pedagogical expertise
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 37
Nara Vilma Lima Pinheiro

O objetivo deste texto é analisar, em perspectiva historiográfica, a constituição de saberes sobre o ensino de matemática a partir da emergência da figura do expert no âmbito escolar. Trata-se, em específico, de analisar as ações pedagógicas de Carleton Washburne, importante pedagogo estadunidense da educação progressista. Para tanto, utilizou-se como ferramenta de análise os conceitos de expertise e expert advindos dos estudos desenvolvidos por Hofstetter et al. (2017). Os resultados da análise indicam que ao ser convocado para transformar as escolas públicas de Winnetka em escolas de excelência, Washburne produziu e sistematizou saberes específicos sobre o ensino de aritmética, resultando na reestruturação dos conteúdos matemáticos, em novas práticas, novos materiais didáticos, nova relação aluno-professor-saber, novos saberes pedagógicos, de modo a garantir que o aluno seguisse seu próprio ritmo de desenvolvimento. A esse tempo, não basta mais ao professorado saber os conteúdos aritméticos e os métodos pelos quais ensiná-los, mas o que, como, por que e quando e isso depende da produção de novos saberes escolares sobre o ensino de aritmética na escola primária.Carleton Washburne's pedagogical expertise in the production of knowledge about the teaching of arithmeticThe objective of this text is to analyze, from a historiographic perspective, the constitution of knowledge about the teaching of mathematics from the emergence of the figure of the expert in the school environment. It is specifically about analyzing the pedagogical actions of Carleton Washburne, an important American pedagogue of progressive education. For this purpose, the concepts of expertise and expert arising from the studies developed by Hofstetter et al 2017 were used as an analysis tool. The results of the analysis indicate that when invited to transform Winnetka's public schools into schools of excellence, Washburne produced and systematized specific knowledge about the teaching of arithmetic, resulting in the restructuring of mathematical contents, in new practices, new teaching materials, new student-teacher-knowledge relationship, new pedagogical knowledge, in order to ensure that the student followed his own pace of development. At this time, it is no longer enough for teachers to know the arithmetic contents and the methods by which to teach them, but what, how, why and when, and this depends on the production of new school knowledge about the teaching of arithmetic in primary school.Keywords: Arithmetic made to mesure; Teaching individualization; Expert in education; Winnetka system; Teacher training.

2021 ◽  
Catherine Davies ◽  
Kristen Syrett ◽  
Lucy Taylor ◽  
Samantha Wilkes ◽  
Cecilia Zuniga-Montanez

Adjectives are a powerful tool for enriching vocabulary and developing conceptual understanding. In primary classrooms, across core and foundation subjects, children are expected to describe, measure, classify, and compare objects and events - all processes that require a mastery of adjective meanings and use. While teachers are trained in vocabulary learning, they are less likely to be familiar with the psychological processes by which children learn adjectives. To address this gap, we provide an accessible primer of relevant research findings on adjective development, with guidance on how they can be used to enhance current teaching and learning practices across subjects at Key Stage 1. As an author team with linguistic, psychological, and pedagogical expertise, we synthesise research from across these disciplines to provide an evidence-based, practical guide for practitioners supporting 5-7 year-old children.

V. Mineev ◽  
Svetlana Artemyeva ◽  
N. Popkova

Philosophy has historically developed, first of all, as a socio-pedagogical enterprise, not so much the reflections of individuals, but rather an institutional mentoring activity, a technology for the formation of a certain type of a person. On the other hand, pedagogy has basically been and remains a philosophical search, over which certain educational technologies are only being built. There is a deep interpenetration between the sphere of philosophical thought and the sphere of education: the forms of introduction to philosophical thought have a significant impact on the content of philosophical theory. Therefore, scientific and philosophical reflection on the global problems of our time is inseparable from the educational process, within which these problems are constructed both at the level of professional consciousness and at the level of mass consciousness. In this regard, the authors focus not on the usual political or environmental aspects of the subject, but on the place of global problems as a phenomenon of human existence in the structure of the life-world. The appeal to the life-world – one of the central concepts of phenomenology – allows us to bridge the gap between the objective scientific picture of nature (including society) and its living-through in our consciousness, that is, the actual being of a human (we will try to avoid the term "subjectivity"). This gap is obviously one of the reasons for the inefficiency of environmental practices over the past hundred years. The authors used the phenomenological method, logical analysis, interviewing and surveys, methods of humanitarian expertise of the educational project. The research included grounding phenomenological approach to the problem (V.V. Mineev), concretization of the initial philosophical concept and conducting empirical research, including questionnaires, surveys and interviews (N.A. Popkova), as well as psychological and pedagogical expertise, assessment of the applicability of the approach in practice (S.I. Artemyeva). This article presents only a part of the results obtained. It is shown that the human life-world can be considered as the basis for the unity of global problems that express one of the deep phenomena of being-in-the-world which is being-to-death. In the modern epoch, all elements of the structure of the life-world are undergoing transformation, and the task of education is to promote maintaining consciousness of personal responsibility for solving universal problems, for being itself.

