stable yield
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2022 ◽  
pp. 37-40
М.Г. Ибрагимбеков ◽  
О.Р. Давлетбаева ◽  
А.Н. Ховрин

Новые сорта и гибриды лука репчатого должны обладать необходимыми рынку хозяйственно ценными признаками, поэтому приоритетно направление по созданию гетерозисных гибридов этой культуры, проявляющих повышенную жизнеспособность, высокую и стабильную урожайность и выравненность, общую устойчивость к патогенам и хорошую лежкость. Цель исследований: изучение новых гибридных комбинаций лука репчатого по основным хозяйственно ценным признакам. Исследование проводили в 2019–2020 годах в отделе селекции и семеноводства ВНИИО – филиале ФГБНУ «Федеральный научный центр овощеводства» с постановкой опытов в открытом и хранилище с регулируемыми температурно-влажностными характеристиками (Раменский район Московской области). В опыте участвовало семь новых гибридных комбинаций лука репчатого, в качестве стандарта использовали гибрид F1 Премито (Monsanto) и отечественный сорт Форвард (совместной селекции агрофирмы «Поиск» и ВНИИО – филиала ФГБНУ ФНЦО). Посев проводили в III декаде апреля, из расчета 0,8 млн шт/га. В течение вегетационного периода вели фенологические учеты, биометрические измерения и проводили морфологическое описание согласно общепринятым методическим указаниям. Мероприятия по уходу за растениями проводили в соответствии с рекомендациями для зоны возделывания. Изучение морфологических признаков и биометрических показателей проводили по малой выборке (10 растений) каждого образца. Число зачатков определяли на поперечном разрезе луковицы. Интенсивность воскового налета на образцах оценивали визуально. Лук закладывали в хранилище с оборудованными холодильными установками, автоматически регулирующими температуру, влажность и циркуляцию воздуха. Для лучшей сохранности этой культуры поддерживали температуру в хранилище около 1–2 °C и относительную влажность воздуха – в пределах 75–80%. Результаты оценки новых образцов лука репчатого в условиях Московской области позволили выделить гибридную комбинацию 652/15 F1 (Шет × Ливингстон I3) с высокой урожайностью (59,5 т/га) и сохранностью в зимний период (84,7%), которая соответствует параметрам разработанной модели для условий региона и обладает конкурентными преимуществами. New varieties and hybrids of onion should have economically valuable characteristics necessary for the market, therefore, the priority is to create heterotic hybrids of this crop, showing increased viability, high and stable yield and alignment, general resistance to pathogens and good keeping quality. The purpose of the research: to study new hybrid combinations of onions according to the main economically valuable characteristics. The study was carried out in 2019–2020 in the Department of breeding and seed production of ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC with the staging of experiments in open ground and storage with adjustable temperature and humidity characteristics (Ramensky district of the Moscow region). Seven new hybrid combinations of onions participated in the experiment, the hybrid F1 Premito (Monsanto) and the domestic variety Forward (joint selection of the Poisk Agro Firm and ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC) were used as a standard. Sowing was carried out in the third decade of April, at the rate of 0.8 million pcs/ha. During the growing season, phenological records, biometric measurements were carried out and morphological description was carried out according to generally accepted methodological guidelines. Plant care measures were carried out in accordance with the recommendations for the cultivation zone. The study of morphological features and biometric indicators was carried out on a small sample (10 plants) of each sample. The number of rudiments was determined on a cross section of the bulb. The intensity of wax plaque on the samples was assessed visually. Onions were placed in storage with equipped refrigeration units that automatically regulate temperature, humidity and air circulation. For the best preservation of this culture, the temperature in the storage was maintained at about 1–2 °C and the relative humidity in the range of 75–80%. The results of the evaluation of new onion samples in the conditions of the Moscow region allowed us to identify a hybrid combination 652/15 F1 (Shet × Livingston I3) with high yield (59.5 t/ha) and preservation in winter (84.7%), which corresponds to the parameters of the developed model for the conditions of the region and has competitive advantages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 1666-1672
Lidia V. Petrova

