Banjo spring triticale

1992 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 841-842
R. Scarth ◽  
A. Brûlé-Babel ◽  
E. Larter

Banjo is a spring triticale (× Triticosecale) with high yield, good grain quality and good resistance to leaf rust, stem rust, common bunt and root rot diseases. Banjo is widely adapted to the western Canadian cereal-growing area.Key words: Triticale (spring), × Triticosecale, cultivar description

1996 ◽  
Vol 76 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-141 ◽  
J. G. McLeod ◽  
R. M. DePauw ◽  
J. M. Clarke ◽  
T. F. Townley-Smith

AC Alta, a spring triticale cultivar (× Triticosecale Wittmack) was developed at the Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre, Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Swift Current, Saskatchewan. AC Alta is a high-yielding, large kernelled, lodging resistant cultivar of triticale which is widely adapted to the Prairie Provinces. AC Alta is very resistant to leaf and stem rust, resistant to common bunt and moderately resistant to common root rot. AC Alta will be distributed by Progressive Seeds Limited. Key words: Cultivar description, grain yield, test weight, triticale (spring), × Triticosecale Wittmack

1996 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 799-800
D. E. Falk ◽  
G. Meatherall ◽  
B. G. Rossnagel

Codac is a six-rowed spring feed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) bred at the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan and registered by the Crop Science Department, University of Guelph for Eastern Canada. It was produced from a cross of Diamond/Duke and has shown adaptation to Eastern Canada. It has been high yielding, early maturing and has medium height straw. It has good resistance to scald, leaf rust, stem rust and the smuts, but is susceptible to powdery mildew. Key words: Six-rowed barley (spring), Hordeum vulgare L., feed barley, high yield, early maturity, smut resistance, scald resistance, cultivar description

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Gadisa Alemu

Breeding for disease resistance is a central focus of plant breeding programs, as any successful variety must have the complete package of high yield, disease resistance, agronomic performance, and end - use quality. Wheat breeding is focused on high yield, pathogen resistance and abiotic stress tolerance. Among diseases of wheat yellow rust, stem rust, and leaf rust are the most damaging diseases of wheat and other small grain cereals . Disease resistance in wheat breeding with one exception, the diseases of wheat that is important because of their effect on yield. Resistance to all diseases together can is important to avoid an unexpected loss in effectiveness of the resistance of a cu ltivar to a major disease. The genetic resistance to stem rust, leaf rust and yellow rust can be characterized as qualitative and quantitative resistances. Vertical resistance is specific to pathogen isolates based on single or very few genes. Race - specifi c is used to describe resistance that interacts differentially with pathogen races. Quantitative resistance is defined as resistance that varies in continuous way between the various phenotypes of the host population, from almost imperceptible to quite str ong. With the need to accelerate the development of improved varieties, genomics - assisted breeding is becoming an important tool in breeding programs. With marker - assisted selection, there has been success in breeding for disease resistance. Generally, bre eding programs have successfully implemented molecular markers to assist in the development of cultivars with stem, leaf and stripe rust resistance genes. When new rust resistance genes are to be deployed in wheat breeding programs, it unfortunately takes several years before the new sources of resistance will become available in commercial wheat cultivars. This is due to the long process involved in the establishment of pure breeding wheat lines. Biotechnology based techniques are available to accelerate t he breeding process via doubled haploid production.

1987 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 495-497
H. G. NASS ◽  
D. JONES ◽  
J. S. BUBAR ◽  

Beaguelita is a spring triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) with high yield in Atlantic Canada. Breeder seed will be maintained by the Agriculture Canada Research Station in Indian Head, Saskatchewan. Seed release is through the Maritime Seed Stock Distribution Committee in cooperation with the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association.Key words: Triticale (spring), X Triticosecale Wittmack, cultivar description

Р. Абделькави ◽  
А. Соловьёв

Исследования проводились в Московской области в 20172018 годах. В настоящее время тритикале ( Triticosecale Wittm.) в основном является кормовой культурой, однако она ценна и для пищевого направления использования. Целью работы было выявление генотипов яровой тритикале, обладающих высокой урожайностью и хорошим качеством зерна. Изучены элементы структуры урожая и качество зерна шести сортов отечественной и зарубежной селекции, а также шести селекционных линий, полученных коллективом авторов. Эксперимент и анализ результатов работы выполнены по Методике государственного сортоиспытания сельскохозяйственных культур . Метеорологические условия значительно повлияли на формирование различных элементов структуры урожая, а также на качество зерна яровой тритикале. Продолжительность вегетационного периода в 2017 году была почти на 3 недели больше, чем в 2018 году, вследствие его низкой теплообеспеченности. В сложившихся погодных условиях 20172018 годов самой низкорослой была линия П2-13-5-2. Линия С259 характеризовалась наиболее крупным зерном, среднеплотным колосом и высокой урожайностью. Сортообразцы Хлебодар Харьковский, Лана, C238 и Л8665 имели стабильную урожайность на уровне стандарта. Сорта Лана, Sandro и селекционные линии C259, 6-35-5 и П2-13-5-2 показали высокое содержание белка и клейковины в сравнении со стандартом Укро. Выделенные сортообразцы могут быть использованы в селекционных программах на урожайность и хорошее качество зерна. Сорт Ульяна и селекционная линия С259 были наиболее урожайными, адаптивными и характеризовались хорошими показателями качества зерна. Сорт Лана и линии П2-13-5-2 и Л8665 давали хлеб с хорошей общей хлебопекарной оценкой. The research was conducted in the Moscow region in 20172018. Currently triticale (Triticosecale Wittm.) is mainly a forage crop, but it is also valuable for food use. The aim of the work was to identify genotypes of spring triticale with high yield and good grain quality. The elements of crop structure and grain quality in 6 varieties of domestic and foreign selection, as well as 6 breeding lines obtained by the team of authors were studied. The experiment and analysis of the results of the work were carried out by the method of state variety testing of agricultural crops. Meteorological conditions significantly influenced the formation of various elements of the crop structure, as well as the quality of spring triticale grain. The duration of the growing season in 2017 was almost 3 weeks longer than in 2018, due to low heat supply. In the current weather conditions of 2017-2018 the plants of the line P2-13-5-2 had the shortest plant height. Line C259 was characterized by the largest grain, medium-dense ear and high yield. Genotypes Khlebodar Kharkovsky, Lana, C238 and L8665 had a stable yield at the standard level. Varieties Lana, Sandro and breeding lines C259, 6-35-5 and P2-13-5-2 showed a high content of protein and gluten in comparison with the standard Ukro. The selected varieties can be used in breeding programs for yield and good quality of grain. Variety Ulyana and breeding line C259 were the most productive, adaptive and characterized by good indicators of grain quality. Lana variety and lines P2-13-5-2 and L8665 gave bread with a good overall baking score.

