Jurnal Daulat Hukum
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Published By Universitas Islam Sultan Agung


2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 295
Carrissa Shannon Lie ◽  
Yohanes Kristian Pranata

This research to understand management Right which defined in the Government Regulation No. 18 of 2021 Article 1 No. 3 as the State’s ownership right in which a part of the authorization is given to the Management Right holder. The type of research was juridical normative law research, which was a research that emphasizes in written documents as the main law resources, such as regulations, court decisions, law theories, and scholar’s opinions. There were 2 (two) approaches used to support this research. The first one was statute approach, which was done by analyzing all the related regulations and others that were related to currently law issues. One of the authorities that the holder has is to hand in parts of the Management Right land to a third party and/or cooperating with a third party. If the land is used by a third party, then a Land Right has to be given on the land for the third party’s basis to utilize and/or use the land. The handing of Land Rights to a third party must be done with the holder’s agreement. Therefore, the third party uses the land with the right on a certain land that is initiated on the Management Right land. The main issue that will be discussed is what types of land rights that can be given on the lands. This research is a law research with a normative law research method. Besides that, this research uses statute approach and conceptual approach. The conclusion is the land rights that can be given on the land are Building Rights on Land and Land Use Rights.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 287
Sriwati Sutomo

This research aim to understand the condition when a customer is no longer able to pay or repay a loan is called bad credit. This condition can actually cause many problems, ranging from difficulties in obtaining credit approvals to blacklisting by the bank. Collaterals are one of the requirements from the Bank when giving credit loans so that those collaterals can guarantee the credit’s acquittal should the debtor be breached. If there is a case of bad debts, banks have the option to solve the credit loan through the process of Foreclosed Collaterals. This journal is written on a legal and juridical-normative research, emphasizing the usage of written documents as the main sources of law. The collateral purchases are written in Article 12A Number 10 of 1998 of the Constitution on how banks may purchase the collaterals with or without auctions to solve bad credits even faster. Considering that Article 20 of the Constitution on Mortgage Rights has already written ways on collateral executions, therefore the warrant payment will follow the option of Foreclosed Collaterals. Reporting from the official website of Bank Indonesia (BI), to minimize the risk of increasing bad loans, BI issued PBI (Bank Indonesia Regulation) No. 14/2/PBI/2012 concerning APMK (Card-Based Payment Instruments). The regulation was made to reduce the risk of negative impacts from using credit cards as debt instruments to the extent that they reach excessive limits. Using statute and conceptual approaches, it is inferred that Foreclosed Collateral purchase procedures can be done in 3 (three) different ways, followed through the Settlement Efforts, where the ownership of the collaterals must be switched to another in 1 (one) year time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 269
Ragil Jaka Utama ◽  
Umar Ma'ruf ◽  
Sri Kusriyah

This study aims to determine the juridical review of quarantine after the Covid-19 pandemic and find out whether its implementation has been carried out and implemented in Indonesia. The type of research used is normative research or library research, its meaning that this research is based on library sources to discuss the problems that have been formulated. By examining secondary data by conducting an investigation of the study including a description of the research subject. In this study, the data used in this study were secondary data and primary data. The secondary data used in this study is the law used in the study, the primary data used is the regulations in Indonesian legislation that have been set by each local government. The data consists of books, articles in journals and other media, including unpublished research and papers related to and explaining the concepts of quarantine and social distancing during a pandemic situation. The results of the study explain that the Health Quarantine Act carried out by the government in protecting the spread of Covid-19 has been very well implemented. This is reinforced by Government Regulation number 21 of 2020 which explains PSBB and handling related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The implementation of this legislation is the establishment of a Health Quarantine Officer who is the only person authorized to enforce the law. Further cooperation for law enforcement at the local government level requires delegation from the central government, which will be carried out further by the Minister of Health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 239
Raditya Triatmaji Pramana ◽  
Bambang Dwi Baskoro

