A Damage-Coupled Time-Dependent Multi-Axial Fatigue Failure Model for Solder Alloy 63Sn-37Pb
2011 ◽
Vol 128-129
pp. 361-366
Based on the time-dependent deformation behavior of solder alloy 63Sn-37Pb at room temperature, a damage-coupled unified visco-plastic multi-axial fatigue model and its failure criterion were proposed. In the evolution equation of damage for the model, the time-dependent effect of damage was taken into account. The model was used to predict the fatigue life under different loading paths. The comparison between the predicted and experimental results demonstrated that the time-dependent failure model can simulate the deformation behavior and predict the fatigue life well under different nonproportional strain paths.
1978 ◽
Vol 36
pp. 576-577
2017 ◽
Vol 31
pp. 1744014