2008 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 258-268 ◽  
Dovilė Dimindavičiūtė

Public rights of access to engage in recreational activities in open non-urbanized countryside in Lithuania, Scandinavia and UK are analysed in this paper. Currently there is no universal public right of access in Lithuania. On the other hand, there is no strict prohibition to walk or stay in open countryside as well. But public rights of access to the Lithuanian countryside are more and more undermined as privatization of land, forests and water is going on and land owners try to fence their properties. The present Lithuanian legal basis that regulates public access to countryside is evaluated. Foreign experience in this field is reviewed. Scandinavian countries and Scotland adopted universal everyman’s right. On the other side, public rights are very limited in England and Whales. Summarizing these different approaches and current situation in Lithuania proposals on implementing the public right of access in the Lithuanian legislature are presented. Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos visuomenės teisės laisvai judėti ir užsiimti rekreacine veikla atvirame, neužstatytame kraštovaizdyje Lietuvoje ir užsienio valstybėse. Šiuo metu Lietuvoje tokios universalios teisės, įtvirtintos įstatymuose, nėra, nors kartu nėra ir giežtų draudimų būti ir judėti atvirame kraštovaizdyje. Tačiau žemės, miškų ir vandenų ūkio žemių privatizavimas ir savininkų noras kuo labiau apriboti savo žemes vis labiau mažina visuomenės teises į Lietuvos kraštovaizdį. Straipsnyje apibendrinama šiuo metu galiojanti teisinė bazė, reglamentuojanti Lietuvos visuomenės teises į atvirą kraštovaizdį. Pateikiama užsienio valstybių patirtis šioje srityje. Tai skandinaviškas ir škotiškas modelis, kur galioja universali prieigos teisė. Palyginimui kaip kontrastas pateikiamas Anglijos ir Velso modelis, kur visuomenės teisės į atvirą kraštovaizdį labai ribotos. Apibendrinus esamą situaciją Lietuvoje ir užsienio patirtį, straipsnyje siūloma ir Lietuvoje įstatymu užtikrinti visuomenei kraštovaizdžio prieinamumą.

Peter Chvosta

Purpose. The article is devoted to the legal figure of subjective public right in the context of legal protection in administrative matters. Methods. Based on the historical development of administrative jurisdiction in Austria and Germany in the 19th century, the function of the subjective public right is discussed in more detail: When the legislator grants citizens subjective public rights (and thus enforceable claims against the administration), the citizen can assert his or her individual interests before the courts by means of a right of defence against the state. At the same time, this results in an external legal control of the administration (compared to a mere internal administrative control by way of disciplinary measures) and thus promotes the rule of law of administrative action, which is in the public interest. Results. By pursuing his subjective public right, the citizen acting in his own interest indirectly contributes to the correct enforcement of the law. In a sense, he acts as an assistant to the public interest. The granting of a subjective public right also limits the group of persons who can take action against an administrative act, since otherwise anyone could challenge an administrative act. If the legislator has not expressly stipulated in the law which persons are entitled to a subjective public right in which respect, the determination of subjective public rights can be difficult in individual cases: When the law provides for a permit subject to certain conditions, the addressee of an administrative act is necessarily entitled to obtain a permit if the conditions required by law are met. The question is more complex in the case of persons who are not the addressee of an administrative act but who are affected by its effects. In this case, it must be determined by way of interpretation whether the legal provisions whose violation the citizen claims to have violated were passed not only to protect public interests but also, at least, in the interests of individual persons. Only then is there also a subjective public right of the individual to compliance with this provision. Conclusions. The legislator can avoid difficulties of interpretation by means of clear rules on the granting of subjective public rights. In particularly important administrative matters (e.g. approval of infrastructure projects), where the granting of subjective public rights is not sufficient to ensure judicial control of administrative acts, a larger group of persons can be granted party status.

Marcilio Barenco Correa de Mello

This chapter addresses the right of access to information, reinforced as a fundamental rule for citizens in the Brazilian constitutional norm of 1988, now regulated, more closely, from the enactment of the law on access to information in 2011. It represents an important legislative instrument of reinforcement of the principle of publicity, as well as the main infraconstitutional standard guaranteeing access to information. The requirement of a clear and transparent accountability environment by the public manager is a republican assumption of massive participation by society. This is because the right of access to information of a public nature provides a better control of public expenditures, while allowing, on the other hand, promotion of social control of a diffuse nature. It should be pointed out that, with greater knowledge of their own rights, the citizen goes through a faster inclusion process, either in the subjectivation of a minimal role of rights that he does not know, or in the clarification of his duties as a participant in the process of state maintenance.

