scholarly journals Evidence-based Recommendations for the Management of Comorbidities in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, and Psoriatic Arthritis: Expert Opinion of the Canadian Dermatology-Rheumatology Comorbidity Initiative

2015 ◽  
Vol 42 (10) ◽  
pp. 1767-1780 ◽  
Camille Roubille ◽  
Vincent Richer ◽  
Tara Starnino ◽  
Collette McCourt ◽  
Alexandra McFarlane ◽  

Objective.Comorbidities such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD), cancer, osteoporosis, and depression are often underrecognized in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), or psoriasis (PsO). Recommendations may improve identification and treatment of comorbidities. The Canadian Dermatology-Rheumatology Comorbidity Initiative reviewed the literature to develop practical evidence-based recommendations for management of comorbidities in patients with RA, PsA, and PsO.Methods.Eight main topics regarding comorbidities in RA, PsA, and PsO were developed. MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library (1960–12/2012), together with abstracts from major rheumatology and dermatology congresses (2010–2012), were searched for relevant publications. Selected articles were analyzed and metaanalyses performed whenever possible. A meeting including rheumatologists, dermatologists, trainees/fellows, and invited experts was held to develop consensus-based recommendations using a Delphi process with prespecified cutoff agreement. Level of agreement was measured using a 10-point Likert scale (1 = no agreement, 10 = full agreement) and the potential effect of recommendations on daily clinical practice was considered. Grade of recommendation (ranging from A to D) was determined according to the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine evidence levels.Results.A total of 17,575 articles were identified, of which 407 were reviewed. Recommendations were synthesized into 19 final recommendations ranging mainly from grade C to D, and relating to a large spectrum of comorbidities observed in clinical practice: CVD, obesity, osteoporosis, depression, infections, and cancer. Level of agreement ranged from 80.9% to 95.8%.Conclusion.These practical evidence-based recommendations can guide management of comorbidities in patients with RA, PsA, and PsO and optimize outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
pp. 4612-4614
Amjad Alhelo ◽  
Bashar Samara

Aim: to evaluate awareness and the use of evidence-based medicine resources among physicians in Jordan.  Method: A cross-sectional study by internet was performed among 517 doctors who were responsive from a total of 717 doctors, a total of 72.1% response rate. Doctors from all specialties were contacted from a Facebook group called doctors café in Jordan. A questionnaire was given to each one of them to measure their awareness and use of Evidence based database.   Result: From 517 physicians 377 they are using evidenced based resources frequently, and 91 using resources but not frequently and 49 not using evidence-based resources. The resource that was mostly used by the doctors was PubMed, followed by other resources such as Up to date, National Guideline Clearinghouse, Medscape, BMJ best practice, e-books and other online journals for published papers. The Cochrane Library was surprisingly not so familiar amongst physicians. Conclusion: There is good awareness about EBM among physicians in Jordan, and that benefits health care in Jordan.

В. О. Шапринський ◽  
В. І. Горовий ◽  
О. О. Воровський ◽  
О. М. Капшук

З метою дослідження показань для одномоментного усунення пахвинної грижі з передочеревинного доступу при виконанні як симультанної операції, так і основного хірургічного етапу позалобкової аденомектомії з приводу доброякісної гіперплазії передміхурової залози, проаналізовано 62 наукові праці з даної проблем як провідних вітчизняних, так і зарубіжних спеціалістів, за останні 10 років. Науковцями проведений пошук клінічних рекомендацій (Clinical guidelines) за ключовими словами “Combined inguinal hernia repair and transurethral resection of the prostate” і “Combined transurethral prostatectomy and inguinal hernioplasty” в таких авторитетних міжнародних доказових базах даних, як: AHRQ Clinical Practice Guidelines; Clinical Evidence; Cochrane Library; Evidence-Based Medicine Guideline]; National Guideline Clearinghous]; NHS Evidence / NICE Guidance; UpToDate тощо, де доведено вплив доброякісної гіперплазії передміхурової залози на формування і рецидивування пахвинних гриж у чоловіків старших вікових груп. Було встановлено, що більшість авторів підтримує дану методику і наводить достатньо гарні результати у своїх роботах, а саме: зменшення загальної кількості днів перебування в лікарні, покращення якості життя хворих після операції та уникнення ще одного хірургічного втручання. Проте висвітились ряд таких проблем: з яким діаметром грижових воріт можлива преперитонеальна протезна герніопластика (до 3 см2 чи більше), об’єм крововтрати, чи дійсно має місце збільшення кількості інфікування рани, з яких доступів краще виконувати дану поєднану процедуру як при відкритих способах, так і при використанні сучасної мініінвазивної та роботизованої техніки. Це диктує необхідність проведення цілеспрямованих досліджень клінічної ефективності, безпеки та економічної доступності симультанних операцій при поєднанні пахвинних гриж із доброякісною гіперплазією передміхурової залози в умовах сучасної практичної медицини.