Anatoliy Bychkov

Pedagogical expertise is considered as a system-forming scientific technology in education, which has a significant impact on the practice of teaching and the formation of a creative personality, actually becoming a method of scientific cognition in the context of improving the quality of education. It is advisable to design all programs of higher pedagogical education according to the deductive principle-from the general content component presented in the structure of technologies of pedagogical expertise of educational projects and programs, to private methodological practice-oriented recommendations proposed by experts as an indicative basis for teacher actions. The role of an expert and his personal qualities are of particular importance in the composition of pedagogical expertise. Based on the professional analysis of the expert's activity, his personal portrait is formed. In pedagogical expertise, the ratio of the objective (various normative documents regulating the activities of an expert) and the subjective is crucial, when the quality of the examination depends on the competence, experience of an expert specialist, his wisdom, intuition and creative insight. The analytical review of the mistakes of pedagogical experts should be used as the basis of the methodology for training teachers and expert specialists in the field of education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Søren Engelsen

ResumeArtiklen argumenterer for, at pædagogisk ekspertise kan tilskrives grupper og ikke kun individer. Hvordan skal vi helt fundamentalt forstå pædagogisk gruppe-ekspertise? Artiklen anlægger et pædagogisk-filosofisk perspektiv på dette spørgsmål. Med et fokus på pædagogisk omsorgsarbejde afklarer den, hvad de fundamentale forudsætninger er for gruppeekspertise. Første del undersøger minimumsbetingelserne for, hvad man kan kalde pædagogisk ekspertise. Idealet om pædagogisk ekspertise må forstås bredt, hvis vi skal fastholde det som et meningsfuldt forbillede for pædagogisk teori og praksis. Artiklen analyserer og kategoriserer væsentlige aspekter af ekspertise i en pædagogisk sammenhæng. Pædagogisk ekspertise må rumme en pluralisme af former for viden og kompetencer, både praktiske, teoretiske, før-refleksive og refleksive, samt adfærdsdispositioner, emotionel opmærksomhed og intellektuelle kapaciteter. Artiklens anden del undersøger de filosofiske betingelser for gruppe-ekspertise og drager nogle vigtige distinktioner. Det argumenteres således, at grupper kan have overlegen viden qua gruppe, som de enkelte medlemmer hver især ikke besidder, og denne viden kan under de rette betingelser udgøre ekspertise. For at anskueliggøre denne forståelse af gruppeekspertise illustrerer artiklen til slut idéen i en sammenhæng af pædagogisk omsorgsarbejde. Her eksemplificeres det, hvordan gruppe-ekspertise i pædagogisk omsorgsarbejde kan bestå af samspillet mellem konstitutive delelementer. Abstract Group expertise in pedagogy for care workThe article argues that pedagogical expertise can be attributed to groups and not just individuals. How should we fundamentally understand pedagogical group expertise? The article takes a pedagogical-philosophical perspective on this issue. With a focus on pedagogical care work, it clarifies the fundamental prerequisites for group expertise. The first part examines the minimum conditions for what can be called pedagogical expertise. If we are to maintain it as a meaningful ideal of pedagogical theory and practice, pedagogical expertise must be understood broadly. The article analyzes and categorizes significant aspects of expertise in a pedagogical context. Pedagogical expertise must accommodate a pluralism of knowledge forms and competencies. These include practical, theoretical, pre-reflexive and reflexive competencies, behavioral dispositions, emotional awareness, and intellectual capacities. The second part of the article examines the philosophical conditions of group expertise and draws some important distinctions. Groups can have superior knowledge, which the individual members do not possess individually, and this knowledge can, under the right conditions, constitute expertise. Finally, an example of how constitutive elements of group expertise in pedagogical care work can unfold illustrates the main idea of group expertise in a specific pedagogical care work context.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-112
Т. A. Admakina

Psychological and pedagogical expertise is part of divorce proceedings. It is intended to resolve custody disputes and diagnose the emotional status of the child by various projective methods. The research objective was to identify effective projective referents of emotional instability and conflict in 63 children going through a custody trial. The control group included 56 children. The subjects were asked to draw a non-existent animal with crayons. The parameters evaluated on a dichotomous scale included: crosshatching, sketching, erasing and correcting, strong pressure, wounds or scars on the animal's body, weak legs, two or more heads, brightness and polychromy. The φ*-Fischer angular transformation criterion was used to compare the frequency in two independent samples and to assess the reliability of the differences. If the imaginary creature had two heads, it was a sign with a high differentiating power, which indicated an internal conflict and emotional contradiction in the child and, as a result, psychological instability. The polychromic pattern also proved different: the children in the experimental group appeared less likely to use color, which may indicate their low energy tone and depressed emotional state. Imaginary creatures on weak legs also proved more common in the experimental group, suggesting the children were going through an unbalanced state. Other parameters were quite rare in both groups.