Juan Ángel Chica Urzola ◽  
Alirio Estupiñan Paipa

ResumenLa Administración de Operaciones es una de las tres funciones principales de cualquier organización y está íntegramente relacionada con las otras funciones de negocios. Todas las organizaciones comercializan, financian y producen, para lo cual resulta clave saber cómo funciona el área de operaciones / producción de las organizaciones. Es por ello que muchos autores han estudiado cómo se organiza la gente para producir, y la forma en que los bienes y servicios son generados. De igual manera, estudiar las decisiones tomadas al administrar la producción se hace indispensable porque es una porción costosa de una organización, lo que la convierte en un proceso crítico, que tiene una fuerte repercusión en la productividad y rentabilidad de las organizaciones. La presente investigación busca evidenciar la situación actual del sector empresarial organizado de la ciudad de Montería en cuanto a las decisiones que toman para administrar sus operaciones, con el fin de determinar las debilidades, fortalezas, necesidades y oportunidades de las empresas del sector y además, servir como un referente teórico que brinde la posibilidad de realizar estudios de mayor profundidad al interior de las empresas que conforman el sector.Palabras ClaveEstrategias de Producción, Operaciones, Caracterización. AbstractThe operational administration is one of the three principal functions of any organization and it is integrally related with the other functions. Every organization commercializes, finance, and produce, to which, it is of great importance to know how the operational area/ the pro-duction of the organizations works. Therefore many authors have studied how people get organized to produce as well as the way in which goods and services are generated. Likewise, when deciding what decision should be taken to master the productions it becomes indispensable because it is a relevant part of the process, which can consequently turn into a critic process that contains high reper-cussions in the productivity and revenue of the organizations. The present investigation looks foreword to making evident the current situation enterprises sector of the city of Monteria as regard to the decisions that the public service takes to administer its operations, with the aim of determine the weaknesses, strengths, needs and opportunities of the enterprise.Keywords Production Strategies, Operations, Characterization.

2022 ◽  
pp. 166-179
Marcilio Barenco Correa de Mello

This chapter addresses the right of access to information, reinforced as a fundamental rule for citizens in the Brazilian constitutional norm of 1988, now regulated, more closely, from the enactment of the law on access to information in 2011. It represents an important legislative instrument of reinforcement of the principle of publicity, as well as the main infraconstitutional standard guaranteeing access to information. The requirement of a clear and transparent accountability environment by the public manager is a republican assumption of massive participation by society. This is because the right of access to information of a public nature provides a better control of public expenditures, while allowing, on the other hand, promotion of social control of a diffuse nature. It should be pointed out that, with greater knowledge of their own rights, the citizen goes through a faster inclusion process, either in the subjectivation of a minimal role of rights that he does not know, or in the clarification of his duties as a participant in the process of state maintenance.

2017 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 275-299
Aleksandra Popovski

The interest of the community regarding the use of public good is legally acknowledged as a public interest. In order to protect the public interest, a person of public law is not allowed to alienate the public good, nor burden it with certain forms of security rights. The power to dispose the public good is reduced to issuing licenses for the temporary and revocable use of the good that goes beyond general use. Approval may be issued in the form of an administrative act, concession or contract. Administrative act and concession enable the application of various remedies by which person of public law may protect the public interest. On the other hand, the contract as a legal basis for the use of public good does not allow a person of public law to enforce authoritative action and immediately protect the public interest. Nevertheless, administrative act and concession are underrepresented in the Croatian legislation, while contract has been given considerable space. Therefore, the subject of the article is the analysis of the regime of disposal of the public good, in order to critically address the adequacy of Croatian positive regulation from the viewpoint of the protection of the public interest, as well as to propose regulatory intervention in order to improve the present legal framework.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 965
Bambang Rudi Hartoko ◽  
Umar Ma�ruf

Abuse of narcotics in Indonesia tends to increase. Its effects, not only harm themselves but also the perpetrators of the surrounding environment. On the one hand, drug abusers are the ones who need to be helped to all treatment, but on the other hand, the public and law enforcement thought early abusers are criminals who should be punished. As a legal basis in the eradication of narcotics, Act No. 35 of 2009, there are still concerns about the notion of juridical criminal narcotics, which are related to the sanctions that can be imposed by the judge, especially for sanctions in the form of rehabilitation measures.Keywords: Criminal Sanctions; Abusers; Narcotics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 222-226
Boyman Berkat Humendru ◽  
Devi Anggara br Ginting ◽  
Rico Natanael Sitorus

This article is aimed to find out the legal basis of the public prosecutor in determining the type of indictment of a narcotics offender. The basis for making the indictment is regulated in KUHP article 143 paragraph (2) and the circular of the attorney general no. 009/19/11/1993. Seeing the narcotics abuse in Indonesia is always increasing in all circles nowadays. S there needs to be a real punishment for uses and dealers. In the prosecution process, a defendant in a narvotics crime will be charged with an alternative indictment. Alternative indictments are composed of several criminal offences which exclude one another from the other.

2002 ◽  
Vincent N. Mosseso ◽  
Lawrence H. Brown ◽  
Shannon W. Stephens ◽  
Tom P. Aufderheide ◽  

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