Амала Алиевна Умарова
The Law ◽  

В статье рассматривается значение, особенности и проблемы современного института наследования по закону гражданского права России. The article examines the meaning, features and problems of the modern institution of inheritance under the law of civil law in Russia.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yusup Sugiarto ◽  
Gunarto Gunarto

ABSTRAKKebutuhan akan lembaga notariat tidak terlepas dari kebutuhan akan perlunya pembuktian tertulis dalam lapangan hukum perdata. Mengingat keadaan ini maka notaris tidak saja berperan sebagai orang yang membuat alat bukti autentik namun juga sebagai penemu hukum. Notaris dalam profesinya sesungguhnya merupakan instansi yang dengan akta-aktanya menimbulkan alat-alat pembuktian tertulis dengan mempunyai sifat autentik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan penandatanganan akta notaris dalam pembuatan SKMHT dan akibat hukum penandatanganan akta SKMHT oleh penerima kuasa tidak di hadapan notaris dalam perjanjian kredit pemilikan rumah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif, sedangkan sifat dari penelitiannya sendiri bersifat deskriptif analisis. Penandatanganan akta notaris oleh penerima kuasa dalam akta SKMHT dimungkinkan untuk dilakukan tidak di hadapan notaris, karena lazimnya suatu akta SKMHT ada kaitannya dengan akta perjanjian kredit yang telah dibuat terlebih dahulu oleh para pihak. Akibat hukumnya penerima kuasa dalam akta SKMHT menjadi terikat untuk mematuhi ketentuan-ketentuan yang ada dalam SKMHT.Kata kunci: notaris, akta, perdata, kredit, perjanjian. ABSTRACTThe need for notarial institutions is inseparable from the need for the necessity of verification in the field of civil law. In view of this situation the notary not only plays the role of the person who makes authentic evidence but also the inventor of the law. Notary in his profession is in fact an institution which with its deeds evokes written proof means with authentic nature. This study aims to analyse the execution of the signing of notary deed in the making of SKMHT and the effect of the signing of SKMHT deed by the power of attorney not before the notary in the mortgage agreement. The method used in this study is the normative juridical approach, while the nature of the research itself is descriptive analysis. The signing of notarial deed by the power of attorney in the deed of SKMHT is possible to be done not in the presence of a notary, because usually a deed of SKMHT is related to the credit agreement which has been made beforehand by the parties. As a result of the law the power of attorney in the SKMHT deed becomes bound to comply with the provisions contained in SKMHT.Keywords: notary, deed, civil, credit, agreement.

Umberto Laffi

Abstract The Principle of the Irretroactivity of the Law in the Roman Legal Experience in the Republican Age. Through an in-depth analysis of literary and legal sources (primarily Cicero) and of epigraphic evidence, the author demonstrates that the principle of the law’s non-retroactivity was known to, and applied by, the Romans since the Republican age. The political struggle favored on several occasions the violation of this principle by imposing an extraordinary criminal legislation, aimed at sanctioning past behaviors of adversaries. But, although with undeniable limits of effectiveness in the dynamic relationship with the retroactivity, the author acknowledges that at the end of the first century BC non-retroactivity appeared as the dominant principle, consolidated both in the field of the civil law as well as substantive criminal law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-305
Paula Giliker

AbstractThe law of tort (or extra or non-contractual liability) has been criticised for being imprecise and lacking coherence. Legal systems have sought to systemise its rules in a number of ways. While civil law systems generally place tort law in a civil code, common law systems have favoured case-law development supported by limited statutory intervention consolidating existing legal rules. In both systems, case law plays a significant role in maintaining the flexibility and adaptability of the law. This article will examine, comparatively, different means of systemising the law of tort, contrasting civil law codification (taking the example of recent French proposals to update the tort provisions of the Code civil) with common law statutory consolidation and case-law intervention (using examples taken from English and Australian law). In examining the degree to which these formal means of systemisation are capable of improving the accessibility, intelligibility, clarity and predictability of the law of tort, it will also address the role played by informal sources, be they ambitious restatements of law or other means. It will be argued that given the nature of tort law, at best, any form of systemisation (be it formal or informal) can only seek to minimise any lack of precision and coherence. However, as this comparative study shows, further steps are needed, both in updating outdated codal provisions and rethinking the type of legal scholarship that might best assist the courts.

1987 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 238-239 ◽  
Edith Greene ◽  
Edith Greene

This article describes a course that bridged the disciplines of clinical and experimental psychology and the law. The course included discussion of issues in criminal law, such as the psychology of policing, the reliability of confessions, victimization, plea bargaining, jury decision making, and alternative dispute resolution, and in civil law, such as civil commitment, predicting dangerousness, and child custody. Course objectives, requirements, and teaching aids are outlined, and some thoughts on integrating these diverse topics are included.

