2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-96
Lukman Asha

The purpose of this research was to gain an understanding of the principal's strategies as a manager in overcoming problems that arouse during the implementation of online learning at SDIT al-Kahfi in Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province. This study applied a qualitative approach, with data gathered through observation of learning activities via Whastapp groups and interviews with informants such as school principals, PAI teachers, students, and parents. Following the collection of data, an analysis was performed using Miles’ et al theory in order to find conclusive answers. The principal's strategies to solve the problems of online learning at SDIT al-Kahfi Lebong fell into the following: sending teachers to attend seminars or getting engaged into the training of information technology and learning with peers, providing guidance or training for children in groups or individually, providing counseling and conducting counseling meetings with students’ parents about the importance of android in the learning process, and giving an understanding of the importance of parental cooperation in supervising their children's learning from home.

2021 ◽  
Anucha Somabut ◽  
Kulthida Tuamsuk

The chapter presents the impact of COVID-19 on Thai higher education the national, and university reactions and policies to cope with the situation. Parallel with the technology disruption, most universities have been attempting to promote online teaching due to the new learning environments and learning style of students, while faculty members are still reluctant. However, the COVID-19 has inevitably changed the ways the faculty members handle their classes. In this chapter, the findings on the components of online teaching and learning ecology (OTLE) in Thai higher education during the COVID-19 is summarized and proposed, covering the following topics: learning and teaching method, technology and learning resources, teacher roles, and student roles and responsibilities. Finally, the key success factors for the development of learning ecology at the higher education level are also covered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-161
Helwiya Helwiya

oaching techniques can be done by the principal to conduct mentoring, mentoring and training on teachers and tendik whose performance is still not in accordance with the standards set. Especially online learning (online) or online learning during the covid-19 pandemic, has a variety of ineffective opportunities. In addition, the problem of utilization of technology and learning media used in the implementation of learning is not maximal. The media used does not support the implementation of the teacher-selected learning model. Improving the competence and skills of teachers in using the media during the pandemic also needs to get the attention of the principal. In the Project to Improve the competence of prospective principals, the author conducts activities to improve the competence of teachers in the implementation of the learning process, especially the use of media through coaching techniques. Based on the results of the study obtained can be concluded that the use of android-based media, one of which is Smart Aplication Creator (SAC), is able to increase the activities of students in following learning from home, which is implemented during the covid-19 pandemic. This can be seen in five aspects, namely based on observation of the implementation of learning, the effectiveness of media use, the results of activities, student achievements and student wellbeing. In the observation aspect of learning implementation there was an increase from 76.50 to 90.39; from the effectiveness aspect of media use increased from 68.33 to 86.11; from the aspect of the evaluation of activities there was an increase from 74.17 to 90.00; from the student achievement aspect increased from 71.94 to 88.89 and from the student wellbeing aspect increased from 81.84 to 85.59.

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