Eighty-three collection samples of oat seeds (Avena sativa L.) of various ecological, geographical, and breeding origins were studied in the conditions of Central Yakutia during 2017-2019 by the method of multidimensional ranking according to six economically valuable characteristics, namely, the duration of the growing season, grain yield, grain weight from the plant and panicles, the weight of 1.000 grains, and yielding tillering capacity. According to the results of the multidimensional ranking, the varieties were divided into three groups: the best, average, and worst. At that, from the data entered for 83 samples, the program determined priorities based on a combination of the duration of the growing season and yield. The group of best samples, based on a combination of economically valuable features, included 63% of samples from Europe, 30% from Russia, and 7% from Asia. The main share in the average group was made up of samples from Europe (63%), Russia (33%), and Asia (4%). The local zoned variety – Pokrovsky standard is included in the average group with a rank limit of 118.8. The worst group included the most samples from Europe (41%), Russia (26%), America (26%), Africa (3.7%), and Asia (3.7%). According to the precocity, 11 samples were identified that ripened earlier than the standard by 7-11 days. These are K-15062 (Omsk Region), K-15108 (USA), K-15111 (Colombia), K-15184 (Kemerovo Region), K-15191 (Slovakia), K-15357 (Norway), K-15375, K-15416, K-15418 (Germany), K-15392 (Sweden), and K-15408 (Belarus). Samples with high grain yield were included in the group of the best varieties. Among the selected varieties, cultivars K-15293 from Poland and K-15415 from Germany had the most stable yield over the years

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Chengcheng Chen ◽  
Xianchang Wang ◽  
Ali Asghar Heidari ◽  
Helong Yu ◽  
Huiling Chen

Maize is a major global food crop and as one of the most productive grain crops, it can be eaten; it is also a good feed for the development of animal husbandry and essential raw material for light industry, chemical industry, medicine, and health. Diseases are the main factor limiting the high and stable yield of maize. Scientific and practical identification is a vital link to reduce the damage of diseases and accurate segmentation of disease spots is one of the fundamental techniques for disease identification. However, one single method cannot achieve a good segmentation effect to meet the diversity and complexity of disease spots. In order to solve the shortcomings of noise interference and oversegmentation in the Otsu segmentation method, a non-local mean filtered two-dimensional histogram was used to remove the noise in disease images and a new elite strategy improved comprehensive particle swarm optimization (PSO) method was used to find the optimal segmentation threshold of the objective function in this study. The experimental results of segmenting three kinds of maize foliar disease images show that the segmentation effect of this method is better than other similar algorithms and it has better convergence and stability.

2021 ◽  
pp. 35-37
Г.А. Костенко ◽  
А.Н. Ховрин

Четыре перспективных гибрида капусты белокочанной среднепозднего срока созревания селекции агрофирмы «Поиск» – F1Универс, F1 Застольный, F1 Поиск 2018 – и позднеспелый гибрид для хранения F1 Континент проходили испытание при разной густоте посадки: 19, 23, 27, 30, 33 тыс. растений/га в условиях Раменского района Московской области. Цель исследования: определить отзывчивость гибридов капусты белокочанной на густоту высадки для их выращивания в Нечерноземной зоне. Место исследований относится к лесной зоне в центральной части Русской равнины. Почвы – аллювиально-луговые среднесуглинистого механического состава. Погодные условия в годы проведения исследований были не совсем благоприятными для выращивания капусты белокочанной: в 2020 году отмечались осадки выше среднемноголетних значений, в 2021 году – жаркая засушливая погода, недостаток влаги, благоприятные условия для развития капустной моли и табачного трипса во время вегетации. Максимальной и стабильной урожайностью за два года исследований отличался среднепоздний гибрид F1 Застольный 144,54 т/га. Для получения наибольших сборов урожая продукции капусты белокочанной рекомендована высадка F1 Застольный при густоте 33 тыс. раст/га, для получения крупных кочанов на разреженных посадках 27 тыс. раст/га. F1 Поиск 2018 – при густоте 33 тыс. раст/га средняя урожайность составила 130,35 т/га, на разреженных посадках 141,4 т/га при густоте 23 тыс. раст/га. Гибрид F1 Универс реализовал свой биологический потенциал продуктивности 125,07 и 126,90 при 33 и 27 тыс. раст/га соответственно. Гибрид F1 Континент менее всех реагировал на изменение густоты посадки, имел наибольшую урожайность при 30 тыс. раст/га 120 т/га. Four promising F1 hybrids of white cabbage bred at Poisk company were tested at different planting density: 19, 23, 27, 30, 33 thousand plants/ha. in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. F1 Univers, F1Zastolniy, F1 Poisk 2018 – mid-late ripening and F1Continent – late hybrid for storage. Objective of the study: to determine the responsiveness of white cabbage hybrids at different planting densities for their growing in the Non-Black Earth Zone. The research site belongs to the forest zone in the central part of the Russian Plain. Soils are alluvial meadows of medium loamy texture. The weather conditions during the years of the research were not entirely favorable for the cultivation of white cabbage. Precipitation above average annual values was observed in 2020. Hot dry weather, lack of moisture, favorable conditions for the development of cabbage moth and tobacco thrips during the growing season were in 2021. The mid-late hybrid F1 Zastolniy was distinguished by the maximum and stable yield over 2 years of research. Its yield was 144.54 t/ha. Planting F1Zastolniy was recommended at a density of 33 thousand plants/ha to maximize the yield of white cabbage production; large heads of cabbage should be obtained on sparse plantings at 27 thousand plants/ha. The average yield of F1Poisk 2018 was 130.35 t/ha with a density of 33 thousand plants/ha, 141.4 t/ha on sparse plantings with a density of 23 thousand plants/ha. The F1 Univers hybrid has realized its biological productivity potential of 125.07 and 126.90 at 33 and 27 thousand plants/ha, respectively. Hybrid F1 Continent reacted least of all to changes in planting density, had the highest yield at 30 thousand plants/ha 120 t/ha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (3) ◽  
pp. 032022
A V Prikhodko ◽  
A V Cherkashyna ◽  
A A Zubochenko ◽  
Y V Svyatyuk ◽  
A A Gongalo ◽  