1992 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. 1241-1245 ◽  
R. E. Knox ◽  
R. M. De Pauw ◽  
T. N. McCaig ◽  
J. M. Clarke ◽  
J. G. McLeod ◽  

AC Taber, red-kernelled spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), resembles Biggar but has improved resistance to prevalent races of leaf rust (caused by Puccinia recondita Roberge ex Desmaz.) and common bunt [caused by Tilletia laevis Kuhn in Rabenh. and Tilletia caries (DC.) Tul. & C. Tul.]. AC Taber also has a higher protein content, better milling quality and more gluten strength than Biggar. AC Tabor is eligible for grades of the Canada Prairie Spring (red) wheat class.Key words: Triticum aestivum L., cultivar description, disease resistance, high yield

2001 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-83 ◽  
S. D. Duguid ◽  
P. D. Brown ◽  
J. Chong ◽  
D. E. Harder ◽  
S. Haber ◽  

AC Medallion is a high-yield ing, white hulled oat cultivar possessing the crown rust resistance gene combination Pc38, Pc39, and Pc68, which is highly effective against the crown rust population on the Canadian prairies at the time of registration. It has very good resistance to loose and covered smut, good resistance to stem rust, and moderate tolerance to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV). AC Medallion has good kernel characteristics including good protein and oil content. AC Medallion is well suited for the oat-growing areas of western Canada and in particular the Black Soil zone of Manitoba and Saskatchewan and the Brown soil zone of Saskatchewan and Alberta. Key words: Oat, Avena sativa L., cultivar description

1991 ◽  
Vol 71 (1) ◽  
pp. 183-185
H. G. Nass ◽  
H. W. Johnston ◽  
F. J. Zillinsky ◽  
Man Mohan Kohli ◽  
C. R. Blatt ◽  

Bura is a spring triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) with high yield, high test weight, high kernel weight, resistance to powdery mildew, and adapted to Eastern Canada. Key words: Triticale (spring), X Triticosecale Wittmack, cultivar description

2012 ◽  
Vol 92 (2) ◽  
pp. 363-367 ◽  
B. L. Beres ◽  
B. Skovmand ◽  
H. S. Randhawa ◽  
F. Eudes ◽  
R. J. Graf ◽  

Beres, B. L., Skovmand, B., Randhawa, H. S., Eudes, F., Graf, R. J. and McLeod, J. G. 2012. Sunray spring triticale. Can. J. Plant Sci. 92: 363–367. Sunray, a spring triticale (×Triticosecale Wittmack) cultivar, is adapted to the Canadian prairies and represents an improvement in ergot resistance for Canadian triticale. Sunray is resistant to the prevalent races of leaf rust, stem rust, common bunt and common root rot and is moderately resistant to grain sprouting. Sunray is short-statured with excellent lodging resistance and grain yield; grain volume test weight and seed mass were similar to the check cultivars. Sunray matures 2 d earlier than Pronghorn and AC Certa, and similar to AC Ultima. Sunray is eligible for the grades of Canada Triticale.

1995 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
pp. 899-901 ◽  
R. E. Knox ◽  
R. M. De Pauw ◽  
T. N. McCaig ◽  
J. M. Clarke ◽  
J. G. McLeod ◽  

AC Karma, white seeded spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), combines high grain yield with resistance to common bunt [caused by Tilletia laevis Kuhn in Rabenh. and T. caries (DC.) Tul. & C. Tul.] and loose smut [caused by Ustilago tritici (Pers.) Rostr.] in a semidwarf, photoperiod insensitive background. AC Karma has improved leaf rust (caused by Puccinia recondita Roberg ex Desmaz.) and stem rust (caused by P. graminis Pers.:Pers.) resistance, stronger straw and earlier maturity compared to Genesis. AC Karma is eligible for grades of the Canada Prairie Spring (white) wheat class. Key words:Triticum aestivum L., cultivar description, loose smut resistance, common bunt resistance, high yield, white kernel, spring wheat

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