Sukirno Sukirno

Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) merupakan pemanfaatan bukti ilmiah berdasarkan penelitian klinis mutakhir yang sahih dalam tatalaksana proses penyembuhan penyakit. Salah satu syarat utama untuk memfasilitasi pengambilan keputusan klinik yang evidence-based, adalah dengan menyediakan bukti-bukti ilmiah yang relevan. Tipe kajian  diutamakan yang berupa hasil review sistematik, meta-analisis, dan randomised controlled trial (RCT). Salah satu dari lima langkah dalam evidence based medicine yaitu yaitu menelusur  bukti  dari sumber database hasil penelitian yang memuat bukti-bukti ilmiah. PubMed Clinical Queries dan The Cochrane Library merupakan database berisi hasil riset sekunder (systematic-review/meta-analysis) yang mensintesis hasil riset primer. Kolaborasi pustakawan dalam pengambilan keputusan klinis yaitu dengan  memberikan pelatihan  atau menelusur artikel hasil penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam pengambilan klinis dari database yang memuat bukti ilmiah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (5) ◽  
pp. 446-455
Joana Gonçalves Luís ◽  
Bárbara Adelina Costa Martins ◽  

Objetivos: A nevralgia pós-herpética (NPH) é a principal complicação do herpes zoster (HZ), tendo um impacto significativo na qualidade de vida dos doentes e nos custos em saúde. Com esta revisão pretende-se avaliar a eficácia de diferentes terapêuticas utilizadas no tratamento agudo da zona na prevenção desta complicação. Fontes de dados: MEDLINE/PubMed, National Guide Clearinghouse, Canadian Medical Association Practice Guidelines, Bandolier, Evidence-Based Medicine Online, DARE, TRIP Database e The Cochrane Library. Métodos de revisão: Pesquisa de guidelines, meta-análises, revisões sistemáticas e ensaios clínicos controlados e aleatorizados publicados entre abril de 2010 e março de 2020, redigidos em inglês, português ou espanhol, utilizando os termos MeSH herpes zoster e neuralgia, postherpetic. Resultados: Dos 333 resultados obtidos na pesquisa inicial foram selecionados sete artigos para inclusão nesta revisão, nomeadamente duas meta-análises, uma revisão sistemática e quatro ensaios clínicos controlados e aleatorizados. A evidência encontrada relativamente à utilização de antivíricos, glucocorticoides ou gabapentinoides no tratamento do HZ não demonstrou benefício na prevenção da NPH. Apenas as opções por amitriptilina ou vitamina C endovenosa revelaram resultados positivos, ainda que com evidência escassa e limitada. Conclusão: Esta revisão permite concluir que nenhum dos tratamentos habitualmente utilizados no tratamento agudo do HZ previne a ocorrência de NPH. Apesar dos resultados positivos da amitriptilina e da vitamina C não existe ainda evidência suficientemente robusta que permita recomendar o uso disseminado destes fármacos na fase aguda do HZ com o intuito de prevenir esta complicação. Mais estudos são necessários neste sentido, tendo em conta a morbilidade e custos em saúde associados à NPH.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-131
Nuno Teles Pinto ◽  
João Soares Teles ◽  
Vânia Ferreira Fernandes ◽  
Maria João Serra ◽  