Donald R. Kelley

Centuries of Roman jurisprudence were assembled in the great Byzantine collection, the Digest, by Tribonian and the other editors. Roman law became more formal when during the Renaissance of the twelfth century it came to be taught in the first universities, starting with Bologna and the teaching of Irnerius. The main channels of expansion were through the Glossators and post-Glossators, who commented on the main texts and on later legislation by the Holy Roman Emperors, which included “feudal law,” but also by notaries and other proto-lawyers. Christian doctrine also became part of the “Roman” tradition, and canon and civil law were taught together in the universities as “civil science.” According to the ancient Roman jurist Gaius, “all the law which we use pertains either to persons or to things or to actions,” three categories that exhaust the external human condition—personality, reality, and action. In the nineteenth century, the study of Roman law lost its ideological power and became part of philology and history, at least so concludes James Whitman.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-50
Poku Adusei

This article provides comprehensive insights into the study of the Ghana legal system as an academic discipline in the law faculties in Ghana. It urges the view that the study of the Ghana legal system, as an academic discipline, should be transsystemic. Transsystemic pedagogy consists in the introduction of ideas, structures and principles which may be drawn from different legal traditions such as civil law, common law, religion-based law, African law and socialist law traditions to influence the study of law. Transsystemia involves teaching law ‘across,’ ‘through,’ and ‘beyond’ disciplinary fixations associated with a particular legal system. It is a mode of scholarship that defies biased allegiance to one legal tradition in order to foster cross-cultural dialogue among legal traditions. It involves a study of law that re-directs focus from one concerned with ‘pure’ legal system to a discourse that is grounded on multiple legal traditions.

1896 ◽  
Vol 44 (12) ◽  
pp. 809
A. G. D. ◽  
William Wirt Howe

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (9) ◽  
pp. 43-50
Oleksii Soloviov ◽  

The article considers the definition of the insured, which is contained in the Law of Ukraine «On collection and accounting of a single contribution to compulsory state social insurance» and based on this it is concluded that it includes only the persons and the main obligation of the insured – payment of insurance premium and does not establish additional or qualifying features that the insured must have. Given that the social security insurance mechanism was borrowed from civil law, the author examined the definition of the insurer from the standpoint of civil law and concluded that the presence of insurance interest is a prerequisite for determining a person as an insured and proposed his own definition of insurance interest – a certain property interest related to the need to suffer material loss in connection with damage to life, health and ability to work of the insured person as a result of an accident or occupational disease that occurs during the performance or in connection with the performance of certain work in the interests of the insured. The author emphasizes that the insurers in the relationship of social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases can be primarily employers. Based on the results of the analysis of the definition of the employer in various regulations, it was concluded that there is a certain inconsistency in science and legislation regarding this term, and therefore the legislative definition of the employer needs to be specified. This made it possible to develop proposals for making the necessary changes to certain regulations that contain this term. The concept and features of a single social contribution are researched. Peculiarities of insurance of persons performing works on the terms of civil law contracts are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the unresolved issue of the customer - an individual who uses the work of other individuals under a civil contract, but without registering them as a business entity. It is believed that such persons should also act as payers of the single social contribution, and therefore it is necessary to amend the Law of Ukraine «On the collection and accounting of the single contribution to the obligatory state social insurance».

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-31
Anwar Hidayat

Abstrak Hukum merupakan suatu sistem terpenting di dalam masyarakat untuk mengatur kehidupan yang berkaitan dengan sebuat tatanan yang selalu bergerak baik secara evolutif maupun revolusioner. Tatanan diatur dalam hukum itu sendiri meliputi tatanan transendetal, tatanan sosial/masyarakat dan tatanan politik. Hukum perdata yang merupakan ketentuan atau peraturan yang berkaitan dengan pribadi seseorang dengan orang lain, atau juga hukum sipil memiliki ruang lingkup yang luas dalam pengaturannya. Salah satu bidang hukum yang mengatur hubungan-hubungan antara individu-individu dalam masayrakat dengan sarana tertentu. Penggolongan dari hukum perdata yang ada saat ini antara lain meliputi: Hukum keluarga, Hukum harta kekayaan, Hukum kebendaan, Hukum perikatan, dan Hukum waris. Kajian kritis terhadap hukum perdata yang telah berlaku di Indonesia dengan menggunakan metode filsafat (filosofis), maka seharusya yang dijadikan dasar pemikirannya ialah falsafah Pancasila. Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa Pancasila merupakan sumber dari segala sumber hukum negara Indonesia. Hal yang demikian ini dirasa sesuai mengingat falsafah Pancasila adalah merupakan ruh perjuangan dari para pejuang bangsa, sebagai alat pemersatu, dari yang sebelumnya terkotak-kotak oleh suatu daerah/wilayah, ras, suku, golongan dan agama. Kata Kunci: Hukum Perdata, Filosofis, Pancasila   Abstract The law is the most important system in society to regulate life in relation to an order that is always moving both evolutionarily and revolutionarily. Order is regulated in the law itself including transcendental order, social/community order and political order. Private law which is a provision or regulation relating to someone's personal with others, or also civil law has a broad scope in its regulation. One area of ​​law that regulates the relationships between individuals in society with certain means. The current classification of private law includes: Family law, Property law, Material law, Engagement law, and inheritance law. Critical study of private law that has prevailed in Indonesia using philoshopy (philosophical) methods, then the basis for thinking should be the philosophy of Pancasila. As is known that Pancasila is the source of all sources of Indonesian state law. This is considered appropriate given the philosophy of Pancasila is the spirit of the struggle of the nation's fighters, as a unifying tool, from previously divided by a region / region, race, ethnicity, class and religion. Keyword: Private Law, Philosophical, Pancasila.

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