Prologi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Tuija Leena Viirret

Lectio praecursoria kasvatustieteen väitöskirjaksi tarkoitetun tutkimuksen Dialogism as an Integral Element in Process Drama: Insights into a Drama Teacher’s Artistic-Pedagogical Expertise tarkastustilaisuudessa Jyväskylän yliopistossa 20.8.2020. Vastaväittäjänä toimi professori Eeva Anttila (Taideyliopisto) ja kustoksena professori Mirja Tarnanen (Jyväskylän yliopisto).

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 60-75
E. V. Vaske ◽  
F. S. Safuanov ◽  
T. N. Sekerazh

The article analyses errors when appointing and conducting a forensic examination of disputes related to children’s upbringing. When summarizing expert practice in this category of civil cases (based on the study of 97 expert opinions on forensic psychological examination), the most significant errors were identified: incorrect determination of the type of expertise (including the appointment of psychological and pedagogical expertise which does not have a methodological basis as forensic examination), non-compliance with the qualification requirements to a forensic expert and, as a result, the introduction of an improper subject of forensic expert activity into the judicial process, an expert’s going beyond the limits of specialized knowledge and procedural powers, the incompleteness of research, the use of invalid research methods and techniques, and other methodological violations, associated with the incorrect assessment of the results of psychological diagnostics, inaccurate phenomenological analysis of essential phenomena of child-parent relations.Considering that due to the facts to be proved are essential for deciding on a case, the expert’s opinion is of particular importance and can significantly affect the formation of the court’s inner conviction, which means that expert errors significantly increase the risk of judicial errors. The article substantiates the urgent necessity of the early enactment of a legal act regulating experts’ responsibility for the level of their qualifications and setting professional requirements to experts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 15
Mette Høgh Stæhr ◽  
Lisbeth Madsen

ResumeDet pædagogiske arbejde med børn og unge i fritidsinstitutionerne har de senere år politisk, økonomisk, kompetenceudviklingsmæssigt og forskningsmæssigt været nedprioriteret til trods for institutionernes samfundsmæssige rolle og betydning for børn og unge. Denne artikel diskuterer, hvilken betydning dette har for den faglige ekspertise på området. Gennem analyse af empiri indsamlet i forbindelse med et projekt vedrørende kompetenceudvikling på det fritidspædagogiske område, beskriver artiklen den faglige udvikling i praksis, hvilken viden henholdsvis pædagoger, ledere og organisationer fremhæver som essentiel, hvad dette kan være et udtryk for, og hvorfor netop denne viden sættes i tæt relation til drøftelser vedrørende pædagogisk ekspertise samt kvalitet i fritidsinstitutionerne. Med afsæt i analyser fra en gennemført undersøgelse er artiklens pointe, at pædagogisk kvalitet i fritidsinstitutionerne tager udgangspunkt i pædagogfaglig viden og situationsbunden kundskab om børne- og ungegruppers divergerende hverdagsliv, institutionsliv og interessefællesskaber. Abstract Pedagogical expertise and quality in leisure institutionsWithin the last few years social pedagogical work among children and young people in after school clubs and -centers have not been prioritized politically and economically, with regard to continuing education and when it comes to research despite the societal role and importance these institutions have for the development of children and young people. The article discusses the possible consequences this has had for professional expertise in the field through an analysis of empirical data collected in relation to the project: ‘development of professional courses to professionals working within the field of after school clubs and centres.’ The article takes the reader through a description of the field within the last few years to an analysis of the knowledge that pedagogues, leaders and various organizations evaluate as needed. We will point out that good quality must be found in the relation between knowledge on the one side and capable professionals on the other.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-120
Irena Dychawy Rosner

The coronavirus pandemic affects the whole world. This situation is a very challenging time for all humanity and social services no less. The present article explores how care and different forms of support can or should be offered to young people in the post-COVID-19 youth work. The objective of this paper is to reflect on how social work practitioners can adapt their daily clinical practice by focusing their interventions on the social pedagogical dimensions of social work. The article presents a generalised discussion of practice logics in social work and social pedagogy. Because of the meanings derived from knowledge on the importance of relationships between the helper and the help receiver, social practices in the post-COVID-19 world need to consider social pedagogical expertise in social work practice and the development of preventive assistance for young populations. This effort has been prepared as a part of the project “Social Professionals for Youth Education in the context of European Solidarity".

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