns dos principais posicionamentos teóricos produzidos até o momento acerca das medidas restritivas de liberdade e do estado de emergência reconhecido em decorrência da pandemia do novo coronavírus, buscando estabelecer um diálogo entre o pensamento de diversos autores que, mesmo a partir de marcos teóricos e ferramentas conceituais diferentes, propõem-se a suscitar reflexões sobre a situação que tem se mostrado enquanto verdadeiro marco divisor de águas na história da humanidade, dada a magnitude das consequências até então mapeadas e do tensionamento de categorias jurídico-políticas tradicionais por ela posta. O texto encontra-se dividido em três seções: na primeira, busca-se estabelecer um diálogo entre as perspectivas teóricas de Giorgio Agamben e Slavoj Žižek – as quais versam sobre questão do estabelecimento de um verdadeiro estado de exceção (Agamben) e a retomada/revisitação do conceito de “comunismo” como condição de possibilidade para o enfrentamento à doença (Žižek); na segunda seção apresenta-se a perspectiva de Luigi Ferrajoli acerca da necessidade de construção de uma “Constituição planetária” para o enfrentamento das diferentes crises da contemporaneidade; esta perspectiva é colocada em diálogo, na terceira seção, com a teoria de Delmas-Marty, pensada enquanto condição de possibilidade para dar concretude ao anseio do jurista italiano.

Álvaro Domingo Acevedo Zárate

Esta investigación tiene por objetivo indagar acerca de cuál es la función que se le atribuye al amor en la construcción de la identidad de un sujeto cínico a través del análisis del diálogo y el lenguaje corporal. Para ello, se analiza la serie española Qué vida más triste, producción audiovisual que se transmitió, primero, por la plataforma de videos YouTube y, luego, por televisión entre los años 2005 y 2010. Esta serie es analizada a la luz de los planteamientos filosóficos de Peter Sloterdijk, Alain Badiou y Slavoj Žižek, así como la teoría psicoanalítica de Jacques Lacan. Las conclusiones a las que se llegan nos muestran que la serie plantea que el sujeto cínico, para serlo, debe renunciar a un encuentro «real» con el otro, dado que vive ensimismado en la búsqueda de su propio goce y ve a las demás personas como meros instrumentos. Sin embargo, la serie también plantea que hay una manera de romper con el aislamiento del sujeto cínico: el amor. Pero un amor vivido como lo que el filósofo francés Alain Badiou llama «un proceso de verdad», pues si se vive de otra manera, el amor pierde toda su potencia liberadora y se convierte en un mero simulacro que no hace sino reafirmar al sujeto en su cinismo y, por ende, en su aislamiento.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 849-860 ◽  
Joris Vlieghe ◽  
Piotr Zamojski

In this article, we read together the work of two philosophers, Alain Badiou and Giorgio Agamben, as profound educational thinkers. This means that their philosophical approaches help us to articulate what is at stake in education today. As a starting point for this discussion we take their work on Saint Paul. This is because, throughout his Letters, Paul has found the appropriate words to think and speak about the fate of our world and about new ways of beginning with this world. Therefore, with their reading of Paul, Badiou and Agamben can be said to develop fresh ideas about the contemporary challenges of education. We argue that this joint educational reading of their work, opens a post-critical view on education. This is to say, the alternative we suggest is not just a criticism of the existing system, but an entirely affirmative one. It is about fidelity to an event which has the force to install a particular attitude towards life and which installs a messianic interruption of time. With Badiou and Agamben it can be shown that education is about the possibilities we have at our disposal to begin anew with our world – which turns education into an important political issue too. Following that thread, we give an ontological account of teaching, which defines the teacher not in terms of pedagogical expertise, but in terms of passion for a subject matter.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-158 ◽  
Erik Swyngedouw

Die Polis ist tot, es lebe die kreative Stadt! Während die Stadt, zumindest in Teilen des städtischen Raums, blüht und gedeiht, scheint die Polis im idealisierten griechischen Sinn dem Untergang geweiht; in diesem Verständnis ist sie der Ort der öffentlichen politischen Auseinandersetzung und demokratischen Unterhandlung und somit eine Stätte (oft radikaler) Abweichung und Unstimmigkeit, an der die politische Subjektivierung buchstäblich ihren Platz hat. Diese Figur einer entpolitisierten (oder postpolitischen und postdemokratischen) Stadt im Spätkapitalismus bildet das Leitmotiv des vorliegenden Beitrags. Ich lehne mich dabei an Jacques Rancière, Slavoj Žižek, Chantal Mouffe, Mustafa Dikeç, Alain Badiou und andere Kritiker jenes zynischen Radikalismus an, der dafür gesorgt hat, dass eine kritische Theorie und eine radikale politische Praxis ohnmächtig und unfruchtbar vor jenen entpolitisierenden Gesten stehen, die in der polizeilichen Ordnung des zeitgenössischen neoliberalen Spätkapitalismus als Stadtentwicklungspolitik [urban policy] und städtische Politik [urban politics] gelten. Ziel meiner Intervention ist es, das Politische wieder in den Mittelpunkt der zeitgenössischen Debatten über das Urbane zu stellen. [...]

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. lxv-lxxiii
Shehzad Ali

Following the debate between Giorgio Agamben and Slavoj Žižek in response to the pandemic, this essay explores that the concept of ‘democratic biopolitics’ is a viable alternative to the concept of ‘populist biopolitics’. The concept problematizes the dominant intellectual sense of the pandemic (whether it is a rupture or event) by rendering that ‘heeding to the aspirations of ordinary citizens’ is the key to understandiing the pandemic. It also double-downs on the idea of Sotiris and Schubert that a community based democratic response to the pandemic should be pursued.

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