Abstract The selection of green manure crops for the zones with insufficient and unstable moisture is an urgent issue of agriculture. The purpose of the work is to establish the influence of the species composition of green manure on soil fertility. The research on southern low-humus chernozem was conducted in FSBI “Research institute of agricultural chemistry” in 2016-2019. The climate of the area is continental, semi-arid. The average annual air temperature is 10.8°C, the amount of precipitation is 428 mm. Conducting the experiment, statistical processing of data was performed according to B.A. Dospekhov. Layout of the variants - systematic, repetition is three times. The area of the plots is 720 m2. The subject of the research is agrocenoses of green manure crops. The object of the study is the soil fertility change processes. Agrocenoses of winter rye and triticale, melilot and sainfoin ensured the highest dry matter yield (6-6.3 t/ha). The maximum entry of organic matter into the soil occurred when using agrocenoses of winter rye - 5.88 t/ha and triticale - 5.72 t/ha. Mixture of crops on the entry of organic matter into the soil was inferior to rye and triticale, but outperformed vetch by 17.9%. The greatest amount of nitrogen was contained in the biomass of melilot and Sainfoin - 156 and 142 kg/ha, and in the mixture of winter crops - 108 kg/ha of nitrogen. The mixture combined the positive properties of its constituent crops: high and stable yield of dry and organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Due to mineralization of the organic matter of green manure crops, there was an increase in nitrate nitrogen in the arable horizon from 1.0-2.4 to 12.0-22.8 mg/kg of soil.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (21) ◽  
pp. 6371
Anton A. Larenkov ◽  
Artur G. Makichyan ◽  
Vladimir N. Iatsenko

Today, 44Sc is an attractive radionuclide for molecular imaging with PET. In this work, we evaluated a 44Ti/44Sc radionuclide generator based on TEVA resin as a source of 44Sc. The generator prototype (5 MBq) exhibits high 44Ti retention and stable yield of 44Sc (91 ± 6 %) in 1 mL of eluate (20 bed volumes, eluent—0.1 M oxalic acid/0.2 M HCl) during one year of monitoring (more than 120 elutions). The breakthrough of 44Ti did not exceed 1.5 × 10−5% (average value was 6.5 × 10−6%). Post-processing of the eluate for further use in radiopharmaceutical synthesis was proposed. The post-processing procedure using a combination of Presep® PolyChelate and TK221 resins made it possible to obtain 44Sc-radioconjugates with high labeling yield (≥95%) while using small precursor amounts (5 nmol). The proposed method takes no more than 15 min and provides ≥90% yield relative to the 44Sc activity eluted from the generator. The labeling efficiency was demonstrated on the example of [44Sc]Sc-PSMA-617 and [44Sc]Sc-PSMA-I&T synthesis. Some superiority of PSMA-I&T over PSMA-617 in terms of 44Sc labeling efficiency was demonstrated (likely due to presence of DOTAGA chelator in the precursor structure). It was also shown that microwave heating of the reaction mixture considerably shortened the reaction time and improved radiolabeling yield and reproducibility of [44Sc]Sc-PSMA-617 and [44Sc]Sc-PSMA-I&T synthesis.