Bankruptcy is regulated in Act No. 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU). In the regulation, the company is declared bankrupt, meaning that when the debtor (debt owner) has two or more creditors (debtors) who do not pay debts that are due and can be collected (cause of bankruptcy). The responsibility of the Board of Directors whose company is experiencing bankruptcy is in principle the same as the responsibility of the Board of Directors whose company is not experiencing bankruptcy. Bankruptcy status applies when there is a decision of the Commercial Court, whether it comes from the application itself or one or more creditors. After being declared bankrupt, the court decided to sell all of the company's assets, the proceeds of which were used to pay the debtors' obligations that were already bankrupt to the creditors. Based on the aforementioned background, a problem can be drawn as follows: What is the liability of the directors who are declared bankrupt? How can the board of directors be declared negligent or wrong which results in the corporation being declared bankrupt? The approach method used in writing this law is normative juridical or also called doctrinal law research. The research specification in this writing is descriptive-analytic. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the Board of Directors is not personally responsible for the actions committed for and on behalf of the Company based on their authority. This is because the actions of the Board of Directors are seen as actions. The Board of Directors is said to have been wrong or negligent which resulted in the Company being declared bankrupt, namely the lack of good faith by the directors to pay off debts to creditors. The Board of Directors neglected to pay off debts to creditors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 277
Siti Zuliyah ◽  
Triwahyuningsih Triwahyuningsih

The purpose of this study, firstly, is to describe the process of filling in the Village Civil Service Officer in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region and secondly to find out whether the mechanism for filling out the Village Civil Service Officer is in accordance with Regional Regulation No. 10 of 2019. This research is an empirical legal research, namely legal research that examines and analyzes people's behavior in relation to the law. The approach method uses a juridical, sociological approach. Methods of data collection through literature study, interviews and observations, then the data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive method. The results of the study concluded that the process of filling in the village civil service in Sleman Regency: The village head formed an appointment committee to conduct screening and screening through the selection of administrative requirements and administering the exam. Furthermore, the results of the selection of candidates for village civil service at least 2 (two) candidates based on the highest score are requested for consultation with the sub-district head to obtain a recommendation to be appointed as village administrator. 10 of 2019 can be applied according to the rules, namely the formation of a committee, administrative selection, exam materials, a team of examiners, but there are still weaknesses, including the requirements for candidates who are considered burdensome, must be supported by at least 15% of the population, lack of socialization, the existence of several villages that are less open in the process of filling the village civil service.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 260
Wieke Dewi Suryandari

The development of economic activity in the world has an impact on the development of people's quality of life, thus increasing the need for funding to meet these needs. In addition, the majority of Indonesian people who are Muslim automatically bring Islamic law into their daily life in various fields, including in economic activities. Fiduciary guarantees are possible in a murabahah contract if the financing company acts as a seller (trader) who sells goods on credit to consumers, so not as a provider of funds that owes to consumers. Fund-raising activities to support business activities in the community are closely related to credit matters, the consequence is the need for a guarantee or known as fiduciary. Fiduciary guarantees are conventional products that are set to provide protection for creditors, especially if the debtor defaults. Fiduciary guarantees, which cannot be fully applied to all financial institution systems in Indonesia, need to be studied several times, especially in the view of the Islamic religion that uses the sharia financial system. The focus of the study that is used as the formulation of the problem is What is the current position of the application of fiduciary guarantees in Indonesia? and how to apply fiduciary guarantee according to the perspective of Islamic law?. The results of the study show that the practice of implementing fiduciary in Indonesia has a very important position and must be fulfilled by financing service providers. Meanwhile, according to the Islamic view, there is no fiduciary guarantee in the aspects of Islamic law but the matter of guarantees can be equated with rahn. Thus, in Islamic Financial Institutions guided by rahn as a guarantee system for lending and borrowing activities in accordance with Islamic law, this is based on the word of Allah QS. Al-Baqarah verse 283 and Act No. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 249
Syamsuddin Syamsuddin ◽  
Ridwan Ridwan ◽  
Iksan Iksan

The witchcraft incident in Bima Regency has threatened the safety and security of human life, witchcraft has triggered people to take vigilante actions (Eigenrichting) as a counter reaction by means of destruction, persecution and even murder. This study aims to determine public perceptions related to witchcraft, and also to find out why witchcraft always results in mass vigilante action (Eigenrichting) so that prevention and resolution efforts can be formulated. This study uses empirical or sociological research, data collection is carried out by direct and structured interviews and through literature study, while drawing conclusions using inductive methods. The results showed, first; In the period 2016-2021, there were 53 cases of alleged witchcraft practices in Bima Regency, damaging the social order and disrupting community stability. The community considers witchcraft as a dangerous or evil act, because the motive and purpose of using witchcraft is to torture, and/or kill human souls; Second; The behavior of witchcraft has led to vigilante actions (Eigenrichting) in some people, this is due to the existence of a legal vacuum that has not regulated the act of witchcraft and how to solve it legally. The act of vigilantism (Eigenrichting) appears as a form of reaction that arises from the community due to their rights and comfort being disturbed, which action is manifested in the form of violence as an act of revenge against the perpetrators of witchcraft. The juridical conclusion that the terminology of witchcraft and vigilante acts (Eigenrichting) have not been specifically regulated in the current laws and regulations as prohibited acts and are threatened with punishment. As a suggestion that the terminology and elements of the criminal act of witchcraft in the current Criminal Code Bill need to be expanded further, as well as the system of proving the crime of witchcraft in the Indonesian criminal procedure law needs to obtain further, more complete arrangements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 353
Septarina Nur Handayani ◽  
Sri Endah Wahyuningsih