Introdução: A síndroma do túnel cárpico (STC) é causada pela compressão do nervo mediano no seu trajeto através do túnel cárpico e é a neuropatia mais frequente do membro superior. Objetivo: Rever e analisar a evidência atual sobre a eficácia dos corticoides orais no alívio dos sintomas em pacientes com síndroma do túnel cárpico. Material e métodos: Pesquisa de guidelines (GL), ensaios clínicos aleatorizados e controlados (ECA), revisões sistemáticas (RS) e meta-análises (MA), publicadas entre 2009 e 2019, nas bases de dados e sítios de medicina baseada na evidência da PubMed, da Cochrane Library, DARE, Bandolier, TRIP Database, BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, National Guideline Clearinghouse, NICE, Canadian Medical Association Practice Guidelines Infobase e Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines, utilizando-se os descritores MeSH: ‘carpal tunnel syndrome’ e ‘corticosteroids’. Foi aplicada a escala Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy (SORT), da American Academy of Family Physicians, para atribuição dos níveis de evidência (NE) e das forças de recomendação (FR). Resultados: Dos 172 artigos devolvidos da pesquisa efetuada foram selecionados seis: um ECA, quatro RS e uma norma de orientação clínica (NOC). A eficácia dos corticoides orais a curto-médio prazo no alívio sintomático da STC é evidenciada por vários ECA e RS metodologicamente bem concebidos. Na maioria dos estudos a administração oral de 20mg de prednisolona por duas semanas conduz ao alívio temporário dos sintomas. Conclusões: A corticoterapia oral pode ser usada no alívio temporário dos sintomas do STC a curto prazo, num regime de 20mg diários de prednisolona durante duas semanas (SORT A). O seu uso no tratamento a médio e a longo prazo apresenta um nível de evidência mais baixo (SORT B).

Swiss Surgery ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 183-185

Die mit dem Aufkommen der elektronischen Medien einhergehende Informationsflut hat die Erwartungen an den Dokumentationsdienst (DOKDI) der Schweizerischen Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften verändert: Insbesondere Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) verlangt nicht nur die Beschaffung von Information, sondern auch eine Selektion hinsichtlich Qualität und Relevanz: Die sich aus der klinischen Situation ergebende Frage fordert eine Antwort, die inhaltlich richtig ist und in der konkreten Situation auch weiterhilft. Dem Ideal, sich durch kritische Lektüre der Originalarbeiten ein Bild über die vorhandene Evidenz für die Richtigkeit eines bestimmten Prozederes zu verschaffen, stehen in der Praxis meist Zeitmangel und methodische Schwierigkeiten im Weg; man wird sich deshalb oft auf die durch andere erarbeitete Evidenz abstützen müssen und z.B. die Cochrane Library konsultieren. Der DOKDI engagiert sich sowohl bei der Erarbeitung von systematischen Übersichtsarbeiten als auch bei der Dissemination der gefundenen Evidenz, indem er seine Erfahrung in der Dokumentation mit elektronischen Medien und die entsprechende Infrastruktur zur Verfügung stellt. Als Ergänzung zu diesen Aktivitäten hat die Akademie einen Grant zur Ausbildung von EBM-Tutoren gesprochen. In einem einwöchigen Kurs in Oxford werden Kliniker zu EBM-Tutoren ausgebildet: Dies wird zukünftig ermöglichen, vermehrt EBM-Workshops in der Schweiz durchzuführen.

2009 ◽  
Vol 99 (3) ◽  
pp. 260-266 ◽  
Fiona Hawke ◽  
Joshua Burns ◽  
Karl B. Landorf

Due to the exponential increase in the quantity and quality of podiatric medicine–related research during the past decade, podiatric physicians are inundated with an insurmountable volume of research relevant to clinical practice. Systematic reviews can refine this literature by using explicit, rigorous, and reproducible methods to identify, critically appraise, and synthesize the best evidence from all clinical trials to answer clearly defined clinical questions. The Cochrane Collaboration is an international not-for-profit organization created to improve the user-friendliness and accessibility of medical literature mainly through preparing and maintaining systematic reviews of health-care interventions. The Cochrane Library currently contains more than 50 podiatric medicine–relevant systematic reviews summarizing and synthesizing evidence from many hundreds of randomized controlled trials evaluating interventions for foot problems. Although more than 60 countries worldwide have open online access to The Cochrane Library, in the United States, only the state of Wyoming has free access to full-text reviews. In an era demanding an evidence-based approach for every clinical intervention, high-quality systematic reviews streamline podiatric medical literature by reducing the time, cost, and training necessary to establish a solid evidence base for practice. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 99(3): 260–266, 2009)

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