Cheng Jin ◽  
Chuanying Fang ◽  
Yuanyuan Zhang ◽  
Alisdair R. Fernie ◽  
Jie Luo

E. F. Chelebiev

The article presents the results of the study of the gene pool collection of the Crimean Experimental Horticulture Station - branch of the FSFIS “NBG-NSC”. Genotypes with economically valuable and breeding traits in the conditions of the foothill Crimea were identified. New sources of valuable qualities are proposed for inclusion in the breeding process for the given traits: low growth and compactness of the crown - 7 cultivars and 2 breeding forms; late flowering - 5 cultivars and 1 breeding form; long flowering period - 6 cultivars, 1 breeding form; early summer and late winter maturation periods - 8 cultivars; high and stable pollen viability - 6 cultivars and forms; self-fertility - 6 cultivars, including 3 breeding forms; frost resistance of generative buds - 8 samples; complex resistance to scab and powdery mildew - 10 cultivars and 2 breeding forms; drought resistance and heat resistance - 5 cultivars and 5 breeding forms. 12 cultivars and 5 breeding forms were identified with a trait of early entry into fruiting, 11 cultivars of various geographical origin and 5 breeding forms were distinguished by high and stable yield; 17 cultivars and 7 forms have high commercial and consumer qualities; 15 cultivars, including 5 breeding forms, were identified with a valuable chemical composition of fruits. As a result of the study of the storage life of the fruits, 7 cultivars and 7 breeding forms with a long storage period in a conventional gas environment were identified. For the food industry, 3 cultivars and 3 breeding forms are recommended as a source of valuable raw materials in the production of dried fruit products and natural apple puree without preservatives. On the basis of the work done, 3 breeding forms of apple trees with a complex of economic and consumer qualities are identified, recommended for establishment perennial plantings of an intensive type and passing the State variety testing - 1-8-ю, 2-1-18-79, 3-5-с.

2021 ◽  
pp. 134-140
Ш.Н. Гусейнов ◽  
А.Г. Манацков ◽  
С.В. Майбородин

Для успешного развития виноградарства в конкретных почвенно-климатических условиях очень важно определиться с сортиментом винограда и рациональным комплексом агроприемов, способствующим получению высокой и стабильной урожайности требуемых технологических качеств, т.е. сортовой агротехникой. она предусматривает, прежде всего, оптимальные схемы организации виноградника с учетом зоны произрастания и направления использования продукции, и наиболее эффективна тогда, когда соответствует биологическим особенностям культивируемых сортов и климатическим условиям района произрастания. поэтому при возделывании каждого конкретного сорта очень важно определить оптимальные параметры приемов фитотехники, позволяющие применять высокопроизводительные технологические схемы возделывания винограда. для более полной реализации возможностей системы ведения была поставлена задача: установить оптимальные параметры норм нагрузки кустов побегами и способ обрезки плодовых лоз у сорта цветочный на винограднике индустриального типа, с новой для условий дона формировкой кустов «зигзагообразный кордон» (патент 2265993. Бюлл. №34. 20.12.2005 г.). приводятся результаты исследований о влиянии способов обрезки лоз и нормы нагрузки виноградных кустов побегами на продуктивность и качество урожая зимостойкого сорта цветочный при неукрывной, высокоштамбовой культуре винограда в условиях нижнего придонья. показано, что повышенные показатели продуктивности (20,7 т/га) и содержания сахаров в ягодах винограда (225 г/дм3) были получены в насаждениях индустриального типа с формировкой кустов «зигзагообразный кордон», при обрезке лоз на 2-3 глазка и нагрузке 90 тыс. побегов на 1 га. полученные в ходе исследований результаты могут быть использованы при возделывании промышленных виноградников. For the successful development of viticulture in particular soil and climatic conditions, it is very important to determine the grape assortment and a rational complex of agro-techniques to obtain high and stable yield of required technological quality, i.e. varietal agrotechnics. It provides, first of all, optimal schemes for organization of a vineyard, taking into account the area of growth and direction of the use of products. The techniques used are most effective when they correspond to the biological characteristics of cultivated varieties and climatic conditions of the growing area. Therefore, when cultivating each particular variety, it is very important to determine the optimal parameters of techniques of phytotechnics, allowing apply high-performance technological schemes of grape cultivation. For a more complete realization of management system capabilities, the task to establish the optimal parameters for loading bushes with shoots and a method of pruning vines of the ‘Tsvetochnyi' variety in industrial-type vineyards, with new for the conditions of Don "zigzag cordon" bush training (patent 2265993. Bul. No. 34. 20.12.2005) was set. The results of research on the effect of the methods of pruning vines and norms of loading grape bushes with shoots on the productivity and crop quality of the winter-hardy grape variety ‘Tsvetochnyi' in open-earth, high-head grape culture in conditions of Lower Don region are presented. It is shown that increased indicators of productivity (20.7 t/ha) and sugar content in grape berries (225 g/dm3) were obtained in industrial-type plantings with bush training of "zigzag cordon", and pruning vines on 2-3 eyes and loading of 90 tsd shoots per ha. The results obtained in the course of research may be used for cultivation of industrial vineyards.

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