This study aims to determine the duties and functions of the Immigration Office in granting residence permits for foreign citizens, enforcing immigration laws against violations of residence permits for foreign nationals and knowing the obstacles and efforts made by the Immigration Office in granting residence permits for foreign citizens.This research uses an approach method Normative juridical which refers to the applicable laws and regulations by examining secondary data against the principle of immigration law, namely Act No. 6 of 2011 as well as case studies at the immigration office.Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the implementation of granting residence permits for foreign nationals at the Immigration Office is in accordance with the provisions stipulated in Act No.6 of 2011 concerning Immigration and related regulations as the executor. For foreign citizens who do not obey the rules, the Immigration Office can enforce the law to create state security and discipline. The obstacles faced are limited human resources, limited infrastructure, communication and administration. Efforts to overcome obstacles include: multiple assignments, procurement of generators, bringing in interpreters according to language, providing assurance of the issue of residence permits.��������Keywords: Immigration; Foreign Citizens; Residence Permit; Security and Discipline.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 345
Adhe Ismail Ananda ◽  
Sri Kusriyah

The research objective was to identify and analyze the role of district / city government in the guidance and supervision of village regulations. This research method is a normative-empirical approach, by examining Laws and regulations related to the role of district / city local governments in fostering and supervising village regulations with their implementation. The conclusions from the results of this study indicate that in the formation of a Village Regulation, the role of district / city Regional Government is regulated in Article 115 of Act No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, one of which is to provide guidelines for drafting village regulations and village head regulations. The technical guidelines for the preparation of village regulations in Kolaka district are regulated in Perda No. 4 of 2009 in its implementation the technical guidelines are still very difficult to adjust to the current conditions due to the issuance of the Law of Permendagri No. 6 of 2014 concerning the Village.Keywords: Coaching; Supervision; Regional Government; Village Regulations; Regent Regulation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 337
Oliestha Ageng Wicaksana ◽  
Umar Ma'ruf

The purpose of this research to find out and analyze the process of investigating criminal acts of embezzlement in positions in the Ciamis Police jurisdiction, obstacles in the process of investigating criminal acts of embezzlement in positions in the Ciamis Police jurisdiction, and analyzing solutions in overcoming obstacles in the process of investigating criminal acts of embezzlement in positions in the region the law of the Ciamis PoliceThis study uses an empirical juridical approach with descriptive analysis research specifications. The data used are primary data and secondary data obtained through interviews and literature study. The data analysis method used was qualitative analysis. Furthermore, based on the results of the research, it can be concluded: Investigations on suspects of embezzlement in positions in the Ciamis Police jurisdiction with Police Report case Number: LP / 74 / B / III / 2019 / JBR / SPKT Res Ciamis, March 30, 2019 on behalf of the reporter OHT Bin JA, namely as follows: Crime Scene Examination, Investigation, Preparation of Minutes, Examination of evidence: Search, confiscation, Expert statements, arrest or detention and examination of suspects, Resume and submission of files Obstacles: not everyone knows, hearing of a criminal act of embezzlement who wants to report to the legal apparatus (police), there is collusion of a neat series of cooperation from top to bottom in the criminal act of embezzlement in a position so that it is difficult to find and because of the shrewdness of the accused or the embezzler in the position itself, the cleverness of the perpetrator criminal embezzlement in a position to cover up his crimes, especially with the advancement of technology today. Solutions in overcoming obstacles in the process of investigating criminal acts of embezzlement in positions within the jurisdiction of the Ciamis Police: Investigators must provide a sense of security if there are people who know of criminal acts of embezzlement in their positions in the jurisdiction of the Ciamis Police.Keywords: Investigation; Crime; Embezzlement.

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